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Anwar Francis Oct 2015
I know what happens to a dream deferred.
Rather than dry up
or ooze like a festering sore
it yellows, then browns
then falls slowly to the ground
like leaves in the cold.

Dreams deferred do not smell
of rotten meat, or a syrupy sweet
but of cherry blossoms
and people hurrying down the street
sharing silence or words
with unnoted glances in between.

A dream deferred does not sag
like a heavy load
or even explode.
Instead it spreads
like moonlight.
It takes hold
and does not let go.
A poem inspired by langston hughes and his poem Harlem, and by my own personal experiences.
A Apr 2014
So it seems
Within the last 10 seconds
She's grew up.
The face of a woman
On a young girl.
Crows feet walk the rims of her eyes
Leaving delicate prints
Death of a child
Seems to be unnoted
At such a young age.
Allow  me to take your hand to guide you my young lady
Mary-Eliz Jun 2018
eerily summoned


                                   mislaid in

unhinged senses
surreal thoughts
chilling dreams

lunatic demons
unholy ghosts

songs unsung
minor chords

music unnoted
words unheard


Jamesb Nov 2023
I am the invisible man,
You do not see me,
I am the invisible man,
The things I have done for you, are unseen,
I am the invisible man,
The heart that aches for thee aches unseen,
I am the invisible man,
The worth I lost in you is out of sight and mind,
I am the invisible man,
The miles I drive are unnoted and unremarked,
I am the invisible man,
The love I feel is uncomprehended,
I am the invisible man,
My hurt is of no import,
I am the invisible man

However those sins of mine,
My fallibility and humanity,
My faults
My misunderstandings,
My occasional rant,
My anger,
My self centredness,
My frustration,
My expectations,
My misdemeanours,
My poor behaviour,
That I do wrong,
Those things and only those,
ARE seen!
I think this speaks for itself. I am
G Feb 2015
I often fill my head with bile
but when I tell myself a lie
its an unnoted half truth

there was always the hashtag
that sounded to me
how you speak out my name
and to be now, not alone
cries to me, plays, like a wicked game

there's a moment of silence
for the fact there's another
but I, no sorrowing man
know chains meant be broken
life cannot be our pixilated dreams
when reality, like a child's toy
begins to tear at its seams
Staci Romero Sep 2015
An emotion has stirred my thoughts
As if I've changed fate into something
It shouldn't have become

Like a drum
I beat through my day
I tell myself to continue

What's the issue
There may not be a point
Almost as if I'm existing in the place of another

What would my mother,
Who has raised me but never knew me,
Think of my choices

It's as if voices
Calling from within a deep crevice
Are letting me know

There's not going be a show
No great climactic beam of ethereal light
Only a fizzled out glow, dull and unnoted

He once quoted
This life is only lived in place
Of your parents hopes and dreams

A ballad, an ode or a requiem
What would be fit for this
What would hail, bold and brightly

For this most unholy, God almighty
Who made me live in place of another
I take their concept of joy, they take my cynical pride  

Low tide,
Please wash away my past transgressions
I only meant to preserve

Unfortunately it will serve
To take away a sense of self
Here I am living, vicariously

Take my mind
Take my thoughts

Trade me yours
Trade me away

Give up your worth
Give up your pain

I promise I'll take care of them
I promise I'll take ravenously

Your identity is yours alone
Alone, you are mine
I realize this poem wanders quite a bit
If there's anything that can be taken out, anything that goes on and one without a point, let me know so I can edit a little
Sky Dec 2019
you took me by surprise
in the middle of the night
the slightest breeze and
there you were
by my side

you spoke to me
ever so gently
a song without its measures
no staff nor stand

oh-- you sang to me
ever so wonderflly
like a song without its
compositionality (theo-ret-i-cal-ity)

just a melody in the dark
on a lonely winter's night
you come to me
like a melody in the dark

there was not even a spark
not a fleeting glance nor tiny touch
there was not a single sign of you at all

oh-- just a melody in the dark
on a cold dark winter's night
you come to me
like a melody in the dark

not a signature of time
not a rhythm not a rhyme
you went unnoted
like a melody in the dark
i like singing but i cant read sheet music so i guess this is kind of about how music appears to me not as notes and time signatures but as...well...a melody in the dark LOL you get it?? cause i cant...physically...see the music.... :')))
brenda callahan Mar 2017
i am scared of you

i am sacred of loving you

i am scared of the fit of you

you fit to close on me

if i had to take you off--i could not stand the cold

the nakedness of my soul

you cover me fully me

so that no part is left unnoted

i am a part of you now

i do not know if we are a pair

mated by the hands we cover

i am complete when you cover me

with each touch of your hand

the giggle in your eye or the glee in your voice

i am engrained in you

love is present in my hands

when they are fitted with you

your fit is not tight or nor loose

but right to the length and width of my hand

you bend with me when i move

and i stretch when you reach for dreams

fitted are we to each other, i hope

— The End —