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Alex Feb 8
He picks at the scabs he put on himself
The scabs that were caused by something shiny and small
I got it from art class. Isn't that crazy? I got something from art class to put permanent art on myself…. My own skin.
He makes empty promises and lies to his loved ones
“I'm clean!!”
“I promise it won't happen again”
“Its been 3 months since I cut!”
Lies. their all lies, empty promises
He watches the blood appear as the blade goes across his wrist
The wrist he once drew on with markers
the wrist that is now covered in scars..
now something you cant unfix
TheBrokenSoldier Oct 2014
Marching, Marching on.
That Broken Soldier
Unfix-able, Never to be intact again.
After to many years of fighting.

And yet still fighting,
That Broken Soldier.
Fighting the never ending fight.
Slowly falling, still, ever fighting.

But he is crumbling,
That Broken Soldier.
Falling apart by the day.
Left in an eternity of frailness.

Becoming less human everyday,
That Broken Soldier.
Solemnly stewing on his personal madness.
But that Soldier fights on.

Still fighting,
That Broken Soldier.
Fighting the never ending fight.
Slowly falling, still, ever fighting.

But his will wavers,
That Broken Soldier.
Is the fight worth fighting?
Worth the deathly blows thrown every day.

Soon none will be left,
of That Broken Soldier.
Soon the fight will be done.
Soon the last hurrah will sound.

The last Hurrah,
from That Broken Soldier.
Giving up the fight.
While letting go, his life.

For his life,
That Broken Solder,
Is his fight.
His fight soon lost.

But still fighting,
That Broken Soldier.
Fighting the ending fight.
Slowly falling, still, Not Ever Fighting.

Not Ever Fighting,
That Broken Soldier.
Not ever more.
The Fight is lost.
Lost is The Broken Soldier
SassyJ Aug 2018
Society has a way of incriminating
blocking phases to known expectactions
Just because you don’t get attention
doesn’t mean that you are a shallow being

Never try to change your uniqueness
or fit in with what is superficial
just because you can’t gain the scores
doesn’t mean that you cannot be popular

Never question your lonely hearted self
or unfix your oneness and imperfections
Just because you are an instigator
doesn’t mean that you are a **** loser

Society has a way of discriminating
Cascading one to a caskets of scenes
Just because you are single and alone
doesn’t mean that you are unattractive
Sliver Jones Sep 2018
You had me looking foolish right in front of my enemies. All embarrassed feeling small, once again. Say you never lie but speak half truths all the **** time. I can't act unbroken anymore, fixing me is gonna take a lot. The pieces of my soul busted right out, left it all way ****** up, unfix is all I am. All you ever wanted was who I pretended to be. You stayed within my heart every minute, of every hour. For days you had me in maze, with no map to you're love. How you gonna make me bleed inside my mind and **** it up at the same time. I'm just a robot with missing parts to you. Use me up until I'm dry. It all makes sense now I was never supposed to last, you were gonna set my candle on fire until I burn out.
Unrealistic to think all men stay in love, baby girl ain't you too old to believe in fairytales. Love was never meant to fulfill you. You never a rose just a candle in the wind like princess Diana, you will die young.

The other side of regret looks like you these days,get you're act together. You still have the memories of happy days locked, deep inside the actor you fell for. Dig it up when you no longer compare ever girl, you sleep with that isn't me lover boy. It's funny how some boys never turn into men, just fakers a and actors. Right before my kiss you hide all the good things about you from me. Because I no longer fill ever whim you have, I can't care about you anymore. I have completed loss all sense of who I was. Lost in your garden of eden and I  let you take my apple that was never meant for Adam just Eve. I was never Eve in you're ey
Storyline just another reminder of quick ****.
Sliver Jones Jan 2015
Break me .
i dare you to try.
i want to shatter.
i want the pain.
let the sun shine no more.
let the rain pour on my wounds.
like a crumbling cookie.
pull me to pieces.
leave me.broken -unfix-able -worn-out .
because i want the taunts.
i want your words to hurt.
humiliation- disrespect me over and over.
give me something that's.
going to hurt like hell.
like a knife in my heart.
twist the knife until I cry out for more.
give me something.
that's going to make me wish.
that i wasn't alive.
try to break all my walls down .
see if you even leave a dent .
im over .
im so over games.i want the worst you got.
don't hold back now. break me .make me stronger.
let me experience all that you've got
like a whirlwind -hurricane-tornado.
do the damage make it a hit and run if you want .
then leave struggle on my own
leave me to pick my the pieces.
but make it spontaneous.
because i don't want to know its coming.
i don't want to safeguard myself .or shield my heart.
let the full impact hit me like a car.
let your words spill over me like a river.
my villains don't wear outrageous costumes & fly through the sky..
Elizabeth Reeves Oct 2016
He would file the edges of glasses down
Whenever one would chip
And I would find them,
Rough rimmed
Ragged edges ground
And always where my lips would rest.

I don’t know why it annoyed me so.
Perhaps because I hated the imperfection so badly
But the dishes too, he began to glue those
When broken and that was too much.

Cup handles superglued and breaking just
As I lifted the hot liquid for a sip
Lead crystal port decanters with the
Elegant stoppers mended
And sitting cockeyed on top
Daring me to lift it and then
Only to break over and over
And him,
trying to fix it
again and again and again.

I found myself deliberately smashing things
Down when chipped, or flawed
Throwing them on anything hard.
The backyard patio became my favorite
Breaking point.
I couldn’t stop.
although I cut my feet and knees
While creeping through the yard

I hid the adhesive.  

Just so he couldn’t try to mend things one

I severed the cord on the grinding wheel
And found myself examining anything
fragile with a keen eye=
Sometimes a magnifying glass.
Searching for any imperfection that might prove
A flaw capable of breaking.

And in the end
it seemed to me

That nothing,
nothing could leave this house
Until finally,
unfix ably broken
or crushed into pieces.
Beauty is a blessing and a curse
For both you and I

Whenever I see you utilising your curse
I can only sit and comply

I can become so distracted by your blessing
That I can't unfix my eyes

When I see your entire blessing
I feel the need to have you in my life

Beauty is a curse to me
It is my weakness

It takes over everything within me
Then all I see is your evoking bliss

It is a catalyst to my thoughts and actions,
But negatively effects my loyalty

Then my actions lead to insanity
dania Jul 2017
hold you like a wake
hold you like a funeral
rolling in your sleep, mourning on your part
good night tonight, kiss you good
bad night as well

wake up, bad knight
back to screaming, wrong or right
break a switch, unfix
get your fix, learn your tricks
i wish magic could fix us too

instead i crack open a ringing nightmare
dragging me in ear and hair

hold me like a martyr hold me everywhere
fold me like i'm dying for you
   don't you see i'm dying with you?

but good times never last

run my mouth, break my cast
run my secrets, like i ask
bathwater never tasted or felt so blue
i'm going crazy! because of you!

i hate to love! i hate you too!
hold you, feel you, learn you, heavy
i'm going heavy
drowning in rain, drowning
in lightness

darkness without option for brightness
hug me till i'm good and dead
till i forget what's now in my head

and i wish you would come for me! like i come for you!
like i do for you! like i am to you! but i'm nothing to you!
and you're nothing to me! and you're dead to me! and i'm dead to me!

and no one is ever sorry! everyone is always swearing to be clean
you're not clean! there's blood on me, there's blood on you
past is past but future's gone too
and i'm sorry about this although not specifically about you
i've gone into myself
as refuge now
Pat Adamek Mar 2017
We were two objects of no value flowing down a river.
We bumped into each other and the experience was jarring but unlike anything either of us could explain in words that fit on the two dimensional space in our minds.
That was okay, I didn't need to say anything and neither did you.
So that's how it was.
Two objects of no value that clung to each other and flow down a river and for a long while it seemed we would never need to find the words to explain how we felt.
Then that storm came and the waters of the tributary flooded the land between rivers and we were washed around with all the debris.
Before I could come to an understanding of these events the river had become unfamiliar and large and wild and I was afraid.
I turned to you to say something but couldn't think of the words.
As I struggled in the waves and searched for the words I noticed we had been separated just a moment before and you were clinging to a branch that had floated too close.
As the river flowed ever forward we grew further and further apart.
As I looked around in my panic the river seemed to never end in any direction.
I thought we may float so far apart that I would never see you again.
I had been looking silently in the direction you floated for so long that, were I too unfix my gaze I would become hopelessly lost.
You, or the dot you had become, were my horizon. all I could see.
Too scared to look away from the comfort of your memory, I gave up.
Motionless, I was on shore. I had been for some time.
I stood up, because it was only then I realized I had feet, which is something of value, and it was as if a third dimension unfolded before me.
I walked out of a river, lost and alone and in awe of this wonderful world which had just been uncovered. Free.
I sometimes think about those days when I was subject to the current of a river and how you made it bearable. Now that I am out of the water and with two feet, stand confidently on land, I wonder,

would I have felt the same about you if we bumped into each other here.
Josephine Feb 2016
I've always been the one who gets what i want but never what I need
Underwater with my sunken ship and drunken crew of sailors, silenced beneath the waves
Here on the sand, I wait for you
Swimming through the wreckage and all of my unfix-able mistakes
Just wanna hear those sweet words and watch you give in, drown in my sea
Re-define love on the horizon for all the watching world to be jealous of
Tell me you'll stay forever, wash my body of these sins
Sail to me, love me like I love the sea
"Never been to the ocean but have drowned a few too many times"
touka Oct 2018
mist stretches along the tops of trees, bosoming coldly over the brush
like the bodies of lost souls

like the words that hang from the page
withering, wilting ghosts
that threaten to slither from their place
wobbling wraiths I'd traced;
my heart's yearn to spit its hopeless thought -
reduced to something like child scribbles,
like nonsense I'd etched with my non-dominant hand
with blithering, faltering pen

I swing like the moon between two phases
sure, unsure
how long will I sit here?
a few lunations scramble past my head
words on words on words
blend together in sequences of lines
that I no longer recognize
as anything close to cognizant

I read the lines again
dismantle, disassemble them
eyeful work;
like science sates its spirit
by prodding at the seams of the earth
no fear that it may unfix
the stars that string like stanchions in the sky
heaven's performance toppling

my words collapse before me
nothing more than a brief hiccup
before their quiet, noon oblivion
miscalculated blots that do nothing but spoil the purity of the page
I crinkle it, toss it behind me
grab a new sliver of square
uncrinkled, uninked
I stare into the ceaseless white
brinking, unblinking alabaster
immaculate - the center of nonexistence
so foreigning; a burgeoning sense of casuality within me

I remind myself that it is a piece of paper

but do I dare soil it?
ebony tweens from the pen as I press
callous deflowering;
assaulting the page with senseless drivel I will realise
five to ten seconds after I write it that I hate
Delilah Feb 2016
There was once a time
Before we were used
As a womb
Before we were one
With the moon
Where we were born
As bodies
At a magnetic zero
Our crotches smooth
At rest with no circulation; indication
Of what could happen next

We were born without predetermined regrets

Bodies as life without currency
Running through warm earth trees
Following lights into our
Tangible youth memorials
Eye to eye in the urgent wet dark

My friends are not made of glass!

I reiterate- - we are not made of glass

Midnight forced itself on us
And our chests grew
And blew up balloons
We were told to lock our knees
Handicapped by skirts
Told to stop climbing trees anymore

Becoming a woman meant putting dreams in the hand of pale knuckles and male grip

The boys were infallible; desirable
The boys were never accused of
Being made of glass

Becoming a woman meant shifting our frequencies to different notes
Bleeding and sleeping in separate rooms
Porcelain dolls with stillness for crowns
Others falling to unfix-able pieces on the ground

Slowly in the dark
We all shifted apart
To discover something new
Between our legs
But not necessarily our hearts

I reiterate- - **we are not made of glass
We weren’t gendered until priority forced us all fall in love
Jay M Aug 2019
For what?
Who shall know?
For it is a great mystery;
Unknown to any
Unless you can see through those eyes
The eyes of murky times

Can you hear it?
The laughter
The screams
The footsteps
The heartbeats
The repetition
The chaos?

I can...
I see a child
So small and fragile
Sitting alone
Tucked away in a corner
Out of reach of the light
Kept in such solitude
It's surprising she knows what she does
She is still so dumb
And needing of someone to show her the way

Asks the child,
"Did I become so naive?"

Over and over
Bashing a skull
It hurts
But it doesn't bleed
Doesn't bruise

Words overflowing
Like the waves of an ocean
In the midst of a tempest
Skies swirling
Thunder echoing
Lightning crashing down
The gusts of wind

None can see this

None of it exists
Besides in the confines of her mind

Time and time again
Memories race about
Filling every available space
It's nothing more than the usual tussle
The same as the day before
And all the previous

Asks the child,
"Will this end?"

Never, it seems

Freak, tool, ******,
Idiot, r----d, monster,
Dumby, demon, mental,
Twig, weakling, wanna-be,
Try-hard, kiss-a--, f-ck-up,
Lazy, scatterbrain, broken,
Wrong, ugly, shortie,
Hideous, fragile, cutter,
Liar, cold, empty,
Failure, loser, creep,
Fool, b-tch, little sh-t,
Nobody, depressed, anxious,
Nervous, suicidal, painfully shy,
Lonely, miserable, void,
*****, undesirable, timid,
Unfix-able, mistake, loveless,
Worthless, clumsy, underweight,
Tiny, strange, always tired,
Emotionally drained, blank,
Dead inside, third wheel, out of place,
Annoying, pointless, purposeless,
Hated, thing, useless...

It all repeats...
Over and over
Continuously for years...

Is there a cure to this madness?
Such is unknown.

Medication after medication
No significant change
No stopping it

Maybe for a moment
But soon it disappears
Fading away
From whence it came
To return soon

- Jay M
August 22nd, 2019

— The End —