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Clasp of silvers twice as thin as each other
Both flat to end in its impact
Its echo does not repeat but lingers like static that makes you think of gold.
Drifting in an ascending melody that
Climbs the senses in your ears as much as your skin.

They lead us steadily
To the edge of the mountains and then stops abruptly.
Stopped incredibly as if it's afraid and timid.
Strings play so thinly as each are all skinny.
A miracle moving like smoke and gas welcomes her.

Slow dance in arpeggios, a glimpse of perfection for harmony, tip by tip
And in her quiver
She laments she'll wait forever.

Forever it may be til she is in the arms of the lover.
For the end of all thousand Decembers and Januarys
Undyingly and endlessly.
Anywhere you go
Seek the thunder you wander far and near, wide and narrow.

Until I hear you sigh
Until you stop holding your breath under the brim of our wishing well.
© Teri Darlene Basallote Yeo
Nicole Mar 2018
I've been searching for the source of these emotions
Because jealousy and other things
Are typically a result of your own perceptions
And it took me awhile to figure it out
I lost some blood along this unknown path
But then I came upon the answers
Because of something my best friend said
And now it all makes sense

I have always had a problem
With investing too much of myself into love
I begin identifying too strongly with the relationship
And any roadblocks feel as though
My entire universe is crashing before me
And looking at this one here
I've done the exact same thing

When we were first together
I told you I needed to continue working on myself
In order to avoid giving you all of my energy
And as soon as I stopped doing that
I fell into old habits

So it makes sense why I feel entirely crazy these days
Why I can consciously recognize that
You having another partner isn't the end of my world
Because you still love me
And I love you undyingly
Yet I still had overwhelming negative cognitions
That made me feel like dying

And now I realize that
In order to deal with these feelings
I have to focus on me again
Recognize that I need to improve myself
For myself
And then this will get easier
Thankfully it already has

Because I love you so much more
When I'm taking care of myself
Because instead of feeling like I have
No real choice but to stay
It now feels like a beautiful privilege
And it truly is
Amilah Marzuki Mar 2016
A simple gesture
Touched my heart
Now I wonder
If being apart
Means I'm not for you
And you are not for me

But I hope and I pray
One day
You'll be by my side
Through high and low tides
To love undyingly.
Please don't be married yet.
Darvay May 2015
With memories rapidly fleeting, I find it hard to pinpoint what lead me into the eyes of the dying man. I recall a day just the same as many in following, the cold breeze felt nice on my skin and a brisk sensation overwhelmed me. I felt the air filling my lungs and I'd like to think I appreciated it fully.

As temptation fled me, I felt calm. No longer a slave to a cigarette pressed between my lips, I felt pitiful in my nostalgia and felt wrong inside of myself. Oh how must I have felt? I can't even grasp my mind in that of which is my younger eyes. I feel wise honestly, almost as much so as the oak tree that keeps reoccurring in my thoughts.

It's been almost a hundred years in my mind but time does not flatter such unconventional wisdom. I lay alone, as alone as one can ever feel. Who would have thought my death bed would be that of an asphalt street lay? The cold air that I allowed to fill my lungs just prior in the day, now has forsaken me so. I feel the air I breathe tearing softly into my lungs, I feel the cold embrace of death.

I thought my time would never come, but I guess I was wrong.
In recollection, I always thought I would die on a day where clouds filled the sky. That somehow with my departure came down rain so hard, so powerful and filled with fury. As if the pounding roar of thunder is that of only God cursing himself for allowing me to slip through the cracks of existence. I guess I'm not all that important after all, stained in the blood of youth. My dying hour is here far too soon. but I was never good at keeping time myself, so this can not be sure.

Dying such a strange thought, there's an art in dying really, I now see this to be true.
Death: a concept in which the mind can't comprehend, we often like to not to think of such terrible things, really the point in it seems all too pointless.

The thought crosses the measure of relevance in what deems to be relevant. Just the day prior I laid in my bed filled with appreciation for all that is mine and all I had worked for, to be laying lost in my sheets... I would give anything to feel said sheets once again. Little did I know.

Don't men only die when they don't appreciate life? Why must I be shown all that I am losing, when I already increasingly know to the deepest foundation of that of which is my existence, that I have already lost?


With my overwhelming sense of self-importance on the line, I face mortality in it's true form, how fragile I really am I now see. In a world separate from the pain I feel, I am fleeting out of existence trying to forget. I searched for calm in a hopeless place. sorrow moans, bitter, desolated, with a ruthless sensation of despair filling my existence. Oh the despair, it is a pit with immense depth. I would like to tell you how I have explored such depth but I honestly rather not...

For I am the one who can take it, all of it I swear, throw the knife in my back and I will pull it out, clean and polish the blade and return it as I apologize for ever getting in your way. I really never meant to get in your way. This depth I do not wish to explore will reflect in this piece I am presenting, between the lines, the presence is so clear in between the lines, screaming out to be heard, I can barely contain it within myself, so therefor it bleeds out from in between the lines. My suffering, my agony, every face I was forced to find peace with in my fleeting moments! I could not find said peace. It was nowhere to be found.

The darkness fills me and the plagues of my dreams and ambitions brought vengeance upon my waking and quaking mind. Suddenly an empty figure stands in my reality brought nightmare and I observe it and ask why something so dark lives in the depths of my subconscious? I am tortured and beaten and broken, I have taken the world and more, why me? I ask for my own amusement.

I often ask myself what lead me to that of merciful that day, the day time stopped and I reached a new plane of existence, what lead me to be so merciful? The question rings and I stand firm in my footing, as my head turned so swiftly, I locked eyes with God, he took the shape of a moving vehicle. Terminal and homicidal, I measured the weight of guilt and worth and felt bitter in my disdain.

My disdain did not know the smiles of my family's faces, my sister with eyes not yet recording, she would not even know who I truly was, the question sank and I asked "Who am I?" but I could not remember, the dying man had consumed me, everything I am was being ripped apart by the dying man, I felt engulfed in these feelings...

And in my departure I felt so very alive, more alive then I had ever felt. My heart was crying in it's inadequacy, never knowing the touch of true love, I fell short yet again! I have failed... For all their is worth dying for, I had so much more worth living for.  God and his oh so strange faces, he chose to represent himself as my bane of existence this time.

I thought about it but I never no matter the time given could have really considered everything before I pushed that man out of the way, fully and truly I could have never known the weight of my actions. Some see me as a hero for pushing him out of the way, but I see a deep sadness inside myself in the decisions I had made in that of a split second. Almost as if I chose my demise simply to let go, I wanted to let go deep down, and what better way to let go then in an acts of hopeless heroism. I felt pure, almost as if I was absolved of all my prior sin. I thought of God and his true face, the emptiness in the absence of light in his eyes, I felt alone, no comfort, as alone as I felt the day I was born....

And as I embark, so must I someday depart.. I imagined my departure to be a day of overcast and shade, but on the contrary it was a bright day. I felt the Arizona heat masked by a winter breeze and I felt alive, in that of which is my fleeting moments I felt alive. In my suffering, my great suffering! Given the choice to let go, I saw the sky open up, and their was angels standing on the street lights ready to guide my soul in it's leaving.. but I was not yet ready! as I lived this pain, I slowly forgot what it felt to be free of suffering, I became my pain and the only sounds I heard were that of sorrows moans. I felt filthy and impure, moments earlier I saw myself as selfless in acts of heroism but to no prevail were my acts recognized, I somewhat expected the scenery drop to be lifted and to find myself in a dream I simply fell too hard into. But no, no, no, NO! reality is unmerciful and cruel and potent and sure, it is sure as day is bright and night is dim!

I often refer to who I was as characters who shifted in time to become new. I dream to be The Wise Man but I am only The Discoverer as of now, but before that I was The Dying Man(who I am allowing you to know) and before that I was The Ego and Fury and before I was The Hopelessly Hopeless, when funeral progressions play I was The Boy who Throws Dirt, just as I was once The Young and Yearning, and same as I was once The Sunflower Boy who ran amongst the flower fields. These characters are all equally apart of myself, as who I am today is apart of me.

Really we are all one in the eyes of the dying man, you become everything you ever were or will be, the dying man is clairvoyant but hopelessly disconnected and could never really make any sense of it. And by the one in million chance, if he ever were to flood back in to the eyes of the living, it would be like a dream that fades as you desperately cling to the story as the day progresses. I don't know why I fail to forget the eyes of the dying man, I wish I could, it isn't natural, a spoiler if you will, but the eyes of the dying man holds great wisdoms and sorrows, far too great for the eyes of the living man. So you can imagine my return, my great bamboozle of death itself, it was surreal and I questioned the fabric of existence in it's entirety. Where I thought I was surely pushing daisies, rose a pulse and life breathed into me yet again.

See this is not my first run in with the reapers scythe, it is my third but I do admit, I was far more conscious the third time around. My first encounter was my very first breath, my lungs failed me with the tight restraint of the umbilical cord fastened in a noose fashion around my neck three times. I was born blue and it leads me to ask myself how could I ever feel alive after something like that? It's like waking up to falling out of your bed and the day is casted in negative light but so is my life. The second encounter was in the eyes of my former self, I like to call the hopelessly hopeless. My first conscious run in with the reapers untimely swings, I felt disdain, and impurity becoming of me. my head clenched with strain as everything I had ever witnessed or heard. I was forsaking myself as I cried out to forget what was playing before my eyes in two manners, one the life how I desired it to be and the other playing the cold setting of what actually happened...

So I am here the dying man yet again, not because I asked to be but because it simply can be. For I can take the weight of the world and arguably more. I stand a man sovereign in my rights for existence, valiant if not simply in no better words a brave man beaten and broken, always ready for the next lashing. I decide to fight the becoming of the dying man. Will to live! it's really a funny thing, something of such great importance, that no one really ever thinks about, something so overlooked but still so important.

I lay the man aged a hundred years inside his head, moments reflected hours and hours were becoming years, I slowly forgot who I was, and the slate became cleansed. I felt pure with triumph, I felt undyingly pure, my sins were washed from me and I awoke. I felt brand new, I felt as if I were reborn, the dying man was casted into the past and I became the discoverer I am today, and one day I dream of being the wise man but one day is too far to become hung up on anything. I shall appreciate another year in full this time, and for many years following. I am now, what I was not before. I am truly awake and appreciative for if death comes for a fourth blow I want to have new stories to tell my old friend, as the fireworks in my brain go off yet again.
This piece is a little scatter and I apologize for that, but I didn't know how else to write it. I had a near death expierence where a car hit me and what I tried to do with this piece was capture my mindset, the waves of consciousness that took over as I lost so much of my humanity. This piece was my expierence of dying.
Nicole Mar 2018
Why does this hurt so badly?
My emotions are circulating like a tornado
Alternating between crippling sadness breeding burning tears
And intense anger at not understanding
Why need more?
Which is an offensive question but that's how I feel
Why make your life even more difficult
When you claim you don't even know how you feel?
If you don't then why are you still pursuing it?
Why are you sleeping together more regularly?
Why is this not enough?

And as a poly person myself I should understand
But this is ******* killing me
I've been hoping you'd text me at least once today
And now I only want you to so I can ******* ignore it
Cause this **** hurts
And it burns
And it's tearing up my soul
Because I love you more than you'll ever know
And I just don't get it

I know I should keep an open mind
And try to be accepting of all of this
But I flat out don't like her
Which is immature because I don't even know her
But from what I hear she doesn't respect you
Not the way they and I do
Not how you deserve to be treated
Maybe it was a one time mistake
Or maybe it'll be worth it for you
But right now I can't even breathe

Even though I'm putting you through the same thing
It's still different in some ways
I only have one partner
You're looking at three
And I know it's stupid to count numbers and compare
But what the ****?
If it's hard enough now
Why can't you just work with this
Why add another person to the mix?

But I also want to support you
Because I love you undyingly
And I want you to be happiest
But I can't even think about talking to you
Knowing you're with someone else right now
I can't think about you without thinking about her
Wondering if you've kissed her
Questioning how you feel and
If you're actually being real with me

And yeah I should try to think this will pass
But what if I don't want it to?
What if I don't want to numb myself to this pain?
Cause it hurts
And I'm not ok
But I chose this and I knew this could happen
And I'm angry at myself for these feelings I carry
And I wish I could be numb to it all
I wish I didn't care so much
But I do
And this ******* *****
Kiagen McGinnis Sep 2011
if i were to nuzzle into the corner of your neck and tell you the things that are time bomb-ing inside of me,
would you still tickle my curves with your familiar fingers? would you still look beyond me, grasping the galaxies of my soul with those eyes i know i knew before i met you? would you wait patiently for me to sputter undesirable fears before whispering with all the gentleness that you'll love me no matter what?
or is it
now, because i reaped your unblinking faith and have no harvest to offer. because i told you forever when you asked and didn't mention that thing where when you get too close i become aflame with claustrophobia, even if i love you undyingly. i have to run. i have to run. i have to bolt. you deserve a family.
i am finding reasons to find excuses to find justification for
avoiding telling you.
on my bed, you kissed me up and down and said, 'for life'
i didn't say anything .
you are a stunning piece of human and i am going to
just like your mom did.
just like your dad did.
i don't think i shall ever sleep again.
i love you. i have to run. i have to run. i have to bolt.
XinsanityX May 2013
The flame of your life dwindled to a flicker and then only a glowing ember. Now all that remains is the coldest coal nothing of your beauty and resonating life to earth shows there is no place to rekindle the glow the life you did show. Like a candle in a dark room all the burning finished but the day is so far away. In this dungeon darkness to sit alone unutterable words bind the tongue as strong as deaths cruel unyielding grip. I grasp your hand with sorrow,hoping your undying ember would relight itself once more. Hours passing. Tears fill up my eyes. The one I had loved so undyingly is gone,and there is nothing left to me but sorrow. I clench my fists in anger,realizing,that its slowly turning to fear. I pick up your dead body in my arms,and lie to myself. Telling myself you will awake soon.
Travis Green Feb 2021
I never want to lose your love.
I want to be with you forever,
to be submerged in your jungle
of fervent heat, feeling the sleek thrill,
being in the heart of your city dream scene,
loving you undyingly.
Travis Green Aug 2021
My love for you
Was all in the poems
I penned in my diary
All the warmhearted thoughts
And words I could think
Of to express how much
I was digging you
How you had me
Confined in your
Dynasty of power
Inspiring me undyingly
Making me lose it
With your seductive
Manly movements
How could I not
Write about you
All the time?
For me, it was
The greatest consolation
The only way I could stay
In harmony with you
What flames they were and how they fought when under a bright moon down by the river we sought to quench our thirsts.

Our youth wandered off while we squandered or squabbled our way through that time and like the last time and the time before
we swore undyingly to die lovingly in each other's embrace,

but we couldn't face that and so we parted.
Travis Green May 2022
Your bright majestic dreaminess
Burns bright in my world
In the mesmerizing midnight

Your radiant enchanting presence
Is the most matchless, resplendent masterpiece ever
I am bound to your extraordinariness

Engulfed by your stellar smoking smoothness
I don’t ever want you
To turn off the light of your love

I hanker for you to shine
Undyingly in my sight
Allow your spark of passion
To electrify me everywhere
Travis Green Jan 2022
I wanna feel your heartbeat
Regulate the space you dwell in
Flow in your brilliant mind
Spark your world
Pass the test in your mathematics class
Lay on your chest
Feel your tattoos
See your hands move
Around my arms

You got me so charmed
You are so smooth
The way you soothe me
Your chocolate mansion
Is superlatively sweet enchantment
You are tasty as scrambled eggs with cheese
As Buttermilk French Toast
Your vibe has my eyes focused on you

The way you throw up your hand signs
Got a brotha going wild like partygoers at a Brandy concert
You lure me in, your flex wins
You send me into wonderment
Your tallness, your wonderfulness, your artfulness
Your arms and abdomen
Your thighs and legs
I wanna embrace it all
Always on call to be your baby
To cater to you when you need me to

I cherish the limits of your world
You are so compatible with me
The way you showcase your sexiness
Is so ******* amazing
I swear it feels like I am on drugs
Immersed in you
All in your heat
It’s so deep that I can’t speak

Your masculineness is matchless
It’s that magic that I don’t want to leave from me
Baby, I wanna cling to you tighter than ever
Feelings so powerfully hypnotizing between you and me
I want every moment to remain right undyingly
I just wanna lean on your skin
And know you will guard every part of me
Travis Green Mar 2022
I’d love to **** your huge city ****
Lick it up and down
Use my hands to long stroke you
Move at a steady pace
Taste the hardness of your chocolate
Massage your huge hanging *******
Grab your shaft passionately
**** your shimmering *******

******* it, spread my spit all over it
Play with it like a spinning yo-yo
Your ebullient ebony enchantment entices me
I moan more and more with each sensuous ****
Big Daddy, your **** wet hugeness enthuses me
My mouth desires you undyingly
I neeed your treasurable immeasurable masculinity
I can’t stay away from you

You are toxic to my heart
But I love it when you **** my mouth
When I hold your thick stick shift
Feel its hot hard surface
Gag on it, let my tongue touch it lovingly
Swathe my mouth with your heavy *******
Rub it against my chin
Feel it tighten up
As you gaze in amazement at me

Caress your strapping mantastic flesh
Let it sway in my face amorously
Such infinite sweet pleasures
Streaming within it
I **** you harder
Up and down
Around and around

Bewitch the base to the *******
With my electric stellar hands
Savor the taste of your dangling deadly snake
I twirl my tongue on your **** ***** hairs
Your glistening ripped abs
Your chiseled caramel chocolate chest
Boy, you taste sensational
I love how your massive black pipe slides in my mouth

Your masculinity arouses me
I swallow every inch of your supremeness
Treasure your perpetual allure
Tattoo your spectacularly sensual art
On your seductive smoking rod
Pull you into a rollercoaster of ecstasy
Where your brain becomes befuddled
Romance your reality, your time, your thoughts
Make your aura awestruck
Send you into astonishingly hot transports
As your moans become more evident than ever
As you excessively eject sweet magical ***** all over my tongue
Travis Green Mar 2022
His entrancing ambiance enamors me
He hijacks me in his visual, sensual vessel
Just to cling to him is ever so sensational
He tempts me with his fantastical flex
His swagger of the highest quality
I want to dance in his bright limelight sight

Revel in his smooth, youthful soothingness
Drown in his suaveness, his commanding, sparkling eyes
His mesmerizing vibrancy entices me
Dreaming of melting in his everlasting spectacularity
I want all of him to flow in my veins
Inhale the freshness and sexiness of his wavy hair

Stream in his flawless golden sweetness
In the shimmering springtime
Where the glorious green trees rise
And shake their thick, lustrous leaves
From side to side, delighting in the great magical breeze
I crave to hold him, let our chest press together

Kiss my soft shining neck
My enthusiastic, passionate lips
Marvel at me like a movie star
With his dark chocolate mocha eyes
Love me for a lifetime
Slide your mouth against my skin so softly

Make me blossom with every
Incredibly immaculate contact
I hanker for him to be in my mind
Take total control over me
Capture me in his infinite exquisiteness
A tall dark allure so astonishingly ardent
He makes me feel like a hyper viper
So undyingly wild on him
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are the only drug I need in my life
Come to me tonight
Reveal your incredible incandescent identity to me
In the enchantingly ebullient night
Where the electric stars and moonlight shine in sight
Kiss me slow and deep

Feel my heartbeat rise romantically
Caress my soft slender shoulders
With your alluring amorous hands
Clasp my bold bodacious *******
Feel the hardness of my chocolate crafted crests
Fill my luminous, luscious neck with rich, riveting kisses

Make me so boundlessly blitzed on your beauty
Watch me passionately with your glistening handsome eyes
Analyze my mind, body, and soul
Drink down my profound hotness
******* world in your immersing vessel
Allow my name to remain with you undyingly
Travis Green Apr 2022
I want to discover everything about you
That makes my gayness scintillate
Every extraordinary part of your artistic awesomeness
Your endless dreamy scenery
An immersing noteworthy marvel
I relish your stunningly sensuous dimension
How his masculinity illuminates in the magical
And fantastical night, gives rise to bright, striking wonders

You are a memorably magnificent adventure
That guides me into your impossibly detailed greatness
I long to venture further than meltingly hot Mars
To your remarkably compelling destination
To marvel at your truly tantalizing sight
You shine undyingly like a sleek crystal chandelier
Like an immense breathtaking balcony

Your smooth succulent skin tastes
So flavorful in my mouth, in the peerless interior
Of my throat, in my vessel where it lingers
And relaxes, lost in my blissfulness
You rejuvenate my gayness
With your abundance of richly luxurious masculinity
I look into your dramatically rapturous eyes
And I drift into a prodigious region of untouchable uniqueness

You fill my mind with a perpetual plethora of passion
Give a special invitation to your awe-inspiring masterfulness
Where I stream in your scenically fascinating trails
To your flawless-filled fetchingness
You are a divine delight to delve into
To be blessed with your bewitching brightness all around me

You got my heart beating breathlessly
Lost in everything that sparkles in proximity to you
Your chocolate love is the sauciest sweetness to my soul
Awash with superlative enchanting wondrousness
I want to take spectacular snapshots of your kingdom
Surrender to your iconic dopectic hotness
Travis Green Feb 2022
He had killer moves that showed
When he swaggered down the block
Stealing my heart with his remarkableness
Dynamic drip that was lit like fireworks
I was spazzed out like I was on loud
I marveled at him from afar
Felt my world shift in his direction
My affection for him greatly emanating

He was radiant, refined, and rock-hard
A dazzling light in my eyesight
A topflight dreadhead that I pined
To be in my bed where I could caress him
Undress him, fold my arms around him
Feel him everywhere, hold his hands in the air
As if he was reaching out to seize iridescent stars

I wanted to give him plenty of dreamy loving
Have him say my name again and again
Intense thoughts ablaze in my head
Feeling so exhilarated by his creativity
His highly passionate vitality
I wanted to finesse his ghettoness
Sweetly feel his dreadlocks
Revering their immense length
The splendid tattoos on his forearms
Light brightness that made me blush
My surpassingly charming crush

His incandescent image stayed on replay in my mind
It was more than a fantasy
He was everything that elucidated grandness
High blasting music that emerged from the speaker system in my crib
I could vibe to him undyingly
Lie with him and slide my fingers up and down his thighs
Feel him like no one else ever could do
Travis Green Oct 2021
You coalesce our worlds
Cherish me like a pearl
Whisper poetic verses
Over my delectably soft lips
Carry me away to his magic galaxy
Where you solace my vessel

Give me a passionate back rub
Demonstrate your super stupendous love to me
As you glide your hands
Down to the bottom of my feet
Relieving the tension
Bringing my being into ascendance

You make me feel the exuberance
With your soothingness
In your coolness, I can hear
The sweet and rhythmic music
Steady strumming in my ears
As you peer into my brilliant brown eyes
Make my emotions rise inside
Divide the dynasty of my mind
Transport me to paradise
That would be so nice
To be undyingly hypnotized by your invitingness
Travis Green Feb 2022
My heart lives with you
There’s no other place I would go
I’m down with whatever you do
Wherever you traverse
Just know I will be right there

Wherever life takes us
I trust you will love me
The same as I love you
I wanna be by your side
I’ll ride with you undyingly

When times get rough
And you have lost your way
I’ll be around to uplift you
I’ll guide you back to a brighter day
There’s no safer place than in my embrace
Travis Green Apr 2022
I crave to be a place where you can rest
An exhilarating destination
Where you can find perpetual tranquility
A gloriously lurid landscape
That enlightens your mind
Let me look through the windows of your glowing soul

Hold you close to me
Kiss your throat and enormous shoulders
Your hypnotically enthralling voice allures me to you more
To feel your durable, substantial arms
Your massively vigorous chest
Imbued with shining supreme sights

At this moment, I long to marvel at you
Like monumental moonbeams
Dig my sharp ardent fingernails
Into your smooth, luxurious flesh
Drown into your delightful dreams
Your bright gold mellowness

I ache for you tremendously
Venerate the captivatingness you hold
Every cell of your creation
Your dangerous desirous design
You are the kind of kinetic king
That kindles my mind, body, and soul

A ray of light that shines undyingly
Carries me into pure iridescent heavens
Like a rainbow, you are an incredible Kryptonite to treasure
Shimmering clean-cut hair, caramel liquor eyes
Mantastic, liptastic lips that trap me in your bewitchment
Travis Green Mar 2021
I was in a shattered state,
damaged, enraged, faded,
blaming myself for you
leaving me, hurting me,
retaliating against me,
making me cry
without even acknowledging my pain,
how I was dealing
with your departure,
trapped in this torture,
yearning for your love,
to see as you were,
all astonishing, tall,
and utterly handsome.

I was relieving it all,
thinking about the many
phone calls that had me
falling so hard for you,
adoring your deep tone,
longing for you
to come to my home,
to lay with me, hold me, kiss me,
make me believe in you even more,
touch me in my sweet spot,
tantalizing my heart,
controlling my body
with your hot spark.

I could’ve drowned
in your astounding pleasures,
being loved so right
for the first time
in my life without any faults,
being in your arms,
feeling safe,
not wishing to escape from you,
but to reel myself in closer to you,
loving you undyingly.
Travis Green Dec 2021
I want to create unforgettable poetry with you
Sink into the thoughts and feelings we share
Let the imagination of our worlds merge
As aesthetically appealing words emerge
Feel the rush of luscious highs overtaking us
Fragrant passion in the air, exhilarated vibrations
Surging through our systems, a love addiction so untouchable
Sharing kisses, sparkling fireworks, our hearts on our sleeves
Our feelings heating up, relishing the flow

We create a vibrant fire that’s so dope
We drive our desires on cruise control
Getting lit with the magic in action
The topflight vibes we glide into throughout the night
We float when we create more poetry from the soul
We go high; we imbibe moonshine
Feeling sublime, lost in time
Shining like the sunshine

We cherish the way we touch each other’s mind
I feel your fingers sliding up and down my spine
I pine for you to be mine undyingly
I see enlightenment in your invitingness
I am stuck on you like glue
You move so smooth
You are more than cool
You got a rude mood that I love

Ain’t no way I can steal away from my baby
You are the place I choose to stay
Make magic moves with you that are a flex
Create a paramount impact
Bask in our compelling craft
We can poeticize to each other
Feel an unsurpassable rapture
Feel supreme like a towering mountain
Travis Green Dec 2021
The only thing I know is that
I need him breathing enchantment in my realm
Slide profoundly inside the main entrance of my dreams
Pour D’usse VSOP Cognac all over me
Lick it up like luscious jello candy melts
Love on my *******, let your fingers orbit around my *******
Make them stiffer and more captivating to behold
Hold me with your earthy and loving hands
Rotate my world, make my limbs gyrate
Take me on an exhilarating late-night date
So that I can gape at your heavenliness
Feel your sweet contagious breath on my lips
Your rich, ripe sweat on my hips
Your melody of ecstasy is so crashingly electric
I love listening to your deep, tempting voice
How you rock me back and forth
Transport me to euphoria
Where your magicalness electrifies me undyingly
Travis Green Oct 2021
I know that time
Has changed
Between you and me
We grew up
And diverged
Traveling in
Different directions
Incapable of seeing
Each other
Restoring a longingly
Remembered bond

Time didn’t wait on us
Our lives gained ground
Our arms spread out
Like the wings of an eagle
Causing us to take to the air
And traverse where
Our beings could merge
With our dreams
Allow us to find
Yearned for success

I have nothing
But love for you
For doing what
Was best for you
To elevate your aspirations
For pushing yourself
To go forward
When you were
Falling into disrepair

You did what you
Had to do to get
Yourself where
You needed to be
I couldn’t be anymore
Proud of you
Than I am now

I understand
That we may never
Speak again
That as much as
Time continues to ensue
It will make it
Harder for us
Make contact
But I know
The love is still there

We will forever be friends
Two friends
Searching for life
And dreams
Finally finding
What they had
Always been desiring
A world where
Dreams thrived
Travis Green Feb 2022
You got me traversing into deep dreams
That seem to take over my mind
I can’t see anything but your gleaming charm
You grace me with your nakedness
You flex your mantastic muscles
And I slip into lecherous depths
Fantasizing about lying
On your supremely intriguing thighs
Drooling over your hot whopping ****

I just want my mouth all over your flesh
******* it until my jaws throb
Navigate my tongue around your flawless glossy chest
Leave traces of crimson lipgloss all over your body
Rock your chocolate factory
Make you say my name again and again
Give you my gaylicious nature
Let me captivate you with my addictive ambiance

Don’t you know your alluringness is so contagious
A dreamy pristine king, so manlicious and sweetalicious
I wanna console your impeccable shredded frame
Stay glued to your smoothness
Watch you illuminate the night
With your bright shimmering design
Hear you moan astonishingly
Let me stay inside your mancave undyingly
Consume all your rich, silky, and sensual chocolate
Keep my hands gripped on your wood
Feeling so mesmerized by your desirableness
Travis Green Jul 2021
He took me there
To where fervent pairs
Blossom in phenomenal nirvana
I wanted to grasp
His tight, manly ***
His lean, muscular abs
Sail adrift in the beautifully
Calm and blue seas
To his masterful lands

All I knew was
That I was sliding undyingly
In his enticingness
Feeling his refreshment
Everything I loved
Everything I believed
Embodied the essence
Of an incandescent man
Travis Green Oct 2022
Your crash-hot sought-after machoness
Enthuses and seduces my senses
Confuses my cool, makes me choose to move
In your engaging and exhilarating mantuary
Pant after your aesthetically enchanting flex
Drift in your distinctive clean-smelling cologne

You shine undyingly like high-flying summertime fireworks
Unapologetically fresh as ****
Passionate triumphant hunk
Fervent and merry spectacularity
You are intensely intriguing
Like an extravagant gift-wrapped Christmas present

A glorious roaring fire
Of eccentric and stupendous temptingness
Expressive and suggestive power
Effortless, tremendous masculineness
An unlimited and divine land
Of rare and picturesque artisticness

Submerge me in your indescribable
Magnetic web of tastefully ingratiating entrancingness
Indestructible rude hoodness
Your bedazzling action-packed magicalness is
The highest striking excitement
That makes me float in an air of mystery

Vigorous, virile lover boy
Luscious tatted-up hot stuff
I lapse into your extraordinary charismatic majesty
And feel your vast and vibrant essence
Of impressive and electric thunder
Encompassing my fruitful and wonderful heartland
Travis Green Jan 2022
I wanna vibe with your world undyingly
Stare at your remarkably gorgeous face
Embrace the enchantingness of your body
Feel your flesh interlocked within mine
My rare and plentiful treasure in paradise
Your masculinity irradiates the night
Your eyes are permeated with the finest, flawless dreams

I wanna bask in your relaxedness
Feel your chest to mine
Admire how your halo shine
Give you the most lusciously fulfilling strokes
Allow my uniquely unforgettable kisses
To flow all over your flesh
Drift away into your thrilling taste
Gaze into the gate of your creation
Let my inspiration bring a boost to your mood

I wanna take it slow when we go all the way
Share our worlds in ecstasy
Feel the beat of drums that make us crunk
The pleasure that my mellow voice
Bring to the open door of your soul
Groove in your smoothness
Caress your deliciously inviting thighs, legs, and feet
Give you abundantly tender loving care

Fill your dreams with gleaming ebullient images of bliss
Rub your skin so sizzlingly
Make you moan my name
While I tame your body
Put it on you
Get lost in you like your exhilarating video game
Give you my country-loving
Hold you very close to me
You press your hands on my arms
You give me lucky charms
As I luxuriate in the lovely landscape of your nature
Magical as the milky way
My impressive selection that’s perfection
Travis Green Nov 2021
You are my endless addiction
My luscious lava of hotness
Everything that gives me intense sensations
When your love rushes uncontrollably
Over my flesh, takes me to completion
In the winter season when you are breathing
Bliss into my mouth, rubbing me up and down
Sending ripples of rainbow magic
Through my deep-seated galaxy
I look into your dangerously appealing eyes
And I see my life being yours undyingly
I picture your sensuous scent sneaking
Around my nose as I bring your body
Closer into my territory for me to explore you more
I dream of us in your hot charming charger
Parked at a vacant location where we watch
The eminent and distinguished stars shine
Throughout the night, as we chill, kiss, and feel
Each other, as we listen to timelessly magical ballads
Emanate from the radio, as we hold one another
More and more, as our worlds venture off into euphoria
Travis Green Feb 2022
Your lips
Your exquisite licks
Your gripping grips
I want it all
I need you in my nearness
To witness your spectacularness
I feen for your flawless fingertips
To be pressed against my hips
Embrace me tightly
Electrify my thighs
Listen to my sighs
See the shine in my eyes
How I pine for you undyingly
Travis Green Nov 2021
Being with you tonight
Feels so magically right
In the springtime
When the world shines so seamlessly
The air is saturated with passion
Everything that awakens us
Fragrant with lust, too much love
Streaming through our existences

My body wants you next to mine
To *** me right, grasp me tight
In the sunlight, it feels satisfying
To be surrounded by your niceness
This must be what paradise feels like
'Cause when I feel your **** breath
Over my mouth, I crave you much more
You look so thrillingly tight
You are enchanting as a rainbow
Of bright and exuberant colors

I blossom in your awesomeness
I seep into sweet dreams of the night
When our skin is to skin
When you relieve the tension
In my dimension, when you give me
All the attention that I need
Mesmerize the center of my being
Listen to me so willingly
Take me out of my mind
To a time where I feel so alive
Kiss me undyingly
Set my hands on your cheeks
Take your tongue and lick around my chin

Baby, you got the smoke
Just never let go of your hold on me
'Cause I want to feel you all tonight
We can celebrate the loving that we make
We can vibe to the smooth jams
That makes us love each other deeper
We don't even have to speak
We can let our expressions do the talking for us

We can roll around in the bed
We can feel the heat rise and surprise our bodies
Boy, you know that you are a super strong hottie
You got me going crazy in your space
I can't think of any other place to be
You are the only man I want to embrace
Baby, I promise if you keep doing your thing
I am going to explode a mountain of creamy magic
Safana May 2020
In the frosty daybreak I ‘m laying
On my mattress when I ‘m sleeping
I swiftly wake up while I am dying
I get clutch a speech of good feelings

I win few steps without steaming
To give my mom and dad greetings
They said to me now you are driving
Near the way to reach my dreaming

I feel to respire like I am freezing
Because my heart is gone for diving
To search the sea of love and steering
The mood of life because I am loving

I instigate to think and good imagining
The way to lead my beautiful wishing
I will welcome you with very inspiring
And to sing a song for you I am feeling

Welcome home my life is always saying
Welcome back my language is speaking
Welcome to see your portion of sterling
Welcome the words you give, for loving

I all set for you, everything you need
I always have the food for you to feed
Please ingest it I will love it very deep
Because, you are my best I can feel

I bend down for you with my knee
Saying very regretful, for your need
For the reason that you are my need
I spent overall time waiting in my feel

I love you the most with all my heart
Undyingly with you, to live all I want
Because, you are chosen one as my dot
In this life to live with you, I only want

— The End —