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Namir May 2014
Goodnight and sweetdreams, I whisper in your ear
Goodnight and sweetdreams, as you sleep so near
Goodnight and sweetdreams, and wish you could hear
Goodnight and sweetdreams, my love so dear

You fall asleep, so safe and sound
You fall asleep, with love abound
You fall asleep, so happy and free
You fall asleep, right beside me

When you wake, I be right there
When you wake, there wont be a nightmare
When you wake, your lips will touch mine
When you wake, We will have our time

Goodnight and sweetdreams, you then say to me
Goodnight and sweetdreams, and I will dream free
Goodnight and sweetdreams, for there you I will see
Goodnight and sweetdreams, as we lay as happy as can be
A poem for my love that I just thought of and posted as she fell asleep. <3
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2014
I wept for a night on my pillow,
When I'd failed and wandered astray;
You saw my tears and forgave me,
And gave joy at the dawning of day.

I wept all night with deep sorrows,
Lamenting a love that had gone;
You sent me peace as I slumbered,
And I woke with new hope at the dawn*
Am I able to look beyond today's pain and sorrow and trust the promise of joy and healing tomorrow?
WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2014
In your madness you do not see,
your hatred does not lie in me.
Spite and jealousy is where it
derives from.
To you true peace cannot come.
If only you could open your heart
and truly see, God has released
your stress from me!
Honey, when you give the Lord
control you too will feel
true peace inside your soul!!!
Quin Rosenheart Aug 2018
Baby come to me
With arms open wide
And before you go to sleep
I sincerely bid you goodnight

Sweetdreams my love
Oh yes please sleep tight
For I will protect you
In the darkness of the night
Redroses Dec 2021
You were lying
Close to me
I watched you

But then
I woke up

I wished
it was real
He always bid me sweetdreams
before I go to sleep.

Then it was you that I've always dream

And I must say that it's a beautiful dream indeed;

Only that I feel so bad and selfish...
for there is he, but all I ever want is you.
The man of your dreams versus the one who's always there, waiting for you.
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2014
When I was young I wrote poetry to analyze my life.
I felt I had to question everything to figure out what's right.
(Now I know there's no such thing as right & wrong)
Then life got busy, I had children, parties, sports
life became a routine of sorts.
  My Passion, poetry seemed to drift away,
occasionally, I dreamed I had time for it to stay.
I felt as though I had become mature, it was something
I should have outgrown.  The Lord kept the passion deep in
my heart, one day to be shown.
  Then one day a terrible accident occurred to me.
I was T-***** by an F-150.  
I believe it was meant to be!
  Yes, it brought me into a new land of torture and
Oh, so much pain,
10 broken ribs, ruptured spleen and my pelvis was fractured in 7 places,
but truly it does come to gain!
No, I did not receive a dollar amount or any kind of pride.
I did truly realize my loved ones are always by my side.
  I had many days and nights to lay still, in pain, and
realize my painful blessings in life are a true gain.
  I did not think about poetry
I laid there in pain.
At that point I did well just to sustain.
  Then I started feeling spells of Deja vu,
yet, they lasted even longer than I would ever have wanted them too.
  This went on and on for quite a few years.
Many months after all of my bones miraculously healed
I consulted with Doctors who gave me meds that led me to tears.
During this time, fear began to grow in my veins,
it grew so strong, I felt I could not sustain
Then I started to have Grand Mal seizures, at last!
I know, it sounds like I'm happy about that, well,
at least I finally knew what had been happening in the past.
  I found an awesome neurologist at UT Southwest,
references said, he is the best.
  I felt like a lab rat when they set me up in a room,
put a camera upon me for days on zoom.
the point was to see what part of the brain was damaged.
To see if there was any way possible to get the seizures managed.
Electrodes were placed all over my brain, camera, recording, and an I.V. of fluid to sustain.
They took me off all those seizure meds and shined strobe lights
in my eyes, to promote seizures in my brain.
  My husband and my son were there by my side,
I was scared to death, yet I still had pride.
I did not want them to see, what was about to happen to me.
  My husband stepped out to eat some food and I was relieved
because anger was building and I was rude!
My son said he had to go study for his exam in college and I
was relieved, I did not want him to see me lose my mind, for I know that is what happens when I have a seizure every time!
He looked at me in my eyes and said "Mother, can I pray for you
before I go, because God is the only one who can save you and this I know." He said a prayer right then and there. He gave me a message toward God you see, and that is just where I need to be. Then he left to go study and the Holy Spirit joined me.
  My husband came back and I sent him home. I told him there was nothing he could do and I should be alone. I told him to turn out
the lights as he left, kissed him goodnight and said sweetdreams.
  The fear I had gently lifted away as he closed the door, I began to pray. I asked Jesus to be with me and for forgiveness of sins and I felt a
wave of Peace rise from within.
It felt as if I was lifted by a warm blanket all around and the fear of seizures left without a sound.
  I had 9 severe seizures on camera that night, I don't remember it all, but I'm sure the ones watching had quite a site.
  The outcome was that I was a great candidate for temporal lobe surgery, which I had six months later and it has cured me!!!!!!!!!
  BACK TO THE POINT that motivated this long poem,
my mind has completely changed!!!!
Now I see life optimistically, it's  a wonderfully, joyous experience,
even the ruff stuff, I HAVE TO EXPRESS GLEE
After the Temporal Lobe surgery an Angel came to me. This is what she said. "I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also live in hope, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence." ACTS 2: 25-28 That Angel was my Grandma, at the time I thought I was dead and she was taking me to Heaven. Now that I am back in this world I understand what she told me. I never read my Bible before that so when I did hear my minister say this at Church it nearly blew me away. Love one another and live in hope and pray!!!
Rosie Apr 2011
Sweetly she speaks of freedom
And then lies down to sleep
Within a den of thieves
Sweetdreams are replaced with nightmares
As she awakens to herself
Tomorrow she will
Excape from
All that she has created
Josh Morter May 2013
Night night
Sweet dreams
I doze
Until slumber encases my bones
and gentle rest befalls my eye
This time Nights my demise

I lay peaceful awake till I go
To the land of nod and below
From my mouth emits a yawn
The task will be complete before dawn

Sleep tight
Sleep well
my love
Let only dreams flow above

So now shut your eyes
and think of blues skies
Night night
I doze.
Written on 30/04/13 by Josh Morter ©

Couldn't manage to sleep last night so let my mind wander and this is the result.
Katie Huggler Nov 2014
"I am sorry for everything.
I am sorry for everything I've ever done to hurt you.
I am sorry I can't be with you like I wish I could.
I am sorry for everything.
I wish I could always make you happy and feel loved.
I hope you do when I am around,
but I wish I could make you feel it when I am not.
I just only wish I could be with you all the time.
The saying, "If she's happy, I'm happy," is true.
Not like "they" even mean it though.
It's true for me because when you're happy,
it spreads through me like fire,
making me happy no matter what,
it's like a crazy connection we have.
But saying that, When you're sad, I'm sad.
I can see the pain in your eyes even when I'm not with you,
and it makes me want to cry.
I hate looking into eyes that can be filled with such beauty
and seeing only pain and suffering.
You shouldn't have to go through any of that.
You deserve much better that what you have.
I want to give you what you deserve and make you feel
happy and loved and cared about, all the time.
But if I cannot, I'm sorry.
You deserve the world, and you mean the world to me,
and there is nothing I wouldn't give for you to simply be
Even if that ever meant I can't be with you,
I would love to just see you happy, and loved.
I am so thankful for what we have now and
I hope we always have it.
I would truly be lost without you,
I love you so much.
Goodnight and sweetdreams, baby"
My boyfriend has his own way with words
Lwandile Mkabile Jul 2016



Tenaj Lee Taylor Oct 2015
Goodnight friend.
You've helped me throughout my entire life.
It's time you get some rest.
Let the other guy out and let him play.
Goodnight dear friend sweetdreams.
Ms L Mar 2020
To my handsome husband,
You are the sunlight of my gloomy day
the rain of my arid May.
You are the bittersweet of my tea
And my favorite topic among the glee.

To my dearest husband,
You are my paradise and abyss,
The good morning and sweetdreams;
The language of my universe;
The sound of my averse.

To my greatest husband,
You are my ups and downs,
My weakness and strength,
My happiness and sadness.

To my dearest husband, till we meet again in the next life.
KmhZamir Jun 2017
its four,and i can't shut my eyes.
its the time everyone having sweetdreams,and i can't even have a nightmare...
its the middle of the night,
and i am at the corner of my room.
bloodsuckers to accompany me
they want my blood,
and i am an universal blood donor.
its four,and i can't sleep...

Zelyn May 2020
When sweetdreams turned into nightmares,
When every parts of you begins to shatter,
When your tears flows down like a river,
When the stars no longer shimmers,
When hope can be found nowhere,
Remember that there's someone out there,
Who will always genuinely care.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Life of Pi
Yann Martel

Roman coins
Wishing well

Will we survive?
Time will tell

Bon Scott
Highway to Hell

Goodnight, sweetdreams

— The End —