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Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Don’t bee late for Flight-school

Ok…Are you sure you have got everything that you need?
There is nothing you have forgotten?
Nothing you want to get before you leave?
Are you sure you don’t need to use the lavatory before you go?
Oh!  Have you got enough honey?
Enough clothes to wear?  Some beeswax for your hair?
Are you sure you are ready to leave?

Don’t worry about me Mum, I’ll bee ok.  
I have been preparing for this day since I can remember.
Oh!  Have you got your mittens?  It gets cold in September.
Mum; chill out.  I’m going to bee fine
And the next time you see me I’ll bee able to fly!
Now Son; are you sure you don’t want me to give you a lift?
No Dude; thanks, but it’s only a short trip…

It’s time for me to go.
Oh I know, I know; don’t bee late, hurry along
And go and meet your mates, don’t bee late.
I’m sure he will bee ok Love.
We love you Son.
Yes!  We love you Humble!  And his Mum gave him a great big hug!
I love you guys too and I won’t bee gone long.
Just a few days and I will bee done
And then you can say “You know he flies as well now, my Son.”

With that Humble walked out of the door
And soon he met his mates, all four.
They were up ahead so he ran to catch up.
Oh ‘ello Humble.  What’s up?
Hey Bee-Real, what are you doing here?
Just walking little Prince here to flight-school.  He fears.
He worries too much if you ask me;
Got no sense of direction, see.
Oh well; what will bee, will bee.
Hey Humble.  Hey Prince.  How’s things?
Don’t ask.
Bee-Real laughed.

Hey Humble.  Hey Blondebee;
What do you reckon we are gonna see,
When we walk through those big doors?
Bee-Real said “You’ll see ‘em all flying about an’ that, I’m sure.
They got nothing better to do, I’ll bet ya.”
Hey Tiny Dancer.  Hey Hum;
Today’s gonna bee fun!
Yeah, for you it is, you already know how to fly Mr. Superfly.
Some of us just have a natural ability; Hey ladies.
Said Tiny Dancer as two bees flew by.

Humble and the others,
Had to walk through the offices of the Bee-Air institution,
Before they were eventually lead to the building,
In which their training instructor was waiting,
For them to begin their training mission.

So there it was…Flight-school.
Wow!  That’s cool!  
Said Humble as they opened the huge doors,
To reveal a huge area painted sky blue from wall-to-wall
And in the centre of the large room there was a swimming pool.

What’s with the water, Bee-Real?
That’s for when someone fails.
If your wings get wet because they are not like a shield of steel,
Then they say pack your bags.  It’s time to bail…

Well; see you later guys.  I’d love to stay, but I gotta fly.

As Bee-Real left and the small group of four joined the line,
Flight Lieutenant McFly began to talk.
After a little while the training had begun
And soon it would bee time for the tests…

As Humble walked up to take his place for the first attempt,
The Flight Lieutenant said,
Show us what you got kid!
And Humble did!
He flapped his wings as hard as he could!
He rose off the ground a little and then he floated back down.
Nice attempt.  Try again.  
Some of the other bees were joking behind the Lieutenants back.
Hey you; I can see what you are doing over there.  
Stop clowning around.

Humble tried three times and it didn’t work.
Tiny Dancer tapped him on the shoulder and said My turn.
Then he leapt into the air and flew around the room.
Well done lad.  You really know how to zoom!
It seemed like everybody else did too;
To Humble at least.

Eventually, all that was left was one last bee.
Even after being trained by Flight Lieutenant McFly,
Humble was running out of time.
Everyone else had learned to fly.  They were all watching.
There he was…the last bee in line.

Nobody believed he could do it;
Not even him…
Until he only went and did it!

Humble soared into the sky!  He flew so high!
And so fast around the room
And as he passed the bees below, he shouted out Zooommm!!!
He was gone in a flash,
So quick to dart back up into the air
And as he landed in front of the cheering bees in his class,
After flying behind the artificial clouds and trees,
The lieutenant said,
“Congratulations!  You have all passed!”

Nobody fell into the swimming pool.
Humble later found out that nobody ever does.
As he flew home, he felt, so cool!
And all along the flight path that he took home,
Could bee heard the sound of Humble B. Bumble,
Qualified flier,
Humming along…

At last Humble had found the right note to sing his unique buzz.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
sometimes I have trouble getting out of bed
I have to remind myself that’s it easier DONE than said
and every thought that manifests negativity
pulls me down the ocean -heavy weights made of lead

On the best days, I wake up in a dance
popping up in a quick shimmy- boogie- smile at hand
no second glance, or worry of the stress of the Mundane Monday
I speak romance to the mirror at every passing chance

The weather may first try to gain my trust
bird songs, licking light, no signs of gust
than it erupts, black doom lurks in front of careless moon
to the south it hid behind the mountains musk

no worries, it’s a good day to say I’m feeling happy
****** snappy moody or grumpy is not available in my vocabulary
i’m still on the groove, slipping off clothes that reflect my CAN DO attitude
slip into the shower, shifting hips to the soul tunes groove

sparkled and wet, otter of the lake, dam it feels great
Circumvent the loops, bypass the dead thoughts, like a dog i shake
bitter bumps of sand traps- sad masks- quiver at my deliver
towel away empty dreams- ugly memes that act to turn me bitter

brush away the plaque attacks in nightmare fashion
practicing faces, singing freestyle lyrics into the brush i just mentioned
ecstatic on cold marble floors- tapping toes -no closed bathroom door
easy on the pitch but ******* the message with strength rattling ROARSSSS!

I want the neighbors to hear my dynamic e-lec-tricity
hoping the good vibes vibrate past time; spread e-ccen-tricity
unique to the core, spit out dead days from sleepy heads
never going back to bed, life is outside the sheets so i greet ser-en-dipity

no job, no re-spon-si-bility EXCEPT the passions i create
truth, wonder at my superhuman shadow- outline of a cape
raise pumped fists-strangle lips quick- quit bitchni- leave complaints nonequipped
write that one down on your skin "never make the same mistakes again"

BUT gather up the courage to make mistakes and invite failure
allure bigger challenges- results become grander -risks don’t matter
obscure past EVIL deeds - misused time -walking turns to running with ease
take a photo, say "cheese!" post the groove of happy on the line of loves lure

brushed hair is dry- twinkle in the eye -[Wink] I’m superfly!
rick james playing on spotify! ******, who says life can’t get you high?!
rock into the rhythm- step stage center- spotlight -dance solo -practice makes better
i’ve SILVERED into bliss -no remorse -forget remiss- gone without ever puffing at the spliff

shoes are shined -laces wound tight -green socks :) the days feeling alright
just might take a chance on one fear everyday -365 a year -"achievement" place here
smiling like crazy- no lady in the bed- not a problem inside my head
I’m not lazy just no game lately- and its better that way- time to refocus on myself instead

I’m working to be perfect or at least better than last
morning awaken the spoken energy of the daylight to pass
out the door by nine o clock -sun shine warms on the spot
first foot drives home the message, right foot cleans up leftover wreckage

down the block- leaves glisten green- butterfly- bees- heartbeats open at the seam
good morning trees -concrete streets -sleeping lights- leftover evenin cool breeze
I’m at ease with the reality created, manifested happiness -behind me shadows faded
beat the drums to my footsteps-cars burn down ozone so i chose my feet over keys

its too easy, too easy to feel this good, dr. seuss rhymes -everyone should
or -wish they could read a book -excuses are like time --if they could find IT they WOULD-
i make few plans to keep action in a blink span
I have a list for today-it started when I awake--It read:

2 DANCE ******

wordvango Mar 2016
where ironically I had met two good people,
they like me got caught up in the desires
of too much too easily, turned white powder or green buds
into easy money, got ratted out by some bad dudes.

Time and space compressed into six by eight
and seconds so vast , made you question  god
sanity your preferences and friends. Made me dream of cigarettes.
Lit up then disappearing as I tried to take a puff.

forgot desires dreams tomorrow, it's the way
the condemned survive. Gave up the thoughts of revenge, tried to
stop the constant dread of closing eyes
seeing your two year old or wife crying.

made a way around the baddest cons, gotta face them
eye to eye or be their ***** forever, and the iron did not ever
take that from me. It stole my soul pride independence future
kids hope and religion, never made me ****, never could,
make me that.

I was told what to eat when to talk walk sit stand speak, yeah
like a dog, had my fill of thugs guards wardens parole boards
the rec room the basketball court the scene,
then came across two of the baddest dudes

quite like me who took their lumps, showed me how to
make great tacos out  of commissary crud, how to roll a
toilet paper cigarette , how to hide my shank and my pencils.

they told me of the dudes who caved in to the feds
and got off for turning them in. What they once had plans
to do to them. But got smart. So smart they became teachers preachers
jailhouse lawyers superfly calm and confident inside.

And I got out.
I had never fallen for the jailhouse Christian ****, the hail mary's said by the crack head murderers who thought JC might get them out. The child rapists, house invaders, lower than dogs, who promised, with
that emptiness of eye that they now were saved.******* weak hypocrites. ******* electric chair heros, crying I am sorry. Fry them.

It was Saturday night. They gave me a set of clothes and twenty bucks.
Pushed me out into the night, clutching a small piece of paper that held my two friends  names and jailhouse numbers on it. I had something.
I walked as far as fast as I could. No destination in mind, no course plotted, I walked up hill this time though. The hard way I had been taught.

I arrived at a fancy Cathedral in town at ten the next morning. Marveled at the well dressed people and fancy cars. Everything seemed
shining. Until I saw all the well- heeled turn around and gasp as
I sank wearily alone into the back pew.

I woke up with people washing my feet.
Now I gotta write Jimmy and Bubba in jail,
and profess, there is hope.
Tell them there is more than us three
good people on earth.
JaxSpade Jul 2019
I see colors
At the disco
With so many others
Eyes kaleidoscopic
With mirror *****
Reflecting lights
And rainbow optics
I slip slide away
In a collage of music
And disarray
I see colors
With ebullient others
Popping champagne
I'm dousing and drowning
In a crowd of party
Wondering if it all is just a dream
I see colors
Capricious and smothered
In a cacophony of sounds fecund
With laughter in a feeling
Of floating in outer space
What was I drinking
What did I take
I'm dancing in propinquity with blue unicorns and pink elephants while my temerity flickers
In glow sticks and bottles of tanqueray
I see colors
And geometrical shapes
I should have been absteimous
But I couldn't resist
The munificent veracity
Of entertainment begging for my daze
Oh I see colors
At the disco
With so many others
Improvident and care free
I'm having so much fun
And I don't ever want to leave
Or awake
What was I drinking
What did I take
I can't feel my face
I was wondering if this was heaven
Or if these clouds were fake
All these women crowding me
Which one is my mate
I see colors
In another state
With so many others
Trying to erase
Reality and everything it takes
Michael Kusi Nov 2017
My lines have controlled substance that will up your heart rate.
Superfly, caught airplanes in my hands and don’t want to depart late.
Because like Clark Kent I was born to be soaring.
I get strength from the sun that rises in the morning
The guns went off, and I made sure that I start straight.
So when people ran up against me, they could not catch.
I went to the finish line, they stayed with the back cameras
Then they tried to make excuses with wack manners.
Those behind were pressed further and lacked answers.
This king got the medal in my hand like Black Panther.
I was in my prime like my first home is Cybertron.
So when I brought the drive, it was vibrant and strong.
Came from the motherland that’s the tribe I’m on.
So when they try to ask me what type of race I’m in.
I’ll say I belong to the race where I'm ahead and winning
SelinaSharday May 2021
Good morning sunlight!
When you get up in the morning
to go out to work to struggle to fight.
To see you is such delight!
No matter what your personal strife.
Your about that earning a living to make a good life.
Your a man.. Of passion love and support.
Your dedication who could abort.
I admire, Your stability the strength and fire.
Keep laboring hard staying on your grind.
Doing what you need to to have peace of mind.
may our lil naughty behaviors be forgiven.
As grace puts us in a better needful state within.
Meaning keeping emotions in check
spirit cleansed to come correct.
Your passion I can't resist and
your way seems so perfect.
A friendship I can't reject!
If your fat or thin, You'd still be adorable and lovable.
So hard to scold.
Just wanta keep you your so superfly ...
Your so handsome I like your style I won't lie.
Creamy brown sensation
you rock my inner nations,
Hey Mister can a Sista..
Just roll wit cha.
From day One I knew.
There was something special about you!
sharday3.. the rosepoet..
hanging out with u, chilling with yah, can i hang tight wit cha.
Travis Green Sep 2022
Your handsomeness kindles my inner sensuous dimension
Has me lost in your raw macho sauce
Dope, strokable, and ardent marvelocity
Rare impassioned attraction
Dreamy denim blue eyes
Full, juicy, and masculine lips
Bushy beguiling beard
You are forever my lover
You shimmer like gaudy polished chrome wheels

I hanker to devour your immortally tasty ambrosia
Feel your dopeness flow in my heart and soul
Deep in your starry stalwart arms
I traverse my tantalizers on your staggering strapping chest
Meddle with your lickable **** crests
Mesmerizingly commanding and relishable abs and biceps
Flamboyant meaty thighs, firm, lush legs
Such fluid smoothness in full view
Shining superfly kryptonite

You are so totally absorbing
And inspiring to delight in
You preoccupy my unconscious mind
So worthy of note, steamy adventurous winningness
I flourish in your fervidness
Take in your saucy sharply-etched flex
Swagged out brag Daddy

Your groovy high-quality majesty
Has me mad keen on your dangerously tantalizing fieriness
Vibrant viral diamond, with a mad hot jacked craft
I want to bask in your savageness
Caress and impress your electrifying top-flight muscles
Sink deeper into your absolute royal treasure chest
Brimming with the highest eternal bliss
Ken Pepiton Oct 2019
As a system
I am one in all, as a matter of

not effected affection

kiss-off. Smack, the meat-mind needs a hug,
the smack
is to the fore brain, the way

a stuck energy flow was corrected in the olden days,
with a whack to the element
fecting the knot where no knot ought be, let's see

what if we see first why the flow did not slow, but

stopped. Started, stopped shush whoooeee eeeooohw

tune to the sig- not the noise,
focus hoc es

ad a tensioner here, stretch it to

touch, Art Intuition in action, ting ding music

on a thread stretched to wiggle as a wave

in a word.
What game do you wish we could play?
Let's pretend.
let's make
beliefs we can act as if we know,
life is good, we live in it.
There's plenty

more than before the war that peace won

here we are, the sons, wombed and un, off-spring of those who fathered us, each
an aspect, a spec of usness,
right-usness, save, samesame except, set that thought aside,
pass it by, save
used for good, for no other reason, ala
ars gratia artis,

for goodness sakes alive. That's it. Like
eureka, in the realm past the realm of delight. But, who would believe us
if we say we played a role in the game that

realized for goodness sake was a measure any child can re
cognize right. Soothes the soul, ol' time Sisyphus riff,

waft over the cross-road,
function junction

be real or be other

wander on, blue honey, wander on

Green Dragon in my coffee gone to lick you life's sweetest
meme seem somesame goodnessakesiself

jah knowhat I mean mean mean sharp con cise

edgey re
ality, blue con sprinkles of rust ona sea of green

life through a single sensory source comes in colors,
that ain't all the light there is to see,

ask yo' smart-tv what it sees in Ultra-superfly HD res,
you can't see.
see. it says Ultra-superfly High De-fine-itive re

to get the idea into the kids, there is more to life than what

sapient sapient pre-augmentedus had words for
or means to imagine with,

--- the gift given a knapper, there is the clue
--- reason comes in flakes, as stories spark on points of light distraction
bouncing as if chance has a role.
An ongone trip on an ***** Summer Day. Hope the flavor flows true, not a wish, a fact. Sweet persuasion prevents war.
Big Virge Oct 2019
Peace .... WON'T COME ....  
Without ... EQUALITY ... !!!!  

YES ... You and Me ... !!!  

Peace Comes From BALANCE ...  
Look At Scales And See ... !!!  
NOT ... Electric Scales ...  
Don't Be A DUMMY ... !!!!!!!!  
Tip Some ... " OLD Scales " ... !!!  
And You Will See ...  
Peace Gets ... DESTROYED ...  
When You ... RoCk EQuAlitY ... !!!!!  
Peace CAN'T COME ...  
With ... SO MUCH War ... !?!  
But ...  
A Piece Comes Easy ... !!!  
If She's A ... " ***** " ... !!!  
HEED My Words Fellas ...  
KNOW The Score ... !!!!  
If You Listen To ... " Dylan " ...  
Shall We Knock On ... " Heavens' Door " ... ???  
And See Which Kind of ... VILLAIN ...  
Is There ... Despite of KILLING ... !?!?!
So People ...  
Are You WILLING ... ???  
To LOVE In Search of ... " Peace " ... ???  
Cos' Love Is What We're ................................. Missing ..........  
Hear My ... Poetic Speech ...  
Cos' We NOW ... NEED To Reach ... !!!  
For ... MORE THAN Just A Beach ... !!!  
Kids ARE NOW ... The VIOLENT ... ?!?  
With Few Now ... Fit To Teach ... !!!  
Teach Them of ...  
THE WRONG They Do ...  
Keeping Streets From ...................................... Peace ...........  
So ...
What's The Cause ...
of Kids ... New Flaws ... ???  
Hold Up ... P.E. ... !!!!!  
Let's Take A ........................ Pause.  
I'm NOT ... James Dean ... !!!  
I HAVE A Cause ... !!!  

With Words That Make ...  
Some Give .... APPLAUSE ... !!!  
I'm A... LOVER of Rap ...  
HIP HOP In Fact ... !!!!!!!  
Cos' Rappers Now .....  

Have Gone ....................................................  
                                                                          OFF TRACK ......... ?!!!?  
Gun Clap THIS ... !!!  
Gun Clap THAT ... !!!  
HATRED of ...  
Their ... " Fellow Black " ... ?!?  
Just So They ...  
Can ... Hear It back ... ???  
Some Rappers CLEARLY ...  
DO TAKE .... Crack .... !!!!!  
TODAY ...  
I Heard This ... On A Track ...  
"I Never went to high school !  
I just went to my high school HIGH !"
See ... That's The Stuff ...  
That Makes Me ... CRY ... !!!  
Some Kids Get ... HIGH ...  
While Parents ... CRY ... !!!!!!!!!  
Cos' Their Child Got ... "Caught" ...  
By The ... " Superfly Guy " ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Who Came With ... DRUGS ...  
FEEDING ... Chemical Highs ... !!!  
He Just ............ Supplies ......  
While Children ... DIE ... !!!!!!!  
Doesn't That Bring ...  
Tears To ... Your Eyes ... ???  
So ...
What About The Downs " ... ?  
On Streets ... These Days ...  
Kids Now WEAR FROWNS ... !!!  
Next Thing Comes ...  
THOSE ... Gun Type Sounds ... !!!!!  
While Rappers KEEP ON ... " Talking " ...  
of The Men That They ... GUN DOWN ... !!!!!!  
YES ... Some Rappers ...  
Have .... Tight Flow ....  

But ...
Take The Words In ... " SLOW " ........................................  
Then It DAWNS ...  
Like ... Morning Snow ... !!!  
Why  Our Kids Are ....  
SO ... Gung' ** ... !!!!!  
So ...  
What's The Link ... ???  
Well People ... THINK ... !!!  
Peace Is Resting ....  
On The ........................ Brink ...  
While Violence ... CLEARLY ...  
NEEDS TO ... "shrink" ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Peace is ... GOOD ...  
War is ... BAD ...  
Needless Death ...  
Just Makes Me ... " Sad " ...  
Peace With ... " Bombs " ...  
Goes With ... " Sad Songs " ... !!!  
But People ... PLEASE ...  
DON'T Get Me ... Wrong ... !!!  
Peace and War ...  
Love and Hate ...  
Some Say These Things ...  
ALWAYS ...... " Equate " ......... ???  
So ... Why Do I Feel ...  
Like It's ... TOO LATE ... ?!?  
For Words of ... " Peace " ...  
To ... Change Our Fate ... ?!?  
Just ... Look Around You ...  
Do You Feel ... " Cool " ... ???  
With Those Who Stand ...  
Right NEXT TO ... You ... ?!?  
Or ...  Are You Feeling ...  
HATRED .... Too .... ?  
Respect Is ... EARNED ... !!!  
But It's ... STILL Due ... !!!  
Don't Be A FOOL ... !!!  
Just Be ... YOU ...  
Let LOVE SHINE Through ... !!!  
So ... Peace and Love ...  
Comes Back To ... YOU ... !!!  
In These ... " Scribes " ...  
Are ... POSITIVE Vibes ...  
To Keep This ...  
Human Race ... ALIVE ... !!!  
Time Is Moving .................................................................­.  
Do ... What's RIGHT ....  
CHERISH ... " Your Own " ...  
AND ... OTHER Lives ... !!!  
This May Help Us ...  
ALL ... Survive ...  
These ... MANIC Streets ...  
Where Violence ... "Creeps..."  
Things RIGHT NOW ...  
Are Looking ................................................. Bleak ....... !!!!!  
But THIS Piece of Poetry's ...  
Just Suggesting ... UNITY ...  
So People ... PLEASE ...  
Hear Out My ... Pleas ... !!!  
I'm NOT ...  
TRYING To PREACH ... !!!  
Or ...  
Trying To ... Teach ...  
We ALL NEED ... " Humanity " ...  
So We Can See .....  
Our ... One Race Free ...  
To ... LOVE Each Other ...  
and LIVE ... In ...  
..... " Peace " .....
"Peace" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 18/3/2005
And will it end with the pressure to know it all
Couple receive and cops in the drug cartel
Life's tough
Touch the sky
***** the highs
And respect the lowly butchers in the neighbourhood
The loan sharks
Are superfly
With the credit
Don't deal the wrong classic case of trusting
I'm reading the newspaper

— The End —