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keki Jan 2011

               A whooshof air playing with a tender long brown hair, a wave of flips of curly hair. AS the sun sets in the mountains of Colorado with a misty glow on the pure crystal snow. As I glaze in the beauty, I turned around in a grunted sigh and walk to my bran new house in the middle of no where. I said walking back to house with my family "why did my **** step-dad have to bring us here in this dump, pssh I hate him so much!!" with my flench curled up and my knuckles turning white, teeth clenching, kicking rocks to take all my anger on. Crossing down by the bank of mystical waterfall that held frozen and was a piece of art to any who hates water still would make it beautiful. Passing by with full rage of anger reaching my sister with a graden rose dress, black sandles to surrounds her newely fresh scab formed on her righ knee, but with a smile thats lights up this dull place. Man that girl can always cheer me up even im ****** at the world i could never be mad at my sister i thought whiled walking slowing down a wave a brushy grass that any person or animal could fall on....before my sister could reach me in a small peice of my eye caught something it was a man in black clothing sticking his hand out saing "rachel." pause "rachel come... come..." and slowly dissapeared. As I stood in shock my body froze in fear it felt a trap of death and slowl everthing went black out all i could hear were faint screams of my sister before it blocked out for good. " Sister!!! Wake up!! MOM!!!! DAD!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!!!" Jennifer said with crystal water tears holding my hand trying to wake me up but failed to. "Honey did you hear something?" my mother tilted her head while she unpacked the car. " What were you saying teresa i could not hearyou i was getting everthing settled in thehouse but thenyou called me so what i-" richered got cut by a bloddy screem in the near distance in the woods. "MOMMY!!!! FATHER!!!!" the both parents look in shock and dropped every thing and dashed out the front lawn. "mommy.....father...where are you..."jenniferjust cried there hopeless while I laid there in silence. "Oh my god Jennifer are you alright what were screaming about" mother said worry in her eye while killing Jeniffer with a big bear hug. " What in gods name made you scream like that" Richered said frowning and getting with a cocky attituded. Jennifer ploted out mother's strong arms and raced down to me where I still laid dead silence. " what the hell, where is she going... holy sh-" my mother was about to scream like akiller was after but she calm her self and went to jennifer's side and was nearly about to cry. " Don't worry teresa she's breathing so thats a good thing lets take her to the doctors before anything else happens and jennifer could you explianed what happened to your big sis please it would help alot." Richered said begging for help. "umm well she was going down this hill then she froze in fear as she saw something bad then the next thing pwoof going down twumbling and she went blank" Jeniffer said looking in her eyes with very much concern.
                     with about a three hour car to doctors the family of four came rushhing for help "excuse me ma'ma can you help in a diffuclt spot please helpmy daughter in law" Richered said with a firery pumped up voice. " Yes sir whats the problem" the young blond teen siad as typing on the computer to comform the document to acces the doctor. " My daughter she fainted and wont wake up and its been over 4 hours can you please help her" Richered said sheepishly as finder his wife and her younger child right behind him and my mom carring me. "Ok sir just put her on hospital bed room 34 please and you may visit her after the docotor comes to see her but for now just wait here in the wiaitng room. about an hour passed the docotor who was taking care of me came in the room saying " Mr. and Mrs. randof may you come with me." he said with a demading tone. "Yes sir may my daughter come to?" mother said trying not to show fear in her voice "of corse" he said while letting the family through the back door then the hallway that leads to my room. " she up but we dont know what we need to go to the hospital to checked up by more higher professionals." the doctor eyed my in like what in the world happened. There was an akwarad silence until my step dad intruded that peace and manage to say " w-well ok and now Rachel would you care to explian what happed to you" Richered said while to strengthen his tone back. " yes..." I paused to re-gain my memory " So I took a walk and walked back to house but i passed the frozen lake that froms like a waterfallbut its frozen so i saw Jennifer and i was  about t call her name but then i saw a person in a black robe sticking his hand out liketrying to grab me it kept on sayin Rachel..Rachel come come and when i turned completely it was gone completely like if it were a ghost and then i felt a horror shock come over my body and could the world turning black then only hearing Jennifer's faint screams of concern and down I fainted then went to silence...." I finaly said with lifting my head slowly and with a greck bolt in my eyes I looked right behind them there was again. With seeing it again it turn pale with tearns rolling down my eyes like waterfalls and hushed to cold knock out.
that was page 1iposting the pages differently so comment if i sould contunie the story
Ek Dec 2017
Right now, all you need is to breathe
To breathe freely and peacefully
Because one day, it will all be okay
But for now, I want you to just breathe.
AaliyahGisele Mar 2017
I wish I still had the chance to say, "I love you"
I wish I still had the chance to kiss her on her cheek,
I wish I still had the chance to say, "Thank You"
I wish I still had th chanc to hug so tight, because if I did, I would never let go,
I wish I still had the chance to say, "sorry for not being there with you all the time."
I wish I still had the chance to get to re know her. I wish I still had the chance to smile at her,
I wish I had the chance to tell her thank you for taking me in when I felt like no one cared. I wish I could spend a night with her and sleep in bed righ beside her,
Like I used to do when I was only so young,
I wish I had the chance to relive the very funny and special days I've had with her,
I wish I had the chance to get to know her again,
I wish I had the chance to shop with her, and do everything with her like I used to do,
But I lost all of those chances when she passed away in March.
Mumble Rappers be on something like:
"gotta bad *****...she ain't be walking righ°..."


wutta glitchy sight ..

I've been sitting super stealthy cypher.
I've been running with my do-or-die fir.


I would die for what
What you would eye for
Cloudy with the red eye
Insight, eyesore

I swore, pops, that I'd be different
Spec ops man, Mine's been misting

Foggy froggy frothing
when I spit distance

3eyes shifting
2Split  da difference

  Any1 asking Meh:
How have I been getting....?

Guru Minds have been sitting
squarely as a cube in cypher

Make mah breathes for human
CubanS matter as I decypher :

Life is living truth
or daring to choose to live
  or die for ...

Ai just a silly Scyth0r snipping sidebar sowings
  stow no baggage. That's what I'd be towing.

Rats staining, stinging
pocked and potent.

Out  of the Cabbage patch
that I've been growing

01011011 01111101 01111011 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 01010000 01110010 01100001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01100011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00101100 00001010 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100010 01101111 00100000 01100100 01100101 01101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 01111101 01111011 01011101

Sorry to be blunt, man
.... it's a sour twist,
Undid the trap mode
went too lavish

>> the-Gentle-Ghost-o'-ghetto
hopes at most to let go,
Building out hell bricks
Pave- too -close -to -level<<

it's all in the mental,
in the same lane stack

Shake a Lil when treble trains track,
Shake, shake when the train track,

shake shake, shake when it trains
shake when the trains track.

I swear, it's not a bad tick.
Just bring the brains back.

It's not a bad tick. Just get the brains back
it's not a bad tick. The brains back~

just bring the brains back
bring the brains back

Bear with me. >>Music turned up.
Are the windows cracked?<<

..............Who should have brought the show...vel? And the WAXWHALESTACK....................................................­.................................................................­.................................................................­.................................................................­.................................................................­.............................................................
The Black Book of Azathoth + The King In Yellow should not be read inside out and backwards.
ruby stains Feb 2015
i like the typ<e tha?t's
dif}feren\t th=an
me in every way and
fo ^rm * (it'll h_]urt if th-ey hu"rt me
'cause:: i know *if that
were m'e//, i neve:/r w
ould'a done it) ,

i like the type that'll
always make me la
h ev%en whe^n i can't
bre##athe (even though
it'd bu
rn and const
that, right the+re, wo[u
ld be h ea v)en).

i like the type that won't ob
e_ss over me as i obs@ess
ov$er the m;(wouldn't wann
a put 'em throu
gh that kin*da
m is e r      ,y.)
this is getting worse.
(honestly i wanted to make this sweet, but it just never happened)
Andie Lately Jun 2010
You walk righ t past me
Pretending I don't exist
I need you to keep me sane
I want you to hold me
And tell me everything will be fine
I want you to say everything
Everything to stop the tears
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
this is what music foraging on youtube used to look like, you'd find gems, 6 years old, approx. 10K views akin to Undogmatic & Kernfeld: thought experiments... you know... you travel outside of the anglosphere of said language, what is the opinion of a Greek or a Pole about Fb? not much... it's only the english-speaking "cool" kids that are making all the fuss... i mentioned to a Greek guy i was giving directions to, once, in Warsaw... he looked at me as if i was the first person to show him a ******* elephant... 5 blind men followed and we know the story from there... catering to the natives: who will never be or ever have been satisfied... they just need their: banta... their ****-storming, their gravitational pull toward bloodsports: rather than dialectics... nothing is ever to be done... who can shout the loudest... who can rock the boat the most... who can translate past playground grievances into a web of anonymity and avatars... as far as i am concerned... these social media firms, these u.s. firms have long gone stopped catering to primarily english speaking people... all these anglophone calls: Fb will fail like myspace failed... blah blah... these firms are tired of brats... elsewhere these spaces are utilities... they're not an extension of either thought or life... collateral damage of those first exposed... the Greek will still use the platform... the Pole will also... i too remember my childhood: hide & seek... digging holes in the ground and throwing marbles into them from a distance of five metres... creating chalk labyrinths on the pavement and flicking beer bottle caps filled with plastecine through them... and no... styxhexenhammer666 is not banned in Poland... i never wanted youtube to become what it has become: 72 virgins? give me a library of music for all of eternity and i'll be an 'appy chappy... i don't need some count dankula regurgitate a wikipedia entry about tarrare - oddly enough: i too can read... see... i blame both sides for ******* up my foraging tool... the "legacy" media and the indie vlog "creators": creative really reative, spewing regurgitation after regurgitation... i'd hate to be drafted into this vulture journalism of video making... at least when you pay a *******: you pay an honest wage... and she subsequently spends the honest wage on **** i wouldn't even buy... so the funds are given to the person who otherwise keeps the economy running... a woman... oh yes, i've been watching closely these indie "creators"... lucky for me i watched enough of them to round them up and say: this much... there's a big difference between a "creator" and a commentator... if i'd want to listen to an audiobook containing the current journalistic spew: anyway... half of these stories in the "news" are tabloid ******* that gave rise to 24h news reel and the vacuous space feeding the tapeworm of insomnia... since when did news outlets think they could produce an amphetamine alt.? clearly they did... i can't keep up, i won't keep up, to hell with going against these giants... youtube was never about these indie "creators"... music and music was always the prime concern for me... lucky for me remnants of the old a.i. still give me chances to glimpse records like CLANN - Seelie... these indie "creators" become just as tiresome as the legacy medie snippets... you want a more ******* version of CLANN's Seelie? try Salem: king knight (2010).

.just some after-thoughts, when a post scriptum becomes, a pre scriptum... you know... i sometimes think this lingua franca, that's english, ergo: lingua inglese is bombarded, London is the microcosm of the world dislodged from the realities of other natives... there's a grand congregation happening, of hosts, and even here, on the outskirts of London, where all it takes is a 30 minute walk to go pet a horse or a tender young bull, "randomly", in a field, spot a fox, or chase a herd of deer who "wandered" into the middle of an X junction creating a traffic debacle... but the language itself this, lingua inglese needs updating, notably from the "real" grammar nazis... i'm not just going to give up my new earned rights of literacy, for all the years of being kept in the dark like some ******* mushroom, just because, someone feels it is necessary to feel lazy, about establishing rigour, discipline in using this former tool of power, like i'm going to bend over some lazy peasant... no... dis-ci-pline... you need it, i might drink, but i'll still return to this language with great respect, for the per se worth of adherence to it... it already is a metaphysical person / "person" to me, at least i can offer that much, as much as is necessary... one question though, echo-chamber... it's enough for dyslexia, it's enough for emoji, it's enough for: l8er... it's enough for "gender neutral" pronouns... see... that language i was born with... that **** won't stick... certain languages have pronoun-"augmentation" associated with verbs... e.g.?
                                            mogłem (past-participle masculine
                       of i could have)
                        mogłam (past-participle feminine
                    of i could have)
this, inherent bias, within the confines of the english language, well, i didn't expect it to be so rife, until i witnessed it being exploited! now at least i can pander / side with the natives: funny - coming to a "madman" for sanity quotes, for rigour... well... because there's no fun without someone not having the ***** to counter the libertarian farcical tragico-comic current circumstance of: "pushing the boundaries"... like i said: a lingua ingelese echo-chamber... no belly-button status of the world for you... this viper of an idea, this sordid wasp of a "conundrum" will not spread elsewhere, i feel inclined to contain it, with english regulations of grammar... just like i learned this language to begin with: first the language, then the grammar... physics first, metaphysics later... first the experience of communication, then the theory of communicating... thank god that some languages have an unshakeable foundation, e.g. western slavic: where the pronoun is integrated into verbs with a gender discrimination structure...
  further examples?
                miałem (i had - masculine)
                                                     miałam (i had - feminine)...
so the problem is contained... in this, sometimes erring into sharpnel of, what could have been: a bullet of a tongue; or, i dare say, will hopefully preserve itself, to be it.

i guess.... wait... are stars supposed to that?
i just witnessed two,
transverse the night sky:
    in that, more than the already
perplexing circumstance of a straight line...
to the naked eye:
   they're not supposed to move in
a parabola fashion, are they?
    yes, last time i checked, this was never
going to be a metaphor for
the current state of european politics,
   to the naked eye:
    i would be unable to witness a comet,
and, on the odd occassion,
   the blitzkrieg accent on the sky
by a meteor falling...
            i never had the tools to measure
the difference between a falling
meteor appearing in the sky,
                      to a lightning strike -
time wise...
            after all: is a lightning strike
confined to the same category as light,
yeah: light from the sun?
   i guess this is were awe comes...
          once again: if i somehow manage
to come across the facts -
   i'll give my narrative of a temple's
worth of structure to the blinded,
enraged skin-headed Samson to pull at
the pillars...
                now, with regards to:
a black girl in a supermarket...
   well... i've done it,
    i can clearly state i have become
fully integrated into the multiculutral
experiment that's England,
   it didn't take that long,
               ******* contra being attracked
are two dfifferent ball games...
the language is here,
                 working just fine,
   some native prejudices are somewhat
            i have a harder time
"not understanding" the quickened
paddy taljk, to me the scots sing,
and they managed to preserve
                                     the trill on the R...
so, as they would say in
    a clockwork orange type of fashion,
fully rehabilitated, ****, sorry, integrated...
i can find myself being attracked
                           to an ivory beauty...
    whenever i visit my grandparents,
whenever i pass through
   the urban landscape of Warsaw...
   i feel...
        an extreme nausea,
                 sifting through my in-born
mirror of homogeneity...
the whole process takes, oh,
                     i'd say, roughly 20 years...
      or a want for a sense of belonging?
my only sense of belonging in
Poland is only related to the use
of language, culturally?
      hybrid at best,
                    or not even hybrid,
                sure, the impeding disaster
of putting a physical hybrid
           with a metaphysical hybrid...
i don't even know how i'll feel
when the ****** tongue dies with
the people i could associate to by speaking
maybe i'll be lucky,
having the luxury of not one death,
but two, in my life.

   stating the ****** obvious,
   lingua ingles(e)
              and not lingua inglesé...
how can i not be stating the obvious,
that's how practiςing
    literacy works, doesn't it?
who has ever heard
a guitar player not say:
    i'm not playing,
  i'm simply practiçing                ?
i guess the origins of the french
         cedilla come from
                                     the greek sigma,
i.e. if it's so smart,
how come a drunk, like me,
                         has to "unearth" it?
always, it's always about
the fiddly bits of language,
english is peppered with
      rules, that are not dogma of
         of the pedagogic experience...
"somehow" surds appear,
i.e. "silent" letters...
   e.g. there's no (g)nome
         but there's diagnostics...
this, this lingua inglese...
this supposedly "universal" language
for a global community,
and then all the particulars
associated with the native idiosyncracy...
mind you...

     i woke up with a dream,
righ rarity event...
   i was sitting,
then i started walking,
i looked behind me,
a ****** church procession was
walking with banners
and crosses, dressed in black,
i turned my head,
and there was a bunch of
schoolchildren walking toward me,
i was eating a raw chilli...
a boy from the throng coming
at me was eating a raw pepper,
'hey mister'
and pointed at a piece of
a raw papper lying in the grass,
insinuating i lost it...
i replied:
        who the hell would ever need
to amplify dreaming
with a psychadelic experience,
esp. if that person is usually
sleeping for 10+ hours per day
and is dream-starved?
OH, Give thanks to thy LORD, for Thou Is Good! For His Mercy Endures Forever. Let Israel now say, His Mercy  Endures Forever'' Let thy House Aaron now say, His Mercy Endures Forever'' Let those who Fear thy LORD now say'' His Mercy Endureth Forever.... We called on the LORD in Distress; thy LORD answered Us and Set Us in A Broad Place. The LORD is on Our Side; We will not Fear what Man do to Us? Thy LORD is for Us among hose who Help Us, therefore We shall see Our Desire on those who Hate Us. It is Better to Trust in the LORD than to put Confidence in Man. It is Better to Trust in thy LORD than to put Confidence in Princes.... All Nations surrounded Us, but in thy Name Of thy LORD We will Destroy them. They surrounded Us, Yes, they surrounded Us, but in the Name Of The LORD We will Destroy them.. They surrounded Us like Bees; they were Quenched like AFire of thorns, for in the Name Of Thou LORD We will Desroy them.... You pushed us Violently, that We Might Fall, but thy LORD Helped Us... The LORD Is Our Strength and Song, and He has become Our Salvation.. The Voice Of Rejoicing and Salvation is in the Tents Of The Righteous* the Righ Hand Of The LORD does Valiantly.. The Right Hand Of He LORD Is Exalted, The Right Hand Of The LORD does Valiantly.! We Shall Not Die, but Live and Declare the Works and Walks Of The LORD Our GOD.. The LORD has Chastened Us Severely, bu He has not given Us over to Death.. Open to Us thy Gates Of Righteouness Oh LORD Our GOD'' We will Praise The LORD.. This is thy Gate Of The LORD, through Which thy Righteous shall Enter.. We will Praise YOU, for YOU have Answered Us and have Become Our Salvation...... The Stone which the Builders Rejected has Become Thy Chief Cornerstone... This was thy LORD's doing, It is Marvelous in Our Eyes.... This is thy Day the LORD has Made, We will Rejoice and Be Glad in it.. Save now, we Prayed O LORD; O LORDN we Prayed, Send now Prosperity... Blessed is He who cmes in thy Nme Of The LORD! We have Blessed You from the House of the LORD.. GOD is the LORD, ad He hs given Us Light; Bind the Sacrifice with Cords to the Horns Of Thy Altar.. You are Our GOD, and We will Praise You; You are Our GOD, We will Exalt THEE..... Oh Give Thanks to thy LORD, for HE Is Good.! For His Mercy Endures Forever.!
Little Azaleah Feb 2016
You don't know how I feel but that's okay.
I wasn't planning on telling you anyway 'cause right now, there's too much on our plate already.
This feeling I'm feeling now will dismiss slowly, and it'll be okay again.

{ E.I }
Yoni Sav Mar 2014
Righ now I would tear down my mind
if it would help me to let you inside
So much to say, so much I can't.
Paige May 2015
the poem starts righ now my poem has already started
I’ve had this rash for about 3 months now
and no matter how much cream i apply it never seems to go away
it seems to be right on my chest itch after itch
I’m attempting to scratch it away **** i made myself bleed

I wait for it to stop and when i think I’m done scratching it comes back
scrapping scuffing anything to get him away HIM
this boy that is my rash that i can’t seem to push away
wrapping himself around me with blankets of words that twist up my spine and spiral down my back
Him who i refer to as satan has wrapped me around his long soft cigarette smelling hand holding fist clenching tear wiping fingers HIM
who won’t go away after hours of rubbing
who is not like my other rashes because unlike my other rashes this one is on my chest and the heart is located on the chest and the other rashes were located in my head because i wanted them to be something they were not
him who i don’t want to be a rash anymore
him who i wanted to be a birthmark and never leave me
him who is with someone else
but the rash is scaring and no matter how much coco butter i apply its here
forever this rash will be apart of me even when i don’t have the appetite to feed into its hunger by scratching or ripping or tearing him
who i would give my worst days for him to have his best
him who i wish i could tell how i feel
but ill keep scratching itch after itch after itch
my rash
Mishka Apr 2014
How could anything so pure feel so bad?
When did we decide that loving each other was a risk, and evil, something we had to hide deep inside ourselves, not even telling each other
True love is supposed to be a once in a lifetime chance and I'm terrified that we’re letting this go because we’re too afraid
Soul mates are supposed to be rare, and we’re letting ourselves become extinct
Why does this feel *****?
I have dreams about you where we sit in public and talk and clasp hands on top of the table
No shame, no blushed-downwards gazes
I like you so much
Looking at your face makes me shy
It’s like a rainbow, seeing it too often makes you unappreciative so I try to avoid temptation
I wish I could die
I would rather die than be told that this is evil
That when my heart grows bigger and I feel like I've swallowed jumping beans when I see you, it’s a bad thing
Wrong wrong wrong rong rog rig righ right
I love you
**** them
Come here
Please be with me
No shame
No hurt
Contraducción May 2019
You are,
This awesome person who really loves to laugh with anyone; to make friends and not enemies; who worries about who's infront of them righ then right now, at that moment.

Because, if not?
Why are you here then?
Have a nice day
TreadingWater Apr 2017
dr _ unk a//gain
,...sip you in,...
my love
my friend
Draw. A. Line.
~use ~a ~pen
& here we are
》》back agaIN
i know [the score]
^how  ^you ^^
you miss me now
you're 《《back with her
ssssslide right in
& i'll stand| by |
SoupHands Mar 2016
I hope I never die
So I can see when this fabled future makes its ******* entrance
Each day is the present, the same boring, grimy, hopeless present
I'd love to see when that happens.
I hope the zealots never die
So when the world disintigrates around them
They will never get to meet the god they love so much
I hope the suits never die
I wanna be there when there's nothing left to own
And theres no bank or server big enough
To hold all that blood money
I hope I never die
So when that oncoming tectonic crash creates the cataclysm
That I've always wanted to see
I hope I never die
So I can be witness to when we as a people get pushed just a little bit to far
And we finally stop cooperating

On the other hand
I hope die as loudly as possible
So when the future shows up, I can punch it in the ******* face
I wanna ride the bomb righ into the vatican
And I hope I can see the panic in a suits eyes
As we chase each other toward the concrete
I hope when the big one comes, that I'm the first to go
So I can laugh and laugh and laugh
2014, a very different mind, a very different me....
I am a fan of the whole "man who watches the world burn" attitude
Jerry Howarth Oct 2021
This is not a poem, this is a story of a an 83 yr old man, that
got away with lying aboat his actual age, so he could box,
for the light weight Dallas County Iowa, championship.

"Howath is the name and these are my two knock out fists, Gerald
and Ron, and I'm here to sign up for the light heavy weight championship boxing title of Dallas County."

That was my official registration to the County boxing Commisson.
They of course ask me my age and some other questions related to
my boxing experience, to which I lied very convincingly.

By the way, the way to lie convincinly is to literally believe yourself what you are lying about. I had spent hours telling myself the lies I told the Boxing Commission, so they had no doubt about what I told them about my boxing experience. I even had some fake newspaper articles about my boxing experiences that I printed on my home printing press. I'll tell more about this later in this story.

What motivated me o do this, was the current chjampion was the
Grandson of one of my high school class mates that I detested, because h was such a proud blow hard, about every athletical thing
he did, from being a baseball pitcher, a running back football player,
a wrestler and on and on he bragged about himself. One time when
I could not somach his bragging and pompous ay he walked, I confonted him to his face, actually his chin, as that was as close to
his face I stood. He was aout 6' 4'' and I was slightly over 6'. I looked him in the eyes and told him I and every one else in school was sick
and tired of his bragging about himself.

He then sneared a me, reached down and gabbed me by the coller of my shirt, and said. "Why you little dumb pimpsqueet, you aint nothing but a hog raising farm boy!" and shoved me hard against
the hall way wall, so I smacked the back of  my head against it, and
knocked out for a few minutes, long enough for someone dumping a cup full of water on my face to bring me alert. Then ol blow hard
spread it around that I had attemped to hit him and he "just naturally" defended himself and gave me a little shove.

But back to the main part of this story, I had been working out in the city gym, workig on my cardio, thats my breathing. I had been keeping up with my physical condition all of my life, so for an 83 yr old man  I am in good physical shape. I have been punching the heavy bag on daily basis , and have had someone bouncing a heavy medicine ball on my stomach five minutes every day, so I have  those three muscle stand outs on my stomach, tht every body ooos and aaas about.

I also sparred with young boys around 20 and 30 years old, convincing them I was just 28, by my foot work and bobbing and weaving and left hand jabs. I still had a good head of hair, which I
had dyed a light black, which also convinced the boxing commission that I was 38, actually the year I was bornd, 1938

My boxing bout with the young grandson of this high school class mate that I detested, was suppoe to be just a warm up match for him, in preperation for a title fight. He was the Dallas County Light Heavy Weight champion defending his title against some unbeaten
opponant. My goal was to knock him out, and disqualify his title fight.

Oh yes, I neglected to mention my boxing manager, who was a young 62 year old retired boxer. He didn't grow up in
Dallas County, Iowa,  so he had no idea of my bckground age. He came from New York or New something.  I had him convinced that I was just 38 yrs old also. I grew up in a small town called Clive about 60 miles from Des Moines, were the fight was scheduld. Clive was a town with a population of around 2500 when I lived there. Most of the people who knew me are living under ground,
or in a old folks home, so the secret of my age will not be revealed.
This grandson of the school mate I detested, is just like his Dad, a smart mouth, bragging, pompous, cocky strutton show boat. He has no idea who I am, but has already started boasting about what he is going to do t me.

"Hey, I'm only 27 yrs old and this old man I'm fighting is 38 yrs old. Somebody will have to help him through the ropes to get in the ring." "What's an old man like him still thinks he is a boxer?

"He ought to be sitting on his back porch, watching the rabbits and squirrels hop around."

"He claims  to be 38 yrs old, I'll knock him out in 38 seconds in round 3."
He came to the gym when I was working out one morning to scout me out; I put on an act of being slow and winded.

He yelled at me from a few feet away, "Hey old man, my kid sister
has a faster jab then you. You sure you want to fight me?"

My manager walked up to him, and gave him a double arm shove
out the door, so hard he stumbled. "You big mouth punk, crawl
back in the skunk hole you came from."

                           The Big Fight

I was in the ring first, and was warming up wih litle dance steps I had had learned in a dance studio, which I intended to use on him, BTW  his name was Virgil Thornley, but he took pride in calling himself, "V T"=Very Tuff.

He was taking his time coming to get nto the ring,  and when he did decide to enter, he did so with a bunch of short skirted cheer leading girls dancing to loud music being played. When he approched the ring, two of the girls, squatted down on one knee and VT than made a big show of standing on each of their leg, and pushed himself off, tumbling over the ropes onto the ring apron.
amid 40,000 loud cheering fans.

"Enjoy it while you can VT, becaus in about 15 minutes, five three minute rounds, yu're gonna have 40,000 stunned fans looking at you, sprawled half way under the ring ropes, watchng the referee
waving the fight over."
                                ROUND ONE
JT came quickly to the center of the ring with a stupid looking
grin on is face, hands down, swinging back and forth at his waist level.

I took a couple steps towad him, then through him a big surprize,
that stopped him in his tracks. I did a little two step tap dance, and in the few seconds it took him to recover from surprize, I took a quick step toward him and shot out a left jab, purposly hitting
his right eye. Over my years of boxing experience, I developed a
fast twist at the end of the jab. This little twist would tear the skin
producing a cut in the eyebrow, which it did to VT. I don't think he had ever bee cut before by the way he wiped his eye, leaving his face unprotected, of which I took advantage, and smacked him with
another quick jab on his nose, drawing another spurt of blood.

VT wasn't expexcting such an early barrage of attack, and strted back peddling. Once again, I put on my little tap dance,
to a 40,00 applauding, whistling crowd of men, women and teen agers. By now ol VT had no idea what to do with me. He took a quick look over at his corner for help. And when he did I took a big step foward and planed to quick left jabs on each of his eyes.

I heard the fight annoncer telling the radio listners, he had never seen such a show boating boxer like  Howarth is putting
on. He has VT totally confused, not knowing what to do with
him. He came in to this fight as a warm up for his upcoming defensive championship fight with Scrapiron Peel and he is being bloodied and cut up, by what in the boxing sport is considered old, a man close to his 40's but is moving like a 25 or 26 year old. Folks I don't recall Howarth in any past fights, but uh, hang on a moment Howarth is moving around VT, bobbing, weaving and talking to him, I can't quite read his lips, but someting about going down in uh, some round. Meanwhile VT continues to back peddle away from Howath, who is trying to cut him off....Oh! now Howarth stops chasing him and motioned with his hands to come in and fight. There's the bell ending this third round.

There is some kind of commotion going on behind me.... some one wants to tell me something, but is being detained by the police.
Hey officers, let him talk to me. Folks, this is the crasiest night I have ever experienced, let's see what this old man, I'm serious about Old, He mst be  "Uh how old are you, sir?"

"I'm just a couple years younger than Howarth. We  grew up together in Perry, Iowa. I'm 81 years old and that old man in the ring, he was known as "Howie" is 83 years old and...."

"Hold on just jack rabbit minute! Are you telling me, that Howarth,
  what did you call him? Howie, that boxer in the ring,  beating VT, the current light weight Dallas County champion, is 83 years old? Is that what you are saying?"

"Yep, dats whot Im sayng.We growed up t'gether, in da same school t'gether, wrestled and boxed t'gether, and I'm 81 years old and he was alays 2 yars older'n me, so I knows he is 83 yars old.

Folks., getting back to the igh, VT is circuling to his right to get in position to throw is left hook and then is righ overhand knock ut puncht . I think Howie is aware of what VT is trying and keeps circing to his left.

This is the  the round Howarth bragged he would KO VT. VT is coming out in his usual swagering way, Howarth had him intimiated in the first four rounds, with his little dancing jig and blooding his nose and eye. VT wasn't use to that kind of pressure, but his corner manager and some others that joined him, gave him a little pep talk, and so he has regained his cofidence. As usual Howarth, trys his little tap dance aa he approaches VT, it's gotten a little much and no one is cheering it.

I failed to ask you, old man, your name"

"I was known as Scrapieon in Perry, my real ame isRichard Peel.
Yo said dis is da round Howie is going to lower da boom on this young feller?"

"Well that's what he told the fight reporters in the news paper. But frankly, I have doubts that he can do it. Thus far all I've seen from your friend is  a few left jabs. He hasn't used his right in the entire fight."

"Well you just keep your eyes on his right; what yor going to see is a flurry of left jabs, ad out of nowhere his right and will suddenly show up and that will be the end of the fight."

Well folks there is just three minites left i thos round, if Howie is going to KO VT, he is ging tp alf to get more agressie than, oh,Howie just connected with a double left jab, and another one and he had VT weak leggedfromma barrage of jabs. He looks like he is about to go down OH WOW Howie hit him with a straight right hand punch right between his eyes and VT is on the canvas, tryng too ge up, the count is up to 5, 6,7 VT was up at the cnt of 8 bt collapst. The referee is waving the figt over, and tne Dallas County  light heavy weight champion has been kocked out by Howie Howarth in the 5th round just as he predicted.
ROUND oxing epeiec
dannysilva Dec 2012
Be brave to stand up against the overwhelming power of a monopolous tyrany.
All should gather as one to liberate the populus from decades of dynasty.
Let everyone know that the righ time has finally come.
And it is timely to restart and let the people know to end this sham.
Over two decades has and have been long enough for them to rule above us.
Arise, take a stand and prepare your spears to aim and ******.
No more mugging of our towns people, no more summoned ones will go home crippled.
VividaVortex Mar 2018
I find more joy in getting on Facebook to see what happened "On This Day." It's a gamble I'd rather, the familiar no matters. Could be a photo tag with somebody no longer a "friend." A beautiful piece of me I decided to share. Afrocentric stellar art. Depression markers. Funny meme. Punny me. Beats scrolling the news feed, being a lurk, seeing the same personalities at work, letting me in but not all the way. The beauty of Facebook. It's like a new relationship. You learn somebody. Their mannerisms. What they find socially palatable. Soulfully compatible. Well, you think you learn somebody.  Then your spirits meet below the surface and you pretend you don't see each other. It's easier to deal. Easier to bare. Mmm. Distractions, righ?  They're everywhere. This day, I chose not to bother with Facebook and commanded what would happen on this day. It's the gamble I'd now rather, actively choosing to simply live happier.
"If I died... Would that ensure your happiness, my love?
'Cause I' d die for you..."

Why are you here?
To make me stay and wander again what righ or wrong?
What should I do?
And why?
To make me feel much worse for I still have to obey
The ugly rules of a yesterday I wanted forgotten...
A past nobody wanted.

Why are you here?
What do you want?
What is your purpose in life?
You ruined it.

What's wrong?
Am I still annoying? Still here, existing, doing,
Saying something, struggling
Pis-Pis-******* you
Like a **** in boots,
Like a star, like a rock taken down from the Mountain,
Like a river of black
Like a peacock lost for the vain
To keep taking, keep nurturing,
Keep saying something... worth being told.
Like a piece of cotton-candy thrown to the blue halo
Space embraced saying that I am ******* you
Like a ****-Bussed-Rouse,
That home-made cookie you poisoned
Then threw to the garbage.
Now Make it good.

"If I died... Would that ensure your happiness, my love?
'Cause I' d die for you..."
A stupid note: I thought I loved you but now I know that saying wasn't a good choice and leaving would have meant a desaster...
Expect me to give thanks for this!
I misplaced
the years conjugates
in the place
your tears full of Lost sorrowful fate
which eradicates.
blood feels my hemisphere
when the eyes are shown through hate
wishing I could just disappear
so let me demonstrate
my decision to dissipate
when I awake
what you imitate
life's just a nightmare
because loves often fake
could you relate
whats the purpose
It's worthless
like an empty dinner plate
lifes end comes again
this time at a faster rate
your heart drives the interstate
truth to Faith
When your trying to get righ
so leave what you can take
entertain the death
that populates from brain to shame
it's all the same
and I might just make
what you can't break
from state to state
to pollinate
all the disease that I create
make no mistakes
I'm here to discriminate
terminate all the dead souls
crows at your toes
picking your flesh and Bones
sky blood red
water blood red
grounds blood red
everyone's full of dread
to anneliate politician trate .
I'm on a mission
to become the combustion
from a piston.
To make you listen.
explain my decision
to **** like its a competition.
monarch driven.
to be in the highest possession
historically written.
and did I mentioned.
I dont give a **** about any pension.
You put a price on  my time
when its never replaced
and all the tension
when its your life
I waste
to be earsed
from this dimension
Yeah this dimension

— The End —