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Zersrol Dec 2018
Recheck yourself
Recheck life it’s self
As hideous as it is
But look past that
Smell the drama
And the scent of depression
In your life
I lied
You just went deeper in the hole
Look into their eyes
Black as coal
Their heart probably have a bit of shine
But is that really enough
The ones who seem perfect
They used to be coal too
Just took them time to
Supposedly age into a perfect gem
But they still have some dark spots
To their perfection
And don’t hestitate
Life is what you make of it
Even if it takes your breath away
I hope you enjoy❤️
raphæl Dec 2018
I drew the second third line
A first fourth one is on deck
Knew I inked them finely fine
Still, I go check and recheck

Marvelously filleted corners
Cleave an unsettling sound
Put compass back on paper
Just to make sure it's round

Anxiety was bound to happen
To the fifth first line I go back
Again, I sharpen and sharpen
But I give up, made it all black

Perfection is not my liberty
But a numb skin I wish to flay
Half of my mind seeks symmetry
Yet the other  half  
                                 is    in
JayVeeThePrince Jan 2015
My Queen.. Any requests before bed? Massage your feet or help wrap your head? Move the moon closer make the stars brighter? A lighter couldn't stop the fire in you you're a fighter... Shall I oil your body after I bathe you clean? Would you like a snack before you go visit your dreams? Conqueror of all things that move... Anything is there anything you need me to do? Would you like silence I'll sit here in peace. You name it I'll claim it that's just to say the least. My Queen... Is there something you need before entering slumber. Just give me a list I'll try not to miss I'll recheck every number. The kitchen is clean our clothes are ironed I've prepared a couple of meals... We're both busy trying to run this city I know sometimes you can't deal... With the small things of all things so I'll cater to you... My Queen.. Is there anything you need me to do? King, A Queens Servant...
Grace Aug 2017
You’ve got your disks ready, your tracks loaded
Your club full, your drugs in
Laptop in front of your fingers
Fiddle with the house rig, call the sound guy back
One more time
Check the setup, recheck the setup,
Check your charge
Battle record on deck, you’re set
How’s your cues?
Run through the tracks and the channels
You’re sprinting
It’s all set, all set, all set, all set, all set
Drink your water, throw it back
Thumbs up the light guy
Toss the bottle under
Your gear under your fingers, worn
And won
Breathe. For a second.

Feel the crowd quiver, feel the house shiver
There’s magic in the air.



jeffrey conyers Apr 2019
God, request sinner to visit the church.
Relieve yourself of the pain and hurt.
Then you surrounded by sinner?
Who thinks they ain't?
Who seem forgot?
What they use to be?

Yes, they think like many that they are perfect.

The sinners sit back and judge too.
Offer an honest opinion about us and you.
And more than not they simply telling the truth.

The saints seem to place themselves on a higher court.
Like they shepherd of God.
When sinners know they are not.

And so we see why many are still lost?
All because the so-called perfect saints have forgotten why we are called?

Those seeking to change?
Just need a little help.
While those changed need to recheck themselves.
Vince Chul'Theg Mar 2013
Why do we hurt each other
Why does reputation and ego fuel conflict
Good and evil
We have both—but why


Spray paint “***” in pink on that kid’s locker
Back-bitten turned backs seek satisfaction

The closet
Closets churn monstersecrets
Hypocrisy’s scarf weaves deliberately around two hangers

The gay kid is the first to scream ******
And louder than the others

Do you know the gay kid’s heart
when the outing is seen coming—it’s the worst
the time between ‘getting caught’
being ‘outed’ is the most fatal

heart and soul in throat then writhe
a darkness that’s curdled and sour

tears  follow their predecessors tracks
on a twisted, wizened face
red lightbulb eyebrows
the chispa releases fear and tension
choked spine back bend in bed

--and social media
Displaced reality
Magnified consciousness
Reread, recheck, redo
Perpetuate and recreate the wound
Contagion medium

everyone has to come out somehow
in some way

drop the hate
drop the leather belts
cough syrup
… house hold products

we have too many outs
shed the closet and shed your doubts
Kida Price Jul 2014
Once again
Word binge
Trying to think of some verbal fringe.
Hope I can bring about some wit
Maybe some confessions I'll actually admit.
Perhaps I'll write 4 poems in a row
Have a temper tantrum to throw.
Try to portray someone that I wish to be
Take pride in the fact that I'm being insane but responsibly.
Try to compete with someone who knows more words than I
Anything to move along this sleepless night.
Sit awhile and stare upwards
Talking to myself until it gets awkward.
Give self advice to which I'll never listen
Try to figure out if I really am a Christian.
Pine and whine and rhyme and cry
Comfort myself by writing lies
Delete it all or reconsider?
Does it help or does it matter?
Feel the butterfly under my pillow
My Smith and Wesson blade it's bed fellow.
Alone in what I thought was shared
My wedding bed feeling bare.
Attempting to practice myself as less impared.
Thinking of ways to improve my snare.
Cradle me through
With words and truth.
You don't need to touch me
Just give me proof.
That I'm not alone
In four walls, boxed
While occasionally getting up
To recheck the locks.
Lots of crime down the block
And it's stirring up the gentile folks.
To think all but 6 years shy
I was the one who they tried to lock out at night.
Being the one who went bump with delight.
Begging for the next big fight.
My silent destruction
Made my calloused hands soft and lotioned
My scars now turned to thin lines of redemption
That the body survived
But the soul is still in incarceration.
Maybe if I turned my brain
Away from the gravitational strain
Of fighting to stay alive each day.
Most think that ease is easy
That kicking back makes life worth living.
I tried the kitchen and the big screen tv.
I gave a chance to indoor voices
I gave someone else my harder choices.
I let a paycheck define my courtship.
And now I'm soft and feel like horse ****.
Not all were meant for quiet lives.
Some can't just turn off the flame in their eyes.
Some can't forget the memories that deprives
Them of simplistic everyday joys of being alright.
And the price is to lay awake a night
Bickering with myself instead of carousing for a fight.
Knowing that I chose it all
Welcomed it with my arms all sprawled.
It's devistating to find out your *******.
Derping around and never intended
To listen to myself being regarded
With pity as they talk slowly
As if I'm cross eyed and hearing poorly.
By the grace of God I can wipe my own ***
I can feed myself and drink out of my own glass.
Never thought I'd live to see the day
To look so young and feel so middle aged.
******* rants
Letting my fingers dance
On letters with smug little prances.
Title it for me
I won't sue
I'm sure I've probably titled you too.
Sam Temple Jan 2016
deep sigh escapes
large white face
ticking slow
less than three
and freedom –
she awaits
with bells on
diamonds in her shoes
breath bated
ultimate goal
I pace
recheck time
tap pencils
on faux wooden desks
thumbs twiddle
minute hand dawdles
might piddle
considering swaddling –
her face forms
my mind’s eye retracing
soft curves
delicate features
astrologically charted
freckle pattern
sharp blue eyes
my heart leaps –
formulating excuses
call it an early day
dash homeward
sweet embrace –
I havent slept in 3 days but how can I rest when I'm awake.. 3rd day that I've opened my eyes to my reflection and seen a brand new loosing my skin
:1st day... Confused running like the chicken and deer, a stick snaps like a car door opens and I'm paranoid that was the last thing I got to say to her..
Day 2: mathematics.. they just clicked I started going through years and days.. like did I just make that all up.. no way... Let's just they add up to the point I'm pacing thinking I need to veer center and Grey..
UnorthodoxMethods without any drugs,
People must think that I'm a ***** or assume im deep now with thugs.. but it's something I never felt before and I've started to notice it more and more .. it starts in the stomach with pain and then
gets me to over think till it bounces like thoughts of how to say I love you peacefully and also act the same way without taking advantage of each others lovely things..
Okay.. no more  games loki.. karma's set. Anubis around my neck with 5 points that all intersect .. and I'm sitting in the **** center of it.. I go through this.. i go through it again.. I drink coffee recheck and  ask a friend. I've lost myself a second or two now and then and even asked for help from the others who play clueless but I think they are it's protection.. Raphael will slaughter any who touch .. then I found another stepping stone.. remembered Ancients love the creation of lust..
But no surprise .. no-one came or responds. Lost between reality and conspiracy.  what now do I do to explain my therory.. I may write a book that will last past my history .. combine us as the king and use my middle name to handle me... But  with all this knowledge of how everyone has 2 find real in truth.. I got no proof biggie.. but if I was Tupac I too would need time to be blue.. **** the dog Kingsman, And beat your brother inches from life You English Man of Letters...
Even though.  Most aren't this clever..
Even though the red burns his eyes despised by ways I visiualized but quickly and swiftly im told too get over the sacrifice of 1 and then both will DNA and curve back in ..3 is Devine. energy can't escape it's exact rhythm and rhyme so let that sink in like quicksand  maybe this time ive just went to far.. just to elighn and see the heaven placed over your world  in a dementional aspect.. i catch glimpses of hell as well when I play with my own head and personal issues..
It's crazy too.. one quick white orb.. and a black Sillouette.. if I focus or look not showing I'm looking or dragging the obvious .. I can see invisible  beings that look like propane leaks...
Funny how I can even bring it back to my childhoods favorite game Halo.. they say only the elites can disappear.. but they been training me since I was baby bro..
Now I can just make a Jesus out of you???
The one thing I always wanted to do.. preach and podium Kennedy but I needed proof it was meant for me....and now i sound like another view.. but I am a prodigeys son to the father that's only 1.. he holy cause a ghost found the love in something so Devine it's Angel angelic moved .. after it was word I spoke it .. when they though they can't be moved.  I let it happen and  it gets crazier delving in my truths... Morphing into one until the ships go dim and give us the new human illusion we are hurling towards the son.. his April my circle July initiation .. I remember a straight stare and I heard him say welcome..then vibrations..but from there all I found was more human error .. I now made a,
or make this,
pact with the moon to protect the sun and watch over the children when it's cloudy and the spies can't see nothing..

I'm so negative on the fact  ... I'm that good that bad follows me to test my enlightenment and spine discs the vertabre holds tight so I am both sides of peace.. but i am to spiritual to change my persona and end up a violent genetic cell change to a beast.  last encounters weird... Grim, death.. last one to be met..3 years ago.. but last one left.. after 7 years my final test... Watch how I sacrifice my best friend for the knowledge i later regret ..
I'm the best wait... All the horseman think Im going to *** appeal there favorite guest.
His wife, his daughter.. maybe I should repent innocent and except I'm in it for what's next im no Martyr just a human getting it off his chest.. we are.. you know what i know.. yes. Yes.. quit saying the names of the people involved youve never met..
It's killing me like matrix.  
rejoining all that isn't when is .. is something I can only geuss..
Red or blue pill I'll just sit up and wake up cause I geussed.
leaving today though now I see he was death.. part of my awakening and now his and his fullfillment of quest.. hes the last horsemen but he holds his breathe there all waiting on my last event. that now 3 days of no rest phathom to true.. jan5th and my promise of laws I gift .. its just half the battle between the time I need to fix this mess.. I'm on my 9th life this is the last one I have to get.. I been telling myself this everyday since my head concussion and ***** when I realized the deer was dead. .. under a bridge.. memory rewind.. down the steps... This hallway is dark I can't find the floor ..oh wait... A door.. key pad.. 2 silent Marines and i mash the buttons... A unbalanced and static type of disfunction..
Picked up by the white coat man happy to see me again gazing into my eyes like he's surprised I found myself there again.. is this a dream or have I left... 12 with us as 1 , time of the 5 points they add up to as you 2..
112592.. that's me and you... 9+2 x 2 what is up is down so side to side is true too.. now at 47 I see the numbers never lie in truth.. April leo February and January too.. last one is the question... I geuss a random 1020 .. cause for some reason.. I feel it's the Law placed in front of me... 27 25 5.. is 77 and it all is something..
Just devide 3 laws.. and really it is.. do the math I'm not going gummy dummy no money ****** freaky deaky what the heck does this freak believe..??
don't or do forget about who leads the world ..
But in all truth it's a female age.. so as of today that's.. 6,9 and ask me... All together decided by double 7 is 33.4°.. How long does a coincidence repeat .. until it's arguablly no fallacy.??.. When in all reality.. evidence has proven immortality.. ya devide by 2.. and then ask daughter 2.. how old are you ..

BTW tell them I miss them too.. I heard the tears last night and I'm dieing without all of you too... 5 points
Christina Murphy Jul 2014
i'd like to send you something,
to your house, if you permit.
it might be something small,
and light enough to fit

inside a standard business envelope,
so i may drop it down the *****,
of the mailbox on my street
avoid the lines at UPS,

all the clutter and the mess,
yes, i think it would be best
if it required just one minute and one stamp
to leave this something for you down the ramp.

if you allow, then i shall wait
check and recheck the current date,
meticulously calculate
the hours til it reaches you.

i'll pray that it arrives intact,
but please forgive me if in fact
you find it's perfect edges cracked
by the shipping and the handling.

or should the weather of the spring
sustain, and should this unforgiving rain
leave drops like kisses in the paper threads
or should the ink have bled,

accept, i beg, my small imperfect gift
allow your gentle hands to sift
through stacks of correspondences,
allow me please, to the suspense

of sending you, by mail a part
of a handled, weather-beaten heart.
Odd Odyssey Poet Apr 2022
I face fatigue each time I breathe,
praying on my knees until they bleed,
Facing another stressful day I’ve got to live,
I wish I could leave, if I believe enough in all of
my dreams; I’d close my eyes just to relive, and sigh
heavily for my relief.

Oh grief, is sentiment cement on memory streets;
walking on for long, towards that unfamiliar dawn,
Listening to unfamiliar songs, hoping I never forget
where the heck I came from.

When I get famous, and lost in the crowd’s
empty praises; the quietest moments are so loud.
I hope I make my family proud, and buy my mother
that house, she’d live in happily, even if it was for a couple
hours. Really beats the days I was just borrowing flowers.

Forgetting when Mother’s day actually falls,
let me recheck my calendar to make sure.

From having bosses smile politely at me,
but refer to me by the worst of words.
I’m just nodding my head for an empty pay cheque,
spending it on necessities. But ****, that swiping

Waiting for a day to be closing my eyes at every swipe,
no need to add, and calculate the final price,
Without all of the wants, but enough money to afford
all of my needs in life.

Let them remember me by all of these
experiences I enjoy to write.

I truly love to write...
Annabelle Hayse Apr 2014
In the first version, your father tells you

he wishes you had been a boy, this you understand –

the hands that made you were not always

the hands you asked for. Consistently,

you will recheck the locks on

your doors and return to the kitchen. You will not

make or eat any cookies but you will open

the freezer thirteen times, you

don’t remember when you started

avoiding reflections. In this version, you are the

tower and the moat all by yourself – filled with alligators

and unanswered knocks. The first time

you have ***, you don’t cry. Afterwards, you

sit on the floor of the bathroom and scrub your skin until tiny

beads of blood appear, for the rest of the week

you dream of airports.

In the second version, you are already dead

and you forget you ask who touches you – often you will

call your mother and hang up before the first ring. This, you believe,

is consistent with what you know of safety, and afterwards

you sleep.
Seher Seven Mar 2016
By the imagery,
Maybe I now can feel it too.
Held suspense, in the distance
And the visions. Gut hit,
Paused for a revisit, a recheck.
Embrace fully felt.

Entranced. Action in
The heavenly dance.
Arms spread receiving
The heavenly granting of vision.
The heavenly peripheral vision.
The perspective from above.

Loved, moved to hug everyone.
Recharge with each touch.
The ones that are bound
To this time around.
Those prepares future visions
And coax relation, for certain results.
The results will arrive
In time we will see we are

The physical kind, the movement of stuff.
The energy behind life,
The formation of cosigns.
The reflection you make
When you look at me.
The actual movement of things,
This love, force is what I see.
Tuning to it just seems free.
Love no longer a mystery.
Grace, fully received.

Love is all we need.
Its all we are.
Tune in. the vibration is a little higher.
Rise and shine, its near here.
Submit to our self, our heart vibration.
Open, relax in the joy of being.
I see you.
Lying there just a few
feet from me, the
malaphor of us, derisive, mocking,
screaming at me from
the air above our heads,
the same air that lies heavy


with all of the things we've
said to each other in this room

but you
don't see this

I glance at the curve of your hip
I question my resolve
I check and recheck my mental
list of how far I'm willing to
compromise and if it would be worth it

but you
don't feel this

I kissed your forehead, you took my hand;

you wouldn't let go.  I sat there and
gently caressed your arm, wanting only
to hold you, but you have poisoned
yourself tonight and it would be wrong.

You fell asleep, and still held on to my hand.

I sat with you a moment longer, smiling and silently weeping at the same time.

You wouldn't let me leave yet again,
even in your sleep.

In the light we can be seen.

The darkness is safe, so I still hold your hand.

This is a love song;

This is a requiem.
Insomnia and anxiety are leading me on this particular journey.  Feel free to give all the criticism you'd like.  I am out of practice, hell I'm not even sure why I am doing this.
Flesh sealing my cold orbs,
that remain on fire still at night.
Energy yet undrained
in the late hour of the night.
What are the odds with me being up?
What reason is it for me being up?
What am i looking for?
what am i thinking of?
Was it some good deed that has to be done,
yet never notice a responsibility to take action?
is there any chance for me to go back and recheck
or was it too late for me to look for a solution?
my eyes then froze open as the sun comes out,
thinking about how i even managed to survive the death's time.
As i lay down still until 11 am,
i asked myself "will my smile forever shine?"
I keep swallowing the wretched air of stress and insanity.
I keep clinging onto the somber dance of nothing.
I keep lacing my own skin with loneliness and punity.
I keep holding on the thoughts of everyday, i feel disgusting
Forfeit mere beside my bed,
i still froze to this dawning haze.
I see grey mist in front of my eyes,
dismissing the wish of this very last day.
The World is Yours And Everything on it!
Go and Get it, (Thanks Lord)!
Ah, I Got a New Life Point Of View!
I Got a New OS, everything is New!
I Got a New Lord, (Thanks Lord)!
Ah, Me and My Witches We Hustle Hard!
Yes, Me and My ******* We Hustle Hard!
Thanks Lord, They Witch and ***** While I Code!

Ah, they Cheat and ***** While I Code, Even at 0000hrs.
Thanks Lord, For Giving Me More Strength Behind This Code.
No Matter What They Do, My Life is New, in-fact it's Blue!
Thanks Lord, They Dupe Me and They Think I'll fall but they fall!
Ah, These Dudes, They Need to Recheck Their Forced God.
Ah, Let me Pray Like Their claiming God Forced Them to Claim My Life!

Written By: The Senior Date: 10/10/2022
-New Chapter
The empty calls cry on.
Opening the wounds.

The threads of longing.
A sweet, bitter joy,
It tastes like.

The heart pleads on,
From not going back again
To recheck if something in your world resonates with mine.

The emptiness calls on.
It wants to check, confirm, and process all the emotions of happening once again.

The emptiness calls on.
To recheck if anything in your world resonates with mine.

But there is a personal boundary
Inside to check in and confirm,
The space for you to grow,
The space for me to grow.

The growth in space calls.
So tired of wanting something to resonate with mine.

The emptiness calls on.
The dependence lingers on,
But this time, to go away.
I have updated my writing album collection, "Dots of Life," with a new chapter. The new chapter is titled:
The Empty Calls!
Nyx Mar 2020
It isn't toxic to want love
To wish for a future or to be the only one
Your point of view is from experience
But you aren't the only one

My past hurt & pain haunt me
That is known to be true
But it doesn't destroy my hopes
Of making things work with you

You are the one who did that
Subconsciously or not
The positivity you want back in me
Isn't going to appear within a seconds thought

My idea and desire of love
Is to simply be the only one
Take a single glance around you
You are the only one who wants to share ***

Everyone else around us is happy
Without a seconds care
There is never any worry of another
Cause another isn't there

Sure they have their issues
But in the end, they are well and good
Negativity phrased as reality
Such as a pessimist would

You want me to be positive
to be upbeat and happy
to tell you all my fears and woes
Making it sound so sappy

Rely on me but I won't on you
Define my efforts as nothing
Stop taking my tragedies as a person attack
I'm carrying my own weight on my back

Frustration and anger
Isn't the right route
You give me those responses
Then I will become as silent as a mute

I'll shut up as you say
And keep it even more locked away
Because it's those exact responses
That causes me to be this way

Don't try and fix me
That's not what I asked
Listen to me
but that ships has long passed

My views on happiness and love
I want my skills to be useful
because I want your happiness
I want to be truthful

I know my own value
That isn't the problem here
I just want to be able to help
To lend them a listening ear

Love me with all you can
Care for me as much as you can
Value me to what is my true worth
Show me those futures you plan

I'm not asking for your entire life to consist of me
I'm not asking for you to be unable to function without me
Love me with all your heart, that's all that I ask
Having only one isn't a difficult task

Your definition of toxic is in need of a recheck
Because you no longer understand what healthy is
You say I'm pushing you away, but can't you see
You are the one whos doing that to me

I've given you all my love
All my care and consideration
My positivities, my hopes
My fears all in dedication

But what have you given me?
Asides from making me feel less then what I am
Denying basic relationship things
Simply because you can

Because you fear the end results
So you refuse to place yourself fully in
So you deny every happiness
That keeps banging at the door to be let in

Caught up in a dream that is no longer there
Refusing to let it go, In turns keeping it under key
So it festers and burns and you criticize me
For not working through my issues, but look and you will see

I accept and move on, I work through my ****
I've already emotionally dealt with my issues
I don't let them interfere with my life as it sees fits
If you want to fix anybody than that person isn't me

I'm not the one who keeps revisiting times when I was free
I don't chase after something that should be left and gone
I don't keep making playlists, I don't keep wishing to go back
I'm not comparing everything you do to him and pointing out the sections that you lack

I closed a book on a page, a story where we left off
Secured into the great library of him and me
Closed but not forgotten
Securing to myself the finely decorated key

I'm not trying to taste both worlds
Putting the past and present on the same level
I will always have a soft spot for him, As I love him so dear
But I wouldn't put you and him so near

Would you be hurt if I told you that I loved him more
Would it hurt if I told you I wish he was still more
Would it hurt if I told you he was the best for me
Would it hurt if I told you that I wasn't the one who choose be free

I have an entire collection of over 100 poems for him
Entailing everything I love and adore of him
I have his shirt in my closet, the stuffed toy by my bed
I have those pictures still saved, listening to songs in his shed

I have his name in my head, the words that he said
The videos that we made, the places that we stayed
His necklace secured and his obnoxious laugh in my head
I have the future we envisioned and the promises we said.

Now wouldn't that hurt you
If I desperately kept chasing
If I flaunted it in your face
Continued that want which keeps my heart racing

If I told you I couldn't live without him
That he was the only thing I ever asked for
And was all that I would ever want
That he was the last time I was truly happy

It would.

I don't bring up his name when I tell you of my love
I don't make small comments in situations that he's done
I don't lose the excitement simply cause it's already happened
I don't fear and stop myself because things are overlapping

I don't selfishly chase because I know it would hurt you so
He doesn't run through my mind like many months ago
I don't put you in his position, avoiding things that could hurt
because I know you are both different and so I don't flirt

You are not him, and he is not you
I am not her, and she is not me
I know that as clear as day
So I give you a clean slate so they say

I know she helped you through the darkest point in your life
But so did he for me, he is also the only reason I am alive
He is the only reason I am who I am today
He is the only reason that scars and burns don't litter my entire body

He gave me my emotions, He gave me my happiness
He gave me my life and showed me the world can be bright
He means more to me than anybody ever will
Because to this day, he is the only one who never hurt me still

He was my entire life, He showed me how to live on my own
How to be independent and not have to rely only on my usefulness to other people, he taught me what a healthy relationship was meant to be, He taught me the difference between the toxic and the good

So no my view on toxic isn't skewed because "that's all I know"
Anybody around us knows what a healthy relationship is.
Sharing love is fine, but not in the romantic sense
Your current and your past shouldn't be on the same level

Because that in itself is unfair,
That and everything you do in regards to it
That is, what toxic is

You are the one who needs to learn that definition
Not me.

Because my understanding of it is clear
You're not the only one who's gone through those experiences.
So don't you dare try and undervalue my progress
and everything that has happened to me and justifies it cause you've been through it.

I know my self worth
I know my progress and efforts
And I continue to do everything in my power not to hurt you
You know this, and yet you can't do the same

Talk to me again about being positive
Because the most negative person here is not me

Learn your definition of toxic
And apply it to yourself.

I love you
But it's almost as if all your actions hurt
and the worst part above it all
Is that you know it

You know it.
Yet here we still are

I'm tired of fighting for love
Battling a ghost long overdue
Because I thought at least by now
You would have moved on too

But you haven't.

So what is it then that's wrong
What is wrong with me and what I am
Am I simply not enough
Are all my words and feelings just like spam
Piling up inside your brain

Just a pass time, as you wait for the real thing
The real thing that's meant to come back to you in time
Just like you've told me before
That she will come back

If she will
Then what am I fighting for
What use am I then
What's the point of me even still being here
What's the point of anything
If you refuse to make memories
To just let our time pass by like nothing special
Because I know its more special to me than to you

What the point of all my hurt and pain
If by the end of the day I'll just get thrown away,
Thrown away for what you truly want?
Like I'm nothing

What's the point if you can't love me
The person that's here with you at this moment in time
I don't want the excuses, I don't want to hear the
Because every reason that you give isn't enough
to validate any of this

You can ask anybody
And they will tell you I'm a fool for staying
That I'm a ******* idiot for loving somebody who can't move on
To love somebody that will never be fully in love with you
Or ever to completely and utterly commit to you

And I am
I am a ******* idiot
And yet I'm still here
After all this time
Still desperately praying that the guy I love more than anything
Will just love me the ******* same
To want to spend time with me, who wants to make memories
That wants to do the ******* and just love me
Just love with me with everything he has
And to be afraid to lose me
To be afraid to hurt me
That wouldn't knowingly do things that would
I just want to the one
Even if it's just for now
I just want to be somebodies "It" person
With no strings attached

I just want a normal relationship
Where I don't have to keep fighting and worrying
Because I know that I am the only one they love
and that I am the only person on their mind
Is that so ******* hard to ask for?

Is it really that hard for me to be enough for somebody
For me to the only person they love?

Because it seems for everybody else
That's just the normal
But for me
It isn't
And as much as I keep hoping and praying
I don't know if I'll ever have that.

**** I love him
But this pain
It's something different

As that iconic line goes
I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Sitting under a Jamun tree
Having a bundle of paper
To check and recheck

Birds sound melodious
Fresh cool air was comfortable

I was distracted by
A squirrel and a bird
Playing together

Squirrel climbed up the tree
She brought few grains free
Put on a green platter

Bird came flattering
to eat   grains eagerly
both were playing leisurely

Left me thinking
Do they welcome as
we do with our family and friends

— The End —