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Brent Kincaid Nov 2017
A roster of rotten rogues and rascals
Rapscallions and self-righteous racketeers.
Wrapped themselves in the American Flag,
Like Wicked Witches of the West in drag.
Not a whit of statesmanship in the bunch.
Hearts as black as coal, I have a hunch.
If we go by behavior, the devil is alive;
Queen bees who hate the workers in the hive.

They started with genocide of all those here,
Native Americans before the whites drew near.
They kept it up by importing a million black folks
They owned and ***** and made up ugly jokes.
In time they treated Irish and Italians the same.
Let them come here and then played a sick game.
Promises to those, the non-Europeans, were not kept.
They heaped them with bias while good Christians slept.

It has been going on forever since antiquity.
They make our fine country a den of iniquity;
When not operating from a sense of disdain
They run their show on hatred, death and pain.
They claim they work for the people, but
Most of the people can tell what is really what.
Distressingly disgusting, diabolically divisive
They do their best when citizens are permissive.

In time they decided monopolies were great.
They let those with money put up the gates
And charge those with little to pass through
To get food, water, places to live. Not new.
Old country villainy was given a new face
And soon only a few creeps owned the place.
They cheated and swindled and laughed at those
Who starved, rebelled and fought and died.
Rich children splurged on geegaws far and wide.

Soon the list of enemies grew in the mansions,
They included over half of regular American citizens:
Blacks women and poor people were told shut up.
There was not enough nectar to put into their cups.
Gays, agnostics and atheists were treated as if
They were the living minions of the Christian devil
Liberals and objections to conservatives called evil.
Anyone who had issues to the gathering of massive wealth
Was treated as a criminal who wanted to steal their wealth.

The self-righteous racketeers bought newspapers and lies
All created to be swallowed whole by the lazy and unwise
Who could not see that they bought and sold more crooks
That got into office and wrote evil laws into the books.
This is not a new game, in this computerized info age.
This is an ancient costume covering up the old outrage.
It only takes for most of us to stand by and not protest
When leaders lie, and cheat and steal and call it a jest.
Denial is a pernicious disease. Just look at who is in the White House and who runs Congress.
Olivia Catherine Aug 2020
A tavern built on misdeeds and insurrection,
House of rascals, whisky and imperfection
A hideaway for rebels and racketeers,
Where drinks are served to outlaws and mutineers,
Where the pianist plays for pirates and privateers,
Where the wicked and the wayward can be served,
And are respected however undeserved.

It’s a rag-tag bunch of outlaws and anarchists,
A cavalcade of rough revolutionists,
So come on in my dear insurrectionist,
Welcome to our lawless little band,
Welcome to the Tavern of the ******.

Come and join our banished battalion,
Join our cause, oh revered rapscallion,
So calling out to nature’s abominations,
We’ve got bourbon, bombshells and indignation,
Come and wait for imminent and sure damnation,
No matter what your deviance may be,
Come and join the drunken reverie.

It’s a monument to lost souls and deviants,
A shrine to every small disobedience,
A riotous, cathartic experience,
Where radicals are safe from reprimand,
Welcome to the Tavern of the ******.

Welcome back, my worshipped renegade,
To the place where freedom’s sweet as lemonade,
Where skanks and outlaws, sing so intoxicated,
The anthem of the unkempt and agitated,
The mantra of the evil and of the hated,
Laughing as they sing their merry tune,
Unified by their impending doom.

It’s a testament to chaos and anarchy,
A haven for the worst of humanity,
A house of lawlessness and profanity,
Welcome to our lawless little band,
Welcome to the Tavern of the ******.
Anthony Moore Jun 2010
Through all his days
And through all his years
He caused so much pain
And forced so many tears
So no one sheds them for him
Not even his peers
And no one stands with him
As he faces his fears
What was once his mark on the world
Rubs off and smears
He stands alone
In these unknown frontiers
He tells her he loves her
And he knows she hears
But instead of relieving him
She lets him lay on the spears
While he’s crushed by the burden
Of these planetary spheres
With the flame of love
His flesh just sears
While holding up the world
His skin adheres
For all his deeds
His karma arrears
Him and his mind
Love’s racketeers
Him and his mind
The game’s pioneers
His heart and his mind
Now mutineers
As they betray him
He looks up and sneers
She ends his punishment
Because she interferes
She says I love you too
And everything clears
From his shoulders
The world disappears
Scars are left
As souvenirs
They’re reminders
In case who he was
Suddenly reappears
Anthony J. Alexander 2006
I do not know what it is about a bed that compels us to longevity,
to slumber eternity in our wildest of dreams.
Might it be the warmth of its sheets that invites us to prolong our stay.
The wholesome tenderness that hugs us tight in its cover.
Tucked into our safety net, a mother's arm to a child,
where we only live to love and let die.

May it be our sheer will to live the day that chains us to our bedside,
a slave to time, a ***** to work.
We are but men comprised of exhaustion and sacrifice.
A time set aside to pamper ourselves for a while more.
A longing to heal a little further, to rejuvenate our spirits a little greater.
To fix the dark parts in our lives with black sunsets underneath our eyes,
hollowed willow trees in late night dreams carved into our flesh.

May it be for a better life, one less bitter and sour,
sheltered from the chaos upon us these years.
Tyrannies upon our souls, bomb brigades and racketeers.
A shelter, a feeding frenzy of tranquility that keeps us grasping onto life.

Is my bed but a place where my monsters hide underneath,
maybe we sweep our pain underneath the covers
and rest shame and guilt on our pillows
hoping to bring a rest to our demons of the dark
when the sun rises the next day,
soldiers forlorn to leave our post till day breaks.

Or is our answer, E “all of the above”.
Our will beaten till death pulls us apart in our night gowns
and whispers “sleep thy will, eternity”.
And temptation rages beyond our control
with a red flag glued to our hearts
tired of the ******* life charges at us.
Originally written in pros,  but broken up for the hell of it
B Yeung Mar 2017

I shelved you one morning
when the racketeers came for me
for the tangerine aubergine sky
for the olive garden
and toying with his dying myth he rose-
roses became thorns-  
he arrived at his junction of terror
with nothing left inside
and no sky left to hold.
Yenson Nov 2019
The Milliband brothers inherited over two million
Mr Blair and his family are worth over twenty million
when the old Mr Denis Healey died his estate was five million

former Labour MP Lord Watts attacked  Mr Corbyn’s inner circle as “the London-centric hard left political class who sit around in their £1m mansions eating their croissants at breakfast and seeking to lay the foundations for a socialist revolution.”

According to research produced by the Tories the new £1,000 membership fee would apply to former leader Ed Miliband with a £2.5m house in Dartford Park, London and his ex-deputy Harriet Harman who owns a £2.3m house in Dulwich.

While shadow international development secretary Diane Abbott owns a £1m pad in Hackney and shadow defence secretary Emily Thornberry has a £3m home in Islington.

Wealthy Labour members of Mr Corbyn’s inner circle include his chief aide Seumas Milne who has a £1.5m house in Richmond, shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn with a £3m house in Chiswick and shadow justice secretary Lord Faulkner with a £17.5m mansion in Westminster.

An African man from a Country where one British pounds equals
N#450.00 is considered an Elitist despite not even having £200

Our great Revolutionary are busy hounding and tormenting Afro-man
Hellbent on ruining his life and driving him to suicide or mad

The Protection Money Racketeers are from the working Classes
they contact their Socialist friends for solidarity when payment
was refused
They all gang up against poor Afro man who has suddenly become
an Elitist, a Leech and a Parasite that deserves to be ruined,

The Leftist and Racketeers launc serious gangstalking Revolution
Character assassination, Public humiliation, harassment, Provocation, hounding, Isolation, Taunts and tormenting is the game

Join in everybody, the Revolution is here, go pick on the Afro man
Go make his life a living Hell, hound him to death

He is an Elitist, a parasite, a Greedy *******, fleecing the poor
His CRIME? Well he is a Native Customary Prince from Africa
Yes, he's unpaid, No state Income, No Castle or Duchy of Cornwall
That doesn't matter, he black but Blue-blood, that will do

This is how Politics work in these days of ours, People
We are the MUGS,
It is the era of DISRUPTION and blindsiding the people
Help them buy more CHAMPAGNE for the TOP TABLE and leave
more millions for their children.  

Neon...NEON.... where are you,'re after the Afro Prince
yeah...good job....REVOLUTION!!!
former Prime Minister Tony Blair with his £8.6m mansion in Westminster, former business secretary Lord Mandelson with an £8m home in Regent’s Park, and the newly-elected MP and former Director of Public Prosecutions Kier Starmer with a £1.4m home in Kentish Town.
Shut up, ridiculed,
we're pools in the mud.
Nothing good ever comes from
the bullets of guns and the ballots or
ballads of racketeers,
three cheers for the man who uncovered
the plan to cover up this deaf man's ears.

I try to imagine a green screen where the scene playing out is not one seen before, but I fail.
The lies are rewound and we're back ******* the ground while the fat and the rich fly high but when the earthquake comes it's back to the bullets of guns and nothing good ever comes from that.

So it's shut up or put up and come out fighting
the war isn't over yet,
one battle is lost,
more than a skirmish to come,
if you get up and run now you're done now and somehow the bullets fly back into the gun.
Yenson Oct 2019
Uber morons of marshmallow county
the year eight reject and Comprehensive truants
think they have a snowflake like them to confuse
and in their playpen they pen nonsensical porridge for tea
some red uber pumpkin instructed them, faze him with doubts

here below is what doubt means
" a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction."
off course semi-illiterates don't know butter from Jam
what the feral rent-a-mob are trying to do is called

also referred to as reductio ad Stalinum, is an informal logical fallacy that intends to discredit the validity of an opponent's logical argument by accusing, denouncing, attacking, or persecuting an individual

That is what the Protection Money Racketeers
who tried extorting money to keep Royal secret
and then broke in and stole from us
and when we stood up to them decided to ruin us
slandering and defaming launching ***** racist campaign
so trolls of thieves and Mobsters go do your job

*  Negative campaigning or mudslinging is the process of deliberate spreading negative information about someone or something to worsen the public image of the described.
The expression discrediting tactics refers to personal attacks, for example in politics and court cases.
we all know this is what Thieves do, and feral mob you are
just dunces being used by the Thieves and East London Mobsters

**Whispering Campaign
A whispering campaign or whisper campaign is a method of persuasion in which damaging rumors or innuendo are spread about the target, while the source of the rumors seeks to avoid being detected while spreading them.

Ferals, racists and Numpties come do your worst
you,re nothing but ignoramuses in the pockets of thieves
you don't scare me one bit and you can't soften me up
I will not be gagged, bullied or intimidated
a family of racist crooks demanded Protection money to keep
secret my African Royal connection, I refused to pay
they broke into our flat and stole our property
I had the nerve to stand up to them, they did not expect this
because we are kind, decent gentle law-abiding
I said I was going to report them to the Council and get them evicted
The Thieving Racists Mobsters said I was the one that will leave their Country

They called on their underground connection
Told me and my wife, we are now Toast
Well I'm still here, come **** me
You all, your Gangs and all the uber-morons in your pockets..

Doubts where? you're not eliciting doubts
Your under-developed minds are being made toxic
You are involved in a Poison campaign, get your facts rights
and now poison is in your system and you can never be the same again
Because whether you like it or not you now know all about seeing poisons and negativity in innocent things

And that is to your detriment, they have corrupted your minds
and it will stay with you
If your partner say I love you, you can now think of ten reasons
why this may not be true or real, erstwhile clean minds has now
been stained,
You have ingested poison, it doesn't wash out, you've been contaminated, and that's sadly true.....
Go on....continue!!!
Yenson Nov 2019
Our Protection Money Racketeers
was refused the extortion money demanded
OK, me and mi young daughter are game
just bring the ***** and a little gift for a good time
that's crazy said I, no thank you think you better than us, all ladida

they subsequently burgled us
vandalized our car and stole the four radial wheels
off the poor car
then told us in broad daylight
" We will ruin your life, hound you and make your life a misery"
I laughed, imagine a known area Crook who's just robbed you
saying that to you. To me this was a joke! a big big joke eh! haha

"You're laughing!" Mama Crook says with hateful eyes
"We are going to sling mud at you, you'd wish you're dead"
I laughed even more
Hey Al Capone, I thought
I'm blameless here, my reputation is pristine, no skeleton hidden
no crime ever. Never wronged anyone, always kind, friendly
and respectful to all..all round sound guy, this crook is deluded.
Anyway people can easily see the truth here, I confidently assumed
Yeah! more fool me...

Go to hell, you you nasty crook...say I,... imagine the cheek!

Well people
sad to report, how was I to know Mama Al capone was right
They had the connections, the nefarious know-how of these things
and they know their demography. they know their people! .

Mud slinging worked a treat...People believed everything,
every slander, defamation, fabrication, lies, everything
They delivered on their promises and then some
They told a fantastic story to their Socialist and Anachist connection, even those were fooled
Arrogant, the Big I Am, hidden riches, wife beater, domineering
et pompous, thinks he's high and mighty, the very opposite of me!
wow people...the heat is on
I became radioactive in one swift move..

For the first time in my life
I discovered real evil exist, not paper stuff

Now I know why there are never any witnesses in Inner city
Estates and a code of Omerta or Ali-baba or whatever its called
why some witnesses never reveal their faces or give their names,
when they talk to the media about some crimes or some faces
they recognized

and why thieves threateningly utter this infamous line

Acknowledgement to Paul Simon for the title
nick armbrister Jan 2018
australia 1
when the english lord and gentry set australia up
they did it a certain way and followed a plan
not sending their own equivelants but another set
they sent criminals of all kinds
there were teenagers who stole a loaf of bread
murderers who killed without mercy
racketeers who failed one last scam
and every other kind of bad boy
sent half a world away as punishment
but really they were colonisers
serving their sentences in an alien land
never to see england or their family again
they were controlled by their masters
several centuries later their descendants
lived like kings and had good lives
the criminals bred and become rich
with good jobs, a home, families and more
living in a sunny tropical paradise  
descended from common criminals
how many remember their forefathers?
sent there for english jails were full
to a new empty land full of promise
here was a chance to steal it
so why not send english criminals
ruled over by their masters
who in turn ruled the new land
the plan worked...
australia , criminals, history,
Yenson Oct 2019
The clone walks and enjoys such adulation,
Urban myths, falsehoods, lies, such fabrications
Knowledge is power make sure its transmogrification
Smears and stench is vital to put our clone in isolation
Defamation and slander in abundance not in moderation

The real man looks awestruck at this nefarious transformation
Sees truth murdered an honesty an decency held in strangulation
Humans have a greater propensity for lies, its has more fascination
Lower minds desires basic mental gratification not tedious education
They want no news bout joy an do-gooders, more about dis figuration

The white gangsters toned this a shake down for remuneration
pay up now or else your secret royal status is cause for our extortion
like this is the Wild East he replies, do your worst bring botheration
I ain't paying  Protection money to racketeers come do your ruination
I sit in truth, jobless, career ruined, wife-less, hounded an in isolation
Yenson Oct 2019
In insular paleness
drunk on indulgent arrogance
sloshed in jingoism of limeys incandescent with entitlement
they scribbled their scripts and laid tracks for their memorials
chorusing punk songs for punks while standing in sightless mirages
seeing is not theirs in this drama of madmen, dogs and the midday sun

In this isle of Dogs
birthed in fevered mental omissions
the witless cooked arsenic pie and mash feeding their kit and kin
we are pirates from the streets rings out in rallying calls shamelessly
while another deranged faction chorused 'we are Robin Hoods we are
and we see the dark Ages in the twenty-first century as Neanderthal minds frolic

In the green and pleasant fields
the sheep are fed hallucinating grasses and lying lilies
Simple minds sing Ballard of the Streets and Ghost Dancing, on loop
the rabbles, the Protection Money Racketeers, the Thugs and Pirates
with all the sheep became members of the Trade Union Congress
and in the bay of Pigs they are minting badges to honor and praise
People power
Anybody caught smiling or laughing or smiling will be shot, this is a serious piece on Revolution and extinction of Royal parasites is more important than climate change. Though this revolution is Crooks and Protection Money Racketeers' inspired, I have you know that Criminals rule the world, only yesterday,  11 hours ago - Ovidio Guzman Lopez — the son of jailed Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman ..was captured during a gun fight in the streets, , confirmation came that Ovidio had been freed from custody when his gang made an offer the Colombian Government could not refuse. Go check it up if you do not believe.  CRIMINALS RULES OK!
Yenson Feb 2021
The thieves know all about doubts
their defences are always about introducing
reasonable doubts to blatant crimes
Your Honour, I did not steal their video machine
it fell off the back of a speeding lorry
and landed in my arms in full working order

Now, lets have the perfect storm
get the fantasists Leftist who breathe delusion
and drink hate for tea with divisiveness for afters
so thieves feed Leftists with doubts
a hard worker becomes an arrogant parasite
Yo Socialists come save us poor from the Elitist

Our united crooks, extortionist and the loonies
now have their *******-up campaign
don't say we're crazies say we are Robin Hood
don't say we're burglars say we're poor underdogs
listen evil conniving racist are feminists sorting a pig
burning truths of an aggrieved innocent man is wildness

Finally go and create doubts in all our useful idiots
remove their moral compass tell them its solidarity
pour in the slander lies misinformation and disinformation
Mama Chris the thief  said, put the cat amongst the pigeon
tell our useful vigilantes they are planting doubts
why do you think racketeers call themselves 'The Wise guys'
its because they know fifty millions types of doubts
Yenson Nov 2019
And the bleachers in rampant psychosis
unfurled their Black flags
march ahead of the protection money Racketeers
and the thieves and crooks of East London
This is Solidarity they all dribbled slack-jawed
and red in the faces
and Red in the mindless-es
disgruntles mired in racism, envy, jealousy and hate
To war we march ** ** **
we have a Black Prince to destroy and ****
how dandy and poetic they thought
Unfurl the Black Flag for a Black Prince
who says the English don't have a sense of humour!!
** ** **, ha ha ha
get out the sickle to cut down the succulent nobleman
bring the hammers to do his brains in for chaos we bring
and blackness covers all the evils of whiteness
and blackness covers all that is decent progressive and bright
see the might of the Black flag, hail the anarchist and Reds
who says Black Power, hey! who said Black power
oh! I mean the flag, the flag!
ha ha ha ** ** **  ha  ha ha
Please remember they know best, they have written the rules for over 3,000 years. they decide who can live and thrive and who should be destroyed.
Yenson Aug 2023
From their sources
all the hysterics, histronics, dramas and operas
from this view
nothing resonates, nothing is remotely evocative
nothing triggers nothing
the clone in their crosshairs
so far removed other than perhaps the mere physicalities
this was Chris and Joan's 'Truman Show'
sanity was and is never never a party to any of all this
and The Emperor's new Clothes meets Pin the Tail on the Donkey
and people are led down the garden path
who said 'you can#t fool all of the people all of the time'
and do you think crminals are sometimes called Racketeers
because they play Lawn Tennis, of course, Not
say what you like, but
at least our gangsters are nefariously adaptable
when Chris and Joan smeared their lies
they were sure the target would run away soon into the aftermath
who is going to brave Hell
he didn't run
and he faced Hell full on
So its his fault if we keep on making it up as we go along
the charade continues
its psyche warfare, its Neuro-linguistic programming
its perceptions Assualts, oh its Sensitizing, no its Anchoring
no, no, no try Haunting, how about just Bullying and Harassment
who will tell them they are fighting a clone
I just have a Front Row seat
and I'm munching Cashew nuts
While merrily bobbing along
the boulevard of broken dreams,
which in truth measured
no more than a furlong
think envisioning myself top banana
analogous to bull headed Donkey Kong,
I felt on top of my game,
which constituted ping pong
but severely lacking

tragedy, suspense, romance, et cetera
subsequently fat/slim chance
to warrant ghost writer,
nevertheless unlikely to realize production
courtesy the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike
despite existential nihilism
grist for the paperback writer mill
recounting my life and hard times
devoid of hero or heroine unsung.

Yours truly a figurative magnet,
where racketeers come out of wood work
swooping birds of prey
pouncing like the dickens
I don't know what hit me
before being bloodied
and knocked senseless
seeing stars though hour broad daylight.
(in more ways than one).

That execrable, despicable ******...
unnamed miscreant unknown
(though only his pseudonym
iterated in many another previous poem),
no doubt laughed all the way to the bank
courtesy mine stolen funds drank
libation, while his loosed tongue
probably retold plucking cold cash
(as I play devil's advocate)
out the hands some poor sucker,

who genuinely believed fabrication
that Citizen Bank tellers
blatantly colluded against victim,
deluded him courtesy
purring voice of perpetrator
the former talk of the town,
an imbecile, whereat the latter
a practiced slyboots
pulling the wool over rapt prey
complicit in his own financial downfall

now seeking altruistic,
holistic and unrealistic benefactor(s),
I attest blatantly
showed myself laughing stock
to be ernest and frank
and brought down quite a few notches
regarding respectability bemoaning
relinquishing funds viz obvious prank.

The webbed wide world
could not give a rats ****
regarding major bone head fiasco
that found father fêted
in tragedy of his making a farce
even a kindergartner could easily parse
as rotten to the core
only has himself to thank,
where once abundant bucks now sparse

The severe punishing hell
found yours truly listing
with suicidal ideation
inner voices beckoned
though none could hear
deafening rebel yell
raging against the machinations
of cut throat venal
conniving smart aleck

requisitioning easy moolah
total eclipsed son,
whose papa scores of years ago
circa nineteen seventy six or thereabouts
(after he got laid off
from General Electric)
also experienced fiends,
who took Boyce Harris to the cleaners
and left him hanging out to dry.

— The End —