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Infamous one Apr 2013
It's around prom time so I thought I'd share my prom night experience. Getting a date failed I had for possiblities who ever said yes would've been my date. I went stag hung out with my best friend and his date
On the way to the prom we got lost so we missed majority of it. The prom was at some mansion after prom we stayed at a hotel. I drank a few and passed out. Now the story has a twist the date my friend had didnt workout but ended up having another night with his dates friend.
She had to drop off her date do that's how these two ended up hooking up.
I hung with this girl who didn't have a date she out drank me and passed out. The next morning was awkward my best friend and the new hook up were busy so I had to wait to go home.
I went home all of shame hung o er and no action but I was in HS I didn't expect much
Ken Pepiton Feb 2019
Stupid question (what AI would star out s t u p i d?)

on the scale of stumbling over a marked stumblingstone

painted competition orange.

See, C. G. saw it this way,
men don't have ideas, ideas have men.

When the man with the hubris to try and lie
dies, his lie dies and rots to be re
covered for discovery when all the secrets are

dis covered under the sun where's no new thing,
not one.

in a man, this journey from concept to precept,
some steps take longer than others,

maybe a thousand rounds,
generations and generations and generations with

peacemakers squeezed into servant role
one wish genii suffering it to be so,

until the time appointed, or the
anointed app,
higher res translations figure an augmentatious
ference occurrent in sapience sapience with pre-

Gausian blur edges on all their own shadows of turning

do remember, we did imagine
veri f- were we magi?
we were, we were magi, I brought the frankincense.
I was seven, maybe six

We could do anything we put our mind to

if we got past the man in black
at the crossroad and
keep goin' west

this is the rest.
After alladat, there was this emergent story,

never told, but heard, of a wise man,
who saved a city and no one knew that same
wiseman's name. This is that game, that vocation,

Peacemaker. Ever last front
tier, at orchestra level,

too close to see the madding crowd
reach for guns,

this is crazy... we have nuclear weapons

obsolete nuclear weapons and some
****** fool would rather **** us all than
skip an upgrade cycle?

what? What if we all said,
sump'n like: I, individual me, I have no enemies,
so lovin'em ain't *****. My side won.

Bio war, fair. Like leaven shaken from re
jected dust, the fishermen's feet

stamped and let their peace be held,
suffer, carry your load, but

smarter, not harder.
Grace, for goodness sake, sake means

good will result from the doing by virtue
of giving an old tale of attitudes to be
having a listen...

I am a peace maker. I do this for the living.
I may die, now, with no fear,

once, before,
with no doubt, by virtue of a helmet I was given.

Now, double-minded, patient-balanced, light-burdened,
I run, or fly, with augmentations,

bended knee or wounded, why does that matter?
Mito-mom is not some relationship to others that you
take, by faith.
Know the story to tell the story,
no novices allowed to lie for innocense sake.

No story of warring ever ended happy, for all involved.

Salve for the scritchin' itches whicha
cain't seem t' be able
t' ignor,

raw rubbed flesh

Balm o'Gilead, by reason, for reason of reasonable
comparable qualia of ex

per i ence, one death trip, PIF. (Paid in Full)

Good new, right, right, right,

chirality is such a cool tool for all sorts of random
shithavanish as soon as you notice it, like

was that real? Hineni. Okeh. I knew.
The genius of peace.
The idea never dies, but some people never get it.
Good wins for ever, or we all die at the hand of an evil

so powerful that only indigestible bone level ideas
make it through the turbulence

at the final analy system re

proof. An imaginary pile of mystery woo woo
Plahnk splash

food for thought. Quantum mechanical possiblities
bubble from nowhere that ever was.

So free will is the best we could do. Be safe.
While titans are threating war all about me I peaced out, responsibly. Cohen snuck in a line.
Infamous one Feb 2013
Woke up from the nightmare
Makes it hard to sleep
Stuck in deep thought
Feel cold and hot who'd thought
The message is not always clear
Question the fear
What's gone is now here
Dreams not so clear
Sometime living the dream is the reality
wake up knowing thats far from the truth
dream of the possiblities become the living
They sometimes remind you when you want to forget
John Day Oct 2012
There was a brief moment where life itself skipped a beat,
It was as if the entire universe took a deep breath;
before continuing on its course to almost certain defeat
And in that moment everything shifted
Imperceptibly, to a new heading.

Afterwards, even as the infinite variations on reality
shuddered through time and space
My vision dimmed, a flicker of existential panic;
and the only hint of the act taking place.

This tiny vibration, a tremor
Like the warm fraction of a shadow of a breath,
hanging for a second after someone leaves the room
Plays itself as fleeting phantoms of possiblities.
And then she blinks.

The worst part of this is the knowledge I deny.
The sick, surrending self to circumstance is the real me,
the one who always was inclined to play with fire.
I know what she is capable of, despite what I see;

The pure kinetic force of her power over me
Leaves fractured pieces and frayed edges in my head
And I've known all along I'm out of my league
A predator grin hides behind her shy smile
Words come out wrong like promises from the dead
And my shame is knowing and denying so

It doesn't stop me playing her game of trust and lies
Because in a joke of a destiny I was meant for this.
She is the widow spider, demons in her lustful eyes
Aware of the ending scene, still I greet the execution,
Helpless and mute as if it was my first sunrise.

And in her own way she is something worse
than the darkness inside her, destroying the used
In the chaos of the pleasure it brings her,
She becomes a collapsing angel, tainted and confused
vinca Dec 2018
Could have been a masterpiece,
Could have been eye-opening,
a breath of fresh air.

Endless possiblities.

Could have been coloured and fiery,
Could have been subtle and graceful,
the result of years of perfection.

Endless possiblities.

Could have been all,
Like an empty canvas I was born as.
But I have been me.

The canvas is stained

The canvas is stained forevermore.
jeffrey robin Aug 2010
stepping up!

no!......not to the "plate"
(this is not a baseball game
or a corporate dinner!)

silly pretentions!
awkward in their murderous possiblities!


walking green strands in central park with children well in hand and letting them know how fully they are loved

this is simple!
what is it!?

pretend !....  pretend!!.........pretend!!!

as do all those
on the corporate payroll


stepping out

into the frozen night pregnant with simple loving possibilities

are you here?

stepping up!

no ....!
not to FEAR and not to GREED and not to HATE
but to eachother!


here we are

stepping into the universe and its unalterable laws

i know you know full well what i mean for we all were once children well in hand in central park and loved


well well

.........after all the the poems
the question remains awaiting your answer


inquiring souls
long to know
Olivia Mercado Mar 2014
I'm at that point after the debate season where
I'm all exhausted and nostalgic because
it's too late to do anything this season
too early to worry about next season and
all my senior friends graduated and
I'll never see them again.

Even scarier is the revelation that this will be me next year.  

What started out as a pleasant diversion
something to do on weekends
has become my social life and my education, and,
to a larger extent than it should be,
my identity.

I will miss playing truth-or-truth
(like truth or dare, only with more difficult decisions).
I will miss making friends because
I can't walk in heels
or mispronounced a word
or I like someone's tie.
I will miss our stupid inside jokes and debating
(and beating)
cute boys, waking up in a new city every weekend.
I will miss long car rides staring at the moonlight
illuminating the patterned clouds,
my headphones in and my best friends sleeping
packed closer-than-comfortable on each other's shoulders.
I know I have another year left, but
a lot of people who made debate what it is
have either graduated or will be graduating this year.

I miss my friends, my mentors, already.
As they leave, the threads that tie me to my city
fray. Already,
a year before it will finally be my turn
to face that door that leads into the unknown of
adult life, the door through which
many of my closest friends have already walked,
I have utterly lost any reluctance
to pass through it.
One friend after another has left
this tiny valley I call home,
and most of my best friends live outside of it.

One more year.

I now understand the way the seniors I looked up to
didn't seem to notice me
or pay me the sort of attention I paid them
when I was busy idealizing and looking up to them --
it's not that I don't care
about the younger kids on my team or my school,
or that I don't appreciate or believe in them,
but they are not a part of my future.
They are not a part of what I will become.  

I face that mysterious door, fighting my way
step by step
through mounds of paperwork and college applications
all for that intangible future
more fresh and beautiful than anything here.
I will go.

And those cute little incoming freshmen will not follow.
If I am to face forward, I must necessarily fix my eyes
on my future, not theirs.
They will do the same in time.

I can't bring myself to obsess over the past
and beat myself up over the relationships
I should have developed but didn't.
There's no point. I don't mean to sound nihilistic --
in fact, just the opposite.
My future is manifesting itself slowly,
inexorably and inexplicably before me.

Am I making decisions, or is fate
shaping my loves and hates and opportunities?
I don't think it matters.
I choose to gaze at my future as infinite opportunity,
infinite joy spread over infinite possiblities.
As that joy becomes tangible, it also becomes more finite,
but from where I stand I see everything ahead.
I can finally leave everything I have been tied to
and prove to myself I am myself.

To those who are graduating this year:
even if I barely remember you,
if you were a brief conversation
or a random my-friend-dared-me-to-hug-you,
you are awesome.
Our brief, random, enlightening moments
of shared human contact have made me who I am.
I can't explain how much it means to realize
that you're not alone,
that some people care about the same things you do
and care enough to reach out and teach.

To those of you who have time left:
make the most of it.
Talk to the shy kid in the corner;
She's the sweetest.
Talk to the kid who reads Game of Thrones between rounds;
He has the funniest stories.
If you have a cute opponent, ask for their case
and write your number on it.
You only get one shot at this,
and it goes by too fast for you to hold back.
My best memories have come from the most dangerous
and strange decisions --
walking around a dark campus
with a couple of people I barely know,
picking "dare" in truth or dare,
smiling at strangers.

To those of you in the same class as me,
looking forward, bound to your past and present:
thank you.
Thank you
thank you
for existing and being kind to me and regaling me with your stories and emotional problems and memories.
Thank you for not letting me stay depressed
and dragging me outside of myself.
Thank you for making me care, one way or another.
When I stand at my high school graduation
in my school's garish purple and gold,
I will be thinking of a dozen other people
in blue and red and orange and green.
I will be thinking of the people
who made life too precious to spill out on a knife,
too beautiful to be captured in the pages of a book,
too unanticipated to get bored or cynical of.
I realize most of the people on this site have never done debate (a cult-like high school activity), but it really has shaped my life. If you made it to the end, thank you for reading all the way. This is something I wanted to share because of how much everyone on my team and the other teams we compete with matter to me. It is, in short, the story of a shy, awkward girl who met a whole community of shy, awkward, brilliant people and fell in love. It is a story of belonging and leaving. And by listening to it, you've become a part of it. Thank you.
Infamous one Apr 2013
Silence in the night feels alright time to write
In late hours I create many untold stories
I write on thi page Facebook and journal
The voice in my head always knows what to say but speaking my thoughts is a weakness
I've thought of all the possiblities and outcomes but not sure what path to pursue
I've noticed bad behavior is rewarded but if It was me there would be consequences or I'd be let go for my actions or remarks.
I've been treated unworthy of respect but earned my way showed I'm worthy but always start back at step one not exactly where I see myself being.
The ppl I've admire self discipline respect not my crowd but looked past their differences where mine are used to hang me playing factors against all the good.
I gave up trying to please ppl and being someone I'm not has made things easier for me. It's dead weight off my shoulders. I left things but will return its not my time yet. I've always had confidence just pacing rushing burned me out.
The next level I know and feel I should be there but maybe I was there but so focused on my mistakes and setbacks.
Infamous one Jan 2013
i lke to stand out in crowds
socialize amd meet new ppl
may not be tall but im a big figure
my smile unique eyes have that sparkle
make ppl laugh and smile makes my day
pray to be understood and play music loud
punk my style diy (do it yourself)
my heart beats like a drum solo in metal music
my lyrics deep amd dark my world is dark but full of strength
remember the day i change for the better
being funny usually means my sense of humor is mistake for weakness
one day i plan to be a radio personal
one day publish something that will give new perspective
may not ne the best one but im he right one for the job i see myself doing
coaching was fun but the competitive edge comes out
mma is another favorite sport of mine
the possiblities light my mind up
i call the sport and game how i see it, i found respect what you love
pursue it with all you have to give it will bring the best out of you
if not you can bring the best out in others
Traci Eklund Jul 2013
there is no longer a division between days...
it is just an endless phase of flashes of light, followed by prolonged darkness.
these eyes are tired but don't seem to close,
the ache that is deep within these bones.
drawing up blanks.
the words don't seem to fit.
but they dont need to.
its 3am.
lips deep in tea,
under empty blankets.
But then I remember why I am here...

the feeling in your heart stays
long after your lips depart.
no one has ever made me smile as much as him.
the simple things...

standing in the forest barefoot, alone, and in fear...
I gained more then I think I will ever comprehend.
when day after day you wake up to the sun rising through
the windows of a log cabin
you begin to see life in a different way.
have watched the stars rise above my head,
my body cold and wet.
the milky way and the scattered collage of lights...
the first thing that came to mind was him...

stars respresent the vast possiblities of life
anything is possible
the most beautiful things happen when you least expect it
like him...

Once you blink the moment is gone
two weeks later here I am...
from his flaws to his perfections
I love unconditionally...

No one is perfect,
there is differences,
there can be awkward silences...
nothing is pure, but the key is to growing and trying.
ive learned in the past two months
it can be hard sometimes in life
to be far from the one you love
or to be far from things you expected or known
but you cant give up
no matter how much it can be trying
in the end things will work out.
Noname Jul 2013
Of ****
It's that feeling
that you can't quite describe
That pit in your stomach
that keeps swirling around
Like a cat chasing its tale
Urmm this is what I live for
I love it
But i hate it
The anticipation
The fantasies
It's so much more fun too build up
Your going to have too hold me down
*** i'm flying through my imagination
Thinking of the possiblities
They're endless
A stranger
Yet someone I've seen a thousand times before
I've lost myself to fiction
Somewhere between
Peter Pan and Cinderella
I can't control my movements
I'll jump in excitement
Over a simple thought of us brushing against eachother
As we pass by
Nervous yet Invigorated
What will this unveil?
Samantha Page Oct 2013
A blue flame is dancing under the dark of night,

Teasing and pleasing...

Something you want to capture.

Hold it tight, bring it in,

watch it burn.

The angiush in wanting...

a simple prayer left unanswered.

The hope in possiblities that will never exist.

The flame will only hurt you.

Leave a scar that will pain you to witness.

Still you sit and watch and want.

Carefully anylizing every curve,

every flicker in the wind.

You fail to notice you are moving closer,

and the flame is  dimming.

Then there is only smoke,

a choking reality of what once was,

and what could never have been.
jeffrey robin Oct 2010
an the

(the little child

we are so flagrant
in our

(we "****"

and the gentle rain falls
and the mist
covers us
we are gone from here
so very long ago

we were men
we were
and now
we are what ever
they tell us we are

soft light streams
we are angry
we know

we cant afford

thank you c.i.a

for employment
and YOU!
(homeland security)

thank you
thank you!
thank you!!

for wars unceasing

the subtle child
the alleyway
the dumpster
and the
old old lady

the sincere child
the alleyway
the police man
you and me
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2013
You attract my curiousities...
but what about the realer me...
you show me possiblities....
but not enough to capture me...
please dont take this literally...
Im just speaking momentarily...
because I've seen some prophecies...
looking through my fantacies...
If you could only see...
what they are tellin me...
Things I thought could never be...
the deeper you start loving me....
betterdays Sep 2014
gotta be like
aesop and his fable
slap a moral
on the table

talk about
old slow poke
tortiose on his hike
up against a speed freak
hare' barely all there
acceleration to spare
race don't seem fair

just a joke

but then the hare/rabbit
takes a **** of
the green
and when he awoke

the race was done
and the slow poke
helmut headed amphibian
had won...

hare standing  around
tortiose doin the happy,
i shined your ***!!!
shell shuffle

that enoughful......


this is harder than
it seems
like interpereting

start again...
find a new refrain
gotta make an
original stain
gotta use my incredible brainy, brain...

bring a new flavour
new story to savour
not some tired old jam
not for this poetry slam

so here goes
follow the flow
stay in the know

don't be a facsimile
a sad printed copy
take the high road
and write a new load
of out there, boxside

be one with totality
up at the mountains peak
where the angels speak
to those,
who have time
to listen.

one word, one world
glows and glistens
that word be, free
that word be LOVE
and love be liberty
to a soul broken

so the morale of
the day
freely give love away
as truth,
not a carnival token

the wise old woman
(yeah that be me)
now has spoken.

done now with
her word spin
done now

gotta go do
as she say
take some action

go give a nobody
a kind reaction
some hugular compaction

be a friend
to the friendless
the possiblities
let charity
have a say

go on now
be one your way
Erin Lewis Nov 2012
Eyes meet yours
No sound is made
Pain filled silence
Ever stayed

Hidden wonder
In your smile
Endless possiblities
Go on for miles

But I am seeing nothing
But mindless

Broken hearted
Spirit killed
Future unknown
My heart
Disha Verma Oct 2014
Rainbows and infinity
they seemed to me bright and new
but as I grew old and out of fiction
I grew twined to you.
Painting dreams and possiblities,
letting my world surround you,
out of obsession and morbidity
I built universes around you.
You want me to paint your world
with promises of infinity
and I have nothing for you
but crimson geometry.
I've grown enough but not yet
out of this artworked skin
running out of space to pen stray lines,
I might just pull you in.
There is God, there is Lucifer
I choose to run into your arms
because I know you'll keep me safe
and not raise any alarms.
I can show you rainbows, yes,
just that they are all red
and my promises of infinity
no bigger than a needlehead.
I treasured her
But treasure is no longer treasure
Once found
Once found treasure becomes nothing
Treasure holds its value
Due to its anonymity
Before that chest is opened
The possiblities inside are endless
I opened you up
And I found only endless pain
The normal path looks polished,
like fine marble and white wine.
It holds steady with stability,
and gives a heart a piece of mind.

The wild side, the rocky road,
The path untraveled by.
I'm addicted to possiblities,
Because the limit is the sky.
limitless, poem, short, possibilities, fate, choices, sky, chance, love
quit thinking
quit thinking
quit thinking

let the size of the soul overcome your ego.
quit thinking
it happend earlier today\the meaning of it no longer
pertains to this second.

quit thinking
its in this second we find each other present
still in time we are endless
the possiblities
the possibilities
what can you do with the longest lasting second
is the light within , thank you o divine light
divine energy that flows through my heart
infinite perfection
runs through our veins creating life
eternal and forever whats laying behind the path
clear of illusions we see the light
just by taking this second and not letting it go by
with tomorows dreams , or todays compromise
let the soul breathe bright light
aware of the air
in love with the air
i lay in silence
witnessing the dream promised

living in the eternal moment my heart lays
shaken with the beauty of this second
tears grace what my heart is singing
pure love
the spirit of god within me
is where the present takes me

so lay still my love
write to me more
betterdays Oct 2017
gotta, no gonna be like
aesop and his fable
slap a moral
on the table
talk about
old slow poke
tortise on his hike
up against a speed freak


this is harder that
it seems
like interpereting dreams

better yet
start again
find a new refrain
gotta make an original
gotta use my incredible brain
bring a new flavour
new story to savour
not some tired old jam
not for this poetry slam

so here goes
follow the flow
stay in the know

don't be a facsimile
a sad printed copy
take the high road
and write a new load
of originality

be one with totality
up at the mountains peak
where the angels speak
to those,
who have time
to listen.

one word, one world
glows and glistens
that word be, free
that word be LOVE
and love be liberty
to a soul broken

so the morale of
the day
freely give love away
as truth,
not a carnival token

the wise old woman
(yeah that be me)
now has spoken.

done now with
her word spin
done now

gotta go do
as she say
take some action

go give a nobody
a kind reaction
some hugular compaction

be a friend
to the friendless
the possiblities
let charity
have a say
be brave this day

go on now
be on your way

oakley Oct 2015
I am from the Universe,
from stars and nebulas.
I am from the galaxies.
The delicate, the powerful,
every infinity, past, present, and future.
I am from the meteor showers,
the solar flares.
I am made of the same atoms
of all that was, is, and will be.

I am from everything under the sun and
everything beyond the sun,
from asteroids and Super Novas.
I am from the essence,
and the energy of all of time and space,
from life stories,
and chemical reactions.
I'm from everything that surrounds me,
the same vibrations move through my soul.

I'm from eons and eons back,
Science and History.
From the dark matter,
the icy cold blackness,
the billions of astronomical units of emptiness,
the fiery explosions,
the twinkling lights,
the white-hot comets,
and endless matter, endless space, endless possiblities.

I am from the Universe,
I am the Universe.
In everyday life,
I am the stars,
I am the earth,
I am the light and the darkness.
My eyes can hold galaxies.
My soul is written in the stars.
For I am from the Universe.
Inspired by George Ella Lyon
it'sjustme Jul 2016
i watched him dance with another girl as I danced with another guy
our eyes met multiple times and by the third time we exchanged glances and smiles,
i knew i was done for
he somehow managed to reach my heart
with just his dazzling eyes

on my way over to him he was staring at me
it was beyond scary
he started walking towards me and hit me with his million dollar smile
we were two steps away from the endless possiblities
i stopped
he kept walking... to another girl
to another girl
to another
LovelyLittlePoet Oct 2016
One word brings so many
The answers are
Do I stay
Do I go
Do I continue on
Do I start over
Do I create art
Do I read a book
Do I train
Do I ride

Endless choices
Endless possiblities

and yet
I sit here
and do none of it
Shaquille Otto Apr 2020
1 is who you, me, and everyone else is
1 is where we start off with and is where end up with
1 is simple but yet complex
1 shows you who your true colors
1 is...

2 is a birth or a curse
2 can either make you or break you
2 can be joined into one
2 can last forever, if wanted to
2 is....

3 is where something further exists
3 is the heaven to where I belong
3 can be a living hell
3 could be life or death
3 is...

4 & 5
Is the possiblities of something even more
Is the chances of a lifetime of change
Change for better or for worse
Forever or for now

Where darkness will remain
Being broken without repair
Self is no longer the case
Death is your resting palace

Adding up to what is misleading and misunderstood
Subtraction the things that weigh you down
Equals means you are no longer the importance
Numbers that have you hand already dealt with

Numbers that take control of what is reality
But for me it's the steps to what may lie ahead
Paths that mislead you to trials & tribualtions out of your control
No matter how hard you try to...
i wrote this poem numbers to my life mean allot more than the simple things, its complex to me. Numbers are possibilities that could happen. My favorite number is 6, not just because it's the day of my birth but because of this poem. What's your favorite number?

— The End —