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Ayman Zain Aug 2014
I fell in love with a witch, yes a witch
It must be a spell she cast on me
It must be.. It must be
She makes my heart pound, head swell and my body sweat
She wakes me up happy and full of energy
Whether she smiles or frowns
I still find her ****
She glows in the dark
Not because she's using Olay cream
But because her beauty lights up the room
She dresses terrible
Which makes her terribly perfect
She also has a black cat
She's a wizard with all of that
It must be a spell she cast on me
*It must be.. It must be
MalakF Jul 2022
O, come a little closer - hear what I have to say,
I know that one piece of writing can be interpreted in so many different ways.
O, but do pay attention to my word-play,
To the picture I’m trying to portray.

O, I hope by the end of this you will understand the image I am trying to convey,
But do not get me wrong, the end of this is something I am attempting to delay.
O, it is saddening to know that sooner or later my rhymes will fade away
So I will replay, replay, replay.

O, how I pray that what we have will not decay.
Like all the flowers & bouquets that I watched wither/die a bit more every day.
O, but how pretty were they?
Sad to know that each & every single one was thrown out like the contents of an ashtray.

O, how you must have noticed the repetition of O’s - I think they are here to stay,
Unlike my pathetic, childish rhymes that I am struggling to hold at bay.
O, do not get me wrong - the rules to rhyme are so easy to obey,
They are so easy to slay.

O, like tray, cafe, puree,
For god sake, even JFK.
O, please tell me - do you see the problem on display?
Do you see what I am trying to say, what is coming my way?

O, it feels like a betrayal
No, no, no that’s not a rhyme.
I need to rhyme, I need us to be okay.

Ray, clay, Bombay.
Tray, fray, mae.
Ray, clay, Bombay.
Tray, fray, mae.

O, please stay
I need us to be okay.
O, I know repetition of words is not a rhyme,
Nothing more than copy & paste.

Ray, clay, Bombay,
Tray, fray, mae.
Ray, clay, Bombay,
Tray, fray, mae.

O, please I don't want us to stray
I hate how we went from white to grey.
O, please I don’t us to end this way,
I know I am barely rhyming but I will try my best, okay?

Look - ballet, allay, hooray,
Hay, weigh, olay.
Look - ballet, allay, hooray,
Hay, weigh, olay.

O, please stay
I need us to be okay.
O, I know repetition of words is not a rhyme,
Nothing more than copy & paste.

I’ll come up with more,
Dismay, replay, is-lay.
Tray, cafe, valet,
Delray, Alleyway, Chevrolet.

It is not that I don’t know how to rhyme,
I just need something to rhyme for.
Rhyming is synchronisation, it is compatibility
I just need to know we are.

Please, stay, stay, stay,
Don't go away, don't go away, don't go away.
Please, stay, stay, stay,
Don't go away, don't go away, don't go away.

Ray, clay, Bombay,
Tray, fray, mae.
Ray, clay, Bombay,
Tray, fray, mae.

I know I am barely rhyming, but I will do my best okay?
Please stay,
Don’t go away.
I always associated rhyme with compatibility, and although sometimes certain words that rhyme does not mean the same thing - such as "tree" and "flee", but in a bizarre way, they connect through rhythm. Rhythm can be such a beautiful thing, like in songs - where it can be jumpy, makes you want to dance and generally has a nice flow to it. Music is only one example of the input of rhythm. In general, a rhythm means consistency, a pattern in some way. To me rhythm (although it is not always the case) connotes good & happiness, like the act of skipping in a field of flowers.

Whereas with repetition, I always interpreted it as a point to emphasis, a dire need to be paid attention to, to be highlighted, acknowledged, underlined and to be focused on. In a way, it screams desperation to me. I don't believe it flows smoothly. Instead, I see it as pressing the car brakes quite abruptly & harshly, that your water bottle, phone and even yourself are yanked out of your seat - with the seatbelt suddenly burning your chest, or a child throwing a tantrum (crying, stomping their feet, throwing themselves on the floor & screaming).

In this writing of mine (partly completed), I speak about rhyming and how I do not want to stop - where at the same time there is the presence of repetition. And if you see repetition as a "scream of desperation" as I do right now, then as you progress through the page, you will be able to see that my rhymes become an embodiment of exactly that (desperation) - not only through stating clearly my urgency for rhyme but also by my rhymes themselves becoming repeated - thus my repetition of "O" fades away around the end - but that does not mean repetition is not there anymore - all that happened is that it took another form. Repetition becomes the only way for me to rhyme. Does that mean they are still rhymes or are they repetitions? If a word is repeated does that mean it rhymes or is it merely a duplication of the word? Can we distinguish between them? Is repetition more powerful or are rhymes? What do we make out of this?
K Cash-Staley Oct 2013
I have a gift for them.
I should wrap it first.
Blue and gold ribbon
wound tightly to keep contents from overflowing.

I have been preparing their gift
since my birth, gathering the pieces
year after year
trying to connect carefree summer days of youth
with the concern and worry of adults.

Many teachers are on this planet to impart some knowledge to the future generations.
Roy G BIV, Please excuse my dear aunt Sally,
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in .... Yeah, whatever.
Knowledge like this can help children attain their dreams, they say.

I want to give them something else
Inject splices of film from my life into their vision.
Let them see first hand
the memories
Let them see first hand
the mistakes, the recurring nightmares of shame and regret

Take this gift
I see them suffering from their lack of insight,
like death by dehydration
at the river’s edge
I try to make them drink.
Drink up, Drink up this gift.
But their tongues swell with the cotton mouth of youth.
Only mumblings of in-text citation and Shakespeare reach their ears.

They write love poems, sicky sweet lines about prom and how his eyes twinkled like the stars.
“We will be together forever.”
They write adorable break up poems.
I want to tell them to run.
Run because that part only gets worse.
When he pawns your heart for a new leather jacket you were going to sell  to buy your childhood back,
They tell stories about bullies
on the playground.
Broken hearts and skined knees.

Please take this gift., Drink up.
I know how this goes.
None of it makes sense.
We spend 12 years trying to be cookie cutters of each other,
the rest of our lives we want to be snowflakes in January gust,
individuals dancing free in the wind

If they would just take my gift,
tip open the lid
peek inside.

This is not the end,
these four walls for four years.

I want to give this gift to you.
You need to know what I did not.
Pour your heart and soul into this.
Your life starts here.
Grab every opportunity that comes your way
Grab it like a life raft.
Love everyone,
that dorky guy in the corner, The mouth breather,
Love him the most.

I take it back,
Make your own mistakes. You are a clean slate.
Your life is that favorite coloring book,
create your masterpiece.
Go outside the lines.
Like the magic 8 ball, my answers are unclear, you fill in the details.

The bully doesn’t go away after high school,
It morphs into the bill collector, the tax assessor,
Your mother in law.
You will still be faced with deadlines, due dates.
You will still worry about how you look.
Trade your Proactive for Oil of Olay.
Your hair gel for Rogaine

The mirror reflects a new face back to you.
But you will still be you.

It is not the end, these four walls
for four years.
just the beginning.
Oh pasta wig!
My angel hair pasta hair blows in the wig.

Touch the slop.
With a drop.
Don't stop.
Clip clop.
Pitter patter tip top.
Goes the batter of all matter.

Toe mater
Cars 2, see it in theatres.
I have bronzen blazen brazen.
All amazen.
In the amazon.
White Lightning.
Hal Loyd Denton Jul 2013
Eleanor stepped from the rear platform of the caboose as they were sidelined to let a freight
Pass she mused how she loved freight trains how romantic they were the gust of night air from the
Passing train that and the sound the train made was intoxicating she too was a piece of heaven she only
Had a blanket wrapped around her body just above her breast her blonde hair was wet it had deep
Comb lines she presented the highest qualities of womanhood freshness innocence a wild freedom a
Tenderness her face expressed a look of longing a yearning the call that commanded wonder she picked
Up the natural richness from the golden sunset as they traveled west the silver stream that was wide in
The river they ran alongside for many miles this night it had been her bathing pool bemusement and
Wistfulness came from her eyes and played on her face there to was a sadness a mystery that spoke of
Pain she was travelling with a music troupe on the cheap she stated to stroll in the dark up the length of
The train first she encountered the only Spanish man in the group he was setting with his back against
The train on the rail at first quiet and thoughtful was his tune you visualized walking down the dark quiet
Street of a Spanish village then he increased with a fastness you could hear Olay the scene quickly
Changed to the famed bull fight in the great arena he played slow and softly making you feel the
Tenseness as the great Matador faced the great beast the first pass was letter perfect the grace the cape
Moved in a half circle then he spoke Toro the bull charged but in the blink of an eye the Matador saw
The bull turn his head with those massive horns it caught him in the side and then the terror of a human
Doll being tossed and stomped the cadence of the guitar told it all the day would go to the bull glory and
Honor would go to the dead Matador she continued to walk as the guitar sound faded only to be picked
Up by the sound of a rich trumpet it pierced the sweet night the distant pine seemed to sway in
Appreciation the lone Coyote not to be out done howled his plaintive cry to the magnetic moon the
Expanse of the dark southwest night was the fulfilling and telling of the tale many ghost rose that night
Native American people always on the move in their nomadic way the wild mustang were real they
Stood grazing in the lush grass just across the river Eleanor with her rich creamy skin seemed as a dream
Passing between them made perfection call out from a night train
Cheyanne Higgins Apr 2015
Sometimes I forget that you are real. I forget that you aren't a fragment of my imagination and the curly haired boy I see out of the corner of my eye isn't a ghost. It's you.
Sometimes I forget that I didn't imagine that smell of old spice and olay body soap mixed together to form the perfect aroma that lingered a little too long on my clothes after I went home.
Sometimes I forget that I didn't dream of those picnic dates we had on your bed while you played video games and I slept in your lap.
I convinced myself that I made you up because it was easier than admitting that I pushed you away even when you told me that you didn't like comitment.
I try to forget yesterday. I don't want to think of the familiar feeling of my head in your lap and your hand on my back, tracing small circles... because that means intamacy. It means you still love me and we are stuck in this small void of forever and I love you.
I try to convince myself you aren't real.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
butterflies seize power. your chin is in-my meteor;   however downward my star flint. you maximize decent. Olay ! red cape fear. your toro, china shops-  around. you mount an upset, upset.
you break my things. you spiral.
Keats repeats
the maelstrom of
a new thing bale-some
and then some

a lark's comet...

wails some, how sweet. how sweet.

your gloom frost is hot. you're fun with a broken spine.
but you seem  [ in it. ]

you seem as neat as a breach.
a stop. signed...

Shari Forman May 2014
Mama you’re the one,
You’re the one to have some fun.
Mama, it’s your day,
Drink plenty of tequila and have it your way.
Sit down and relax mama,
Mi mama Americana.
Mama do I cherish the days,
Of pure bonding, bewilderment and circus Olay.
The aroma of the chicken stir fry,
Oh it enlightens my eyes.
Mama you and your humor,
Comes sooner and sooner.
Mama lets throw a party and invite all,
And not drive Howard up the wall.
Mama this day is all about you,
You have to own this day too.
Mama you’re in complete control,
Look out; mama’s on patrol!
Mama I love you,
And all the laundry and cleaning you do.
Mama, you’re the best,
So sit down and take a rest.
Mama I’m jealous of you’re hair,
And all the fancy clothes you wear.
You inspire me,
Mama’s as vivacious as can be!
So I’ll let you have your drink,
But remember to think….
Love you a ton mama’s,
Now go and shimmy to the Bahamas’s!
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2016

with raggedy old words, this is how I write,
in a raggedy old navy t-shirt,
upon a ragged edged old chair,
whose splinters will soon enough,
seed themselves in poet's unreceptive,
but just asking-to-be-barbed
flesh bared

splinters asking with the phony politeness ,
in the manner of a steady, but  minor irritating
would-be-a-friend, annoyingly, but cloyingly

"am I not a poem, yet Father?"

Poet has no answer,
mixed words
deemed satisfying suitable but unusable,
unconvicted upon the hard hearted
mixed wood

poet waits for the ragged clotted cumulus
of old grey ladies shaped clouds
to dissipate

clouds shaped like the
puffed up shopping bags
that the old ladies clutch
while crossing mid-street
making the traffic play
"dodge'r the codgers"

bags fill with the odd things
that old ladies treasure,
objet d'art of empty
Oil of Olay Ole! and mindless dribble,
mementoes of completed containers
of emptied out hopes

expired coupons,
that they refuse to surrender
even under threat
by sour faced bossy
supermarket manager dictators,
who hate their lives and  
in the deepening creases
of the elderly clientele,
foresee their own fate inevitable

poet's waits for them,
these images,
these clotted bursts of sourpuss,
to depart his skin, sky's.
yes, his sky's

wits and wilts while he waits,
for he always has much to say,
of what lies above,
the unseen,
hid behind the bland uniform of  the overhanging
one-no-color sky
of blanched meh and feh crinolines

thinking to no one now,

this is how I write, this is who I am,

waiting for insight inspiration foam to form,
from the multi-variable model that predicts
with a high degree of confidence,
failure with tainted certainty,
even as clouds are shuffled along,
a new poem will pass
that haha, no one will read

but nonetheless, arguing among his several selves,
better to be more fulfilled by the emptying of himself
upon padded cell of paper, of his staining,
the piece of him now
un-chambered & un-containered
thru magma fissures, steaming & cleaning,
providing a penny's penance
for his disparate gloomy idiocies

the gray ladies always smile at him,
always so nice and gentlemanly like, that poet,
underneath his cowardly disdain,
against his pretense's  grain,
contempt for old grey ladies
with old lady odors emanating

is this who you are, is this how you write?

*with raggedy old words, that splinter our delight?
Mark Toney Oct 2019
A well-groomed matador José
Liked to moisturize with Oil of Olay
His hands lost their grip
The cape it did slip
He was gored as he cried out "¡Olé!"
6/12/2018 - Poetry form: Limerick - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2018
Hi everyone and welcome to brumbies night live for the brumbies home match against the Auckland blues and what a match this will turn out to be and here is Fred with a jingle
Run brumbies run
Playing at GIO stadium oh yeah
Run brumbies run
Fighting fit fighting strong
Come on brumbies
You must win this Saturday
The night of all nights
Go brumbies go brumbies
We are the best
We will triumph over the blues
We are the best
Go brumbies go brumbies
We must win
If we wanna win in the finals
We have to win tonight

Thank you Fred and now here is Peter with his jingle

Out on the field of super rugby today
Are the mighty brumbies
Ready for a win
Our opponent today is the Auckland blues
We need to win we will triumph over
Everyone here’s hoping dude
Then the team provided a try
Scoring good here’s hoping mate
Everyone will cheer as they come on the field we get to our feet abs from our mouths we yell
Go the brumbies go go go
We need to beat the blues at their game
Go the brumbies go go go
Fight for our place in the finals
Here’s hoping well if we are good enough
Thank you Peter and now time to start the match go brumbies

Welcome to half time of brumbies night live and the blues got an early lead but then the brumbies caught up a bit to make it Auckland 15 brumbies 12, it will be an interesting second half
Here is Tim
Go brumbies go brumbies go brumbies go
We are the best team in Australia yeah
We are kicking *** good
And we are showing the blues who is boss
Let’s hope we don’t end up with a loss
Go the mighty brumbies mate
Carn them good and strong
Up the brumbies down the blues
Well I hope so anyway
It is great to shoe the kids of this town
Just how great the brumbies are
Come on brumbies win this match
Yeah oh yeah come on dudes

Thank you Tim and now here is William with his jingle
You know it is the brumbies
We are coming back on the blues
And at precisely midnight
Our victory will fit right
Into the night
We must win tonight mate
If we think we are good
What have the crowd
Eating pretty good food
Oh yeah we must win
Oh yeah we must
Thank you William and this match is going to be great in the second half
Here is Yvonne
The mighty brumbies are going to win today
1 2 3 4 5 olay
Then we will score and score
The opposition doesn’t know what hit em
Hit em hit em hit em
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
We must win tonight cause if we don’t
I will meet you in the club
And pour beer over you, yeah
We fight we win
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Go the mighty brumbies
Thank you Yvonne and now onto the second half go brumbies
And now it is full time and what a win for the ACT brumbies by 26-21 and I can tell you that was a great win
Here is Tom
Oh yeah it was a great win for the brumbies, the brumbies oh yeah
We proved too good for them oh yeah
The mighty brumbies
The brumbies played so ****** well
Auckland don’t know what hit em
Just when we thought they were down in the game
They scored some great points
Oh yeah the brumbies won it oh yeseree 3 cheers for the mighty brumbies come on oh yeah
Well done the mighty brumbies
Well ****** done

Thank you Tom and now here is Brian with a jingle
Go brumbies
We fought we conquered and we won
It was a great win we deserved to win
And the mighty brumbies
Are the best team around
Are we going to win from this match on
Or is it going to be a hay ride for us all
But the brumbies the mighty brumbies
Will put up a fight
Try and put that in your pipe and smoke it critics just smoke it now
All up
Go the brumbies go the brumbies
We are the best team around
Go the brumbies go the brumbies
Yes we beat the blues oh yeah
We are back kicking ***
Like we used to do fellas
Go the mighty brumbies
We are the mighty brumbies
We are The best
Thank you Brian and now that is it
There ain’t no more the brumbies have won, 26-21 is the score
Goodbye from brumbies night live
And now we draw the final curtain
Yes it is the brumbies are totally rad
The performance for them in this game was far from ****** bad
So as we wait for next weeks opponent
We will try and show them what we are made of yeah
But now it is time to celebrate
With a nice cold beer
Go brumbies
Kaley Dec 2016
Okie dokie, here's a jokie, this won't make sence,  play pretend,

Off the wall, at I-hop, sciddly do,  what's up with you, mix these feelings, mash this plan,

the tightest flow on the planet
the righteous don't panic
the whitest known granite
Oil of Olay, spoil the day
foiled and played

egg yolks in your eyes
dead folks say goodbye
you choked on your lines
lackluster,  just clutter,  
colonel mustard,

worldwide stage, real tight cage,
just got paid, listen to that
stick in your back,
hit you so fast,

rhyming words,
flying herds,
mining for turds
Houston Texas,
who's goin' test this..
goose for breakfast :)
Cedric McClester May 2021
By: CedricMcClester

The Republican Party is owned
By a stone cold loser
He’s an acknowledged
Serial woman abuser
And perhaps a secret
******* user
As well as a bully
And a political bruiser

The Republican Party
Has lost their way
They’ve attached themselves
To a big liar today
Out of fear that the liar
Might make them pay
They bend to his will
As if it is olay

The Republican Party
Is a house that’s divided
Which happened to them
Once they decided
To hitch their wagon
To a falling star
Which explains why
They find themselve where they presently are

The Republican Party
Is clearly doomed
And that isn’t something
That I’ve randomly assumed
I’ve studied the situation
You might have presumed
And observed the idol worship
In which they’re consumed

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved.

— The End —