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Andrew Rymill Apr 2014
Poetry is like sushi.
Sushi contains
Rice & goodies  
Wrapped in nori.
Both are combined rolled
Into cylinders
Then cut
Into rolls.

Is sounds  &  tropes
Rolled into images
Each poem
A unique

When you
Eat Sushi
With chopsticks
You are too  eat
the rolls
with just  one bite
Sampling the wholeness
of the taste
and presentation.

May you
This poem
On the chopsticks
Of your feelings
And sample
The flavor
In the ink.
cher Aug 2018
acting on a stage,
she builds with each step,
the floorboards trail behind her feet.
they form from the soil,
the earth breathing beneath,
wooden planks sprouting between her toes.

she sings in a voice strained and trained,
her diaphragm strong and core
rumbling in single breaths.

her skin brushed with pigment,
cheeks tinted rouge and lips scrubbed till pain,
gold-dusted on her bones
rays reflecting and blinding from her beauty.

stomach she ***** in,
always prim and proper,
a perfect specimen of femininity,
her blood flows in a viscosity unique
only to the elite.

fingers down
but she lacks words to throw up,
she's silent,
an empty vessel,
her lips meant to be a two-way gate
but nothing flows either way.

her skin sunkissed turmeric,
her irises tapioca pearls,
hair flowing and falling from her face
toasted nori on the white rice her dress.

daily rehearsals of sixteen
odd years practicing lines;
memorizing them, repeating internally,
the stage she builds like a church
her loves oppose to the act,
but she builds an antidisestablishment
forcing her audience of parishioners
away from her.
age 16
A dark line snakes along the shoreline
Vanishing into a towering temple
Home to the finest Michelin cuisine
The ravenous crowd awaits, raven-clad, fangs out.

Chef Yukinosuke’s obnoxiously fragranced guests
Survived his expertly orchestrated dinner with death
They devoured his fugu main course, without remorse
******* with a familiar demon, gatekeeper to hell

Muffled screams can be heard behind the rice paper curtain
A clamor of voices arises, one can hardly maintain
The merciless knives wielders, red lips kissing bone
Eternally insatiable of sins they can’t atone

For. Yukinosuke adjusts the nori bond
Of this new victim, his room will be fond
One poised drop of noir caviar in her navel
Her scaled-tail undulates, tale-tell

Signs of her struggles before slaughter.
Queen of the seven oceans served with a side
Of whipped up seaweed cream from the tide
Her breast perspiring under a life-like lotus flower.

Before her, watering mouths stare in disbelief
***** men eye her perfectly tamed skin
A woman sadistically touches her finger to her shin
Yukinosuke’s knife glistens, still free from grief.

Marred mermaid munched at midnight
Lusterless tuffs of salt-streaked hair
Vanished into thin air.
A trampled on silky red ribbon in lieu of a gag
Remains. Her turquoise scales to be made into a bag.

April 8, 2018
Write a poem a day April challenge: Day 6: Write a food poem
Despite the tone of the poem, I'm no vegan, sushi is, sadly, one of my favorite dishes.

Inspired by
Little Mermaid by jkim121411:
Denise G Jul 2013
Te iubesc mai mult decât știi
Si oriunde vom fi
In munți sau in nori
Te ador pana mor
My first poem in Romanian, and it's insanely cheesy haha.
Valentin Eni Nov 2024
We are strangers, strangers we remain,
From distant worlds, apart we came.
You call to me, I call to you,
But silence answers, cutting through.

You don’t know me, I don’t know you,
Our thoughts diverge like morning dew.
Alive we are, yet still we stare,
As if from graves, from shadows there.

I’m not your loss, nor you are mine,
Like clouds, we drift through endless time.
Wherever I go, wherever you’ll be,
We’re at the edges, lost at sea.

Yet yesterday felt near and bright—
You held my hand; your voice was light.
When love was endless, pure, and true,
And I was me, and you were you.

When whispers spoke of tender care,
And hearts embraced in love’s repair.
When vows were shared, no lies between,
And strangers we had never been.

(Alternative translation)

We are strangers, strangers through,
From worlds apart, both old and new.
I call to you, you call to me,
Yet silence falls like waves at sea.

You do not know me, nor I know you,
Our thoughts like paths that never grew.
Alive we stand, yet lost we seem,
As if we lived within a dream.

I do not miss you, nor you miss me,
Two fleeting clouds the wind sets free.
Where you may go, where I may roam,
We’re at the edges, far from home.

But yesterday, it feels so near,
I held your hand, your voice sincere.
When love was boundless, bold, and true,
And I was me, and you were you.

When whispers shared what hearts could feel,
And hands embraced with love so real.
When we were one, no space between,
And strangers we had never been.

(Literal translation)

We are strangers, strangers we remain,
From different worlds we come.
When you call me, when I call you,
We cannot hear, we cannot hear.

You do not know me, I do not know you,
I have one thought, and you another.
You are alive, and I am alive,
But we look at each other as if from graves.

I don’t miss you; you won’t miss me,
We are two clouds driven by the wind.
Wherever I am, wherever you are,
We are at the edges of the earth.

But, it seems, yesterday there was a day,
You remember it; I remember it, too,
When we could not stop loving each other,
Believing we would love forever.

When I whispered how dear you were,
And we held each other’s hands with love,
When you told me that you loved me,
And we were not strangers at all.

(Original poem, Romanian)

Suntem străini, străini suntem,
Din diferite lumi venim.
Când tu mă chemi, când eu te chem
Nu ne-auzim, nu ne-auzim.

Tu nu mă ştii, eu nu te ştiu,
Un gând am eu şi tu alt gând.
Eşti vie tu şi eu sunt viu,
Dar ne privim ca din mormânt.

Eu nu-ţi lipsesc, tu nu-mi lipseşti,
Suntem doi nori mânaţi de vânt.
Oriunde-aş fi, oriunde eşti,
Suntem la margini de pământ.

Dar, parcă ieri, a fost o zi,
Ţii minte tu, ţin minte eu,
Când nu-ncetam a ne iubi,
Crezînd că ne-om iubi mereu.

Când îţi şopteam ce dragă-mi eşti
Şi ne strângeam cu drag de mâini,
Când îmi spuneai că mă iubeşti
Şi nu eram deloc străini.
The poem explores alienation, distance, and nostalgia for lost intimacy. It reflects on the transformation of a once-deep connection into estrangement, showing how love and familiarity can dissolve over time, leaving behind a haunting sense of separation.

The poem reflects on the fragility of human relationships and the pain of estrangement. It conveys how love, once profound and unbreakable, can fade into distance and disconnection. Yet, the poem also suggests that such painful memories hold a certain beauty, offering a glimpse into moments of genuine connection.

“Strangers” is a poignant meditation on love, loss, and the transformation of intimacy into alienation. Its images and rhythmic structure guide the reader through a journey of longing and reflection, making it deeply personal and universally relatable. The poem leaves an emotional impact, inviting readers to consider their experiences of connection and distance.
Ari Jan 2018
i like seaweed

typically dried
yummy nori
crispy, crunchy
salty, spicy,
always savory
ironically never
on sushi
yes indeed

i love seaweed
With his usual Feng Shui flare
delicately, David snipped the
yellow antique rose
waiting expectantly in the garden
pouring water into an elegant vase
he carefully created a
refreshing, attractive arrangement
for our kitchen counter

It was such a perfectly formed rose
its central saffron petals appeared
as golden palms folded in prayer
and the outer petals rejoicing
we decided it deserved an exalted place
on our new cocktail table

I was busy preparing an Asian lunch
crisping the deep seaweed green nori sheets
I sprinkled finishing touches on a dish
of stir fried brown rice with steamed asparagus

As we graced the luscious, fragrant, yummy food
my eyes fell upon the sunlit rose
In many traditions it is said that
what we see and hear as we are eating is also

If the ambiance is peaceful
and visually charming
perhaps with the added benefit
of some soothing music
we are literally eating
and more importantly
we also
bloom with beauty and harmony
Eola Jun 2021
-Ar nori pasivaikščioti kartu su manimi miške?

Smaragdo žiežirbom pasipuošusi žolė kutena kojas
O medžiai virš galvos patyliukais apšnekinėja mus
O vis dėl to graži ta srauni upė
Nors ją matau ne pirmus metus

-Ar nori kartu nueiti į kiną?

Takelis eina tiesiai link miesto pakraščio
O naktį veidus apšviečia premjeros reklama
Filmai nauji, jų išleidžiama be galo daug
O pokalbių temos nesikeičia

-Galim į restoraną nueiti kartu?

O sakyk, ar ryžiai nuo mėsos skiriasi?
Tiesa, skonis kitoks ir aroma kita
Tačiau aš sėdžiu su tavimi ir mėgaujuosi kompanija
Kažkaip nepabosta man ši rutina

-Nėra už ką, nes su tavimi esu ir būsiu visada.
Rostova Jun 2020
*** simti clar lipsa de tandrete
De aceea nu am pic de politete.
Am ales sa mi gasesc o alinare,
Scriind poezii despre *** doare.
*** doare timpul care nu iarta,
*** doare absenta ta deodata.
Si *** dor toate, pe interior
Nelasand nimic bun la exterior.
Am lasat regrete sa ma macine,
Dar am pastrat iubirea intr-o imagine.
Din tot ce am invatat de la tine,
Am inteles ca timpul vindeca de la sine.
M-ai invatat sa trec peste orice dezastru.
Asa ca, dincolo de nori, cerul e mereu albastru.
written in romanian for someone dear to me
Părul de foc
Părul de toamnă
Părul de sânge
Părul de magmă

- Părul de apus

Ochii din aburi
Ochii din fum
Ochi de pisică
Ochi de nebun

Buze din nori
Curburi din picturi
Dinți prea frumoși
Să-i ascunzi sau înjuri

Emoții prea multe
Sufletul mare
Mai degrabă adânc
Chiar de mai pare
Mic de statură.

Ambiții grozave
Cuvinte reale
Istorii amare
Și niște animale

Eola Jan 2021
Aš verksiu
Nes krutinė karšta
Aš verksiu
Nes nerimsta liepsna

Ji nori veržtis ir pro gerklę bėgti
Kitus liežuvio botagu vanoti
Sudeginti orą esantį aplinkui
Ir tiltus, kuriems nutrūkt reikia tiek mažai

Tačiau aplinkiniai nekalti
Kodėl jie privalo kentėti?
Gyvena laisvai
Neturi būti atsakingi

Todėl aš verksiu
Nes taip nuo liepsnos gesindama apsaugosiu
Aš verksiu
Nes jų ašaros sūresnės nei šių akių

— The End —