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DAVID Dec 2014
Y can feel the cold wind
the moon is high , the lion inside
crawls , the helmet stop the metamorfosis
mi tooths are sharp my roar is crawling to
my throat .

in the night , think in licans , mi hearts is with them
mis claws are poping out , the lion is out ,
and y feel pity for the little creep .

mi head is booming and i can't stop , the roar
is stock in my throat , it comes out , is not a howl ,
is not a cry , is the lion in my guts asking for a way out ,
his claws , are my claws his teeths are mine ,

y think in the beauty , and her beasty **** eyes ,
a roar comes out , the bikes speed up , thinking in
gonzo  ,  running his bike ,  touring his lican ,
avoiding the **** , a claim for mercy for the
mortal , while the beast crawls for the skin .

suddenly the beast is out , everything around you sounds
different, night is yours , the claws are out ,
feeling pity and a rush , loews night , the effect is cool .
you keep speeding up , you feel the rage , making your roar ,
put fith , 120 km. are enough , hopefully .

you speed up , the bike don't go faster , the rage is booming
the eco in your head , claims for the blood of fresh **** .
the full moon talks your language the city is your hunting ground ,
thinking in lestat ,  hearing bach under a howling moon  , the claws get to your gloves popping out, full moon again son , carefull says lestat voice .

but the full moon talks your language  ,  she talks to your lion ,
she says in his ears , feed lion feed , take your paws , use the fangs
the city is your hunting ground , the lion is out your eyes are red
the beast took your heart , think in dogs , licans are lucky they have their clans , youre alone  ,  the city is ******* yours to take , the lion's walks alone .

think in nat geo , hoping they show some fresh **** ,
hoping for a lions feast , eating , with ****** faces , and a full
mouth , thinking in
mi lyonnesse . feeling ***** , the beast is out ,
cant stop , looking people like prays , in your hunting
ground ... every one is a pray  , looking for a child molester ,
for an assassin , there's no crime in killing creeps , the lion
makes excuses , for the **** , moon is up , you wait for a while
then speed up , and again thinking in the little creep . you scream impotent , it was your right , little beasty knows , he was lucky  , now they know how lucky they ***** , claws come back in . your  lucky to be live .

the moon is gone the lion is in , waiting to crawl back out , thinking in the running , in the heart of a creep , the feast of eating his creepy little heart , gas is enough , y will make it to the  cave , thinking in beautiful
lionesses , naked lionesses , their skin their softness , thinking in the
beauty that loves you but is too scared to face the music in her chicken **** heart , good tastes  too many wrongs , she  cant handle it .

the lion crawl back in ,  the helmet deed his job and protect mi head ,
the blood taste in my mouth , feels good , the fang is always out , like
a remainder ,  a message to your face , be cool , the bike brakes in the red light , you look the little creep , crawling to you , you see his dog out , he smells you , the roar scares him , his creepy yellow eyes , but he knows better .

the hummingbird of the morning sings , talking to the sun , mi eyes are hurting me . the night was good no one died , only the lion ,  rest in peace , very deep inside my chest .
the blood moon wakes you up , think in the coliseum ,the  loews feasts
the killings , the blood , the roman ladies , in the streets no one , looks at you , beneath the monet sykes , everyone , walks with the certainty , for their  own certainties , the blood moon wakes every cell in my body the lion claims for a way out , y only see prays , in a ****** red moon .

the house is quiet , my teeths are in , y bite my lips ,
take the shorts  up for a run  , throwing all the rage , in the ****** moon the creeps knows better ,  but still , thinking in the cowardness of being inside , having a creep , inside a ****** closet with 80 years old , pitty is an excuse , he knows better deep in his creepy little heart knowing he was ,  only a lucky little rat .

the feast in natgeo , is cool thinking in the creepy enemy , getting eaten alive by hyenas , eaten to the bone , screaming for mercy , thats  happy
or wishful thinking , oh the beast is there ,  yet , deep down you know that is there , waiting  , looking the prays , but that is the secret , that everyone have  it , only few knows it , and control it , as y do
screaming and roaring beneath the ****** moon .

now i'm calm waiting for a day sleep , having the certainty that my beast is controlled , and the blood feast , are just my wishful thinking .
in the nigth ride , think in blake , tiger tiger in the night .
why your eyes shine so bright , that's my line , your eyes shine , the night is your day , the creep is everywhere , here i am  scream some creep defender , thanks the lord , for your life , and dont scream at me defending that crap . the lion talks to people , don't defend **** ,
luckily i'm used to hold on and hold back , in the ****** night , someone says here we are ,  y say , so what , nothing works for you ,
, whats the point , of being there , illogical and creepy , think again your lucky to be alive . y hear knives out by radiohead and  y think in destroy that creepy evil little rat , that almost destroy mi life , and y say to the rat your ******* lucky to be alive .

       c'est tout, je adore.
temporary not finished , lack of sleep , ***** and beneath that same ****** moon ,
DAVID May 2017
oh secret muse,
the shinning eyes,
the perfect smile

adored in the twiligth,
the vision before nigth,
traps this ******* rigth

oh the tender smile,
the gracious laughs,
you are indeed the
adored one.

beneath the moon,
looking in your eyes,
hope and a smile

secret muse you indeed
make the ******* shine,
inside and out

with a secret glow, the shine
of the one that is loved,
the shine of a smile.

the path is all aroud,
cause you followed
your heart, that is the
sacred path.

the secret way to do
things rigth, is following
your heart.

not shinning like a star, but
as a man, doing rigth,
following his heart, working
on love.

the star in my skies,
shinning brigth, day and nigth
sacred muse, pasion and deligth

elegant and brigth,
beautiful and truth,
divine and prophane,

oh secret muse, queen of hearts,
divine ligth in the ******* nigth,
your love makes a world shine.
Mazen Edlibi Oct 2016
I miss you in today's night!
The first time I realized the night without you is dark!
I can't tell  you "I miss you"!
I can't tell you how the day was!
I'll keep my words away from you, till you wake up in the morning!
Till my day becomes Night!
DAVID Dec 2015
under the aparent darkness,
the nacar red of your lips
give me ligth.

between the tender and quiet
kisses of fire, you absorved
my darkness

there was no magic, it was
just that, two dark beings
absorving ligth.

a beast with a loewe head,
desolated, tormented, for
his pain.

between the lost and desdain,
and with desire sticked
to his skin.

the ligth in absolut darkness,
years looking that skin of silk,
those lips sweet as honney.

the silky and perfumated lips,
of a beautiful shadow, a lioness
in the dark.

and who will know, only darkness,
about that silk skin, that give ligth,
in a dark nigth.

a loewe, the lost descendant,
looking the way, and to that silk skin,
of honey gold and fire.

a lion lost in shadows, looking that
skin, that as divine grace, or gifth
of friendly gods.

found me, catch and love me
in the shadows, rigth before dawn,
giving life to the blackened heart.

and the flux of life, of strength,
to resist mi strokes, controling
herself tenderly.

never scared of my roarings,
only the beautiful fire, she give me,
with her nacar red lips.

her femmale lips, a beast, beautiful
with her skin of silk, perfumated and

tenderly resisting to the attacks of a
beast, thirsty of her, her ***, her blood, kissing
her skin inch by inch.

the HERMOSA shadow, with silk skin,
and nacar red lips, resist even thou, she
wanted to lay next to this beast

thirsty of her, her body, her etternal legs,
her *** of MUJER HERMOSA,
the beautiful and sweet lioness, that was mine
in absolut darkness..
Expo 86' Oct 2015
It came to me then, that every second i spent thinking about you, is a tiny waste of my life, and just now i realize that loving you is just pointless as staring at my shoes, and the tattoo of the heart with YOU&I; i tattoed on my back nows only give me regrets, and even feelling all this hatred when i see you my heart aches so hard thats is almost impossible to breathe, why? just why? why i cant forget you or just try to move on? why everything around me just reminders me of you? why i cant live a life without you in? Because i'm a stupid person or because you are my true one?
I dont have a answer and i hope you too, so i can accept my fate of lonely one, of a single bird in a tree, of a single cell in a living being, of a drop of rain in nigth
DAVID Aug 2016
as the base, the umbilical
cordon of passion, unitying
two people

the wormth conextion, of honney
and fire, but alone, in flames.

as funeral pire, no rest, no eyes
that as a balsam, help to mitigate
the pain, that burns as loneliness

of the one who
loves in the distance, and see
in strangers eyesthye eyes of
the one not specting him, but loves
him still.

lost, incomplete, vain,
unplugged, hopeless waking
between men,

as body without soul,
as man with no heart, its in the hands
of the one, stabing his back.
is in mondegos hands,that luckily
was not needed,  the dark ****

my eyes lost in apparent boringness,
nigth carries my steps, of plane

assorted on mi mind,
the tantric desire, lays subsole,
as abandonned mine, in the shadow
of it.

the vain desire, scapes between
stertores, of an eternnal flame,
that never stops burning, only her
palorosa balsam, calms the
incomplete fire, tacit, vain, unconnected

while subsole, front of the seas,
they both dream, with the son
of venus, but will never
have me

in a decadent, eternal party,
where they only suffer,
for the love that cannot have

david montecinos.
miss morcef mondego
DAVID Apr 2018
Love the touch of
Your body, beating
Under mine

How your eyes scream
An ****** song, of
Love and ligth

Petal by petal, one by
One kissed and

In your soul, im
United to you, in
An awakening

Beware of the darks
Looking to ruin your

And feeding of it
Triying to make you
Sleep again

In one nigth your essence
Enter me, mi ligth became

And complete you
As a woman, fertil,
Desired every hour, every
Minute, every second

The feeling of you complete
Shinning of placer, cuddles
Mi nigths

You are wath was not asked
A treasure of fate, mi
Placer to drink of you

Kissing your body, and
Loving it violently, with
Strength and devotion

While your eyes, scream
of desire, and passion

Your soul shines, under
Mi claws of cat, and with your
scent, now in heat.

Sensual echoes of your
skin, covering mine,
vibrating between the blind

Awakened soul, vibrating
In peace, you became free

Guard our ligth, because
Is only ours, and mind those

Of your devoted heart ,
now i live there, mi ligth
Nest between your
fertil *******, the loved

And the fertil touch, of
Your body became
everithyng, in just
one nigth

Youre everithyng,
The ligth and peace
In front of darkness
and the storm

Pore by pore, your skin
Is adored, your heart and  
Desires, goes with me, as part
of mi ligth

And in your adored thighs,
The path to my truth

Poems are more personal than
a letter,  cause youre evoqued
Even more, your eyes and the ligth of your body, of your soul

In mi feline claws, youre
the goddess, that holds
the leeche, calming me, and if neccesarie give me peace

Beyond desire, cause thats slavery,
Wath you provoque, in me, makes
appears the ligth

In search of evoquing ligth, you
The MUDRA sacred femmale, are
Loved and respected.

And in your arms, and by
your side, peace comes, and
we became one

You have to lose some to win some and  finding That, giving us peace,
that moment In witch youre life,
ligth, and truth, loved truth

Between your eyes of honey,
And in your hair, theres a part
Of me

Youre that scream, and
The soft whiesper  in the
Lovers ears

  inside of me, as a union,
And in that union, and  in this
eyes, theres a DIVINE image, as the peak Moment, in witch peace sorround you, and you became part of another person, youre the complete, loved, satisfied, fertil and free.
Not finished, like love, poetry is a work in progress, and a way to say, youre a very, very thinked person, beautiful friend.
If I could only drag you inside my mind to show you what my thougths have done, if you would only see how the seed that you planted in me grew day after day. All the storms it endured and all that it still has to go through. I have never felt so lost as I am now, I would love to keep trying but I see no interest in your eyes neither in your actions. Yet I have to live with this non-stop thinking, scenarios, memories. Normally I would go on but now I rather just hope you have a great life. This is probably my last goodbye to the emotions I have felt for you. If anything else it would be this. The common "prhase you are un-discribeable" this prhase to me is a lie. I can describe you to my hearts content in simple words. Days that ligth my day storms that keepd me lockd at nigth, winters cold that is my fears and hells fire that is my passion torwards you. How would i describe all that i love about you?  I would say... you're name.
Paul Hardwick Jul 2012
Hi all my name is Paul
I am a small man
only 5 foot 4
from the top of head to floor
anything else is your own problem
skins not bad
and think thats cool
at 54

like to think i am onis’t

                                       Ok 57

and you do not today, get anything more
an’nt no fly bye nigth
love things music
and poems
and there
all things inbetween
from dark to light
i like my mind to be free
then i am my only one true friend
Art-Stars Feb 2016
We are just human creatures
trying to find a place
to belong to
to free our lost souls
under the nigth sky.
But we are hopeless.
I am hopeless,
a hopeless romantic
trying to find my place
in your beautifully empty eyes
DAVID Apr 2018
And in your eyes y find
Miself, in your female

I am Defrosting in
Your arms, mi Defensive
coldness, the rigth way

In your eyes in find miself
In your females hands
Mi cold is lost loving your warmth

And a sensual scent caress me
all day, and the music in your female chest, complete, a Lioness

And in your eyes i find miself, in
Your female hands

The smell of your body, is mi beautiful dawn, in the cold nigth on mi soul

Dark echoes of pain, and betrayal
Defrosting between your arms, by kissing your skin

And in your eyes i found miself,
In your female hands,

And Your thighs, mi truth,
My eden, the scent of your body
Is my beautiful dawn

Works better on spanish

Y en tus ojos me halle,
entre tus manos de mujer,
me deshielo entre tus brazos

Y en tus ojos me halle,
Entre tus manos de mujer

Y mi frialdad se esfuma, adorando
Tus petalos, besando tu calides

El frio de mi pecho, se entibia por ti,
Y tu esencia me acaricia todo el dia

Y la musica en tu pecho de mujer completa, dice algo sobre mi

Y en tus ojos me halle, entre
tus manos de mujer

El aroma de tu cuerpo es mi bello amanecer, en la noche fria de mi ser
Y en tus muslos, mi verdad y el eden

Y el aroma de tu cuerpo es mi bello amanecer.
Pequeños beats, little beats of a female scent.
Mariana Mar 2018
Her soul is dark like the nigth, nevertheless hasn't any star to iluminate it.
When they look at her, there are only judjement, no excitement.
"Cold" she is called by women, "hot" she is called by men. Treated like a worm not even courtesy the poor little girl received.
This society where se lived never thinks, always punishes.
Her skin, to pale, from the coldest nights would never stir their emotions, because emotions comes with affection and what affection the girl possessed?
Her closest companions had already fell to sleep when the darkness has started to appear.
But not with her, she would live even without the day light. Now with her daydreams, lamented, why the darkness hasn't take her?
Gianna Jan 2019
You think yourself to death,
and your soul does not rest in the long nigth ahead of you.
Every single mistake you made seems to be heavier than expected. They seem to have a life of their own, two arms and two legs. They wear your face and tell you how to be nice, judging every step you take.

You hurt yourself until the sight of blood breaks the spell. You scratch your skin until you're back to being yourself, leaving the home you built for when the storm punches back, alone.

You burn yourself in lack of air. The heavy smell of burning flash is your worst nightmare, but you cannot control your mind, so you have to hold on to what's real and pray for redemption.

Days pass without mercy. Self harming becomes your way to survive through the week, since you start feeling numb.  You start getting getting used to the smell,the broken walls that sorround you, the alternative universe you're living in.

At some point. everything becomes amazingly clear, however, when you see the sunlight for the first time after days, weeks or months of pure darkness, the sun sets and you go back to being the strange person you know the most...

— The End —