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WHAT can we say of the night?
The fog night, the moon night, the fog moon night last night?
There swept out of the sea a song.
There swept out of the sea-torn white plungers.
There came on the coast wind drive
In the spit of a driven spray,
On the boom of foam and rollers,
The cry of midnight to morning:
Who has loved the night more than I have?
Who has loved the fog moon night last night more than I have?
Out of the sea that song
  -can I ever forget it?
Out of the sea those plungers
  -can I remember anything else?
Out of the midnight morning cry: Hoi-a-loa:
  -how can I hunt any other songs now?
Jessica B Jan 2021
We learn that one day,

you speak into existence.
Gary W Weasel Jr Jun 2020
Cataclysm masked in magma
And bulging land, aching the trees.
Nervousness and candor entwined
Caution dissipating quickly.
Love has abdicated the throne
Leniency lacking, giving no quarter
Engulfed in the Nietzsche monster
Death when lava flows on Pompeii.
Vengo a expresar mi desazón suprema
y a perpetuarla en la virtud del canto.
Yo soy Maín, el héroe del poema,
que vio, desde los círculos del día,
regir el mundo una embriaguez y un llanto.

¡Armonía! ¡Oh profunda, oh abscóndita Armonía!

Y velaré mi arduo pensamiento
sotto il velame degli versi strani,
fastuoso, de pompas seculares;
perfecta en sí la estrofa del lamento
y a impulso de los ritmos estelares.

Columpia el mar su cauda nacarina,
e imbuida en la clámide del río
pasa en la bruma fúlgida la carne de la ondina.
Grana el campo nutricio, fluyen mieles,
una deidad inflama las horas con su llama
y loa el día azul un coro de donceles.

Romero: ¿no rebosa el corazón
por la noche de sombras evocadas,
por la tierra de arrugas trabajadas,
del Tiempo y el Espacio la múltiple emoción?

Brilla en las lejanías invioladas
vaga ciudad, e! viento da en los juncos,
los juncos gimen bajo el viento rudo...
Romero, ¡que se vierta el corazón!
y la ternura y la tristeza mía
canten en el crepúsculo: ¡Armonía!
Yo, Rey del reino estéril de las lágrimas,
yo, Rey del reino vacuo de las rimas,
con mis canciones ebrias
que un son nocturno hechiza
y con mis voces pávidas,
anuncio las cavernas del Enigma.
En mis siete dolores primarios se resume,
como en alejandrino paradigma,
la escala del dolor que el mal asume.

Tenebrosa, recóndita Armonía...

Mi numen, fuerte, no es aquel tan puro
como el cerrado corazón de un monte;
pero sobre sus ruinas de inocencias
haré brillar, ebrio del dolor puro,
una gota de luz del corazón del monte.
Julian Aug 2020
Articulate Throwback (Amazing Rap that Doesn't Get Enough Respect)
Fielding an eclipsed Jack the Ripper Sun
Yielding dismissal garish, begotten The Matrix smokin’ gun
Wielding a firebrand skittish
Skills levied an intolerable tax by quisling quoted British
Stunting on heyday levity marksman of primes
Flogged for flagrant dragons sinking nickels and dimes aimed beatific sublime
Flowing like centripetal orbit  galvanized by riddled spirits dashed in secondary impetus of reason over rhyme
Littoral swank partial to Taylor Series of dedications Speak Now peaks livid with fumiducts of crippled sheep blandished for reach
Apologies invited always welcome for a kitsch debased by universal theaters yet united for Payable on Death singing the deceit of receipts impeached
Islanders flooding suicides punning that a sunken treasure is barbs smuggling
Otiose on ribald corsairs blinkered by the rhombos of speculation thunder itself about lightning starts wondering
Where a City by the Bay shining on a Hill of travesties of decay tanks for domesticated Negros that flashbangs got to slay
To the wistful shaken house music garnishing the prey of prayer on heavy pulls of quotable 415 hay-day
The wrinkled stray dog never  far from *****
Slapsticks against the tribunes awaiting for meteoric functions of a recessive allele of a dominant comet
Ludacris flickers dancing in dormant revelry because On Top, Just Let Go..I am honest and On It
To the milk of harvested stars glaring at tankers and garish broken FaceMash scars teetotalers scatter with Thursday crashing into glass shards
Black fame is a white epiphany of infamy designated by name
Of the craven coltish spinsters who market the crackling whiplash of sanity apportioned to the regaled insufflation of blame
Streaky on a jejune Diggity hapless hop of Kumbayas etched by Trailer Park’s scalding flop
Glorifying a Gangester heir to titanic humbled beginnings chockablock divested to Kennedy’s dead Candy Shop
Impressive rags of riches of counterfeit tags blundering with lazy LASER Tag of sharks too bellicose to earn a pitfall pittance of swag
Trippin’ by tripwires too flippant to be flippin’ on known graves sidesplitters of treecheese yaggots grimaced on madcaps of bottlecaps swimming in ether of money too happy for House of Pain rags of gag orders intrepid because some blood is Bad
****** drapes of tapestries too woven on Ducking Badger duck tape
Pretending not even a slightest twinge of celebrity faked is a tantamount affliction to Kobe’s escape
Time to rig the 7/11 notoriety of a caper drawl in Cape Town Blue Sky Action can barely offer scrape
Let them eat cake and heads roll like Nicholas Cage clairvoyant in mystique quaking like a Quaker parody rank-and-file rancid graveyard creep
Cuz the best in the Business evokes singes of Dre grazed persistence a Space Rover rather than a broken-down drive-by Vegas Cheap Holyfield Jeep
Forgeries in trigonometric time gone haywire because ******* of fools is delicious neutered ballistic wrong with elemental statistic
Armed to the Teeth because twinges of righteousness is strongly established because it elevates truces well-predicted
Reckon the self-aware hive jetsetting with Jive warbles of departure yet to arrive
“Talk” of those fewer in knowledge yet living an invented diatribe
Lil Dicky mumbling his churlish codling vendetta
Too petty on the game like a turgid Mariah Carey Christmas Sweater evaporating on benzo bleats because exaggeration is a measuring stick more prone to delusion than the vapid version of Eddie  Vedder
Ripping through seamstresses of time a delope from impoverished cesspool grime
Certainly not swinging with sockdolagers like Musk as UPS owns insider angles about BitCoin riches scoffing at #11 Sublime
I owe respect to an upstart prescience scowling hatched never against fragile egg-shell minds
He’s the predecessor to the Walter White of cesspool inveterate rivets in hulking pretense of a measured stick lying like Tony  Hawk on the grind drawling on videogame addicts lost to numbers like Wall Street bet on fractions divisible like Scarface on cardinal crime
Blip on the WHIP cackles of clever pasquinade owned by sizzurp of Red Wings demolished like Draper balking at the West Coast ****** of East Coast royalty etiolating on Life After Death because of a teased script of March 26th shining bright like nine-inch nails longer than an exaggerated Dicky loving pollution more than Sina Loa loves bricks
Mad respect to juggernaut Michigan flow, but when you henpeck a rooster fewer regaled Ravens start to sing like Tomorrow’s sung by Sheryl Crow
So attack the kenspeckel hiding like sobriety itching to revel
Even the greats are grating despite prestige owned like Steppenwolf inventing Heavy Metal
Yet the raspy dengonin certainly a curtain call for the moribund smooth competition genius but not square to my elevated level
Time to brush aside, politics is a Velvet Morning rather than an Everest scaffold of glaciers divide
Flourishing Eden of a Seattle worthy of treason on rollercoasters yet to ride
The contumely of charlatans berating brassage is a Lie Boring in Federal Way united against prejudices scowling because Qwersy Mencia is too fraught to enjoy the jeers of a tattered Pride
Past-Tense Quinn in his Chauvin Blue Suit is Queer on The Bends
For a better radio the shatter of the quaff is Damon on the mendlatch for the rights of heroism among men
Applesauce is scary when the cooks are too chary for emoluments of cherry-picked vanity inoculated because hackneyed hacksaws aren’t that scary
To a Rush Hour acclaim that owes a Martian a fair-share of the inviolable degrees above freezing that guarantees the Hang Seng
The cretaceous dinosaur livid in the Fields of Dreams lives to the honor of the author rather a subsidiary prosperity rooting for the same exact team
Credit belongs not to slot-machine jibes of Navy throngs because the sealed pedigree of a Potemkin stonewall ravaged an Atlanta March that Richard Sherman found himself wrong
Ripostes of wavered glory serenade Field’s Medal accolades jaunty with brimstone repartee for persecution of Sing-Sang jailed avuncular Dana Carvey
Crumpled in missives etched decisively by Popcorn paparazzi Lee Harvey Oswald Part Three dinging Reagan’s Drugs because belittled Batman and Robin Harvey Dent is on a defalcation spree
Limited by the gambit of orbit I flex space measured only by perception hourglasses mistake for Dewey Decimal ministry
Because mountebanks of the tramontane canard unscrewed by Donkey’s without the triumph of vindicated colts spew the unwarranted without the warrant of upright parlance
Deflecting the useless caricature of Jezebels they barely even know dancing with fisticuffs choleric with jaundiced illuminati chants of an age bracing for the venom of viper’s of gratuitous pretense in violence because the whittled conscience scourges footloose profligacy in dementia that owns probability rather than certainty but doesn’t stand a chance
A billowing toxic fume of a Trojan Horse of galloped complicity of headless horsemen too scared to even pinprick the average Brett Hume huffs like mad wolverines dancing with Buccaneers for the fidelity of bridled brides with a tailored or sloppy groom
Cowering behind plashy starlets dashed for authenticity too soon
The Red Robin Hood ****** of silhouettes of Caste system indecency is reduced to reductivism in peddled paranoia of Randall Graves confronting his deepest specious tomb
To rogue slipshod miracles of denuded ice for Christopher Reeves Wally World White in Simple Jack owleries of confiscated light they caper encaged Caspergers ergotamine flavored favor uptight
Glaring prince dashing Rusty with ***** for Hummers glazed with donut torus hummus swift with reverend repartee
Sunken sleepless abyss ghosts haunt for quaffs evanescent in backbone bliss incurring parted sight for nebbich sprees
Calculated by persnickety prattle brazen with bravado promontory sparked on the flames of an overhyped hysteria ablaze
Raisins aren’t the determinant of a blinkered starstruck page gilded to amaze
Formidable reform conserved against blasphemies of ****
Withstands the immutable geotaxis of inevitable backfires in limited scourges of scorn
Time to sacrifice the badge earn the primacy of trimleggers making a dash rushing for hourglass sand prominent in fiat flash
In a second a trampoline against a specious marvel is a sour remorse of a crusade turning into protection not found in autumn ash
With autarky righteous rain boogies against bogeys of golfers livid with sensational inane
Lunacy predicated on sensational maudlin labors of Genesis 3:16 birth pain
Incurred upon the toil of the lugubrious heights of teachers that defy tribes and stripes
Soldiering for God without even the slightest nefarious mercenary spite
Because Ledgers cannot be mistaken for legends because petty battles Abandoned Pools named were avoided for Nobel Prizes of moonshot fame never King Kong because 24k magic called the Hang Seng  game enter stage right
The thematic liberation of the freewheeler isn’t a combustion of truckers Ruckers allergic to chattered shame
But the time honored Sevendust defies blisters because a brave heroism leaps into legacy vaunted by cheery repute in winning hegemony against rigged fraud in frigid feral tames
I march to an inaugural chance without a chance of quick inauguration because Junetao is a duck-duck-go childish flicker against Amsterdam Vallon besides the church with a touching spectacle of solidarity beyond temporal Anacondas of deserved blame
An ally to the kitsch the prosperity of Nas is afforded to optimism never so fulgurant because of a bewitched Tik Tok twitch
As the true flock regards the true shepherd the guardian of wonder and the captain avoiding Yellow Submarines because Stayin’ Alive is a prophecy not a febrile contagion of germs pitching tents for flukes insistent on incident rather than honorable to Canada Dry on Strike for better than a bubble gum mumble rap of Lil Pump’s pruned humps for a ******* ghost rider rather than a profaned itch
But the camel survives because the needle doesn’t thrive in a world where God is always Stayin’ Alive to strike a pose for the voguest Jive
“The Seduction” lives and the corruption limps with glib bribery fibs because 2 Timothy 1:7 in autarky is a generous rhyme that  gives and gives
In endless crusade to beat like David the ***** of a poker miracle that stars in a showcase of a life of splendor eternal rather than a cursory kamikaze reckless fib
Its time for  abundance of life to be lived fully to truly find riches in the best possible life winsome in discretion to quake and yet remain immune to a Walgreens of Stonewall myth
Cast not the first stone against the immaculate Giant because everybody is shaking to Bond and Saint Joseph’s guarded wordsmith
zebra Mar 2017
theres a juncture
a crossroad
Papa Legba
voodoo god
doorway to the loa
and Baudelaire
poet extraordinaire
when youthful passions and eroticism are sullied
and pretty pretty flies away
from years used up
and gravities command
a slow draying
suffocates leaps of consciousness
and leaves in its wake
belly bloats sagging gut
****** lines
slowing metabolism
and a host of other accumulated degradations

cruel revelations unpeel the chilled soul
as the light of the body is eroded
by time
and the horror of solitude sets in

a conjunction of creeps moon and Venus
show us new enticements
Satan's *** nail
an independent morality
flowers of evil
the eroticism of aesthetic suffering.
like idle hands in something filthy to ******
the glistening buttery *** of youth gone by
and in its place
forbidden undulations of dark dreams
and the beauty of ****** horror

or what then may i ask
the imagine-less drab canvass
of the castrated high minded middle class?
Vincent JFA Mar 2017
I felt my pulse stutter when I spoke of you
long before I met you, back when
I was marooned on the Island
with a bunch of sourpusses some years ago,
who told me it would have taken
a pipeline chilled on dry ice (with a faucet installed)
for all the people in Hell who want iced water,
and a meteor the size of Mauna Loa
tearing through every layer
of realistic expectations to discover you.

and that the meteor would still end up
the size of a gumball by the time
it hit the pavement, and the first drop of water
would get to the ****** warm as ****,
and they almost had me convinced,
crossing fingers and predicting meteor showers
before I learned of you by name,
swore Hell's patrons could stay parched
for all I cared, and headed west for forty-two miles
until I found you in a part of the Island
where those sore losers must've never bothered to look.

since then, I've made a list of reasons
why nothing's felt more profoundly simple
and beautiful to me than each instance
where I could have sworn your signals synced with my pulse.
and they're all worth explaining, but I've grown
more timid at twenty-two, and mostly stare
at the bottle of Magic Hat, the roof of the shed,
the scruff on your upper-lip or the creases in your shoes,
just to avoid making eye-contact
(though you don't seem to mind it.)

speaking of then, back at the shed,
when you were tapping your foot
to one of Twain's records, I was going to mention
something about how I love the sound
hard-heeled shoes make when they click against vinyl,
tile and hardwood floors, because it's soothing to me—
the same way the tone in your voice was
when you saw the Sour Belts on the candy rack,
when you thanked the gas station clerk
on the way out, told me you were having fun,
and softly brushed my hand
before you asked to borrow my lighter;
it's just a sound I adore.

though I wouldn't clarify whether I meant
the click of heels or the sound of your voice,
because I know it's going to sound silly either way,
so I speak to you in Morse code
and send the signals to myself
to remember there are things that
will always mean more than
they probably really do—

to you, to the world, to the psychic
who guaranteed simplicity and tenderness
for me when I was nineteen, and
probably laughed her way to the bank,
bought a gumball-sized rock on a silver ring,
and will be in stitches by the time she gets to Hell
to buy a round for the ******* underground
who are placing bets that I might be wrong about you,
and that I'll lose your signal soon
whether or not I want to.
Morse code always fascinated me; it's one of those sounds that calm me when I listen to it (much like the sound hard-heeled shoes make, haha.) I've also felt this strange affinity with the complexity of it, and how cryptic or even ambiguous it is when someone doesn't know how to decipher it.

I often find that, as a hopeless romantic who isn't exactly brave with being honest when I'm fond of someone, I tend to somewhat water-down or keep my sentiments vague when I try to say how I feel; I get petrified by the thought of something mattering to me more than it probably should, and experiencing the disappointment when I am reminded that might be true, whether by a person I am fond of, or a friend/family member when I share my struggles with unrequited love.

It never really stopped me from believing strongly in that adoration when I feel it (or having good expectations because of it,) even if I find myself too afraid sometimes to try to realize my ambitions for love. That idealism has often made me gullible.

Five or six years ago, a "psychic" promised me a lot of things would happen within that year; I'd find love unexpectedly, come to a windfall of money, become successful, etc. Well, I ended up broke by that December, I still don't have a 401K, and while I've found love a few times since, it has often been unrequited. So the psychic probably bought herself something nice with the money she made cold-reading me.

Needless to say, it was one of the few things that reminded me realism is just as essential as idealism. However, being torn between them is why I tend to be taciturn in love; never sure if I am being too idealistic or too realistic.
Mazen Edlibi Jan 2017
She trusted me... She filled with her smile and laughters the world of silence and mystery...
I forgot who I am... I forgot my anger.. my loneliness..
I felt I am Alive... I felt I am the world Savier...
I am the mystery with beautiful eyes...
I am the castle with warmth...
I am the safe heart that hold you to your edge...
I am who you need!
I am looking for who is me!
I am Loa Ma!
Aquesta es la pipa de todo el maíz.
Aquesta es la pipa del loco Legris

Con ella dialoga cuando la saudade
de su montañoso terruño le invade...
            Cuando está antipático...

Cuando ya no ríe... Cuando ya no teje
su canción extraña, su canción hereje,
            libre, parabólica:

cuando está soñando con la Bien-querida,
la novia lejana, la suave elegida
            dulce y melancólica!

Ella!... que le hurtara su ser arbitrario,
su manía absurda, su ultraplanetario
            devenir errante;

Ella que le doma, le rinde y sujeta,
y que no le deja tirar la careta
            y echar adelante!...

La dueña de todas sus cosas no malas!
La que en su joroba le pone dos alas
            azules, azules!

...Aquesta es la pipa que le rememora
ya un instante alegre, ya una triste hora,
            velados por tules,

por tules humosos, de acerada brurna!
Aquesta es la pipa en que fuma y fuma
            cuando está soñando;

en que fuma y fuma cuando triste y solo
vaga y vaga y vaga de un Polo a otro Polo
            sin cómo ni cuándo...

La paisana pipa tan original! 1
Pipa que es regalo del trascendental
            señor Aldecoa...

Aquesta es la pipa de todo el maíz.
Aquesta es la pipa del loco Legris
            quien así la loa!
Meruem Oct 2018
No ka manawa hope
Noho me ka hau’oli
I ka manawa?
No Keia La, No Keia Po, A Mau Loa
"For the last time, be happy. When? From this day, from this night, forever more."

I gave you a list of things that I just realized recently during these times, I wrote down 5 things for you but I haven't told you the last one:

6th - I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY. By any means necessary. Even if it means that I have to go away. I love you this much that I'd do anything for you.

Don't mind me, I'd find my way home. ~

— The End —