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Mateuš Conrad Jul 2018
i can't believe i'm giving advice...
this is not what, alexander dumas
taught me via athos...

   the best advice,
         is to not give any advice

but seriously...
you want to peer into devices,
whether static,
or mobile,
   and you're not wearing sunglasses?
esp. at night?

   where's your western version
of the niqab?!

    you can prop up the shady
gemini, on the tip of your nose...
so your eyes, can actually peer
into the night,
and the social lighting -
of street-lamps,
  and the stars...

but then peering into the tablet,
or a laptop screen,
you're wearing sunglasses...

unless you're like me...
perched with a folded foot,
sitting on it,
with the other dangling off
the windowsill...
   and you find yourself
catching colours in the night,
with the pair of sunglasses
having, made the slide
to the tip of your nose:
so your eyes are actually visible
to the onlooker...

    templar chants:
   mozart who?
                    beethoven who? will not even play
any christopher young:
so why should i even "think",
but most assuredly doubt:
that they might even entertain
the "idea" of playing
  a śpiew templariuszy?
we could debate...
whether that ought to be -
  śpiew templariuszów
            i.e. - of, the: templars...
-ów is this, kind of distinction...
     -y is... a distinction
   only encompassing
of - the given content.

both are terms: invoking the plural -
not... of a templar -
          but of templars...
****! i studied chemistry and
didn't get a job in the industry...
what, do you think,
the remnants of theory,
have remained, imprinted on me,
if i do not create an Ar to mean
argon, or Na, to mean sodium?
   cheap-**** poetics?!
   champagne, ******* literati

- but honest to god,
   if you're not wearing sunglasses,
and peering into any version
of a computer screen?
      welcome to anti-Poseidon's
eye-sight underwater,
give or take 5 to 10 years...
    a bit blurry, a bit:
"all over the place" -
        myopic... you name it...

i'd probably be allowed to peer
into the sun, with a naked eye,
and experience less
damage to eyesight,
than peering into Beelzebub's
pixel phantasmagorical circus
of what, we might call:
the alternative junkies...
                      of information...

- and how many middle aged
men, or women,
will confine themselves to read
philosophy in retirement?
   and they'll have an audience
of one, by then...
namely their shadow...

                   "speaking" the truth...
can i just be lazy and avoid
the exercise of the tongue
within the confines of the h'american
standard, and exercise my right:
to write about it?
  by writing i mean:
a delaying tactic...
    a... filter mechanißation...
    why bother speaking -
attracting bothersome flies?
   can't people employ covert methods
of establishing "knowledge"?

     i can't even explain why
people require the right to speak so much...
i go to an Essex market,
and hear the freedom of speech

  2 f'er 'un bunch ah bananas!
   'un pund... *** yer bunch ov bananas!

    the problem being...
     how can you...
actually sell... an idea?
when the original "idea" sold...
is the tornado of the monetary,
trans-valuation of all values concept,
within the tornado,
of the use of money?

what idea is actually left, to sell?
an idea is non digestible...
   it's certainly without an implementation
parameters of a spoken of: so
of spoken, translated into an implemented
          voluntary ingestion...
         but crafting a monetary
spin-off of an idea...
      philosophy is not exactly
the sort of originality of a physics eureka!

whoever these modern, "philosophers"
              they, clearly claim to have
read a lot,
  but forgot to realiße that they...
  "think" like the ancient greek sophists...
    rhetoricians: who would be better
off teaching rhetoric,
rather than focusing on...
  or rather stressing...
    the ontological digestion of ideas...
which are: neither bought,
nor sold...
              perhaps i've entertained,
or rather: perhaps prostitutes entertained
my presence...
     but i do know: what *******
the mind, looks like!
                 i know what the new form
of begging looks like...
      some think that prostitution is bad...
but have these same people,
ever introspected an opinion,
concerning what: ******* the mind
looks like?
            not really, no.
Stéphanie Feb 2019
Told my feelings were fake
Laughed at for crying
Brutalized for refusing
Depicted as anomalous
This is my "home"

I exploded, caught a breath as I felt the silencing

Crossed volatile environments
Misunderstood ephemeral friends
Bullied, ostracized
Experienced injustice
This is school

I performed, in the illusion of shutting silencing

Living my curiosity
Knowledge is my strength
Reflexivity makes me grow
Embracing my difference
This is my refuge

I introspected, in the freedom of their paralyzed silencing

Meet mind-like people
Discovered my emotions
Explored my preferences
Dug my family history
This is my travel

I free-fell, as in my trust I hit structural silencing

Communicating humbly
Nourishing healthy relationships
Trusting my positions
Affirming my autonomy
This is my womanhood

Becoming a mother, I urge to gather the pieces for her freedom
I wrote this poem after days of suffering from my mother's intrusion in my maternity… how she made fun of me and invalidated my thoughts, actions and desires towards my future daughter.
Skyler M Apr 2019
You can bet I've broken so many metaphorical bones,
You can bet I've collected so many cursed tokens,
You can bet I've been selected to get my head shacked, she said depression,
I said repression,
Cause denying makes the truth all the more shady,
And then I've shaken to fading on the daily,
I'm a killer of a very special Miller,
Or perhaps that was the killer of me.

Now I'm a special boy,
Taken and shaken around like a toy,
You can confirm my death with many people,
Those who build steeples and feasible sentences,
I'm a prototype of a man,
Just watch as I ran to the sand underneath the sparkling grand moon man.

Take me up into the wind,
Bring me to the sinners den,
I will take his rusted hand,
And escape without a stand.

You can bet I've murdered so many beasts,
You can bet I've ruined so many well-lit feasts,
You can bet that I've introspected, to the point where I've retrospected into the infected past,
I keep on regretting going fast,
You're stuck in my head now get out before I pluck you out,
Tuck and roll to **** at everything that I lay eyes on.

Cause denying makes the truth all the more shady,
And then I've shaken to fading on the daily,
I'm a killer of a very special Miller,
Or perhaps that was the killer of me.

Cause denying makes the truth all the more shady,
And then I've shaken to fading on the daily,
I'm a killer of a very special Miller,
Or perhaps that was the killer of me.
A message to that ***** up I called a father.
Melissa Erin Jun 2011
I could close my eyes and believe,
That I am someone else,
captivating, lovely, maybe even yours,
But tonight I feel myself, alone, tortured,
but on this night, it's different,
the silence is reflective,
and although I wish I were someone else,
or perhaps with someone else, somewhere else,
I can acknowledge the flaws which are reflected in the dark,
introspected a thousand times,
like a tiny mirror in my brain,
excuse me while tonight I ramble, go insane
Ankush Samant May 2014
I swam across oceans,
I crawled across deserts,
I trekked the highest peaks,
I crossed great rivers,
I ran bare on fire,
I walked naked on ice,
I have been a king,
I have been a *******,
I killed many,
I killed myself,
I created my gods,
I wore my religion,
I was a great friend,
I was a bitter enemy,
I lived for ages,
I died million times,
I followed the sun,
I was outrun by the nights,
I stopped....
I let the darkness to prevail....
I thought....
I meditated...
I introspected....
I stopped fighting the lies....
I was in the darkest of the nights...
Faint light within, then shone on the mighty me,
I now knew, why stars are not visible in the electrified city,
Truth was again facing me,
But, I fear the cycle to repeat.....
My will power suppresses the fear,
I wipe away my dry tear,
Hope has kept me alive,
So I know, hope will again show me the light....
Unpolished Ink May 2023
Willow hair
sky reflected
Narcissus introspected
floats lissom in the pool
Kaley Dec 2016
You are surrounding
Ignight it, just light it

You are surrounding..
Twisting and colliding
Right before my eyes..

Is it time to move my feet
To an introspected beat..

It ain't the speakers that will bleed
Its your heart that makes a beat

Roll with it
Rock with it

Take your time,
Don't live to fast,

Troubles will come
Troubles will pass..

All that you need now
Is in your soul..

You can do this.
Cause I told you so..

Dedicate yourself and
you can find yourself

Your never gonna know
If you don't ever try..

Get ready for that bang,
Don't burn with the flame..

Live it up and stay strong
Your memory lives on..

You've came along way
For you not to defeat pain

You'll never be the same
But you'll always be brave

So live for the people before you
For all the people that will know you
For inspiration of nations
For generations
Of greatness..
Ruhani Jul 2020
I know you would have tried
to reach that last person,
whom u thought will never judge you.

I know you would have thought
about your loved ones
to embrace one last time.

I know you would have
remembered your soulmate
you wished to say at least a goodbye.

I know you would have
your choices of life,
where it went all wrong.

I know you would have tried
everything you could do.

But I wish you could have tried
a little more to keep up the fight
and not just give up on life
gone suddenly, so undefined.
Sushant Singh Rajput, an actor committed suicide for unknown reasons. He was so connected to the world, we saw only after his demise. For whatever reasons he left this world, hope he is somewhere at peace now.

— The End —