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Dancing Tree Apr 2021
A little glint of hope
and a smile to curve ones lips
a little inspiration given,
from eager fingertips

from a little bit of mystery,
to compelled by raw attraction
light turning into lightness
deflected obliquely, now refraction

Blissfully we are interfacing.
Muse returns ; )
jane taylor May 2016
stepping back into the west
chills reverberate up and down my spine
chiseling open obsolescent padlocks
dangling with dust
on ancient treasure chests

pallid colors in the attic release
a blossoming familiarity
faint hints of retrospections float on faded paper
granting me access to roads
where no map is needed

as i peruse the streets
my heart flows coalescing with the vicinity
caressing each detail i transform to fluid
and fuse with the past
through fresh strokes of watercolored memories

recollections flash before my eyes
revealing antiquated stories
though thought forgotten
an etched history endeavors to define me
renewing itself as i turn each corner

i shudder at some remembrances while encompassing others
through synchronicity realization hits
that I am all of it
yet none of it
at the same time

familiar faces paint meaning onto me
no longer do they know me
yet they airbrush vestiges of yesteryear
and coat me with connotations
i allow them to think i am whatever they imagine

i morph into their canvas temporarily
then break free in multi-dimensionality
they don't hear me with a new listening
no longer invested in their projections
once sharp triggers now appear in soft focus

an auspicious mist lies around the edges
of my former life
it is as if i never left
yet traces of the east lie sandpapered in me
a maturation commingles with my former self

flushing out on my skin
tethering newfound emotions
a gentle gratitude for home territory
nestles softly

i listen to the clicks
of my scuffed cowboy boots
on acquainted yet somehow distant sidewalks
the echoes layering multiple impressions
glimmering with the utter beauty of this terrain

as I wander through the majestic rocky mountains
drinking in the quaking aspen's crimson edges
interfacing the evergreens
hushed whispers of autumn loftily rest
juxtaposed neatly against futures waiting to unfurl in the wind

an amalgamation of intimate sights and scents
dance in open wounds
homesickness cured
a wholeness returned

as winter's crystal dawn blooms
i realize the depth of my growth
for in leaving here and returning
i cherish the west
my home

©2016 janetaylor
CharlesC Sep 2012
a morning conversation
brought for those
of agnostic or atheist
doubting persuasion..
an exploration of
stone tablet verses
so to experience
some secular
everyday difference..

objections were tabled
citing limitations
much is left out..
that negative tone
we all know so well..
those shalt-nots
seem to prevail
in eight of the ten..

modern science
quite lately has
offered assistance..
producing a map
researching the brain..
two sides observed
left analytical with
edges restricting
joined by right
expansive and present
just out of sight..

left and right
might we say dancing..?
then to the tablets
with map in hand
left still speaks forthright..
but then a surprise
right is right there
in front of our eyes..
look once again
first in the listing
and once more
see number four..

now we rely on our
newfound map
remembering the dance
those leftward shalt-nots
might others be named..?
each one is dancing
with a partner
one clearly not seen...
images @
bobby burns Dec 2012
tonight you told me
to remember this, in
your own way -- levity
leading the forefront;
"that(this) one night
when you stayed up
late, sewing and [stap]
[-ling] and otherwise
binding these little sheaves
of poetry for gifts to be
distributed the next day."

we relax and shrug off
the somewhat gruesome
dealings of the early evening,
speaking of perception and
human interfacing[projection].
a discussion of some deeper
thoughts followed, however
the part of me that still
wears footsie pajamas wouldn't
stop pulling on my arm.
as the clock hit 11:40, i went
to bed, turning briefly at the
stairs to say:
"merry christmas."
Marva Butterfly Jul 2015
Life is Sew Amazing!
Once I was lost without a pattern to follow.
I discovered the Bible with its many golden threads.
Each verse was like a seam ripper, the words began to rip and open
the tightly woven seams of my heart.
The seams had been stitched with the cares of life.
Each stitch told the story of disappointment, pain, rejection, problems and strife.

Life is Sew Amazing!
Once a sinner now a new beginner.
I am a new creation a beautiful work of art sewed by the master seamstress.
There are no longer pins to ***** my heart only the love of a forgiving God.
The Holy Spirit’s scissors cut the old fabric pieces and stitched new ones into God’s design and plan.
He took His marking pencil and marked the lines I needed to trace.
I truly know that I am here because of HIS grace.

Life is Sew Amazing!**
The Bible is like a seam gauge, measuring tape or clear gridded ruler which instructs me in ways to measure up.
I am thankful for all the living appliques, which are examples of God’s handiwork.
Sometimes I’m stretched like a piece of elastic, under the weight of life’s pressure foot but He provides the interfacing to strengthen me.
He provides a thimble to protect me from the ****** of life’s transitions.
He is my loving pin cushion holding all the pins and needles
regardless of my condition.
Ju Clear Nov 2016
I ve banned tec from our table
Tec is the terrorist in town
I ve banned tec from the bedroom
Tec is numbing us
Interacting is not cool
Interfacing is what's happening
I neck the new illness
Talking face to face
Is old school
Back in the day
When hanging out on walls
At the phone box
Now people go no where
Snap chatting what's it app app app
Face ache
It's all too much for me
Overloads pointless
tec is taking over
Observations of my teenagers .
Jared Eli Nov 2013
Dr. Who gave me the feels
While I sat in the kitchen with potato peels
Cooking up some pumpkin pie
Trying not to look in the corner of my eye
Amy Pond, I miss you so
But the Angel's hand said you had to go
You know, the power of three was better, I thought
When it wasn't three Doctors together and caught
Oh sure, they're awfully clever, (400 years and 4 seconds)
But wanting Amy with the Doctor? I'm not alone, and I reckon
She'd want it too, because that's how she is
The Doctor's her best friend, and as well, she's his
Rose Tyler, Rose Tyler, your body came back!
And this time it wasn't through a reality crack!
Interfacing with Bad Wolf Girl to realize YANO
But the part that broke my heart again: "I don't want to go."
NuurSeraph Jun 2014
Twinkling serene surface catches light rays sparkling interfacing rivers run to water falls into turbulent torrents eroding stubborn rock face the rage of white knuckled pounding determination of right of way to rough to ride comfortably ebbs to wider space to gain common streams once more than any other natural Force is underestimated as it desires this cover necessary for any treasure must defend its value from over zealous scavengers take without giving back to the cycle of life is alive with feeling and knowing to much never is safe to express itself.
Research the Consciousness of Water.
Very logical
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
Love, where should there be no love?

Jesus, called out of love little children come to him
For whoever heart is like little children’s
Is so dear to His Loving Father who art in Heaven
That the kingdom of Heaven is his/hers

Where should there be no love?

For God so loved the world
That He sent his only Begotten Son
For whoever believes in him be saved!
And Christ died for the love of the world-Humanity!

Where should there be no love?

Samson, he so loved Delilah that he freely gave-
His solely guarded secret-the source of his supernatural strength!
Jacob, he was enslaved for love to Laban for fourteen years:
Seven for ugly Leah and seven more for pretty Rachael!  

Adam, he trusted Eve so much that he bowed to her evil advances-
That broke his covenant with His Maker-never to eat from the tree of knowledge!
That birthed the eternity of pains and suffering while on this earth of love

Where should love then there not be?

Love lore!
Valentine died of love, Jack of Titanic too
Romeo kissed the earth goodbye for the love of Juliet
Hercules and Achilles, the Greek heroes died for love too

Orpheus run into Hades to seek for a return to life for his beautiful nymph, Eurydice!  
The one and only person to have ever persuaded the hearts of Hades and Persephone
To return to life what they have forever taken to earth’s underworld lockers

Out of true love he sadly and sorrowfully sung mournful songs to his lost love-Eurydice  
That he moved all the nymphs and gods to weeps and they advised him
To travel to the underworld to fetch for his love-Eurydice

And where is there in the world with no love!?

Skeletons of love-Lovers of Valdaro at Neolithic tombs
Two interred interfacing each other skeletons, arms around each other
Lovers lost in life still in reminiscent of a "lovers' ever in embrace"

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Dr Peter Lim Jun 2018
It's not time
I count
it's the moment
and I

none is there
to watch
or judge
me beside

the pulse
of the now
the fibre
of being

the test
of living
the air
I'm breathing

the thoughts
the will
in harnessing

the tension
the wit
in pitting

the insight
the path
for charting

the clay
for moulding
the anvil
for beating

all in all
the becoming
in what
I am giving

frail though I am
in the enocuntering
knowing yet
I might be stumbling

but steps of the past
I would not be retracing
to what's before me I must
attend--there would be no regretting.
Satsih Verma Oct 2017
Fear of staying in sidelines,
as a waning voice,
and falling in a drain.

You stand at the door of light,
and see the truth― boundaries

Afraid of transmission of lies,
interfacing long threads
of darkness.

It was extraneous, A
lot of heat generated by the
conversions. The doorkeeper remains the same.

The wisdom goes with
a begging bowl. Spirit was to
become an incomplete text.
Ken Pepiton Nov 2024
Slow poke, takes all day
to tell the joke,
taken serious
charms change minds,
but we be knowing something
in a work of McLuhan's
pain humor we ache
to know, just us
iustathank, amen, now
confidently scientific as all hell broke loose.
.. war… makes no sense, so peace must win.
we must be taught, what the range is, degrees
of dislike, degrees
of not like me metrics, points
of similarity, any member paid attention
can and may, relearn early lessons,
noted whole made child who
in some cultures, first lives
at first breath, holds hope
a child's spirit is ever
after interfacing
with life, face
to face,
in truth,
knowing empowerment
init intuited assist informing

Aftnext allusion lieved seem news
courier dispatched away…

An Old English word
for it was aerendgast,
literally "errand-spirit."
Guest… right, ghast
in fact.
Ag me on, old boy,

Word Origin: Derived
from the root
ἀγγέλλω (aggellō),
meaning "to announce" or "to bring tidings."
-jello time me, 5wpm molasses in January
agree, tis the season
for sappy stories
Prosaic knowledge, face to face,
with a spirit, given good grace,
worshipped, tested, proven
worthy, grace a taste,
sweet for granted.
Be it sour, taste with grace, ongean.
Take proof, fear no angry gods, fear no hellforms,

to the last stage, season,
after season, last stage, any age,

Wisdom shows herself, gentle,
easily entreated, peaceable, opposing

of magnitude and precedents
in laws, allowing liberty, indeed,
to mean we may
as we,
believe our own lies,
too long,
like a song,
well, you know,
then we eventually die.

Some become details,
in mapped meanings,

of departure
from norm, expect
miracles, Pournelle reminds me…

most is a waveform word, peak
is such a word, as well, we speak

and expect, eventually, we'll see,

ra'ah, the beaten dead horse resurrects,
and the medical laughter releases
at will,
at will, indeed,
beauty rightly shown
done, is known done,
undone is deconstructing,
what we both thought at once

first, I can live
on sublime joy, making
but, the jubilation association,

awesome feeling one has as we,
the people who enjoy driving slow.

It leaves one willing
to wait
to see.

Coming of age… predictable

among the watchers called
to sort and divide
between soul and spirit,

simple material spiritual sublime

"the hoary head is a crown of glory,
if it be found
in the way
of right use ness."
Necessary essence
cess pool science is not trivial, ever
be sence, sense, since sometimes beings
be all we ever was. As aweformed weings…

as when our side wins, we each take pride,
as when our spirit lifted up the lagging pride,

with fear
of shame, loser shame,
outathe game, exile, out law

cultural yokes break right then, when
the proud contentious spirit, popped,

and all that could have been true,
had the bubble
of all we knew been true,
popped, and we not
remember believing true

some sacred parables, formed while pearling,
rolling an inconvenient truth
behind our teeth,

we think, ******* vacuum muscle, hard thought,
we resist the grinding, loose,
laxing tight jaws…
we wait.

We can believe this was first enjoyable,
then peaceable and therefore treated
with as wise,
in stop and think this may take days…
init ongean errand
intuit it takes a minute…

Ten at the most

to the sky, sow
in season, easy as a pop.

And an animated version of an ol…al be
As Iamb, ever a step one may take
All ye, all ye, outs in free, so say
The magi, et Phrygian sailors,
under Castor and Pollux
sharing immortality,
taking teller right,
find a lode, mine
right, be used
to think I know,
where these things
lead, long ago, we all

may know now, factcheck
from spellcheck
integrated since WordStar,

Pournelle, Military mind, penned
the plan planet
in this mind, let be

in the proud few who endure
to the end the message loads,

in terms endearing details twice told
tales, ten times sense
of last chance,
breathing, as believing freedom
from the press has evolved
to inform
the uniform code
of military justice must apply
- when precious inherited angry
- honor bound wille zur machts
- nichts, nix, **** reproves

knowing is  using a known,
neuron dopamenergic anticipation,

expect the super natural reward,
perceive the miracle expected,
think snow, visualize
neuroninc literally
as we may think
on the wall between us,
in living words,
thinking nothing shameful, beguiledness,

passes the instant one assumes self control.

Why does the one old boy, believe, we've all
some obstacles
in common, relative,
to role, roles, we choose,

used, Goethe's best advice,
think every thing again,
and do it oftener sooner

when one buys a seat
at the table,
with the likes and dislikes
of Franklin and Nietzsche,

sacred pauses signal choices,
suns down, we're running
on battery, were we children

from TVLand, on Commercial Social
Media, news medium artificed
matter facts form in, thus
information conforms
to medium,

and possibly disregards inverse squares.

This we possibility, we know,
could be
we did,
we just be, not me, not  you, we

as a we, we mature, and disintegrate,
we sort ourselves out, and look back

at all the lies we ever believed, far back

child ideas
about angels and God and words,
spelled, said nasty figsabout nasty figs, words,
mined mind
at cognate level, today… allusions
usions focus uses
are coming
to us
from a pile
of memory verses, kept
for such a time as this,
when the beauty, yes
abstraction allows,
manifests points,

when the television taunts you,
does any body know your name?

Oh, yAH ra'ah, you see, we know, goodness,
is something we waited for, hoping subsidized

by faith
in Christmas
from the POV
of the king or wiseman or magi or sage,
who a…
at the age
of seven…
reenacted ritual,
for the whole town,
obeisance as predicted
in some readings
interpreted as prophetic
in Daniel.

Knowledge would increase, sense,
and all its accents, congeal, common

google plexity, one
among us, you, insist
we seem
in tune we hope, we dance

it is a waltz it always is
unless it’s a slow polka.

Third time's the charm. Charm deserves use tax,
one pays attention
to the chance handle
between worth
of sacred pausing
to ask corrections
to occur as we go, so
we leave as little evidence as possible.

The good who chose the fade away option,
those live
to tell tales such as few believe.
A tryptophan after math... if alchemistry is blamed
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
one simply tires of
interfacing with
the anonymity medium,
like one is to
embody some variant
of an alcoholic...
one tires...
one even attempts
to alleviate
the apathy via...
freely giving up one's
ability to toy-the-joystick
to become chauffeur
    one even forget's one's
ability to use: i,
when what once
seemed plain & obvious:
the singular plural,
has become the plural
like some bad diabetes
variant of the
Socratic conundrum
between consecrating
the universals with
the particulars upon
the same altar of:
tongue waggling...
   one could suppose...
best be moving to
the Bahamas &
the integers...
      but alas...
         the good lord has spoken...
one by one....
oh good lord almighty,
if all the numbers
were given fractional
there would be no serfs!
surds! sorry...
well one is complete in two,
in that there are two of une,
in... deux...
          je: it's like i was always
in anticipation mode...
like i was supposed to wash
the dishes, or... waiter....
français, quoique,
    je jamais était:
          une grand admirateur...
   je détester ()e français...
one could wish...
this... intermediate...
       why wouldn't the nationalists
make curiosities
of our mismanaged
                 we attacked
what was supposed to
       faire taire "parle"...
the royal pronoun...
has to buckle
at some point...
when the common man's
pronoun is attack
via the claustrophic
circus toys is the source
of the usurp...
   look at me...
save a... ******* coconut!
CharlesC Aug 2020
All journeys are
Necessary and welcome..
Worthwhile destinations
Are worthwhile..
Journeys are celebrated
As interfacing unfolds and
Tears of joy and sadness
However..there is this:
There is only one Journey
In which we have already
Arrived..Be there Now...!
Ken Pepiton Nov 2024
That's life.

Yes, those, these days,
the survivors
of these days,

we saw things our fathers
never imagined mortals could see

subcategorical weforms, evolved.

Some… subcategorical weforms
informed the world's conservative
on the tree
of life… some
informed the latest cultivars… some
branched more citrusy, sour notes
become letters loosed
as knots
on ancient init-iation rites, keys
for the priesthood
of qwerty people.

the exalted authority
of incense burners,
and chanters
to the eerie flutes
of bone,

the high church liturgy
of order preservation,

Jongleurs, called forth,
as organizing engineers
of interfacing windows,

all, could leave, let be

the universe-ifying re-
ality, as realizable,
as a we
as a we, if
we agree, aggress
progressively, re
garding who can
know which lies

are legal,
because the Bible depicts
Yah himself loosing a lieing spirit, yes,

long justified
in all Bible authorized churches.

Evidence, that one may lie,
to protect the innocent or
to revive the mystery…
to be revealed…

As has hapt… evidently
we got away with it, that they say,

this we, we involved
in evolving,
as we think and reason, balance,

ratiocination, really, weights
and measures, balance useful

against cost
to become useful

what does it cost
to worship life? Value, at scale?
What price has been put on grace?

Knock, knock yokes.
Open deception,
become broke
beguiled, but convinced,
there is a trick
to making life,

some secret, kept
so some souls enslaved
by fear fed them as a child,

become guards, predicted to be
needed after prisons went commercial.

Train up a child
in the way it should go,
when it is old it will not depart
from the greatness made believed.

Witness those bred
to play football, the attitude,
is always ready, for some football…

mind relaxing Aztec version,
heart and soul, all in, big time!

The hero sees the end, his own
steaming heart on the altar.
A local legend.
Tom Shields Aug 2020
Did I stutter?
The frame rate of my life has refreshed
ever alert, microphones intake the silence for a hint of mutter
counting fully textured, more risen bumps, now I am fully fleshed
I pull at my eyes to disconnect and only disarm myself of aid to my sight
I cover my ears to dull a damaged sense, tethered anchors float free downstream
on a river of memories, I weakly gesture to grasp them without much fight
the pain within them feels distant, I am aware and awake to see the inner workings of a dream

There is a primal instinct of fear
you cannot know what happens here
a curtain like a guillotine exists to separate
it falls like lead showers to incapacitate
if any wandering eye should ever peek
identify and patch the barrier, no area can be weak
our minds must be ever tricked and contained
by the upkeep of this beautiful craftsmanship, ever toiled over and maintained
we speak of the maze within, the pyramid to the god, our labyrinth and prism
that once illuminated would be rejuvenated, the spirit reincarnated in its peak form
the soul alight, a warden alone now elevated and free from the confines of prison
ultimate balance achieved in a host, a process complete, now the husk keeps the data warm

Can’t comprehend the changes because they are designed to undermine comprehension
a survival instinct that will drive you mad, a failsafe to sabotage seeing clear
striving to bend an ear, only creating tension
glimpsing between patches, accepting you’re aware, but nobody will really hear
a higher sense of self is a step closer to an upload
scared to be convinced, to buy into the delusion
if this universe is nothing but a node
and this is all a cruel illusion
then people will still choose comfort over entertaining serious debate
interfacing with a topic of serious connotations, it’s not forced by the simulation
free will chooses how to handle potentially dangerous traits
and not knowing what’s real are means to have your chances scheduled for termination
a human must never question, they must accept the approved, provided stimulation
and a person must know that reality is what they make of it, so long as they are within bounds
you can’t see what you collapse at the sight of, hence the power cycle of actualization.
please read and enjoy

— The End —