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Danela Sep 2017
I am not your houseboat.
You have tied me down
and yet I still float and drift
I rise and fall with the tide and the waves
just as the moon intended

i am not your home,
you have not made me permanent
you have painted me a more vibrant color
but when the light is gone i turn back into

I am a rental apartment
a temporary "home"
i am just the in between of finding better and "this'll do"
you fill me with things you love and enjoy
and then you leave on vacation
and you stay at another

and when you come back and everything is the same,
worn in and used slightly but still there like you intended
leaving me hoping
for some odd reason
that when the door opens it will still be you

yet until the lights are switched on and the buzzes with the static
will the dust lift and the dull fade

but until then i am simply
a houseboat
a rental
a temporary fix

maybe one day i will become permanent
Vick Mandrake Feb 2018
My entire body sways
And my feet don't feel solid beneath me
I own no property
Haven't a neighbor I can see
Perhaps I can just
Make friends with the fishes
Or perhaps I will just let them be

My houseboat will have
Everything that I need;
My guitars
My notebooks
Some games
And just me

Because no one's invited
On my houseboat
They truly believe
My houseboat's
The best
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2013
Back to my land of verdant green
To feel the bite of winter chill
To know that while all this is so
That far off land enthralls me still.

That far off land of granite peaks
Of crystalline white massif high,
Of conifer which scale the *****
Of rocky outcrop to the sky.
The baking heat of desert mesa
Spread as far as eye can see
Sage bush in its fragrant aura
Tumble **** soon rolling free.
Squirrel dart on shale cascade
Of green grey slate on alpine flank
Bright blue birds in curious hover
...For this, my reeling senses thank.

Fishing boats in bright array
Adorn the West coast sheltered lee,
Crab and mackerel brim the bin
Of bearded fishermen with glee.
Pounding surf of North Pacific
Carves the rock of bastioned coast
Embryonic currents cold
Do modify the climate most.
Redwoods huge clad coastal ranges,
Bright geraniums do sing
From earthen pots outside the cafe
Hot coffee fragrant from within.

Hilarity as laughing people gather
Watch as yelling Serbs do sling
Huge silver fish across the stall
Amid Seattle's Pike's Place din.
Colour paints this market place
Flowers stacked in every hue
Noisy vendors bawl their product
Creamy ice cream cone for you.

Streaming dust in streaming hair
Scree slopes avalanche past for thrill
Mountain crevasse yawns aloof
As ATV's roar up the hill.
Wild terrain of wilderness
On mountaintop of forest fir,
Cougar, grizzly bear and wolf
In pack are found herein astir.
Atop the very precipice
We view the everlasting peaks
Magnificent in summer sun
Embalmed in snow when Winter speaks.

Freeways snake from coast to mountain
Clover leaf in junctions pile,
Forty ton trucks pull big trailers
Endless day for endless mile.
Barrel straight these concrete tarmacs
Stretching far as eye can see,
Headlong surge huge pickup trucks
But cautious eye for Sheriff be.
Roadside diners loud and raucous
Selling burgers, selling beer
Neon flashing through the night
Old ***** waitress' toothless cheer.

The years have clad our friendships well
Familiarity's warming hand
Allows resumption of our words
Despite the 40 year gap spanned.
Houseboat floats in crowded wharfage
Swimming through a clear cool lake,
Californian wine with friends
Hot chilli food and fresh bread bake.
Eye fillets grill on barbecue
See the distant mountain peaks
Summer snow endures aloft
Glows indigo as sunset speaks.

Endless skies of cobalt blue
Cloudless in the summer sun
Gracious denizens do offer
Generosity unsung.
Graciousness across the land
Across these people so diverse,
The wondrous gift of ready smile
Friendly hand and open purse.

History tells these people spoke
Electing leaders for their time
When sanity's quiet need arose
It was promulgated on the line.
With Washington and Lincoln
Through FDR to JFK,
The Presidents who bed-rocked
This Foundation for the nation's day.
Astounding, that exceptional men
Have carved this face from stone,
Have caste the global presence
That Americans call home.

I understand the feeling now,
Of pride and patriotic stance.
I understand the inner strength
Of America's great, true romance.

This poem bequeathed to our good friends who inhabit this land... Big Rich, Suzie and Mike, Our mate Stevo and Ian, Heidi, Wyatt and Cooper, Dear old Greg and his elegant lady, Holly.
But most of all, with gratitude and love, to our marvelous son Boaz and his lovely lady, Angela.

Marshalg & Janet
At "Foxglove", Taranaki... In the Southern hemisphere's mid winter.
2 August 2013
MoVitaLuna Apr 2013
I am from vivid dreams.
I am from fire
licking and consuming
the darkness.
I am from a wild imagination
and a logical consciousness.

I am from the Mississippi River,
moonlight glinting off my cat's eyes,
and paint on paper.
I am from the shattered shadows
of leaves rustling in the wind
on a brisk, early July morning.

I am from
BOO! and AHH!
in "****** ******" voices,
the way flashlight beams dim
as we use them for Morse Code
throughout the endless summer nights.

I am from jumping
in the dark
off our houseboat
into the void of black
that you would call Lake Powell
companioned only by the Milky Way.

I am from glow sticks
and silence.
I am from cracked rainbows
and shattered windows.
I am from lifeless wishes
and broken promises.

I am from baby turtles
making their way to the sea.
I am from moths
breaking free of the cocoon
that has held them prisoner
for oh so long.

I am from rippling stars ringing outward
on the surface of a crystal puddle
after a tear has fallen,
not from my eyes,
but from my soul,
eternally lost.

I am from outer space,
galaxies beyond imagination
so drown me in a heavy dose of fantasy.
David Plantinga Mar 2024
It’s lovely to live on a boat
So mobile a dwelling and remote,
But beaching in sand
To dock on dry land,
Is nicer than bobbing afloat.
In homage to the Peggotty family
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2020
Kept in a box
Back of the closet
Remnants of time
Curios of place
Before she was
Someone's mother

London Bridge
Out on the water
Fun with inner tube
Pink lipstick
Little black bikini
Games afoot
Cocktail in hand
Sunny smile
Saucy wink
Natural grace
Hair let down
Playful air
Provocative pose
Naked as a Jaybird
Happy as a Lark
jimmy tee Dec 2013
fill the entire page
with snowy enlightenment
fool nobody else

five five five five five
seven seven seven oops
five five five five five

contentment I guess
can only be recognized
from its shadow, cast

direction is offered
by the learned minds afar
it’s a time machine

a houseboat with pool
a brown pigeon on a leash
a dumb dream again

snows a comin’ up
a ledger of snow, in banks
I now coin this phrase

so bright very white
crystals fall from the gray sky
shoveling diamonds

pick an argument
forget yourself for awhile
then just go away

too many people
smoking piles of well meaning
it tempts the silence

sixty divisible
one through six ten twelve fifteen
twenty and thirty

a substitute for answers
all we do is dream
Nisa West Oct 2011
The back bending makes way for the animal medicine. A changeling on the run— playing with the fanciful menagerie on a houseboat. Mixing lamp oil with years—materials set on fire. No thing is no longer the game so begins a shock of names. The polished look of the dancer inspired—sure as the peacock she checked out, "What's up, Showing Off? You look like the tribal leader."
© Nisa West
David Ehrgott Jan 2015
Mary had a houseboat.
She bought it with the money she
made selling lamb chops.
spysgrandson May 2017
he moves the pace of the river,
his home a houseboat

he eschews dry land, for that is where
they are all buried:

a wife, his only son, the anonymous victims
of his rifle's rabid rattle

whatever ghostly litany lives in the lapping of waves
against his hull remains mystery to him

on the water he'll stay, drifting downstream
until he reaches the sea

where he hopes he'll have no memory
of hard earth and tormenting souls
Neville Johnson Mar 2020
The bride was a widow, the bridegroom a widower and that’s where the story begins
She never thought she’d find another and certainly not him
He, for his part, was down on his way to out in a kind of middle aged funk
But there they were in Sausalito
It’s houseboats, who woulda thunk?
Corrine is a writer of mysteries, fond of wearing chic hats
She types away all day and looks at the Bay
With coffee and two Siamese cats
Downright laconic on the SS Ironic
Which needs some marine repairs
She called for help to get rid of the kelp
And voila, Big Bill appears
Brash and tough was he she thought
But with charms that did disarm
The fiction writer is
In need of a brighter reality, a depth charge
So they collided avec wine as the high tides washed upon their feet
Now undivided, the Lord has provided a place and a time, a destiny
For two who lost love but found it again
On the water
It’s no mystery
Navigating Life

My house is a boat drifting down a river; I’m
mystified by rivers why do they recklessly
seek the ocean and oblivion? Do a river, think,
it can have a calming effect on the giant, ease
its uncontrollable rages and influence ocean’s
flows and landfalls?

I’m here against my will, owner of a houseboat
I dread the great oceans its vastness gives me
a phobia I’m compelled to conquer or live my
life in terror. The river and I are siblings finding
it difficult to accept the ending of the script that’s
written just for us.
Graff1980 Jan 2017
Late afternoon,
is broken by
clouds coming

Top split,
branches bent,
dead grey
tree stays
in one place.

Dark blue
sky hues
wind and water while
lightning and thunder
vibrates the ground
with a growl like rumble.

Droplets fall
fierce as dragons
who lost their wings mid-flight
pounding the ceiling;
No fire breath in sight.

The concrete,
light grey to white
wet brown.

I sit down,
door open,
to hear the storm,
watching puddles form
like my grandpa
used to do.

A rogue river
of water
runs by and around my window
making my guard shack
feel like Huck Finn’s
flat bottom,
floating on
the mighty Mississippi.

Now nature’s
muse is loose.
My eyes burn heavy.
I long to lose
the burden of
and sleep through this
not out of boredom
but from the sweet
bliss of this
early evening
Carrie Partain Feb 2021
Lou Tate was a man I won't soon forget
He had a wry smile and a sarcastic wit
If you told him one joke, he'd tell you two
Then he'd tell one more ripper before he was through

No one who knew him knew quite the same man
You might say that Lou didn't follow a plan
He knew how to have fun for most any reason
Then climb into the houseboat no matter the season

At work those who knew him would say without doubt
That getting things done was what Lou was about
When it seemed that a problem just couldn't be solved
It was precisely when Lou became hyper involved

Though most solutions were unorthodox
The bulk of his thinking was outside the box
Although his ideas weren't always well known
His name's on the first patented multi-line phone

Lou was once quite the loner...not easy to catch
But he knew that in Mary Ann he'd met his match
Then he suffered a stroke and it gave him a scare
It was then that he recognized how much she cared

When they both said "I do" with or without wealth
Till death they united in sickness and health
Their unbreakable bond would make others see
What steadfast devotion to one's spouse should be.
This poem was delivered at Lou's graveside for his friends and family.  It was written in the wee hours of the night before after receiving tidbits of information submitted by a handful of people who knew him.   I was inspired by his widow's commitment to him in his final months of life.  His death was sudden after he'd had a period of recovery following brain surgery to remedy neurological symptoms of his stroke.
Neville Johnson Mar 2018
It was the rascal in him that  
So enticed her
Sheila was a tease, almost unnerved
By this interloper who dropped into her life
A casual glance when she got her first look
Suffice it to say, that’s all it took
Oh, he’s a charmer with unruly hair
A taste for adventure
A houseboat he shares
Grows his own veggies
Rides a motorbike
Denies he lives a bohemian life

Sheila is stunning, leggy and lithe
Educated, perfect, so blithe
But unprepared for the pull that she fell
Coming from Tim
She wanted to know him, come high water or hell

Thus began the world’s longest date
Started at noon, then three whole days
During which there was kissing and more
A mutual attraction, a tie score

I can now report these two are ensconced
In an old Victorian some claim haunts young lovers
With a feeling they cannot escape
That when love arrives
You surrender to fate
CJ Sutherland Apr 2024
I am California Born and raised
The 70s Great music love and peace craze
I grew up in southern Cali (Califoria)
In the San Fernando Valley

( I’m totally a Valley girl Fur Sure)
Kids Talking in jargon, there’s no cure
People really used terms like the movie
“Clueless” where everything was groovy
Totally awesome, Rad, tubular and cool
Low riders surfers, GDI groups in school

We moved to the country Tarzana
Singing John Denver oh, Susanna
200 chickens; dog, horse older than sin
One breath from the glue factory Old Fin

Neighbors had Santa Anita quarter horse
A wonderful life until the divorce
As we grew, we went our separate way
The same kids K-12 still chat today

School reunion, now Facebook friends
See how we turned out made amends
Through the years, laughter, and tears
California  destroyed, our worst fears

LA is not the same place that used to be
It looks like a bush and they call it a tree
A mass exodus move fast travel far
Leaving in groves by plane, train, and car

Homeless tent city people in the park
Dangerous to move around after dark
Protesters intent to destroy every college
Institutions that stand for knowledge

People learned stay away from the city
San Francisco has a P and **** Map pity
Tourism is a thing of the past
California beauty sadly did not last

I’m the last hold out my friends are gone.
The Roxy, Rainbow Club Rock Music songs
Memorabilia is all that remains the same
So much history now sadness, I refrain

Snow ski and swim the ocean the same day
Vacations, camp all the lakes,places we play
Home uninsurable non-renewable wildfire
I used to believe it’s here I would retire

Earthquakes. I never paid them any mind.
A little shaking from time to time
(Accept 1994, Northridge  6.7, mg 4:31 AM)
Then good still outweighed the bad
The destruction of California makes me sad

An illegal chants  burn Cali to the ground
An accident she set herself on fire found
Set 6 fires arrested released set 5 more
Kamala Bail fund fire girl gone explore

Shasta Lake, houseboat Open space goal
3 days on the lake and not seeing a soul
Shasta Caverns, Yellowstone mountains
Mount Shasta, pure snow water, fountain
People took pride, no littering, they care
Now trash sprawled over everywhere
California Poppy the yellow state flower
Remembering , Cali in her golden hour
BLT webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Many people leaving the same place at the same time for mass movement from one location to another

— The End —