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Du warst meine kleine Aufklaerung
Obwohl ich noch lange nicht erwacht bleibe
Ohne dich fuehle ich die Waende
Und dreh mich den Kopf im Kreis
Bevor dich war der Horizont leer
Jetzt *******er unfassbar, so wie die Erinnerung an dir
Und alles ist ok so, weil man sehnt immer nach
Unmoegliches bist du
Ich werde immer besessen davon
Besessen von dir

[You were my small Enlightenment
Although I long since remain unawakened
Without you I feel the walls
And turn my head in a circle
Before you was the horizon empty
Now it appears intangible, like the memory of you
And everything is ok this way, because one always longs for the impossible
You are the impossible
With which I will always be obsessed
Obsessed with you]
Marin Jul 2017
I gaze upon the blue sky
The forest behind me
Hiding the outline of distant
Mountain peeks

I gaze upon the blue sea
Kissing the blue sky
Sone perhps call that kiss
A horizon

With my feet in the water
Tears start to drip
Sea wipes all of them off

Hopefuly, they'll reach you
I would never tell you
Adasyev Nov 2016
Síla je
jeden horizont dvou závaží

a kapka v krvi
váží víc než moře motivace.
Domagoj Jan 2018
I was standing on that forsaken land,
watching horizont where sea kisses the sky.

where waves breaks  big silver moon,
washing shiny dust from it.

Feeling mildly wind blowing through my hollow heart,
whispering me all her lies.

the stars are woven into the black sky,
reminding me of the tears in her eyes.

Night cast the spell, feeling burning sensation of her touch,
sea brings me far away, where dreams can be touched.

Standing in front the moon, just like that night I saw her smile,
her smile was so long time ago, I barely remember.

All particles of her flows with me like those stars on the sky,
waiting dawn to pierce through dark, makes them fade.
Maria Mitea May 2021
heavenly goodness,
I come to you like a fanatical believer,
thirsty for confession in prayer,
I come to touch you with God”s words;
- my heart burns like an unquenchable fire,
light from light, feel the trembling of the burning fire,
- from shore to shore I will be your horizont
wearing a candlestick with a hundred arms,
- when the nights sleep one in each other,
come to me, - comfort the heavenly vault,
let your hungry eyes feed on the ******* devoted to white milk,
- blade of grass that trembles at the first breeze,
- dream born at the window, untamed goodness, feel my breath,
let me be your healing chrism, throw your arrey on me,
- come,
I will caress you in the valley of the thighs,
as a skilled architect mark my skin with kisses,
play with my holy adornments, - overindulge,
mix me with your blood,
with your holy rebel wake me up from the deep sleep,
conquer my hips as they swim in the trembling of temptation,
drink me like the ocean drinks the sea,
open the gates of heaven,
unleash your desire in the fainting circles, - healing power,
anoint me with chrism,

The Man of the Woman of God
You are the healer of the seed.
Love is the true power of healing Everyone!
The man and woman carry and nurture the seed of life given by God. They are healers to each other.
Alison May 2020
♡I love you,♡
♡More than all the clouds and stars,♡
♡Deeper than all the oceans and skies,♡
♡Further than the horizont and moon,♡
♡Louder than all the screams and fights,♡
♡Warmer than the sun itself,♡
♡I Love You.♡
I might be falling for him,idk.
Jonas May 16
Werde ich Tag für Tag
Etwas asozialer

Entferne mich mehr und mehr
Von euch und eurem Wahnsinn
Das was ihr Leben schimpft
Oder noch schlimmer, "Norm"

Leider damit auch von dir
Dieses Ich, das ich immer sein wollte
Noch werden sollte
Aufstrebend, auf zu neuen Grenzen
Selbstsicher, kompetent
Der Horizont ist weit
Die Welt steht dir offen
The future is bright

Werd ich wohl alleine sein
Zurück bleiben
Wies aussieht
Bald bin ich frei
Von euch, von allem

Diese dreiste Ignoranz, Rücksichtlosigkeit
Ihr raubt mir sämtliche Energie
Du bist miserabel und saugst mir das Leben aus
Wenn ich könnte
Glaub mir, ich ginge nie wieder raus
Verlass bloß nicht dein Haus

Leider hab ich Bedürfnisse
Blöd gelaufen

— The End —