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Du warst meine kleine Aufklaerung
Obwohl ich noch lange nicht erwacht bleibe
Ohne dich fuehle ich die Waende
Und dreh mich den Kopf im Kreis
Bevor dich war der Horizont leer
Jetzt *******er unfassbar, so wie die Erinnerung an dir
Und alles ist ok so, weil man sehnt immer nach
Unmoegliches bist du
Ich werde immer besessen davon
Besessen von dir

[You were my small Enlightenment
Although I long since remain unawakened
Without you I feel the walls
And turn my head in a circle
Before you was the horizon empty
Now it appears intangible, like the memory of you
And everything is ok this way, because one always longs for the impossible
You are the impossible
With which I will always be obsessed
Obsessed with you]
Marin Jul 2017
I gaze upon the blue sky
The forest behind me
Hiding the outline of distant
Mountain peeks

I gaze upon the blue sea
Kissing the blue sky
Sone perhps call that kiss
A horizon

With my feet in the water
Tears start to drip
Sea wipes all of them off

Hopefuly, they'll reach you
I would never tell you
Adasyev Nov 2016
Síla je
jeden horizont dvou závaží

a kapka v krvi
váží víc než moře motivace.
Domagoj Jan 2018
I was standing on that forsaken land,
watching horizont where sea kisses the sky.

where waves breaks  big silver moon,
washing shiny dust from it.

Feeling mildly wind blowing through my hollow heart,
whispering me all her lies.

the stars are woven into the black sky,
reminding me of the tears in her eyes.

Night cast the spell, feeling burning sensation of her touch,
sea brings me far away, where dreams can be touched.

Standing in front the moon, just like that night I saw her smile,
her smile was so long time ago, I barely remember.

All particles of her flows with me like those stars on the sky,
waiting dawn to pierce through dark, makes them fade.
Alison May 2020
♡I love you,♡
♡More than all the clouds and stars,♡
♡Deeper than all the oceans and skies,♡
♡Further than the horizont and moon,♡
♡Louder than all the screams and fights,♡
♡Warmer than the sun itself,♡
♡I Love You.♡
I might be falling for him,idk.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
My belief i believe is so a bit different than what you hear of the comon in an average day.
I believe in endless posibilities and almost what divine abilities we call as created a natural the soul we are in spirit the joke we bound to get later on how tested once we failed to learn to stand on our own two feet as many times it takes to fall as to fly but a pair of wings fail and repeat and make sure to never fail to try for as once had think i was made to know gods are here with us and watching good to note worth a notice not a greater insult than a lie and of pretend nothing found as foolish to act yet with fright a dread to decide left to fate be us to blame. Gods are watching always like the mirror the memory portraits by feeling knows in heart roots the painting of the song branches by sound of silence knew like ever the time comes leaving and wind calls a breath it took in wonder a marvel of ink. The other side of then before now and after and true and one to be like word the name nor above nor below where to never find but if showed as love to give and not to take to doubt is to hesitate when something is wrong is only right and blank as to having oneself but selflessly might as to walk must both feet of heaven towards free as to fly of wings a pair wisdom of faith to believe undefined and love of trust of truth the unknow the nature alike limits and ways naive and cruel like the ocean around blue the green and green the blue sky a meadows worthy to rose for honest even thou beautiful and mad like spring and summer short. Gods are watching, looking for their children and new and old friends and loves be and polite yet daring to lack a secret like the sun cast shadows we cloth and since the body you dress like feather of birds stuck to air like skin of snake to crawl figured by will to heart a feel known and mind to imagine  and define remembered to dream tomorrow today like the sky in horizont part day and night between in dew and clouds writen it rains and storms over our fields the news with all we sow we harvest to the last call nobody can answer for you nobody to go instead as to guilt but hands of deeds and will had willed to blame nobody to knees bend for sins of others but own if none least happiness in troubled times yet to forgive to forget if dont know and heart dont ache nor ties nor weights. Gods are watching, delighted.
Attracted by and desired to near their heart it takes a beat what restless like to certain is sure to worry enough go mad to come to senses as to be wrong it takes to not be right, as to learn and take a chance and make love and admit that naked underneath my soul no less too like the gods that are here without form to compare according what accordless nor name to call on like the moon might look to fit our pocket just as known once understood. Gods are here like the color in abstract like the day and truth
Love be fate have time to do. Breathtaking like the butterfly
every breath touch their wings.
Absurd like an advice in sense of humor irony reason to have.
To speak in tongues a kisses
Like lions having nothing to say
Heavens sure a flower or a tree
To come to matter what bliss
To find the source have roots planted to in front her *******
Child to a mothet its born to
Like angels do for heavens love
Gods are here and we shall too.
Jonas May 2024
Werde ich Tag für Tag
Etwas asozialer

Entferne mich mehr und mehr
Von euch und eurem Wahnsinn
Das was ihr Leben schimpft
Oder noch schlimmer, "Norm"

Leider damit auch von dir
Dieses Ich, das ich immer sein wollte
Noch werden sollte
Aufstrebend, auf zu neuen Grenzen
Selbstsicher, kompetent
Der Horizont ist weit
Die Welt steht dir offen
The future is bright

Werd ich wohl alleine sein
Zurück bleiben
Wies aussieht
Bald bin ich frei
Von euch, von allem

Diese dreiste Ignoranz, Rücksichtlosigkeit
Ihr raubt mir sämtliche Energie
Du bist miserabel und saugst mir das Leben aus
Wenn ich könnte
Glaub mir, ich ginge nie wieder raus
Verlass bloß nicht dein Haus

Leider hab ich Bedürfnisse
Blöd gelaufen
alia Dec 2024
Jeder Blick in die Ferne gab mir ein Stück von dir zurück
die Luft so hoch oben fühlte sich anders an
und die Unendlichkeit im Horizont schien das Nächste zu sein, wie ich jeweils wieder zu dir sein könnte
doch ich konnte die Vögel nicht mehr ertragen,
den Wind in meinen Haaren und alles, was die Natur mir zur Schau stellte
nicht wenn sie mir das Einzige, was ich jemals mehr liebte als sie, nahm
nicht wenn sie mich dazu verdammte, jeden moment nach dem zu suchen, was nie wieder gefunden werden konnte
und trotzdem konnte ich nicht wegschauen
sie entriss mir jede Hoffnung wieder und wieder,
doch war sie auch die Einzige, die sie mir zurückgeben konnte,
wenn auch nur für einen Wimpernschlag
es war, als vergiftete ich mich selber Stück für Stück
aber es war wunderschön

— The End —