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Chrissy R Jul 2014
We wake to skies of groggy grey
and struggle to wipe the night from our eyes.
Rain pelts the windowpane as I burrow into you
and ask with a tongue still warped by dreams
if we can stay in today and sleep off the world like a bad hangover.

We could turn the bed into a boat
and use the day to travel the seven seas.
Our pillows could be rocket thrusters on a spaceship
trailing asteroids through the cosmic void.
We could go spelunking under the comforter
and scale mountains with the sheets.

I could try to convince you it’s just the weather,
but the truth is I just want more of you – all of you.
I want every adventure from our bed
to a jungle, to a mountain range,
to trips to the grocery store and
making pancakes in our pajamas.

So let’s sleep late and lazy and
make our bodies into puzzle pieces
because today, rain or shine, we’re playing hookey.
Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
Got to get
Outta' here
Jump the fence, we're
In the clear
Where do we
Go, my dear
Now that we're away?

To the spot
In the park
Where we burned hot
After dark
Got a blanket
And a spark
Drink to this fine day!

Acoustic bass
Crisp guitar
Beers and hacks
Worries far
Until we spot
A police car
And scatter like the leaves

No one's caught!
Such pleasantries
Those times they brought
Such memories
Sweet and hot
Beneath the trees
And we are thick as thieves
Hiding 'neath the eaves
rebeccalouise Oct 2012
it’s a place

it’s a time

it’s a memory

it’s a smile

it’s the changing of leaves

it’s the scent of a wood-burning fireplace

it’s a moment

it’s a laugh

it’s a kiss

it’s that anxiety you get in your throat right before you’re going to cry

it’s a dog panting and wagging it’s tail

it’s a flash of colour through the black

it’s a pair of pants

it’s holding hands

it’s someone’s arm around you, pulling you closer as you fall asleep

it’s falling

it’s strength

it’s a river

it’s an ocean

it’s a waterfall

it’s rain

it’s dancing

it’s uninhibited

it’s passion

it’s an old, crackled picture

it’s a friend that you haven’t seen in three years

it’s a road, the yellow dividers ticking by

it’s a mountain

it’s a birch tree

it’s an aluminum boat

it’s a view

it’s a pitcher of beer

it’s a bottle of wine

it’s a drinking game in an old cement basement

it’s a rooftop

it’s a pair of sunglasses

it’s those old shoes that you wish you’d never donated

it’s grandma’s jewelery

it’s a cat’s tail disappearing behind a couch

it’s a song that your mom used to play on the piano

it’s grilled cheese and tomato soup

it’s a summer

it’s a season

it’s treading water

it’s christmas

it’s playing hookey

it’s a cup of tea on a foggy day

it’s freedom

it’s the windows rolled down

it’s humidity

it’s waking up under the sun

it’s waking up under the stars

it’s legs intertwined

it’s a flashlight in the forest

it’s ghost stories

it’s that concert, the one you swore changed your life

it’s running naked down an old wooden dock

it’s a song

it’s family

it’s then

it’s goodbye

it was.
Alan S Bailey Jan 2015
Mother, Father what have I done? I've taken this marijuana, smoked
It, "killing every last braincell," but never tried any lethal drugs.

Mother, Father what have I done? I've gone skinny dipping with the
Girls, flying head over heels and never have I had so much fun.

Mother, Father what have I done? I've played hookey and missed
Class, went to get my friend on the streets something to stay warm.

Mother, Father what have I done? I got in an argument and they hit me,
He could have shot me with a deadly weapon, but I never carry a gun.

Mother, Father what have I done? Everything you never did, and I
Wouldn't regret it, not for the life of me would I be the prudent one!
prudent gun foolish cousin mother father regret girls drunk fun
betterdays Jul 2014
we slept in.

deeply in love

now sit
in pj's and robes.
on the deck
with bacon eggs
and coffee.

looks that suggest
we play hookey,
from the world
for today.

no child.
no nanna.
no responsibilties.
of each other
and snoozing.

what a
wonderful way
to spend
these stolen hours
Michael Parish Nov 2015
On the ferris wheel of hookey we
Drinking the canadian whiskey
Of hockey.  
The state fair below spun like a lit
dizzy dradle.  
Years later i found you at AA checked
Into shick shadle.
Adellebee Oct 2013
I prefer to watch the world
From my perched position on the beach
With my sweater and a woolen hat
Watch the world float on by,
Depression isn't a cop out, not trying to be a recluse
Just some days I don't want to leave my room
Not playing hookey from life
Sometimes I just don't want life
Just give up for weeks on end
Safe, locked tight underneath the covers
Under endless hours of reality
Sometimes I just want to be okay
Sometimes crying myself to sleep is all I know
Ill regret the times wasted dreaming endless sleep
But dreams are dreams and could you,
Dream one for me?
Mr Xelle Mar 2014
Staining at walls like are you gunna,
Close in on me?

These days feel more but there numbing me to the things that use to "get me"
But you don't get me I get me and that's the whole point
I stop playing hookey and started learning
That this is worse then only
For that word always makes excuse

But all that crap I said up there
Was to tell you that im leaving who I am.
Basically moving on of what I was
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2020
We have imperfections
That is clear to see
There are many subjects
On which opinions disagree

Find ourselves butting stubborn heads
Perhaps the reason why
Is we are both Tauruses
The bull of the zodiac signs

All mixed in conversation
We smile then we glower
One moment words honey sweet
Next sentences sour

But though we sometimes fight
Would not ever trade
In for a different dad
Hope you feel the same

And asking me to change ways
Is only because you care
Wish I could take my habits off
Like clothing I wear

When you look disappointed
Pains me inside
It feels like you don't notice
How hard I tried

It is not easy to make you proud
With the life I live
No matter how you disapprove
Still find a way to forgive

When I was younger remember on drives
You would always stop to get us ice cream
Spoiled me to the point that if not
I would throw a fit and scream

Looking at my younger self
Shake my head and laugh
Wishing I had realized from the start
How fast it flies
This short life we have

When I needed breaks from school
You would allow me to play hookey
Knew staying home one day wouldn't hurt
I would sleep in and chill in my hoodie

When I searched for guidance
Every topic open
Most supportive parents in the world
Inappropriate and outspoken

You may not behave like other dads
More than one occasion forgot
Picking me up from volleyball practice
Hour late pulled in the parking lot

But I would not ask you to change a thing
Love you just the way you are
Drinking out a Mason jar

I am lucky I get to call you my father
Might have your fair share of flaws
When it comes to being there for me
Deserve a round of applause

I know if ever needing to seek help
To turn to you without hesitation
Genorosity is unconditional
Beyond all reciprocation

I will not get the chance to pay you back
Think we both know that is true
Best I can do is say "Thank you for everything"
And strive to one day be like you
This one's for you Dad
Dream Fisher May 2018
A woman walks through a store with a couple of kids,
She doesn't know yet  but she only has a week to live,
While a man at the register is getting ****** because he can't
Buy case of energy drinks using food stamps
While right outside the store, an old lady is being mugged
The crook runs right past a couple who just fell in love.
Meanwhile across the street a biker jumped over a ramp
A bus honks at him carrying a camp of kids
Who are all starry-eyed and don't even know what it's like to live

It's funny, the moment I'm sitting in
Stopped the world for the moment
To let all these little things sink in
Its funny, most people aren't watching our fall
If this whole place disappeared,
I fear no one would notice at all.

A kid brought a gun to school the other day,
While one played hookey, all his friends blasted away
Now he has guilt just for lying and surviving
showing that the worst thing isn't always dying.
Most people are more scarred of public speaking than dying
I'd rather stand on a podium inspiring peers
Than have anyone crying wishing I was here
It's funny how it all seems simple when I'm looking in the rear

It's funny, the moment I'm sitting in
Stopped the world for the moment
To let all these little things sink in
Its funny, most people aren't watching our fall
If this whole place disappeared,
I fear no one would notice at all.

Do you ever question who you'd be if you weren't you
And your past was someone else's and never knew what you knew
Would you still have the same beliefs, probably not
Currently they seem undeniable but they sold and you bought
If you lived across the world it might mean nothing at all
But no one is paying attention, no one's watching us fall
Delton Peele May 2021
out there as the frost melts off starry eyed  Lad 13

***** cheeks
bulgin at the seams pushin boundries cussin ,
chewin, perusing every female from His age up to 50 fightin everone .
every thing  
mad at the world
voice changing immature
growin like a ****
raw strength and so fill of pride he cant hide it
Un concerned Dads watchin Him
sorta metaphorically  
only he can see when its time to step in
cause hes walked a mile or two 2 in his shoes
puberty pimples and rage has set in
hes gotta give him room to bleed
he listens to his boy as if hes a childhood friend
lets him have full cart blanc in gesture and speach
makes him
feel like hes in
his click  
young and tuff!
makes the boy
feel at ease , old  -  er
and tuff
at this point on this crisp spring day
both smillin
ahhh those Irish eyes
closer than they've ever been
emotionally pretty close to the same age
suns beatin down hot  shirts off  
Dads playin hookey
met the boy at school with beef jerky
quarter ounce of ***
and a half rack of ice cold 18 ounce Raineers
and there off up on the mountain somewhere smokin a joint laughin sweatin
catchin brookies up by top of the world !
as it was later known to be
but at this point it was known as the ****** ponds up the road from the Rossinger store
and although
we had been there and many times since  
some how I knew and I think he did too
we both lavished and whole heartedly  savored every minute of those days
I was thinkin I Was a Man
He was feelin like a Kid
we flipped the bird to the world and nothin could touch that
He was the toughest *******
and the coolest

He got a little long in the tooth but never lost his edge
a full fledged Mosquito
it saddens me that  there arent many around that knows what that means
my Father
told his companion
not to say a thing ..    
to me

. of

.. his ...  


didnt want me to suffer
****** Cancer

He died not wanting to burden me  
a week before Christmas this year . Im numb

it hurts so bad
i wanna packit up take out a few enemies and fade and be done

then  I feel the sun

oh I can smell the beer
see his loving eyes and here  him say Awe
I love you Son.
and then I look at my Son .
I still have time to run with him awhile and try to build with him some memories

I will always love you Dad
not a minute goes by. I miss you
Under the aqueduct
clothes tucked away
down on the River Lune
playing hookey today,

I learn't how to swim
and caught more fish
know'd how to gut 'em
and cook 'em
fended for me'sen
before I were ten,

under the aqueduct
way back then.
over 50 years ago, jeez that aqueduct must be old.

— The End —