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Petal pie Jul 2014
These oceans are named Between.
Yes, I know them all.
They've separated me before
By water's solid wall.

But I imagine when I
Jump and make a splash
At my local Brighton beach
That ripple travels
To your shore so
You're never out of reach!

And at these rugged shores
That ripple reaches land.
As good as any letter penned,
A wave; an outstretched hand.

Like a message in a bottle
I hope it reaches you
Every nuance of my love and care
Dripped in oceans blue

Much more comfort in that
Bottle, than the one before
Me now. Its insides shared
With me; still I am emptier

Well you can't run on empty
So let me fill your cup
With seashells whispers
Wisdom pearls
And jellied joy to
Fill you up

A whispered wish
An uttered prayer.
That space that pushes
Here from there to
Disappear; give room for
Place to share as lair,
There's places everywhere...
The standard font text is Sverre's voice and mine is in italics.
Please check out Sverre's page peoples!
Thanks so much for writing with me again Sverre!
Petal pie Jul 2014
As I close my eyes
my senses know no bounds
my body becomes weightless
and my joyful song resounds

I try to find my bearings, and
I hold on to myself.
I've never put someone so close;
My *self
upon a shelf.

Every fiber of my being
has room to stretch and grow
my steps spring forward lightly
and my smile is wide, aglow!

So come unto me, siren.
Give me room to grow and fall.
Sing for me a beacon; silly boat
Is sinking slow.

I swim to you in haste
my hair flowing wild and free
and water courses around my limbs
as minnows accompany me.

And so we're freed by water,
Unalone and unafraid.
Need no more one breath to take,
Nor single blessing said.
With thanks to the wonderful Sverre for collaborating with me! :)
My lines are in slanted italic, Sverre's are  manly and upright! x
heres a link to his page
C Davis Oct 2014
Someone once told me that love was blind.
Youth is wasted on the young,
We are all going to die.
After un-clutching scraps of what I'll never find,
This is all that I've brought.
I am all that is mine.

Don't ever, ever, little girl,
Listen to the old.
The world of those who
Raised them were as dark as
Devils compared to the
Funlit days we live.
To them, infatuation came
In work's way.
To them, romance was
Mind's comfort; the
Substance of fantasy.
In our world, your heart's
Every beat for another
Rings as true
To Love's ears as
Her own
To herself.

Yet the cloak hangs so heavily
Around all of these scenes.
Each notion a portrait,
Undistinguished and vague yet
Littered with details strewn in
I take with rock salt
All that they've had to say.
For how does dim
To a feeling

Let us forget to look back
And listen for
Let us forget to ask
For opinions; vantage points.
All fingerprints blur
In time and fade forgotten
Into their surfaces; the
Grip they once formed
Long, long released.
Love, if only for a second.
Love, even if you know
That it's wrong.
No love ever was.
You'll have bigger
Regrets in time.
Only we know
What it means to be
Exactly this

Only I
See through these keyholes
Carved upon my Face.
I am free from pre-conceived restraints.
I am a beacon
Of naïve wisdom,
A sponge for all feelings
Un-hardened by fate.
Instructions abound.
I am free from these shackles,
Boundless heartwaves

I see not your keyholes for the
Key in my eye. You are
Divine Feminine expressing Herself
Through yourself; as yourself.
Quill dipped in own wisdom.
Heart's blood and history.
Afloat in eternities of
Utter female
Someone once told you that love was blind.
That youth was wasted on the young.
I don't want to hear you
Sounding that old
Ever again. Notions.
Heartwaves. Manifestations.
Art saved. Inspirations.
(what a wonderful writing experience, to share poetry with someone so talented. thank you, Sverre!)
SG Holter May 2014
Few can pronounce it
Unless Scandinavian.
The r's are all rolling,
And the letters all sound...
More or less not as
In English.
Just let it go, it's a 'twister,
I know.

My names are all old-norse,
Not modern Norwegian.
(Viking-speak sounded
More close to Icelandic).
Sverre means "spin like an arrow",
Expression for being untamed; un-
Controllable; wild-man.
G is for Guttorm: "Where Gods
Seek Shelter"; a fortress for those
One thought needed one least.
Holter means "edge of the woods";
The end of the forest (or where it

The Wildman Where the
Gods Seek Shelter at the
Edge of the Woods.

My friends call me Sverre.
It is a name I've shared with
Swordbearing kings.
I am equally proud
When addressed.
A collaboration between SG Holter and Elisa Maria Argiro

Hesitating here, silent edge of this dark forest,
I look beyond me, warm in the white fog.
Seeing your heart, now residing deep within
the ancient wood, is to know it is blessed, loved.

Silver tongue resting now in golden silence.
Palms of soul upon moss and brittle bark.
Animal song; scent of beasts approaching unafraid.
Fierce peace. The opposite of a machine.

In the rising sap of silent trees around us,
our deeply beating pulses listen, dance,
smiling kisses at the shining stars, new planets.
Eyes open, anima and animus press tightly
And distance is no more.

"What language is Yours,"
I ask the still growing giants of
"Silence and its sister tongues
Such as leaves dancing with the
Breeze," they reply within the
Gap between soft sounds and
Softer ones.
So we speak through breaths
Exchanged, of nothing.
Two souls afloat upon the stream
Of Union with All.
What is Cosmos,
But "home"?
Never a visitor.
Never a stranger.
Nowhere has anyone ever been
Lost, or

Humming your essence into my veins,
in tune with the wordless languages
of green lives and wind, listening
among delicate flowers, sleeping here
on the forest floor, wakeful and awaiting
the next sound of your voiceless voice,
wind words blowing
through my long, curling hair,
feeling the intention of your
untouched touch,
at home, just being.
Copyrighted by ©SG Holter and ©Elisa Maria Argiro
(as a collaborative poem)
Joe Cole May 2014
What can we tell of this eloquent man
Of the way the words flow from his magic pen
He writes of history, of legend and myth
Stories of family, of kin and of kith
Tales of the fields,  the forest, of sea
He pens the words  that we all love to read

Sverre never stop writing
A collaboration between Elisa Maria Argiro and SG Holter.*

Dear feather. You fell on my heart.
I keep you on my person now; pocket held;
An eternal companion.
As beautiful as you, I remind my
Thoughts to be.
I wake up as Buddha every day.                  
Peace is the corner stone of my breathing.

Dear Last Crescent Moon,
adorning Lord Shiva's brow,
smiling toward Morning Star
enjoying her sweet presence
in clearest predawn light.
She smiles too, drifting into feathery sleep.

Birdless flight, unclenched, un-
Clung to.
With this dew drop in my palm
I need no ocean to swim in.
How can Life's castle, with its wars and
Tragedies, hide within its
Towers of                                                          
Nois­e such quiet chambers?
Paper sails, bamboo, emerald waters.
Single feathers rest even when

From your outstretched palm,
sweet taste of morning touches
my tongue, oceanic dew drop
sharing itself across floating time.
An offering holding the last shining
starlight of this new morning. Drifting
now through limitless space,
finding words in our common language
on your yellow paper sails, we gaze down
from these towers of our ancient dreams,
emerald water below us waiting to catch
the falling feather.

Dear insight.
Light as the wind itself, you
Floated; fell on my heart.
Merged with heavy memories
Like paper balloons rising;
Tsunami of kamifusen
Render my whole being
Third-Eye-Hindsight sees me
Remembering nothing with
One or a hundred lifetimes
Finally now,
Even waking hours feel like

Dear Wisdom, Guardian Planet,
Buddha's radiance shining.
Thousand-Petaled Lotus
is now your own effulgent mind.
Smiling, eyes closed, feeling the
glowing kamifusen of magenta,
scarlet, turquoise, and yellow
floating above us,
we swim so deeply, diving down
into these warm emerald waters,
winking at the luminous fishes
dreaming all around us.
Copyrighted by ©SG Holter and ©Elisa Maria Argiro 
(as a collaborative poem)
Wanderer Nov 2014
Slate skies lay still
Cool against my smile on bus stop corners
Already missing the bright caress of sun
Your letters arrive less and less
Further apart than the one before
I breathe you in on each envelope
Curled black ink telling more secrets than truths with each line

In my bedside drawer
rest letters sealed and stamped.
piles upon piles of potential
I may not shine, but I choose
not to rain.
silence is at times
closer to a yes in my language than in yours.
here, attached to the leg
of a white dove;
my heart. blank paper is
still paper. men suffer
from limbs lost
without words.

Tracing the edges of many a time read pages
I hear between the lines
More loudly than what is written
Dear John on the tip of my fingers
A heart that will not give up
Shadows lace this back and forth
Waiting for the light to break

My heart and I are not
always on speaking terms.
sometimes I want to
tell it I'm sorry, but it alway
beats me to it.
keep my blood flowing, I
beg of it, and I will think
for us both.

later. later. later.
then we'll rest in love's
nest of sweet childlike
I have heavens for us, after
the rain.
suns with your name
on them.
blue is the color of sorrow
and cloudless

I will be seeing you in starlight
Behind the echo of my midnight sighs
Joe Cole May 2014
You know Sverre I visited Norway once as high summer had begun
I stayed at a place called Avia (I think that was the name)
4am in the morning when we watched black rabbits play
At least I think  they were black,  possibly dark grey
I climbed the barren rocks, collected samples by the score
In that short time I learned to love Norways rugged shores
Sverre dear friend in two short weeks I came to love your land
I reach out cross time and space to take and shake your hand
I've climbed the Vidas rugged rocks and trekked your complex land
I envy you my true friend, you have a country wild and grand
This is dedicated to a real poet and a man of the country
Hawk Flight Jun 2014
So I see that my poems have started trending. And according to my friend it has to do with the people that follow me.
And as of this moment I have 15 followers (6/3/2014). Cool. So I guess thanks are in order for all of you

1.Sierra Leone  - You were my first follower on here so thank you I apprecaite it.

2. Ranger - You were my second follower. and you are a friend on my "little sister". thanks for the follow

3. Fenix Flight - I am surprised you werent my first follower. BUt regardless, you are the reason I am even on this site so thank you sis.

4. Summer Skye - My fourth and lucky follower. the sister of my "sister" thanks little LF, I am grateful you gave me the honor of being followed by you.

5. Zero Zaneh  - Fifth follower, Thank you man. your work is good.

6. Stace  - sixth follower. we never talk or whatnot, but your work is really good.

7.  IJ Keddie -  seventh follower, thank you. your work is interesting. I like it.

8. Beryldov Lew - eighth follower, thank you. every follow means something to me

9. ᏰέƦẙḽԃṏሁ Լέῳ -  ninth follower. I do not understand your name but i like the work you put up

10. That Asian Josh - tenth follower. (dont take this the wrong way but) We asains must stick together right?. your work is intersting. I enjoy reading it

11. POETIC T - eleventh follower. Marvel? **** yeah man. keep up the cool work

12. Namir- twelvth follower (i cant spell for ****) Dude really it took you this long to follow me -.-. come on, but thanks for it anyway. your work is intense.

13 ISverre G Holter  thirteenth follower. your work is cool. I like it. keep it up

14.PrttyBrd- Fourteenth follower, you started following me last night (6/2/14)  after my poem Life started trending. thank you

15.Nanna Harrow -fifteenth follower, last but not least. you as well started following me last night after my poem Life started trending. thanks for the boost of confedence

There you have it folks. all the people who on here think I am worth something to follow. thanks to each and everyone of you.
sorry for any mispelling. I am half asleep writting all this
and I dont really know how to express my emotions so if it sounds stiff and rude I apologize. I realy do apprecaite all of you. I thought my work was crap. but I guess it isnt. you guys show that.
Wanderer Sep 2019
The radio has gone silent
No news across crushing blue depths
If whispers I cannot hear
I would give much for even a morsel
To know how you fare
Missing you
Wishing you well
Has anyone any news they can share about S.G. Holter? It’s been months since I heard anything about his health. I’m worried.
SG Holter Jul 2014
By Petal Pie and Sverre G. Holter.

These oceans are named *Between.

Yes, I know them all.
They've separated me before
By water's solid wall.

But I imagine when I
Jump and make a splash
At my local Brighton beach
That ripple travels
To your shore so
You're never out of reach!

And at these rugged shores
That ripple reaches land.
As good as any letter penned,
A wave; an outstretched hand.

Like a message in a bottle
I hope it reaches you
Every nuance of my love and care
Dripped in oceans blue

Much more comfort in that
Bottle, than the one before
Me now. Its insides shared
With me; still I am emptier

Well you can't run on empty
So let me fill your cup
With seashells whispers
Wisdom pearls
And jellied joy to
Fill you up

A whispered wish
An uttered prayer.
That space that pushes
Here from there to
Disappear; give room for
Place to share as lair,
There's places everywhere...
SG Holter Jun 2014
By: Sverre G. Holter & Digital Asylum*


I am a man. I was put on
Earth to bleed from my hands.
Work is my virtue. I only sleep well
If I'm exhausted.
Your food and shelter is my gain.
My sweat is the salt on our table.


I *am
a man, but also child
with a paper-mache heart and
sandcastle dreams, a child wishing
for later tides while we play
splashing in and out of the waves
but the tide always comes,
and castles crumble, and we
we tell ourselves that there's no need for fear
because we will build stronger walls


Today is our day though
Let us work at love.
Let us play with love.
Let us dance until our feet
Blister and we collapse
Laughing into each other's arms in equal fatigue.
All I want is you.
All I have is you.
All I've never lost is love.
It is our costliest toy;


Unbroken it may be for now
yet the time will come, as with all good things
where life and love will come to its bitter end
our lives will have ran their course
and in that moment, we will know and be known
we will laugh our last laugh
we will drink and be merry
knowing we loved and were loved
and as the water comes washing in
we still stand behind walls of sand
and we will face the tide together

I wrote the stanza for Work, DA wrote Play, I wrote Love, and DA wrote Die.  Enjoy.
SG Holter Nov 2014
I was a teenager.
a boy unshaven amongst
pimpled, insecure junior
high school brats.

I'd sit in the dark of my room,
hearing my father's smoker's
cough through the wall
under my Pantera.

long hair, biker boots, leather
coats and torn jeans was asking
to be excluded where I lived. oh,
I asked, begged, pleeded that

they would.
some did; most saw me as
a necessity they
compared themselves with

to assure themselves as normal.
mainstream. accepted.
at least I'm not freak like

no. I built this confidence and
character alone.
that was my way to walk.
those were my teenage memories.

don't ever be afraid to get noticed.
it takes grit and
confidence; strong legs to
stand out. and stay there.
SG Holter Aug 2014
By Paula Lee and Sverre G. Holter

Today I grieve for a love gone,
No reason why, No goodbyes....
Now here I stand on the precipice,
Tears in my eyes,

I find I lay my hand on
My own heartside.
You did that once, I remember;
I slept so silently
You had to
Tears in my eyes.
I know why.

I would give all I own
To feel your love once more,
To hold in my hands, your gift,
The heart I have always adored
On bended knees,
Tears in my eyes,

I wish I could tell you why,
But The Question is my lover;
The Answer, my ex.
There's an absence the size and
Shape of a heart by your side.
I hear hands gone knocking on
Doors that never closed; the
Sound of love against

*You have left me, with no hope,
No heart to hold, no love to share,
You had my heart, so full and pure
Giving yours away to an ex, not there!
You pushed me over the edge
I lay broken at the bottom,
Tears in my eyes...
No More!
Wanderer Jul 2014
By Sverre G. Holter and Brook Ilges

I turn, giggling
Your fingertips just out of reach
Of my sensitive ribcage
Running full blown three-year-old style
Down slick hard wood hallways
I can hear your steps catching up
I grin

You turn, giggling
A cloud of dandelion seeds
Floating between my fingers; a
Handful of fog
Mocking me unmockingly with
Every echo thrown like the frisbee
That entertains the puppy
Until its teeth finally sink into
Slightly elsastic plastic that
Doesnt's mind the feeling
Of sharp, little fangs
Breaking what could have
Been skin, but isn't
When I catch you
(When you let me catch you)*
I'll growl and shake you
So hard you'll laugh
Until you go limp between my
Lets us never, never ever be
More serious than
I am the verse set, Sverre is the second
brandon nagley Sep 2015

(DedPoet-aka-Ernesto L. Gonzales)
May god bless thee mine friend, man of honor, Heavensent;
Thy soul, may it be in peace, God's love cover's thee west to east.


A poet of otherworldly mind, poetic of new aged times;
Dont let thy depression over cometh thy soul, be unbound, whole.


a dear writer of inspiration, let thy writing be navigation; spread thine hope to foreign places, with love friend.


Poetess of aficionado tenderness, splendidness guideth thee;
A poet of human qualities, an artist for love's recipe in all form.


(Darlene Chavez)
Let thy darkness turneth into light, let the night turn to day;
Be not shackled to Misery's way's,, but knoweth God's with thee.


(Sara Murray)
A fan of the strange, a taste that hast meaning, caring and giving;
Reality mixed with dreaming, word's golden, gleaming to aloft.


(Sally A Bayan)
From the terra firma of mine queen, the most thoughtful, delightful being, an aura that screameth of all holiness aisle's.


A native light, of old day's flame's, a bright tunnel beyond the pain's, a pathway to other places where faces art spiritual.


(damsel in distress)
A woman of talented word's, like Herb's, elixered and pictured;
Snapshot's art taken from thine view, with all sight in old truth.


(Dreams of Sepia)
Writing of mysterious writing's. Though honest, inviting;
Exciting in thy new day's pages, anger love and saved for us all.


A woman like an auntie to me, a woman of generation's who helpeth the blind to none god seeith, as thou art a friend!!!!


(SE Reimer)
Man of many technique's, giving hope and beauties when we art weak, thy word's speaketh of medicinal purposes for all to seek.


Writing short lines. Beyond mankind; thine artwork is fine;
Making other's look again, rewind, thine design's art heaven.


(Melissa S)
A mother from the place of alabama, with southern charm;
Writing southern song's, of southern scar's,, as well as smile's.


(Poetic Thoughts)
Thou lover of books, a enthusiastic being of singing;
Keepeth on with thy work's, let the earth shake on thy poetry.


(Eddie Starr Poetry)
Let Christ continueth to work in thine life, showeth love as he taught, and forgiveness; thou shalt soon findeth thy wife!!!


(Paul Gaffney)
A gentleman who liketh simple poetry, that hit's thee best;
A way of relieving stress is writing down daily thought's, great!!


(Rosalind Heather Alexander)
Overcometh those whom leaveth thee due to thy faith;
There missing out on truth and God's grace, continueth in love!!!


(IvyB **)
A woman who knoweth pain, keepeth faith in trial rain's;
Keepeth held high, the mist is only a short period, as angel's wait.


Creature of sadness, in a world of madness, making sense of living; let lighting seraph's be thy giving, look aloft to hope.


(Joseph Paris)
A man of many duo's, Chicago street walker, rebel era, man of many poetic mirror's, let thy beautiful reflection dance the city.


Thy word's of hurt and screaming, of hope and dreaming;
Is Alive in all ourn spirit's, trust thy creator, let the light near it.


Poetry is thy vital force, poetry is thy life porch;
Thou art not so lonely as thou doth thinkest friend, we all careth.


(SG Holter)
A man of blossoming stanza's, lines of manna;
Holy old detail's, word's of holy grail highness.


Digging through the deepest thought's creating poetry;
Spread thy gospel, plant thy seed's, and let them spread around.


(Dawn S)
Also new to this site, welcome; spread thy foregone scripture's;
Like ancient Picasso picture's, thine painting's art priceless.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Dedication poem \part 2 new one...

(Ann M Johnson)
Woman, thine talk is unknown to many, giving all, leaving many in wonder and awe, continue to god and keepeth thy faith.


Thou calleth thy poetry beautiful ramblings in thy word's;
To all thy work is special, speaking it, it's heard dearest poetess.


Bringing on a form of poetry we yearn, love and turn's;
To place's not seen, not dreamed, as thou giveth me a Smile.


(Kenneth Irving MacPherson)
A designer master, a crafter of this life and ever after;
Writing of the definition of living, this to thee is mine giving.


(DaRk IcE)
A soul, bright, a delight to man and god, to cherub's with rod's;
Let not thine hopelessness turneth to dusk, looketh up, high !!!


Friend from the beginning, we've laughed, had trending's;
The world's not yet ending, so let's continueth in the Lord's work.


(Derek Devereaux Smith)
A mystery cometh from thy Lip's, like juice to mine tip's;
A succulent wording thou hath given me, making me lively.


(Chris Smith Dark Poet Soul)
Writer of horror, and man's worst fear, bringeth the lightbulb near; as relate any being canst do with thee mine poe like friend.
Wanderer Jul 2014
(By Brook Ilges and
Sverre G. Holter)

There's fire in it. Chestburn. Lungs
And lava, heart in heat; blood
Boiling. When I move,
Steam escapes from between
My ribs.
They cage a dragon's mouth.

Our edges cauterize
Unable to stabilize this searing
Electric firestorm
We coalesce into colors
Streaming through our nerve
Pulsing the rhythm of ages
Into the space between our gazes
Your scalding hide sets us apart
A rough reminder of the scars that
Stitch beneath

Sometimes I find myself.
Sometimes I find myself
Biting down on
Whatever is left of myself
After the vulcano sighs and
Withdraws its black; its
Ashes; its pieces of planet's
Core, just to hold onto
Something with
Sometimes I wonder if
The memories of surgical
Sutures are all that keep me
From falling apart.
Take my mouth; I'm saving
My hands for
My heart.

Darkness falls, low light lingers
I trace the confines of your cage
The lock rusted and still
A key exists, the heart resists
Too damaged to offer naught but numb
Cutting through pumice walls
Fiery thorns thick, penetrate with ease
Such paltry designs of recovery
I'm fading fast
While you still burn.

And while one of us fades burning,
The other burns fading, and all is as
It all should be, as two stars
Decide not to form a solar system, but
Instead to brush themselves into a painting
Of a dream that a child that has yet to
Become just dreamed; awoke from
And whispered: "I want them to
Be my mother and
Sverre is the regular script, mine is italic.
Wanderer Jun 2014
By Brook Ilges and Sverre G Holter*

Smoke. Spark. Ignite.
Fire burning down these veins of paper machè
I watch as pieces of me drift off with you into the night
Your voice carries over the mountains
Calling me out into the shadows
At peace with my undoing
Aching for a touch
A moment in the light
You are pure sunshine
Melting the iced cavities that surround my castle
Defenses 20 feet deep
Ready for this battle
Walls fall
Your voice still calls
I was destined to lose you, even
Before I saw your face.
There are too few years in a man's life
For me to swim, to walk to you.
Before I ever even spoke to you,
You were perfect for me. But
Not for forever.
I don't even know
You now.
I see you behind your stronghold.
There never was a stone that could
Keep me out of your
Warmth, little girl.
I'll sing until you dance.
I'll whisper until you come.
I'll keep one arm of my mind on your
Person while you sleep and
I don't.
I've known you for aeons.
I have held your soul with mine for
Astral hours every night
Since we were

Such I call. As such I call,
Until your walls
Can hold nothing,
And crumble unto
Me an entrance.
*I can smell your sweet
Soul, woman...
SøułSurvivør Apr 2015
... to my Hello Poetry friends...

This is my third post of
Loving thanks.

Perhaps in time i will come back...

Svere G Holter
Poetic T
mark cleavenger
Impeccable Space
Pamela Rae

I'm in much physical and mental and emotional pain right now.  Please pray for me... and another prayer for my parents and another special someone


If your name isn't on this list please note that there are previous posts...
Please check them out your name may be there...

More names to thank. I will try to get a 4th post out when I am feeling better....
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015
More tributes...

I just could not leave out, forget
People I haven't mentioned yet
There are more than just a few
This site is HUGE! What can I do?

I want to include VIPs today
The first is Arlo Disarray!
I like this poet, I feel led
To mention Better Days Ahead!

Cecil Miller... his work is fine
Sverre G Holter's poems unwind
The smart *** rabbi can talk a line
Impeccable Space
Can blow your mind!

Here's a poet who i prize
That is WendyStarry Eyes
Alex Rubio, terrin leigh
I want to mention them TODAY!

Nicole Ashley, Mayas TOO!
Leo Kendrick, I like you
Danzel's writes about Greek myths
Wordvango has got a gift...

And here's to a poetfriend
Kenneth Irving MacPherson!
If I could do all this again
To EVERYONE my love I'd send!

♥ Catherine
aka SoulSurvivor
Antony Mooney's a sweetheart, too!

Please read my last post
Hello, Poets! If you have
Not already. Many poets are
Mentioned and honored there also.

I know that I have left folks out!
I don't want to hurt feelings.
If I've forgotten anyone let me know!
chimaera Oct 2019
for SVERRE G. HOLTER, min venn
[04.06.1979 - 08.08.2018]

the harsh crash
of ice,
mountain climber,

out of breath.

the sky line,
rocked in a sea of still.

whole hearted
of a viking:

and love.

a core.
*latin: "to the stars through adversity"


— The End —