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DaSH the Hopeful Nov 2017
Life is a melody
      You can listen to only once.

    The first thirty seconds, you find the groove,
         it's appealing
    A harmonious rhythm hereto unwritten
       This could be your favorite.

             It is.
       For the next three minutes, you settle in.
               The chorus comes around.

          *You'll be here again.

                  It's fresh, it's catchy
You're enraptured by these certain pitches and the words rhyme perfectly.
   One line flowing into the next, the ends justifying the means.
       Another verse, another chorus. This one feels more weathered
          Routine, maybe. You still feel that groove but your perspective of it has been altered by the change in tempo and direction during the last verse.

           You realize you have fifteen seconds left.
         This was your song. What did you do with it?

       *As you think back, a gentle blanket of white noise embraces everything that ever was, and your song fades
Let me know how you feel.
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
I can be anything except such a humbug .but the likeness of life made me the nut im .in fact i cant help vanishing and mumming such as clam or sap headed or something .when i come to look at  the ***** of it ,im up with terms: SOCIODREAMOLOGY and DREAMECONOMY .two words that i laid mine that it impart me ,as my quality of poor Socioanalist to jabber about, a deep perusal i meant.Sociodreamology:our actual trend of life and pregnanted, or our cast of mind or our virtue in fact constitute in sort;  the "common heritage" of all of us or our "common-social ".now we hang up to this 'common-social' up the whip of new "social-consciousness" drops along and shows in a new trend of thing.such a trend are the fact of some genius well bestowed gifted thoughtful minds .that from their dream conscious; anyway, in practice :teach or indulge us by act of behaving or writing or speaking {lecturing or social communication stereotype }the venue of new trend or tide ...altogether it heaves around by logic tact new world that bans down the old fastidious one we were up till then : philosopher,a novelist ,poet ,painter,journalist ,editorialist, nonfiction writer ,fiction writer,hack writer, song writer,script writer,movie,actor,fashion designer,cartoonist,lecturer,...and or sometimes pastor ;hold the searching log-fire of the social consciousness-awakening ;the real deepest buried aspiration of human-being.all human being or maybe some only have in our deep ***** what can shape the concrete meaning of our glory.but nevertheless the glory that lays in gloom ,faltered by our unawake .so the SOCIODREAMOLOGUE or people may lecture ,behave ,or write about new things ;but the element cast constitutes the sleeping vision that lays dangle down our unawake .but them are social awaker.whereas such new fact hit upon the seizure of humanity soon as uttered forwards ,hereto unknown .like and an ability of whirlwind dispatch we grab it frenziedly at its size and tame it as mellow as we were on know of it for life long .the sociodreamlogue seems discharge of of his duty then and will be up for the more of it .they are what makes our system of things grow more reasonably and more factual .nothing more except that is within our grasp escape their conduct. they give command the nature-culture ...for more that can not have the revelatory bowl  of savant .all things drive in but they are the lengthening shadow of only some thoughtful minds .more significantly as the perceive deemed to ****** ,some sociodreamlogues cast of mind is quite far beyond the grasp of understanding of most of their fellow citizens ,sometimes more than thousand years are  needed to catch with their mind .sinister fact ;some of them were grieved by some maso-sadonist or maniac in the fresh triumph of their oeuvre .some so may paddle in phantasm or ridicules cant be anyway without a precedent of conflict of nerve ;the somehow game of casting a well intent erroneous appreciation on one other art .but if you are sociodreamlogue make sure your dream no alter our life such into doomed commitment, although drive us into green expenditure ......catch up with me for the second term:DREAMECONOMY
Ace Malarky Nov 2014
So, you want to be somebody?

When I was your age,
so did I.
I thought I had some secret talent,
so I reached for the sky.
I had everything to do
and forever to do it.
There were adventures for me;
opportunities -- I knew it.
Look at me now -- forty-four
getting old, gaining weight.
I would never have guessed
that this was my fate.
I couldn't get rich and famous,
try as I might
the worst part is that
I did everything right
I had straight As,
I stayed out of trouble,
never once broke the law
(and kind of lived in a bubble)

Well son, where'd I go wrong?
'cause that's the path to success.
Now I rot in an office, barely living
on donuts and gas station coffee -- I digress.
Anyway, no -- stay in school.
The numbers say that you can't, so you won't.
Never chase after daydreams --
Thank me later when you don't.

Okay -- I hear you haven't been doing your homework?

      Listen, son.

They're here to teach you, you;re
hereto obey.
If homework wasnt impooooortant
            would you get it every day??

You see if you dont do your homework, youll get annswers wrong, and wrong is the worstt hing to be,You can   't learn by gettting your testing         testing answers wrong. Your future will be a shotin the dark and youll probablymiss. Okay?

You know how.
Jack D Serna Feb 2016
Death? Does it come in daily frustrations,
    folding inward upon the self and closing?
Does it come greeting company hereto,
    providing sympathy, but never gratifying?
Does it come with timely measures
    of production only Death sees procrastination?
Does it provoke consummatory transactions;
    one at the end of the stick, the other authoritarian?
Does it cause one to freeze in position,
    catatonic and reptilian?
Does it provide the invisible barriers;
    hard to hear the soft spoken?
Does it appear in disguise as happiness contented,
Or does it whisper to the ear the various "potion"?
There are many deaths than just the One.
Àŧùl Jul 2017
It needs an offer indeed.

An offer of a better life,
Bettered with choosing love,
Choice of a wise dear partner,
Dearest be that earnest one,
Earning more than just filthy money,
Filth of loneliness be glowed away,
Glow of love I herewith mean,
Hereto in love's inventive embrace,
Invent they together do just happiness,
Justified are my sacrifices in knightly manner,
Knightly in shining armour of lovely feelings,
Lovely days will descend more lightly,
More than anything else I need love,
Needful of your own love,
Own my heart you do with that pulling force,
Pulling it up towards your queer self,
Queer for me you are definitely more rightly attractive,
Rightly I demand your hand in sweet desperation,
Sweetly sitting in my mouth like my teeth 32,
Teeth - your teeth I have for them the utmost love,
Utmost importance I give to your voice always,
Voice of your adolescence and as I remember when we talked,
We had lengthy conversations which were x-rayed then,
X-rayed with the help of your own,
Your love is what I will long for after reaching the zenith higher,
Zenith of success calls me and how?
My HP Poem #1644
©Atul Kaushal
Julie Charlton Dec 2014
Those legs
fragile and wobbly,
yet with feet on the Earth.
Young thing just take your time.
The mare is hereto teach you
to help you grow.
Let her nuzzle, let her
take you.

Oh young thing
your age is not a weakness,
the opposite.
It is early days,
is set in stone.
Like dough,
be kneaded
         mature later.
Slow your steps.

Young thing.
My heart goes out to the memories.
Oh young thing,
If only you stayed young.
Alexandria Hope Sep 2015
To encumber our mortal minds, and rapt our decaying bodies.
For we are not eternal creatures, but the product of that which came before us,
Of what we hope becomes of our lives, after we have long gone.
In doing so, we fancy ourselves immortal, in this vast, unforgiving, unfeeling state of our own creation.
Immortal in the hereto from the heretocome, not in flesh, but in soul....
We are all of us, searching for the things that make sense.
Yes, and we are all of us, falling short.
weather to
borrow but
the kitty
and salvation
are mine
hereto financial
devotee in
fray so
deep save
a grinder
and a
mollusk with
romance but
glance the
dance sojourn
put in
her pants
Duffy's in the point
Ivan Brooks Sr Feb 2018
Here's one thing about each day that's a fact
They don't begin and end the same way,
And no matter how challenging and whack
There's really no bad day.
Even though yours may start with a heartbreak,
A delayed rent or some unpaid bills,
know ye that your Lord thy God is great!
So even if you put in efforts and failed on the hills,
Rest assured a day poses no real threat.
So no matter what happens, a bad day never kills.
There's one thing about each day we wake up to,
They all begin and end in a different way
So from now on hereto,
There's nothing like a bad day.

I once read that each day is a messenger from God...thus, no bad day!
Adam Aug 2019
Seven deadly sins,
Seven ways to win,
Seven open gates to hell,
Summon all ye in…

Greed is but a manacle
A shackle of the soul,
A simple, tiny spectacle
Like jewelry out of coal’s,
Just enough to incite
Jealousy bereft of thought,
Void of any respite
Lest it be divinely taught.

Envy’s what I’d wished it be;
I want, what you have got,
Love and health, prosperity,
Fills up that empty spot.
Seething, as I know, not I
Doth have that for myself,
Green is but another eye
Of one more sinful elf.

Pride tells me I'm perfect
Yet I have no benching mark,
I'll feign a type of respect
Insincere, and yet so stark.
Resent; that I am godly
And I am the only one,
Who’ll ever really be me
Every other-one I shun.

Gluttony’s a cancer
Seeping deep inside of thee,
As vacuous an answer
As the tale of bird and bee,
Confuses every sinew
Of my ever wanting will,
Finding as I imbue
Ever more, the less it fills.

Wrath is vitriolic,
Manifesting in a rage,
Hellishly historic
And unable to assuage,
Pangs of utter rancor
Like inside of a McCoy,
Held in, like an anchor
Serving only to annoy.

Sloth is but a bother,
Must I really wake; arise?
Can't I find another,
Simple way, to vitalize?
The lethargy I harbor
Saturating every bone,
Seems to be the arbor
Of another sin I own.

Lust is lorded over
Every other sin before,
Where even Casanova
Can be turned into a *****,
It doesn't seem to matter
Be it avarice or pride,
Even saints can shatter
When they let the sin inside.

Seven angels flew,
Seven demons knew,
Seven tiny ways to turn,
Sins into virtues…

Seven dark and days,
Seven men, and clay,
Seventh, to the second is
Seven other ways...

Charity is giving
Even if we can't afford,
To aid another’s living
For whatever the reward,
Addicted to the feeling
Of a satisfying want,
Happily appealing,
To a virtuous détente!

Kindness isn't easy,
But, surprisingly; it is,
Polarizing envy,
And resulting in a kiss,
Bringing all together,
Every culture, born apart,
Clipping to the tether
And rejoicing in a heart.

Humility is nascent,
And it lies in every man,
Siblingly adjacent,
Vying for an upper hand,
Finding fallibility,
Is central to us all,
Strength, is the ability
To overcome the gall.

Temperance is chemo,
For a gluttonous habit,
Mostly incognito,
Underwhelming and rabid.
Curbing every impulse,
That we have, to satiate,
Sitting out the very waltz
Meant to ameliorate.

Patience is the lifting
Of an anchor weighing down,
Set a-sail, and drifting,
So the anger doesn't drown,
An unresigned behaviour
Like a stoic tolerance,
Pleasing all, in favour
Of another second chance.

Diligence is known by
A resounding scrutiny,
Even in my own eye
It compels the slovenly,
Who’ll revive the luster,
Of an eon once before,
And tentatively muster
Absolution’s very core.

Chastity’s a virtue
Maybe antiquated now,
Purity's own purview
Seems unwilling to allow
An amalgamation
Of one's body and of heart,
Hereto the formation
Of a marital restart.

Seven ways to lose,
Seven secret clues,
Seven simple sacraments,
Seldom do they chose…
This is the beginning of a suite of 7 poems I am going to write.
First poem is the 7 sins
Second is the 7 virtues
Third (working on now) 7 punishments
Fourth 7 arch Angels
Fifth 7 wonders of the world (natural)
Sixth 7 wonders of the world (manmade)
Seventh - haven't worked that out yet

— The End —