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Stopped into a back roads diner
Somewhere just off Carolina
Highway thirty three
Sign said "open", I went in
Pushed the RC handle made of tin
Not a soul around that I could see

Waitress came out from the back
Name plate said her name was "Jack"
I'm glad I came in
Ordered up some milk and pie
This waitress sure did catch my eye
Pushing that RC ad made of tin

Told her that I was passing through
Not staying long, had things to do
Smiling, she  said "You'll stay"
I said I'' need a place to rest
She named one place...the best
Out by the bay

There's not much to do round here
We only serve three kinds of beer
and the Carolina Zoom Zoom
we make in the back room
It goes down as smooth as ever
Turn your insides straight to leather
That Carolina Zoom Zoom
we make in the back room

"Jack" sat down and asked my story
told her, "lots of pressure, lots of worry"
Don't worry ***, it'll go
I asked her how she could just say that
Took off my coat and then my ball hat
Just how was she to know

She said "I read people when they're here"
Some folks stay, some disappear
You'll be here a while
She said "you're driving time is over"
"I think you'll end up, as the new owner"
"Of this place"...with a smile

I said "there's no people here to sell to"
"What the heck would I do"
owning this with no one here at all
She laughed and said "I am agreeing"
But you are looking but not seeing
Money's made behind the yonder wall

There's not much to do round here
We only serve three kinds of beer
and the Carolina Zoom Zoom
we make in the back room
It goes down as smooth as ever
Turn your insides straight to leather
That Carolina Zoom Zoom
we make in the back room

She said it was a truck stop diner
That sold the best ***** in all Carolina
Carolina zoom zoom in the back
Recipe's been here for ages
Brewed real slow, distilled in stages
Always forty jugs out on the rack

We've sold to Robert Johnson and Bocephus
You may choose to not believe this
I wouldn't lie about that fact
The diner never makes much money
But, the back room, there's the honey
sure as i know I'm called Jack

She said she lived in an old trailer
That she traded with a sailor
For a case five   years ago
Moved it back on up the hill
There she could watch on the still
If I bought, she'd have to go

I thought a while, made two offers
Money to fill up her coffers
And she had to stay
She smiled, asked me if I'm certain
Did I mean it, or was I just flirtin'
I told her I was set to pay

There's not much to do round here
We only serve three kinds of beer
and the Carolina Zoom Zoom
we make in the back room
It goes down as smooth as ever
Turn your insides straight to leather
That Carolina Zoom Zoom
we make in the back room

I've been the owner fifteen years
I changed my life, by changing gears
Jack is still with me
Thank god I stopped in to this diner
Back in the back roads off Carolina
Highway thiry three
Carla Marie Jan 2012
Just wonderin’… if surrounded… as you are… by the ramblins… of visitors… and the offerins… of hangers-on… and the jokes… of the wanna-be-funny… and the excitement… of your beloved basketball… and the rowdy…  of your down-and-***** football… even tennis… when it’s Venus… and her earthy growls…  and ya girl Serena… with her thigh-strainin’ swing… hell… even hockey… if that’s all there is... playin’ in the background… mixin’ just fine… with children laughin'… and he still flirtin’… after all these years… talkin’ a little *****… after all this water… under the bridge… makin’ you smile… coaxin’ you to…  hang in there baby… to take…  just one more bite… to take…  just one more sip… to smile…  just one more time… I’m just wonderin’… how are you gonna do… when they put you in that place… for sick people… with no loud children… no beloved husband… no bad jokes… no fried chicken in the air… no sports commentators… no big band drums… no somebody screamin’ TOUCHDOWN… for you to… if only for a few precious minutes… wake up to… how are you gonna do…in all of that silence…?
Gary Brocks Aug 2018
He lifted his hand, it shook,
he leaned towards speech, halting,
a stroke confined his feet
to shuffled, prayerful, praises,
the day pushed dusk through blinds,

“How you buh, beautiful?” (a rasp).
“You take your meds?” the nurse said.
“How you… to… today?”, finger pointing
(reminded of it's hook).
She smiled and smoothed his bed
"You flirtin’, you bad man?”

Once he'd made a vow, an oath
in Auschwitz-Birkenau;
forced to pick gold from charred teeth,
he pledged to sidestep death, to live!
And, walk in love, to the Sabbath.

Copyright © 2003 Gary Brocks
Don't come round here flirtin'
If you haven't got the game
If you can't deliver
I don't want to know your name

Sending drinks and cutesy smiles
Don't go too far round here
You'd better send at least two shots
And at least a jug of beer

You'd better bring your "A" game buddy
Cause sometimes it gets  ******
Don't leave your "A" game on the shelf
Cause you'll go home all by yourself

You'd better give as well as get
Now you're in the south
Our cougars here aren't like those up north
Our girls ...they give good mouth

They've heard it all a million times
Don't come with a cheap line
They don't drink things with flowers in
And they don't drink cheap boxed wine

You'd better bring your "A" game buddy
Cause sometimes it gets ******
Don't leave your "A" game on the shelf
Cause you'll go home all by yourself

They're barracudas in this bar
They've got teeth, and they will use 'em
So, buddy you'd best be on your game
Or you won't go home a twosome

Our women here get treated special
And son, they're mighty proud
Look at someone elses woman
And they get mighty loud

You'd better bring your "A" game buddy
Cause sometimes it gets  ******
Don't leave your "A" game on the shelf
Cause you'll go home all by yourself
Anon Jun 2014
The Final Frontier

As “Danger” Donny Johnson doubtfully looked into the dark abyss,
He reminisced on his memories on earth that had led up to this.
These memories were few in number, for he could probably count them on two hands.
He lived a sub-average life, but always dreaming of new lands.
While his south-Chicago school was not up to par,
Donny was learning far beyond the bar.

The final frontier, space; he had found his calling.
A place where he could be alone.
Everyday, people pestered, poor, pathetic Donny;
His mother never paid attention, she wouldn’t listen to him moan.
His father was nowhere to be found, which was expected.
Without that second figure, Donny was just left feeling lonely and neglected.

But forward Donny tread, never looking back,
Getting good grades and keeping his life on track.
Still, no matter how hard he tried, Donny’s desire for attention never diminished,
Striving to make new friends, Donny started college with none, and sadly, that’s how he finished.
“But when I’m among the stars, there will be no need for attention,
I’ll be above all of these people, far above their comprehension.”

Eight years of college, and Danny was ready for the final step in becoming an astronaut.
NASA, he had done it.
“After all these years, mama I kid you not!”
But she still didn’t care, she thought he had wasted his life.
“Danger Donny is what they should call you, ‘cause you’re **** stupid to waste your life in space, flirtin’ with death.”
The walls Donny had built up came crashing down,
After all these years, and his mom still wanted him to stay on the ground.

“But what do you know”, Donny replied, with pools of tears in his eyes.
“My whole life you didn’t care about me. You pretended, but they were just lies!
How could you mom? You want me to quit the only thing I’m good at!”
Donny slammed down his cell phone, cried, and on the carpet he sat.

After severing all his ties, and leaving everything behind,
Donny soared to the Heavens, but stopped halfway.
He was there, he had done it;
The thing he had dreamed about almost every day.

His first space walk, the culmination of everything he had worked for.
This actually made him happy to leave his mom, that lying *****.
This was his life, one of the few people that do what they want to do.
Always had his eyes up here, through all the years that he grew.
But then, as accidents usually occur,
In a split second his rope became severed, and off Donny went.

First came panic, followed by denial, then acceptance.
Donny wondered. All he had said. Is this what he meant?
31 years of work, and this poor, intelligent man was going to die all alone.
And to think, his last conversation had been on the **** phone.

He had burned all his bridges, slammed shut all his doors just to come here.
And now what Donny longed for was in fact what he had wanted all his life,
For someone to come near.

It’s kind of funny, actually, he thought to himself.
I was gonna die alone down there anyway.
I didn’t know when it would happen,
But I guess it’s today.

As he unfastened the straps, Donny tried to recollect the few moments he had.
But Donny’s life just wasn’t great,
And his memories just made him sad.
And after pulling loose the last clasp, Donny’s helmet floated off.

Donny couldn’t breathe, and he had a feeling in his throat,
Like the urgent need to cough.
And in those last few seconds, Donny looked out, his vision crystal clear.

He had finally made it.
The final frontier.
Michael Ellis Mar 2012
Would you share a moment with me, over some herbal tea?
Take a walk verbally, make a bond certainly cause’ in my
hand I bet your hand would fit perfectly. Its like we floatin in
space when you flirtin with me, can’t believe the moments we
have, don’t wanna move to quick, but honey without you I’d
be sick. I’m saying this from the heart best believe it from
the start, with you in mah life, I wanna make you mah wife.
Don’t think just react it makes it easier in fact, you look
better with no make up on I hope you don’t take it wrong.
When the sun sets upon your eyes, your beauty becomes
disguised hidden in between the feelings of lust and love, I
can fall for you with just one shove. Getting swallowed in the
waves of commotions I can’t help to feel these emotions, I get
lost for for words tryin to describe your curves. Not in a sleezy
way because I like how gentleman play, not in such a style to drive
these ladies wild, but with such manner and bliss he plants one kiss.
Upon the lips of beautiful lady who isn’t so shady, upon the woman
with class which any man shouldn’t pass, upon the one with the big
dreams which have no seems. With just one kiss he knows he can’t
miss, the love of his life that will soon be his wife.
Sunshine Dec 2014
We're not miles apart today
maybe at least two
and it angers me that there will be no way of seeing you

We're popping fireworks
hoping you can see them from where you are
and the sound of the gun powdered lights
is the sound my heart makes when it thinks about you.

Lighting sparklers on fire
and spelling your name in bright stars
and watching it end in smoke
just how you end your days.

My mom just told me Red dye number 40 makes kids go crazy
and I'm starting to wonder if that's what my blood is made out of.

My patience is gone
and I've cut my hair.
I've lost count of how many times I've cried today
my parents know it's because of your curly hair and brown eyes
and all i want for Christmas is to see you
but I'm just flirtin' with disaster aren't I?
just ramblin' on... sorry
Karen Newell Aug 2014
I know that I am happy
On this great high way of life
But I took a detour
That coulda caused some kind of strife

I stopped on off at a ***** tonk
Not my sorta world
And I found myself a flirtin
With a dancin girl

A woman not my wife

She was lookin kinda pretty
As she twirled that fancy skirt
And I knew it could be dangerous
For both me and her

So I sped off in my Chevy
And left her standin there
Back on home
To the safety zone
And my old easy chair
A goofy country song :))
JP Mantler Jan 2014
My lady, she can't get o'er me
My lady, she can't get o'er me
My lady, she always wanna be
My lady, she can't get o'er me

My lady, she got no more time
My lady, she thinks she's all fine
                . . .  thinks she's all fine

My honey, her heads all o'er
She's been searching for that four-leaf clover
She's been searching for that four-leaf clover
But it's nowhere to be found

Love stings but hornets can heal
Gorgeous woman, she do wanna feel
                                                 . . .  feel
                                          . . .  oh yeah

Love can sting but I can't go
Gorgeous woman, I did have ya so
But you ain't mine no more . . .
You ain't mine no more . . .

My poor lady, she'd been hurting
My poor honey, she'd been caught me flirtin'
Sweet gorgeous, there's no more groovin'
I'm sorry baby, there's no more groovin'

O' lady, you'd best be through'in
O' lady, you'd best be through'in

O' lady, we'd best be through'in
O' lady, we'd best be through'in

O'lady you'd best be through now
O'lady we'd best be through now

We'd best be . . . .  . . . .
We'd best be . . . .  . . . .
We'd best be . . . .  . . . .
We'd best be . . . .  . . . .
We'd best be . . . .  . . . .

*O'lady we'd best through
And outta the moonlight
Oh yea, Me and You
We'd best be through
La Funkbadger Dec 2014
my life is ****

my life is ****
b-cos of u
i dont understand
wot i shud do

1 day ur sweet
den wen im hurtin
u get discrete
wif otha boys flirtin

my life is ****
i wish i cud die
i cant understand
Y i dont try

u say u love me
den reject my touch
i wish u cud see
da pain iz 2 much

my life is ****
now go away
my life is ****
sorry 2 say
my life is ****
its ur fault girl
my life is ****;
Fallen angelz?
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
Dancing and jiving to the sound of the heart monitor in the back
Your seizing like a seizure and im beating like a heart attack
Grandma's dead
Dad shot her in the head and we’re
Drinkin and dancin tonight
I feel FINE
And we can slide through the slick halls
Flirtin with the white walls
and sign that everythings always alrigh
****** all up in her feeding tube,
Take a shot of anesthesia every time she makes a Cadaveric move
Yeah grandmas livin it up tonight
Now we’ll moonwalk into a birthing center just to step to those jarring screams
You've got syringe glass in your hair. I'm sitting in the doctor's chair. Yeah, I'm dancing with the girl of my fever dreams!!!
spike the ceyline bags with laughing gas, its so funny. not knee slapping funny just so funny.
We’ll have a disco party in the medicare
Weave some new bath towel from fallen cancer hair
Yeah this ***** getting crazy and i'm with you
**** who are you?
i promise ill finish it im just looking for feedback for now sorry if its triggering or insensitive
JeanieBeth Oct 2018
Don't let memory run away with you
and make moments of loss not true
dreams of joy may turn to ash
and the mistakes you've made to few

It's not lies that protect, but joy:
no need to run away, but employ
your six senses to know the woman
you're becoming from the boy.

I was all hung up before
all hidden in fakery and gore;
now so unsure I'll not pretend
I'm new to being girl-friend.

I'm new to being a woman
and I'm trying to find
all the reaches of my heart so human
how I make up my mind

Testosterone and lies an evil mix
Years of misery with only one fix
Let me join with you girls
Dance arms linked in great whirls

I'm so knew in this lovely air
let me be your newest friend
Heart to heart so we might share
We've good messages to send

My path is all that's certain:
Only truth will I be blurtin'
And with you I would be flirtin'
flinging aside so every curtain

Steady hand and brightest eyes
The time is short ere spirit flies
I've gathered my pains like raspberry pies
And keep them without compromise.
Arcassin B May 2014
by Arcassin Burnham

Started all from a party she went to,
talking to her missing piece in the bathroom,
the one she wanted -
hiding behind the curtains,
her friend acted self contious,
over the guy she couldnt have,
for certain -
only to know , he was flirtin with the girl from the bathroom,
And when she came out the Jealousy struck too soon,

Askin for favors,
just to see her swim,
thinking back , she could have timed it,
dalila was her name,
under water ,  she had the perfect body,
AS they sanqurinize Swim,
I hope im better than,
She thought,
Staring at her,
she sat by her,
writing her address down,
with a black marker,

At her house,
a mile they walk,
only to know she had to wait,
just so her and him can talk,
or was it more than that,
thinkin it was a dream,
that she met her,
but it was so much more than that,
hope shes not playing the **** again
So saw them , as they swam..................TO BE CONTINUED
Pretty boy's gone
Since yesterday,
done with flirtin and acting gay
Bad Boy's back with the cigarette lighter and the twenty sack of **** to get a little higher
Ever since they went away, well
pretty boy's been full of dismay
heartbroken and lonesome he roams the town
looking for some ***** in which he'll drown,
broken and beaten
mean and old
on the street is where he sold
his pills and ****
his cid and lean
oh Pretty boy, sure got mean.
All the pretty girls tried to fix him
But he never could forget about the one that tricked him.
the one who stomped on his heart like a cigarette ****
extinguishing the warmth within him
like a punch to the gut
his eyes, once warm and inviting
are cold and dark
full of thunder and a spark of lightning
Murphy Sep 2018
Let it be known. That this calm is my own. Though I don't yet know home. As my grace takes the thrown. In my caves pace and moan. Like a grave placed my stone.
I will wait for the scent of some pharamones. To wake me a bit and change where I roam. To get out and stay active and gain new distractions remaining adaptive and scrape my bones. I'll go hunting not hurtin, not *** but some flirtin, *** I am still certain I'm safe alone.
this past week is the saddest I have ever been.  as an empath(if u believe in such a thing)  I create, magnify and spread joy like its my job because it is.  But being sad like this is debilitating and self renewing......So to not share it with those around me I gota stay away from people because I cant fake it and even if I could fake joy I never would....But solitude only makes it worse...……….I hope that these words can make any others out there who don't wana be dead but would like to die stay put mentally... u cant make it better quick but any of us has the power to keep it from getting worse in our hearts and just wait it out....U are alone out there.   But I am with u in tear.
"Red Ain't My Color"
Inspired by:
"Blue Ain't Your Color"
by: Keith Urban

Y'all could c me on Facebook
writin' songs & poems
Watchin' my kids' lives
In i-so-la-tion

And chances were
He's flirtin' w/ some new "her"
Cause he wasn't gonna pay no mind
Well it wasn't n e one's place
But they went and said it n e way
Cause I looked like
I'd had 'nuff of his fire
Hadn't any fun
Hadn't made a smile n a long while

Red makes a good sunset
Looks good on that shirt that hugs my figure
But didn't look good on my face
I'm tellin' u
I don't need drama
It's so simple see
He's stealin' my kids, 3
Baby, red ain't my color

U weren't tryna' b another man
Hit on me kinda guy
Tryna pick me up
Tryna flirt with me
But u just didn't understand
How another man
Can take my sons
Turn them against me

Well u didn't even drink
And u're thinkin'
that I was beau-ti-ful
Tell me that if we were together u wouldn't change
Just make me happy

Cause red makes a good sunset
Looks good on that shirt that hugs my figure
But didn't look good on my face
You're tellin' me
I didn't need drama
It's so simple see
He's stealin' my kids, 3
Baby, red ain't my color
No no no
Red ain't my color baby
Red makes a good sunset
Looks good on that shirt that hugs my figure
But didn't look good on my face
You're tellin' me
I didn't need drama
It's so simple see
He's stealin' my kids, 3
Baby, red ain't my color

Red ain't my color, mmm mmm
No no baby
And u lit up my world

© From A Poet's ♥️
Cedric McClester May 2018
By: Cedric McClester

The cracks are starting to show
Time catches up ya know
If you were a woman
They’d call you a **
But you’d still be a *******
Even so
And your star-like patina
Is losing its glow

The scars of history
Will make certain
That all of the women
You’re hurtin’
Will come out
From behind their glass curtain
To put an end
To the abuse and flirtin’

Now you can go on
And pretend
Karma won’t get ya
In the end
But I’ve got news
For you friend
The ark of justice
Is long but it bends

What’s that old paradigm?
You can fool all the people
But you can’t get away
With your crimes
When we still see
The same telltale signs
Which only serves to remind

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2018.  All rights reserved.
Riding, with the music just vibin,
Lookin' for where love is,
But is tainted, long away and fainted, by the breeze,
To the tides by the seas, or was it an ocean?
, maybe i should take in a potion,
Put the world loves, back in motion,
Smooth coatin, let the liquor do its workin, so many souls hurtin,
Out here flirtin,
With the wrong thing, everybody aint meant to be a, queen or a king,
Just do ya own thing, like Isaac Hayes, and ignore the says,
Of negative folks that pay,
Attention to every, last one of ya moves,
I just show & prove, let me put you in the mood,
**** it, i just let the needle, mellow the groove, yo
Bard Oct 2020
Like police hound dogs diggin up dirt
Breakin ground, pigs investigatin perps
****** hands communicatin my flirtin
Death my mistress her fat *** flauntin
Backseat body of a rat with no brain
Plastic blanky keep out a ****** stain

No stressin cuz this is an insoluble coppers caper
The evidence insubstantial cause improbable no paper
Trails lead nowhere 21st century jack wheres the ripper
Case put to bed, outta here, Marth hit em with the tipper
Cold lead, cold case, acid laced body lie in lye face melter

Shadowy alleys Sirius Black disappear in dark smoke
In the valley all serious never laughs like a bad joke
Anotha body add to the tally dead how they woke
Harry with the kedavra another cadaver in my ice box
Somebody actin funny call me make a runny neck +

Crimes stackin Jack Sparrow with the dirt
Moses with the staff I make rivers part
Stiletto in hand now your kidney hurt
Cop car chasin in circles never closer, roundabout
Tooth fairy molar pullin to messy burned my shirt
Villain of the story big bad wolf eatin your heart
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
The bipolar is my burden
Too much grandiosity

The anxiety is hurtin'
So much i cannot see

I am never flirtin'
Not a geeky guy like me

I pray for winter women
By the Baltic sea


— The End —