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Styles Jun 2016
I, dip my fingers in your honey sweet sap.
Steering your emotions with sensations of passion.
Loathing the moments in between, with the patience of a feind;
for the instant our flesh meet;
then going far in between --
filling your blossom with seed,
releasing you of your need.
Embraced by your fragrance,
entranced by the scent,
of your bitter sweet, sweetness,
both heaven sent --
dripping from my tip,
the essence of your tenderness.
entrenched by your loveliness.
iUsed To Be A Dope Dealer .
**** Turned On Me, Now im The Dope Feind.
Mary Jane Used To Be My Main its
Insane, Now iGot Methamphetamine
iN My Veins.
& iDont Give A ****** **** iLove
Them Stronger Drugs
iDont Take Em To Avoid Problems.
iCan Solve Them.
iDo iT For The High & Them
Dialated Eyes.
Can You See That iM Krazie
****** Up Mentality Since The Age
Of 13.
iGet Twisted So My Life Can Look Unrealistic iGot That Sick Sober High
My Times Quickly Passing By.
Mr Mojo Risin Oct 2013
I saw an old man walking by the side of the lake , he  turned and whispered somethings not right ? I walk among the creatures of night , with the moon as my shelter the stars as my light I do not walk this earth anymore somethings not right , I am a ghost of many a year gone bye , stalked by women and children that cry , stuck in a cell were no light is seen , and the god I worship cast me down like a feind , I lived a life full of Ill repute , shellfish untold before now , there was no applause to my life no fairwell crowd , a lonley man stood at my grave , Lamentations and verse about this fallen brave , but I am not , nor never I find a bit of bravery a bit peice of mind , life is cruel rotten unjust to carry on is the question of must ? For who I am you lips should say this old man who's lost his day ? am no stranger for I am you , telling the tale of what life has for you . Change you'r ways or never youl find that bit of bravery that bit peice of mind .
jessie irvin Mar 2011
Go back to your dreams,remember the beauiful things ,before drugs took away self love and wonderful sence. look in your heart in see what this mean, these dreams, was cool they was more then being a feind. go back to the place that keep you clean, drug useing destroy dreams.
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
Das Leben ist schön, aber auch schwer,
für manche zu kurz, für andere nicht fair.
Wenn es anders kommt als man denkt,
da ist der eine schon mal gekränkt.
Der andre sieht es mit Begeisterung,
so hat das Leben für ihn noch Schwung.

Aber wenn ein Virus die ganze Welt befällt
und alles zerschellt - das geht ins Geld.
Dann ist auch unser Wohlstand schon bedroht,
und die Lebensqualität gerät in Not.

Regierungen versuchen uns zu schützen,
auch mit Finanzspritzen zu unterstützen,
aber die Spritzen in den Oberarm
sehen Leugner mit größtem Alarm.

Nun dachte man, die Welt hat sich vereint
und kämpft gegen den gemeinsamen Feind,
doch gibt es Leute mit denen kann man nicht reden,
sie können alles stets anders belegen.
Sie meinen, auf die da oben kann man nicht zählen,
deren Plan sei, ihnen die Freiheiten zu stehlen.

Dieses Misstrauen könnte uns leicht zerspalten,
dann wäre ein Bürgerkrieg kaum aufzuhalten.
Wie könnten Leugner ihre Angst verlieren,
damit sie endlich neues Vertrauen riskieren?

Wir sollten gute Beispiele setzen,
uns kümmern um den Ersten und den Letzten.
So entsteht ein guter Gemeinschaftssinn
für alle Ausgegrenzten ein Gewinn.

Ein respektvoller Umgang miteinander, der oft fehlt,
ist was zählt, so sehr zählt, zählt und zählt und zählt.
Even Though IDont Want
the Drug.
it Still Roams
still Comes Along
makes Me Feind
without me Even Thinking About iT
iHate it
How This Cycle Just Makes iTs Way
it Makes Me Sad
believe me, iDo Try Hard
to Not think about it
let it come to my mind.
but it just makes its way to my brain.
im tired of this.
Sam Miller Feb 2018
Them or no one you tell yourself
Right Its only a couple of nights in hell
Sourounded by the ones you love but they only cause suffering
they become the thing that distinct you from all the girl, what create a differing
An attack on the senses, denses up your head,
Believe all the lies that your mother said
That you will never be the same so why try for a mark you will never hit
To be different, not the same, especially with out a ****
So sure its a good day in your personal hell, sourounded by your favourite feind, but dont worry its  not a deadly ****, after you surivive this your **** will be cleaned
Warning probs not safe for work some not pc words
Mercy B Apr 2013
Please tell me  Little Girl Lost, why is it that you can 't stop from sobbing.

   Her mind flashes to a memory of a whisper, " Ssshhh I wanna teach you a new game."

Like a feind he craves the innocence in her  that all along he dreams of robbing.

            All because of HIM,  Little Girl Lost despite how she may try , she  just will never be the same.

He knew how to play them and exactly what he should say in order to gain all  their trust.

  He had to use his many charms in this deception to be sure in the room down the hall he would stay.

He demanded from her complete silence, for this game being secret was a must.

      Continually defying his ill-gotten comfort with each new game poor Little Girl Lost he made  play.

      Five years have come to pass before any relief from the torture she endured, at last it was  finally done.

He vanished from sight a haunting left behind  gone much quicker than when he first came.

         Fresh was the warning that gripped her with fear , " Do not speak a word or others will  come join in my fun."

Pieces of her soul that were stolen are forever gone, lost in time, its true that Little Girl Lost's not the same.
neth jones Nov 2018
I expand my view
through pinhole

Creature extends
and carries intension

Carrion makes contact
and speaks a creative

and Mut gives aid to another

Feind conducts its business and makes its bed
adults it's day and doings
toward the better

The Beast minds the gap

It notes its own breathing

Human operates into ease
ZACK GRAM Mar 2019
i hate to cuss but i guess dying like this is a test of fate///
knowing you dont know i exist///
i shed so many tears theres no more pain anymore///
it hurts so bad im used to it///
this torture this crucifiction///
from the first time i knew you existed i been sick///
ive written scriptures when i go out people take pictures///
just like you im famous on top of mount olympus///
in babylon one road in one road out///
i got a private flight ready for you///
limozine escort watever you want///
i got columbian connection///
deeper then nuclear factories in HL stock numbers///
stock sellin uranium to please your cranium///
im numb from the money an greed///
i feind for a need that you have for me///
but wont give it fact or fiction///
im the richest an when i drive the nail with the hammer-
record the sacrifice///
another prescription an no advice///
now i see why people massacre///
everyday i ask god what did i do to deserve this///
outkasted, broke///
*** **** over medical dependency///
dying daily having thousands of babies///
i cant even raise them///
forced out of existence my conscience bleeds///
my voice goes unnoticed///
as beautiful as life can be because of you in the same way its evil///
i fear losing you an i never had you///
i fear its to late an i didnt get my chance///
this is hell heaven cant be real///
noone can show me but you///
i cant share a bed with someone i dont love///
Mariah youre all i want all i knee///
before you im your slave- praise ALLAH!!!

— The End —