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jeffrey robin Oct 2010
she walks the silent beach
she is golden

she sings the world into place
she is mine

she gives you all you want

it is a simple as
it must be

as simple as we are
on the sands

the golden song

which creates
jeffrey robin Nov 2013
If YE carve yer initials on YE when YE cut


It'll help the coroner when he comes for YE

(Being civic minded)



She sleeps in dumpsters  cause she DONT like to litter

(Being civic minded)


She don't bother anyone with true feelings

She has fantacy boyfriends who she imagines abuse her

She prays to god to simply ignore her

She stays stupid cause she's very humble

She hates herself cause she DONT want to be a bother


(She is very civic minded)


Ears full closed to any truth said

Simple gonna suffer until she's dead

(Being civic minded)


She's a very good girl
jeffrey robin Jun 2013
"Oh Sally!
I love you"

This you say
When you want Sally to go away!

"Oh Joey!
Will you be mine?"

Like Joey is a fish
Caught on a line!
It seems like great fun
A movie comedy

But it ends in a lost motel
On misery street

One of suffering
And dead dreams
moss May 2015
The words "once upon a time"
Begin a fantacy story
Who's seemingly shallow rhyme
Creates a deep allegory

The princess traped, endangered
Our deepest fears are revealed
Yet, saved by the kind stranger
Our wishes are to be appealed

The prince fighting, enthralling
Our search for love is now released
Always hopes for belonging
Our strong courage not so repressed

Then "happily ever after"
Soon ends our magnificent tale
But what is happy hereafter,
Far beyond this twisting trail?
Ken Pepiton Aug 2022
The work words have to do, I do as well
leaving being as having been begun
also *ghebh-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning
"to give or receive."
The basic sense of the root probably is "to hold,"

Able comes from this, thus

8 billions, say
- the ob-servant says,
half are breathing in, as half
were breathing out,

certainly a few were out of sync,
so some of us sneezed, one would think
to effect the fectuality, unawares,

stutter steps, bridge march, aware
smell the honey suckle smell, no,
discern a subtle dif-fer tle,lit-tle
literal not sames, similar sense, smell
how more aware have we all become,
we who lost taste and smell, while
experiencing a pandemic in our time.
Eventually endemic.
How rare are we in history? First wave.
Mindful, some how, now
my taste and smell
systems are back,

Off, again, try to remember the smell,
of linden trees in Helena,
and wonder, set a mind on wish to know
will wonder, the worth of which we know

but fail to consider until… un til, tilling soil,
I think, et I'm y conjoined, to reconsider you.

At my bitterest root,
my jealousy and rage,
- alleluia, you know the drill
my will to act like some ancient god.
Cursing all I ever was.
-disconfabulating my own legend… uses
time, in points made.

May I guess we know each word,
writ and read, in this medium sprouted from
science with held from those
limited access faith confirmations, holy secret
ways out of paying for all the idle words,
never taken for the sense intended,
posited, as a point in time,
we agree, I can, we did

--plea, please explain, make it seem
as real as any dream, we can't handle the truth.
- why carry the weight of knowing
think of nothing
in a word,
not in time/
-- a spirit from the mortals fearing death
lives in this lie, cultural *******, fear of measure,
spit an image, imagine a nation, from dragon's teeth
spat, shat, splat, all the same, fat rain sound.
-- crack of the gavel, give us rapt attention---
order, order in the court, when, in fact,
judgement begins where Jesus says God is,
in his forever state, in me, of we, who
took him at his word, be true, live.
the way
courtesy commands, as judgment begins
in the spirit
of the man,

The right hand ignores the left hand clapping
-present the feeble fable

Discord sown among brothers-
hate the owning fact of life, only one breath,

- listen to the retold old word tale
- endemic demes enforced knowledge
- from **** to last told tale… we are this
- this is epic in each occurrence… we realize
smoked ribbon winds around in
the long winter mind, all hearing ears, feel
from our gut, we obey. We join image-e- nations.

We dare ante-cipitate the motion in the dance.
All public opinion re
arrives at one point. We have no reasons for war,
we are not the users of others, we give, and
have been given unto, in some inexplicable way,

peace in time to rest in it, dabbling in old lies, left
binding cultural ties, as all reason for stiffness wilts

We listen to the Wendigo,
who wound the ******* greedy winding wake,
when the forest was aflame, and the wind had no cloud
that did not poison rain.
- meandering progress, not steam ship progress
sense posed reason aitia, to the t/
spirit and image in the idiom/

Now, the teller, looks to me, reminds me
of light perceived as punctual, flashing,
aha, waves in passing
- we stand as one.
- In the ready written mind.

All but he who takes a knee, ala George Washington,
under the leafless tree, in the olden vale.

The point of any thing, is made for, f-word for or fore
before, forsaking, one must make for some sake,
no relationship to four, for some reason, get
as a service, do what you do. Right.
Why would one enabled to do good,
do otherwise?

Ignor the answers you ask for.
Pretend poetry never makes
sense in terms of poetic good, exhaled, relieved,

passing coolness in the air.
- as gentle spirits some say do
Orderly arrangement, left mind, right or most versatile hand,
point at any thing,
bend that finger,
as on a trigger,
we can, we
know not how, we know, we have, we hold certain
positioning words as one mind may, I know,

I just got my smell back.
Like that, but after using your James Webb visualizing augments.
The wheel galaxy, just as imagined… we see

In effect, this is science, this is history,
this is art and language, holding sway,
we all know earth produces on a cycle, right,
greed breeds and brings forth famine,
famine finds us eating our corporations…
Jubilee, reset
-ship, shape, worth-shape, sense make,
peace where war was, one point
at a time.

Hold that thought, this is intended for

an audience, as the Terminal List,
was made to entertain military minds,
mental peace enforcer traits, keepers
of the secret, duty to the concept,..
live free, or die- for no reason,
save the Platonic essential lie.

Peacemakers were not intended,
we want valient warriors, at the core,
not the passive resistors increasing
to have the whole world sneeze.
And blink,
To sell words redeemed, mercurial recovery,

as from first people stories, branching away,

chaparral, between the salty sea,
and high reaching pine

fishing in a sea of social forgotten schemes/

Self govern, but in these days, not the future,
self govern now, participate in the present,

NPC over sight, non intervention-invention,
installed when you agreed, you watch,
do not rewrite the ending/

So, story being told.
Story being made up to conserve,

serve a certain truth we know, winter comes
some times for too long,

so we consider the ant, and remember Wendigo.

greedy gut, cheater, long time ago, we know,
we all can be the hungered beast.

Wait, and see, some day, we see the peace pass
for understanding, and we wonder into a we,
state of awe, as a we aware, we think

whole worlds and only words, at once.
Making peace from confused principle things.

We can, others have, agree; we are the best/

Welfare, fare thee well, we said

we are as rich as ever was,
but we live a quiet life.

Pressure from some outside source,
begins be gins beginning to squeeze,

and pull and stretch, who needs the show
shown every where,
there, those other people, who own
no means to make a living form we are
reality personality types, all observants
become familiar with,
predicting winners, if it happens

I coulda been a contender, the audience
always know,
just how it feels, to be on your own,
a compleated unknown enfolding old Dylan licks,

Wendigo, there he go,
lickin' his chops, BG words are all I have
to take his breath away,

soft, and gentle/ sub-tility, wait, as sufficient

seed becomes something, never just a seed again,
and then just a seed a million times, in the wind.

I've driven myself to reflection
observation con services ob
scene, objects mis directed, rect-
ify, io I mean, finger mover, on demander
I, free, willing, hunting wendigo from fantacy
conforming to hate manifested, abhor evil,
-never rests, never
rest in stranger's peace of mind,
find plain old apples in the tree, free, no fines,
no charge, non sense, an-tic

click onoma-tope -- under all of history, we know,

scribes, alone, found time to write, after reasoning
in the agora all day… ancient minds, WWSD?

--- listen, I am ashamed to beg, so, what does
your tab say, listen, I'm thinking

that's too much, here, take your ledger, wipe the debt.

Clean, no remnant from which revenant wrongs make claim,

first story told was told as lies, intended to deceive.

Knowledge is truth's gift, we live and learn
and pass it on. One point, inevitably crossing now.
And leaving a ripple, no marks

Yet, behind all that, this peace in mind, as a state, mindstate
timespace space time

taken, for granted bequilement does not disconnect,
knowing from known, and proof from pudding,
true rest,
reason for peace taken, in knowing, some body
had to believe, if it feels good, suddenly,
you know, every thing we eat
turns to ****, unless we learn…

that is good. Deal with it.
Homework, listen again to Braiding Sweetgrass.
jeffrey robin Nov 2013



See the ****-stained girl in the shadows!



(falling in love)



with the fantacy of falling in love





A fantacy


But if you DO love her---

jeffrey robin Jun 2013
Ancient tales
Of perfect honeymoon!

Woven by lost children
On rainy streets

Can you  imagine the pain that is theirs?

Longing for a total escape
From the Hunger
And despair
Can you imagine the pain that is theirs?
Billboards flashing!
Glossy the lies!
What is the true feeling?

The love of Life
The rain shall last thru
An endless night
Can you imagine the the pain that survives?
Ancient the tales
The perfect escape

The one truly there?

Hidden by fantacy
And honeymoon dreams

Of little lost children on
Rainy streets

Who think they see happiness
When it's us passing by
Pretending we're bound in honeymoon dreams
Oh my god

The pain that that is there!
Zenobia Dec 2015
Bailful fairness sudders one
From reality and fantacy...
Wanny visage enlighted:
By eyes of a cockatrice,
Never, to judge nor protest against.

How I have love thee?
Soon, to be forgotten by,
Leaving to be languished and,
Purged of love.
Never releases thé flying White Dove

Acts of Diana, knowingly brought me
Down like Juliet
For love is not love,
Without sacrifise?

Left, bewitched for amercing time,
Left, with the conceit of bestowing one's prescence once more.

To find the gall will,forsooth,
Gallop forth the next life...
For I have loved you always.
jeffrey robin Jan 2014
Corpses talking!

NO !  NO !

(We are who
Shall prevail)


(We are the corpses


---------        still trapped in the fantacy of
princes & princesses       ---------

(Still lost in images of romance & escape)


You are real!
You are not a SHOW
You Facebook dumb *****

Twittering **** brains!


What's that?

You mean
That's wild man)


Humanity itself is already enslaved
Here we are

Writing inane poems about our
***** pain!


(Gonna look lame when the bombs start exploding)


People already starving on the streets


Paint the picture that is HERE

Perhaps we should elect human beings into office
Instead of


Instead of



What do you think
Boys  & girls?


Love means somethin else than what we think
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
Boat on still waters




(Must be a fantacy)




You have no substance

You are a cipher within frenetic action

Erased by events


(Why do you stay on?)


Boat  on still waters


You are really here




You must fight the greatest evil ever known

You must fight the greatest evil to be here
jeffrey robin Aug 2013
Chicken Little has been cloned

And here we are!!!


Disguising ourselves as humans

We rut around like pigs

As we hunt for nookie!



In maudlin words of infinite hypocrisy

We write of our fakery unto the world!!

When I read them it feels like I'm being puked upon!


Loveless love!

Joyless ***!

Absolutely no compassion!


Drone airplanes up ahead !

But all the Chicken Littles

Do not see

Staring into fantacy worlds
I envision you as a bright light, like the moon
I wave my hands over you every night in hopes of a final feeling
Your wounds are bleeding
Never healing, but always shining
The blood that pours out from your craters is stunning,
Oh so stunning, enticing
Why is it that your sickness pulls me towards you?
Why is it that the pain of being distant is so enthralling?
Your blood brings me to your home
It’s keeping me close
Tell me we belong here
Bright moon, bleed on me
I need this vision to be more than a fantacy
You let me down.
It was your wish
A great longing from deep within. A fantacy an idea your idea, but in its execution you let me down.

I was silent just enjoying my grand thoughts. Some nice n other little ***** and like a bombshell you said it.
You let me down

Just out of the blues, you dropped it like an eighteen ton scad.
Just like that you said, you no longer require it. And put it that , I couldn't finance it. You truly put me down.

You belittled my effort, made me feel in worthy. You made me gwarky and a little blob.
Almost felt like a wart on the beautiful face of you, you truly let me down.
Let the shaver glory in reduction and let the farmer glory in growth. All are seasons and reasons in life.
Feeling bad
BB Tyler Aug 2010
Ignight matches, ember flashes;
skatter ashes, synapse crashes.
shattered egos, falling seagulls;
escaped evils, louring reels.
when the past begins ignition,
animate my superstitions,
demonstrate simple submission.
after my final decision,
with unbelievable percision.
stay the course, on a mission;
the death of all know memory;
stems the voice to reach my ear;
the foolishness of men I see;
neon fantacy without fear.
the audacity of the dead blooming,
the understanding in darkness looming,
the screaming, flying, fading, fuming,
tendency to hate consuming.
spreading spores to distant shores,
apple cores and opened doors.
fleeing, fighting, never lying,
down apon this ancient ground;
**** this town, it's over now;
**** this town, let's end it now.
In the turn of pages and sheets,
the end is something that's bound to repeat.
Copyright: Bennett Tyler and Ryan Bowdish
gray rain Apr 2016
Its in your head
what you said
your made up fantacy
it's not reality
but that's your world
with your imaginary girl
I wrote this for one of my friends.
jeffrey robin Aug 2013
The Free Bird streaks the sky!
We are so very vulnerable

Give in to fear too easily!

Afraid to show what we mean?

(We die)
And we are afraid

The free bird has succumbed

To narcissistic fantacy

Alive only in her  own mind

A lot like you and me

we move from Center Stage

In with the servants

Here we are
Derek Wings May 2010
Took you for a walk
Stroll through the park
with thoughts of romantic talk
i thought of all the posibility
how you might start to really see me
i could picture your happy face
looking into my eyes
a loving gaze
the ultimate prize
that's how it was suppose to be
but it happened quite differently
you see it was just a fantacy
cause you didnt smile once
you kept your distance
had a straight face
even walked at seperate pace
there were fire works
what a suprise
but you didnt even look
and as you walked away
i caught another case
of that heartbreaking cold
it was probalby my fault
my hopes were too bold
you had a good hand
so i look at mine and fold
your hand i will never hold
jeffrey robin Sep 2010
the ashes in the fireplace
warmed us as to need

the ashes in the heart
make us blind

the night is over

why dont ya go outside?

we never ask the question we should
we never want to know

why we are doin
what we are doin

we never ask ourselves
about the "inevitable"

life aint no fantacy
to read 'bout in your diary

oh no

nothin nothin

knowin nothin

about nothin
jeffrey robin Sep 2010
long and longer still

the long hard stare of longing
at the day

will you appear from out of your
self-inflicted self adoration?

i hear you say that you love me

but who reall wants to
be imprisoned

in a mind that is ruled
by fantacy?

a world of mythological proportion?

who knows just what it is
you see?

or the story that you pretend
to read?

let us walk out
into the rain

let us truly
love the world


and then we'll see

just what we can be
just what we can be
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
I wanted my pink folds ravished,
Unprepared was he for what i had dished:
A lifetime of fantacy all in one day,
At devotions for is what i would pray;

Hard were my nips at every bite,
My soul leaped at his giant sight,
It is now or never again,
I'm ready to be driven insane.

Another was called daddy tonight,
At the feel of his lenhth and might,
Though his lips tasted as honey,
I still didn't make him my hubby;

Things change when emotions are attached,
Therefore after tonight i will stay detached,
incase i do not meet another to match this strength,
I would return to feel what i have felt.

Oh, how my **** is rock hard,
Lord, am i a sinner, am i really bad?
i'm just a damsel with besetting desires,
just doing all that my flesh requires.

"Come to me baby, fill me up,
My legs wide in the air, do not let them drop,
i will take you on a horse ride, long and hard,
Sure you would faint but will be glad.

I return home to my unsuspecting father,
Although tired but feel so much better,
Home to be daddy's good little girl again,
Until this insanity returns to my brain.
Daily struggles unheard of.
Elvis okumu Apr 2015
I have my hand on a chain
I am pulled along and the drain is insane
I can't obstain or restrain the pain I feel as I am dragged alond the feild
But I won't let it go, I won't let you steal the way I feel
make a meal of me, and then say it wasn't a big deal  
My body is battered and broken, and I am always beholden  
I have more to do as my time is always  bespoken  
The chain is harder and harder to hold on
and way is harder and harder to forge on.  
I am tiered and honestly, sometimes I  don't feel as if I can go on  

But I won't let go

Because i refuse to let the world know  
That it has beaten me
I won't let that dept grow nor will I ever slow.  
I will meet you blow for blow  
from the tides of spring to winters snow  
As the acorn falls and the rains do flow
And you will watch that oak tree grow
from a sapling as you and I are grappling
You won't understand what is happening.  
You will think that I am a creature of  some crazy fantacy.  

Why do I go on, I couldn't tell you.
Death just seems more fun if only I knew how to
But this heart of mine just keeps beating  
And I just continue living and my hand keeps on gripping
and I will be ****** if I just up and leave it.

I am a molded wreking ball
unhappy unless I am wrecking
For when I am not, I am only a ball
even the wrecking part of my name just falls  
And  whats the point of being just a ball
For when I was created I was called the wrecking ball

My pourpose is in my duty
My duty is in my pourpose  
and whats worse, the course I am on
would be gone without this chain  
So how can I complain even when I am in pain
Without this chain I would be plain  
I would be a ball detached from the crain.

So go on, and I will hold on
jeffrey robin Mar 2015

See you there                              

//             //

                                                              (  I see you there  )


Well the story lies open
Broken in the

We surely can see

How  is it we claim
                                             We do not understand

What's going on              ??


      Playin love games born of the fantacy

That we WON'T Die

Livin this way


( This way ! )                                      

This very afternoon

Bring your sister and your brother
Your father and mother too

Bring all your lovers
Bring all your friends

Bring us all together

And put the Lie of the World

To its Final End




full and totally

All of everybody





                                                            see you


i see you


Yes I really do
Ken Pepiton Sep 2023
Lift. Lofty wish to see,
good smoke.
Man, this is really going out on a limb, fruit flies
wise, look at us how nothing we are,
if you happened,
if you occurred on earth,
where mountains stand wind watch,
and catch fat clouds in old frozen winter passed.

Passing fantacy, as children, fit story's told
to rain and wind and fire, older now than we imagine,
but… yes, that is so, we make nothing we imagine,

we create by recreational efforting, you may imagine
a pleasant interchange, exchanging
as we exude true wonder, worth the effort, looking
farther than our minds can hold as mine, we own this.

As soon as owning taps the child's will to claim more,
than the knowing - awe state,
and the knowing of the cost, to first willingness,
and the doing,
the climb, each upward efforting will, paid, in full.
Septembers collect in new ways, when we use our Assisted Intelligence,
to fish in thoughts so long forgot we find ourselves uncovering old waters
jeffrey robin Nov 2013


Little I love you's

Lie on the road


We are so

So very

Ver indifferent

Indifferent to our fate


I love you's

Scattered like lies

Like leaves in the breeze


And who is here?

Who sees?


The old renegade

(The lover moves softly thru the hills)

A sense of freedom pervades

Yet up above him Drone airplanes

Ready to **** him  no escape

(That's what they think!)



Naked girls your ******* are free

To sell them for a momentary

Ride thru some horror filled fantacy

Just cause all your friends are doin it


See the faces bright with life

Touch and enter

(You're welcome here)

If you'd live
Gotta get it right

If you'd live I'd like to know




False love stories

Be washed clean

Stand in the light

Stay that way
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
You do not nurture your child's Dream by suppressing your own


Open the curtain

Let the Death Train be seen


Open the window

Let the Death Train be heard


Everyday the

"Everyday World"

Takes its toll on its powerless slaves




(Just a fantacy

Nothing at all!)



We walk the Wilderness Road together
Hand in hand

We see what is there
Eye to Eye

We talk aloud for all to hear
Heart to Heart


We create out of eachother
Human Beings


You do not nurture your child's dream by suppressing your own

You just create another lost in the Shadow Land

End the cycle of sadness

Allow the child to understand

Show him the way to be a Man
Obukov Etudoh Mar 2014
Love the world that is
love fantacy real there is
love that is friendship
love knows no sink

Love you stab me
on my soul yet deep
love you can ****
my heart of will

Love you chase me
but to a still
love i run
the race to win

Love my best friend
love my never end
love my trust, no not fall
love my world, my life my all
(c) Obukov
Sequel :Poem after "The Pawn"
jeffrey robin Sep 2010
and the way it is babe!

and the way you want it?

say......come ON!
get off it?

can love only if we do
we should love and yes its true
we do

but YOU!
twist it into something to take

and then you wonder

why i gotta leave!!

you want me here
but where are you?

in your special fantacy
in your own refuge

i'd go with you to heaven
but you like it here

nowhere nowhere

so im gone
jeffrey robin Jun 2013
Tales of decadence
Mar the flight
Angelic warriors

(True Lovers)

Who try to find

You and all your friends



(Or hiding?)


Who can tell if you are waiting

For true love
Love's fantacy?

Songs streak across the sky


Fall and die
Decadence in full color remains

In its hold?


Angelic warriors

In the shadowlands

Hopes are shattered

There is no light
Not guide them to our hiding place

We've been lost so long
We can at least
Pretend that here
We're surely safe
Is all that remains

Within lost images
Forgotten names
jeffrey robin Jun 2013


Alive or dead

She lies on the *****'s bed

Posing for
***** POETRY

Forgetting who she truly is


Everybody comes to see

Everyone wants to AWAKEN

whatever SACREDNESS is left
No one is quite sure WHY

Some just walk all over her
And take

Whatever they can

Like a stroll thru the high school corridor

Like a stroll
Thru an empty street


(Visions of love


On the *****'s bed


Neither alive nor dead


Lost in futile fantacy
Rags of infantile rage
The winds blow thru our days


Our lives are scattered everywhere
Gentle lovers appear

Gentle lovers
And their Love
uzzi obinna Oct 2015
I just want to tell you that i love you,
I just want to tell you that i care,
i only want to hold you not to break you,
So baby there is no need to fear.

The world must have treated you badly,
And many havent really being nice,
But i promise to make you feel happy,
And this i'll do no matter the price.

Time and time again,
I'll pledge my love for you,
I might be going insane,
But its all bcos of you.

Children calling me their daddy,
Babies calling you their mummy,
You and i will certainly be,
And our dreams will become reality.

Oh cold heart -melt away today,
By the warmt of my electric love,
Right or wrong-i am here to stay,
to keep you charged by my electric love.

I will be your boat just ride me,
There will be no oath just believe me,
but i will prove that this is no fantacy,
But my unwavering desire to honor quality,

I dont want to kiss you only for today,
so i will wait to always have you for a lifetime,
I will treat you right without expecting repay,
Because i know that you will always be mine.
Little Bird Jul 2014
Fantacies vs Reality
Reality ***** at times
I'd rather deal
with the truth
Than live
In a fantasy world.

If there was a way
To make my fantasies real
I'd have found it
By now.

I decide
To live
In my reality
Make it the best ever
That it can make someone
In making their fantacy
A reality
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
Someday soon

Little lovers and their love

They may live
They may live

(Someday soon)


Perhaps on Earth

or only in Dream's fantacy


Because they must


They shall live



What we want?




Little children

(and more to come)
Jeffrey Robin Apr 2016

                                                       survival song


far from the

           LAND of


Oh child !

Riding on the bubble of

Your own fantacy


Beyond any sense of what's going on


Stares us in the face

Even on the way

To the movie theaters

Where we see the distorted

Images of love

( & believe ! )


Death is an ugly thing


Your cut wrists are not beautiful

And fear can be smelled

For miles  & miles
•    •

Shall you


I don't think you will ever dare to try


But then again

You might surprise me

jeffrey robin Jul 2014
/    \

Tiny footstep              The new man

Still unbroken                Love


She          Holy earth


She           Devine mother



Tiny tiny tiny                  Reachin for his breath


We are livin in a
                          Sick poor fantacy

We are only grief

Only watchin seein  
what we cannot seek to be


Tiny footstep

Tiny try at becoming free





Container of all

Earthly possibilities
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
Desert high

/    \


he knew so many girls like the ones who write on HELLO POETRY
but then one day he met a REAL GIRL !

and ( oh my ! )
How his life changed


across the barren lands

Only the vulture of the sky was seen

upon the cool winds

His dream

Drifts the lonliness unafraid

Of death or love

Or any other fantacy

Woven into their ugly games


For water all he had was          Faith


The power of wisdom was his only guide

Beyond AMERICA !

and these slave girls and their chains

//                   //

Human Dignity


She comes when you are truly here


She is a girl of strength




a girl who wants to be with a REAL BOY


Beyond the fear of

Death and love

Woven into

The ugly poetry

And life

Of the slaves and their proud pain


Desert nights

You can hear its song

You don't have to be weak

You can live

You can find your strength

If you want to

Yes you can
jeffrey robin Nov 2015

silly girl

such a silly girl


Wanders in the shadows

Only fantacy

She knows

She is not real


She writes ........ poetry !!



( like her dreams )

Torn to shreds in the alleys


Doomsday masquerade

•      •

(? ~~ too afraid to dare to change ~~ ?)


( what would Lover Boy say (?) )


silly girl

Such a silly girl


has made a religion

From the stories of her pain
Jeffrey Robin Apr 2016


The desert sands

( Lonliness )


Look around

At all the

Sisters and brothers

Chasing the dreams

They think are real !


Gonna find a lover and go to heaven !

And live  the fantacy forever !


Till they start babbling crazily

That pain and joy are bout the same !



Gentle yet strong

Out of the death of false  poetry

and loveless illusions

Into the creative power

Used as intended

Wisely humane

Purely human

Jeffrey Robin Jun 2016

all the strange little girls

all the hurting lost boys

//// • ||
/ • )  • ) \



a song by



the winds thru the song

The graveyard fantacy

//        //

She talks of dying

Let us follow her down



What do we really know ?

See her there !

What does it matter ?


She talks of killing  herself

( another empty seat in the 3d row )


The winds blow


looking for love !!!


In the broken freight train yard

Image of the hobo

Image of the policeman


And the corpse like vision



(       { ?}       )

Still living in the basement with no windows


Suicide sweet

No more of her vague and self abusive poetry

she weren't having no good a time !

Seeking a lover

( always That ! )


Seeking a lover

( ONLY That ! !


///////          //////:


We follow the path by the tracks

We hope it leads to the sea

Past the graveyard we see mountains


The children also see

But they do not believe


— The End —