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jeffrey robin Mar 2014

She told me she adored me

( well ! )

I told her she was perhaps being hasty

She said that she understood me

That she saw my pain and would cure me of all fear


I mentioned that this healing of another was a sacred skill

And that she was untrained and her motives were suspicious

And seemingly possessive

But she said  I should trust her

Trust you ?

I don't even for a moment understand anything about you !


For the past year she is always around

It's like I have a puppy dog on an invisible leash !

I could take advantage of her but I don't

She is something -- almost inhuman -- just there


I guess she finally got bored

Now she is telling everyone I am a desease !

A desease that has overcome her ability to cure !

She has invented some notion of a love expressed for her by me
And betrayed !

People look at me like I am pond ****

I don't care

My imaginary puppy dog is gone !

Looking for another imaginary lover

To take up the leash

She could of had a friend

She only knows desease and cure games

She will be out of high school in another year

Who knows where she will end
One in a million Feb 2014
Where am i ?
                 What i'm doing here ?
I'm looking through my shadow
                 But what do i see ?
Black soul , maniac thoughts
                 How am i still living ?
I'm "almost" destroyed mentally
                  Physically strong as rock
Why can't i control myself ?
                  I'm so insecure , immature
I'm having Schizophrenia
                  Dementia praecox
Fundamental derangement of my mind
                  Probably caused by an emotional disorder
Emotional illness affecting in my personality
                  I'm Neurosis , Neurasthenic
Nerve dysfunction  

                 I'm walking away
To forget all this pain
                 To walk and never get back
Part of my body already dead
                 I don't know if i'm going to survive
From this midlife crisis
                This is nothing that elapsed
I'm sure it's just the beginning of hell
                 Half spent
Not much left
                 That's how it used to be
That's how it going to be
                Struggling with desease
Smiling is hard but easy
                As much as slutty
Psychotic confession
I hope you like this poem ! it has alot of cold and ****** emotions ! if you look deeply inside you'll see the meaning of this poem ! it's depressing and most of it is true except for being psychopath , neurosis , .... It's just my imagination
jeffrey robin Sep 2013
Maudlin puberty

She ovulates some form of weird desease

Some deranged soul about to be born!

The seed bearer runs away!

God walks the earth

He is puking in the alleyway


He actually thought you'd like it here


She tried to hit on Jesus!

Then acted hurt when he smiled and said



Every one

Playing some morbid game!

Bearing children!

Send them off to school
See them die
Dave Bas Nov 2010
You are my soul mate, there are many like us
But this one is ours,  My soul mate is my best friend she is my life
Without me my soul mate I she useless without her I am useless
I will treat my soul mate right, I will be your shelter your armor your strength
I will be your sword your protector your shield
I will learn your weaknesses your strength your dreams your desires and your fears
I will ever guard you against the ravages and trials of this world I will
We will become part of each other, we will
I will slay every dragon I will clear every obstacle
I will pick you up when you fall, take care of you when you fall ill
I will be your strength when you are weak
When you cannot continue I will carry you
When you  are sick I will care for you
When you cry  I will whipe away the tears
I will sacrifice all to have you at peace
When our children are hurt I will heal them
I will be strong enough for the both of us
May you not want while I am with you
When there is work to be done I will do it
I will be the wind beneath your wings
I will be at your back every step you take
I will miss you when you are afar
You will be in my heart forever and always
We will give each other names which we only call each other
We will know each other through body and soul
I will know your wants needs dreams and desires
I will be the man of your dreams
I will give you all your heart desires and needs
I will give my all and ask for nothing in return but your love
My love is unconditional
Through sorrow and desease
Through wrinkles and baldness
My love will never end even after breathe lives my body
I will not let you give up on yourself even when you feel like you cannot continue
Our lives will be entwined and ever seamless
There is nothing we together  cannot accomplish
We were destined
Our lives are written in the stars
We will be together one day
And that day will be the beginning of our beautiful lives together
God has brought us together and nothing can break us
Theses things I promise to you and to you alone for all time

Before God I swear this creed my soul mate and I are the masters of our future we are the perfect match we are opposites we complete each other, So be it for the rest of our days until eternity embraces us and there is no one else but us.
shwiwi Apr 2021
It wasn't like in the movie
Time didn't stop
No music played
when you walked into to my life
I wasn't blinking
for a split second can't be missed

I had a hard time deciding
where I sit
when I sit with you
cuz I wanted to watch you eat
and I wanted you beside me at the same time

My sister said "yes, your heart skipped a beat
but it isn't a heart desease,
cuz boy, you are in a much bigger trouble"
And I didn't get what she said
No one told me what's it like being in love

But I sat in the middle of the night,
writing poems about you
I was listening to songs
every single one dedicating to you
and every pretty thing I saw
reminded me of you

I never missed to smell your hair
I would kiss your hand at every chance
Every joke was to make you smile

Now I see you in the smoke I blew outside the window
Years ago, if someone told me about this
I would mock at them,
saying "move on, don't make it big a deal"
Now it is two years later,
my hands on the letters,
pressing one by one as I'm thinking of you
and one by one, the moments reappear
I still feel you all over me, touch by touch
but we've walked away from each other, step by step
I have to admit that tonight I moved one inch back to you
and I think I've been doing this inch by inch
but when I look around,
I'm in the same place as the last time I checked
when I thought I walked away

I might've chuckled dryly at the irony
I was right where I left you,

Right where I left you.
true Dec 2011
bitter isn't something you taste
it's the feeling seeping onto your tongue,
the desease that makes you want to shut your eyes
and pull the universe by it's threads:
twine it around your fingers like a kite
and pull, watching it plummet, the magic broken
everything unwound
Orange Zest Nov 2011
i'll write you a poem  ,not because i want the poem
but because i want the poem removed
like cancer ,like a tumor
                     it consumes me ,slowly

i draw in ink through my eyes ink  through my eyes.
desperation   thick in my veins
    'get it out'    it consumes me;
there is a poem inside me;
               ,i need it out
it is as
  a desease;it affects
  ;every aspect of my mind
it will not sleep
it does not sleep when i sleep
it consumes me it whispers it screams;
         'let me out'
and i pull the ink
                            through my eyes
put the pen to my page,
tear 'poetry' out from my mind
and lay it down in all honesty
to die

thrown to the relentless;
truth, and the critics
          the poem will die
          no deeper meaning
the addiction returns;
there is a poem inside me;

i need it out,
it consumes me.
Cry Sebastian Feb 2010
I remember when this world was formed.

I danced with the sun and you danced with the moon
and the stars danced around this newborn
celebrating her beauty and magnificence.

The sun glowed through my skin
projecting streams onto the Himalayas.
The red became blue and pure
as the dusty water creeped
through granite ledges and Crushed ice-bergs.

Our hair soaked with dew glided with the wind
and planted into the earth spreading our life
your beauty and my strength.

The song you sang made beings rise from clay to hear your wonder.

I remember your sorrow when the killing began,
my rage was a desease infecting them with blood lust.

That terrified time your cancer formed from thier smoke,
their hatred, their hardness.

Were the tears for them for me too?
The offspring I tainted with sorrow?

Tommorow I will burn them with vengeance for my guilt,
I will ******* them and remove thier sustainence!

Stay my hand my love,
I still love my broken children.
Soothe me with your music
may we be happy once again.
jeffrey robin Jun 2010
circling round the peasants
who dumbly wait

the broken peasants
of the here and now

who trust their nation
and now pay the price

who fear false terrorists
but not  real ones

who think somehow
it will all go away

the death and desease
and the emptiness

god is truly dead
but you surely dwell

it aint heaven
but it aint really hell

we are so dumbly
aghast as the plan

to enslave or ****
encircles the land


etc etc
Jay Jimenez Nov 2010
did you here
the sky cry
it roared its voice asking us why we are killing her
the sky cut open with white lights
trying to show us how she hurt
The trees swayed back and forth waving there arms to get our attention
did we listen
did we here her
so she faught back
infernos blazed our homes
tornados blew our belongings away
just like her lungs were polluted
with our toxins
she fought back
washing away our lives
to dance with the fishes
She opened up her skin
and shook our souls
she knew one day we might listen
shes growing tired
shes growing angry
will we stop
will we cease
we are a desease
and her natural forces are the vaccine
will we win
will she yes
Copyright JaMRock
jeffrey robin Oct 2013


America is a deseased

****** up

Criminally controlled

Brutal nation

In the hold of obscene narcissistic forces!


The adults around you are scared


Financially and socially insecure

Borderline psychotic


There is nothing you can or should

Expect from them


They are foolishly and weakly trying to protect you

From knowing theirs

(and yours)

True plight


They think this is Good

(to protect and shelter you)


Obviously this plan is not working!

You are only more confused

More abused

More desperate

In your pseudo-world of vain pretensions


Come face to face with the threat to all of you

And stop the desease of dependency

Morbid fantasizing


Savior/saved games


You can possible survive if you can join together


If not?

Then not
jeffrey robin Mar 2011
and as the '"old day" fades and NEW LOVE comes.........

the DAWN of...what shall we say about it
(this monstrous war that is brewing?)

what shall we call eachother.........?

who reallly are we?

are we the NEW LOVE that comes
or just the old rags of yesterday's dying hours?

why do we wait?

and, for what?

we can only be  ENTWINED for a while before  it
becomes a desease

this we know

the "old day" is gone
and the new one ?

it will be


if you will choose

In the mean time
while it's raining in my head
I will blanket the only stars that lit in your sleep at night
beacause in my nights were restless in all my troubled worries of your burning sun
In the mean time
I will hide what I could not hold back from you all these times
... love
Where I can bring my worth up to strangrh
turn the pages and scibble about some kind of "grattitude" and other beautiful things that I can find
other than scribbling about heart aches and heart breaks of you
In the mean time
I will keep on going on with a weary head dugg down in the gutter somewhere wishing you can suffer all emotions suffered and transffer them unto you
In the meant time I will do the ******* do's and throw away the do nots so I may be at peace with myself
In the mean time when you search for me again like you normal had done before my gesture will change about you in that time
In the meant time I will hate in order to love again
but not for you
In the mean time men will swander compliment of taste of me while I suffer loyalty of mind, body, thought, and heart of you
In the mean time I will dissapoint God by doing my own will as to drowning in strong drink just to have the strength to finally drop you
In the mean time I will confide in air and space to cry and ache and toss and turn to cure this desease
which is you
In the mean time I will learn to forgive how you laughed at me because "I ain't ****" and for threatning to get another ***** at me.. what?!! just for ******* loving you?
so in the meant time...
in the mean time
I pray that God will help me through this burn
because I am so tired
of loving you.

© S.T. Rebel of Eden
Aaron Ownbey Dec 2016
When i was little i remember things that no longer are,
Like seeing the sky full of endless stars.
I remember watching the giant birds flying free,
Their home no more was the river of Sespe.
My mind goes back to when the waters ran wild,
Pushing and pulling me when i was a child.
I saw clouds puffier than a giants cottontail,
The fillmore train riding its rail.
I rode without seat belts and ate all on my plate,
Life when i was a little was nothing but great.
My toys made of matel and i played in the dirt,
I made mud pies and stained my shirt.
Telivision was black and white
and there was no remote control,
Back when the firplace had to be cleaned of its coal.
There was no internet, cellphones or xbox,
We had a desease called chickenpox.
I remember fruit trees for miles i would see,
Everything when i was little is worth remembering.
Now that im all grown nothing  is  the same,
Its scares me to think what the world has became.
Surrounded by lights now the stars cant shine through,
And the California Condor is gone now too.
The rivers once full are now dessert dry,
The clouds are man made and i ask why?
The train still on track it drives the same rail,
Seat belts a must or you go to jail.
Electronics are what kids play these days,
In fact  kids are impossible to raise.
I remember when i was little and wishing to be just that,
No other place in life i would rather be at.
Joe Cole Jun 2014
I met a friend this morning,  she was looking rather low
I said this will never do, to the doc you have to go
The doc was quite confounded by the symptoms he found there
Her eyes were large and round and dust was in her hair
He said I know not whats the problem an answer I cant get
He suggested I'd do better if I took her to see a vet
and so I did
The vet got so excited to have a human in his care
He prodded and he poked, took a sample of her hair
Manipulated,  twisted,  tested every bone
Pulled out a giant stethoscope and listened to her tum
He turned to me, shook his head he was looking rather glum
Then he whipped out a thermometer and shoved it up her ***
Suddenly he turned again, shouting out with glee
I will go down in history as the first man ever
To discover a woman
Who's got mad cow desease
jeffrey robin Sep 2015

                                        (No one
                           No one)


the bugles play
The flutes they sing

But no one comes


the streets

Melted by rage

The child crying

We trying to think //      does it mean a thing ?


Our lover's scent on the sheet

We say means everything


Oh oh        Oh
( everything )

!        ??       !


In the sickest of times

It feels so safe

Just to worship our desease

And so we worship

Our Desease



Bye bye baby

I ain't going with you no where

And you ain't gonna come with me


You find yourself in pools of blood

While I just want to be free
Joe Cole Jul 2014
I cast my line into the watery murk
And hooked a Carvò by the neck
I pulled in vain the hold to break
But ripped the head off at the neck
Alas the Carvò did not die
Head and beret floated high
****** droplets fell like acid rain
Causing worthy poets grief and pain
The body was by fish consumed
But once again the Carvò cloned
Again to infest the HP site
With the foul desease of words he writes
jeffrey robin Aug 2010
the moving over the land of those that were free in the heart

it's over now!

no-one is free

to be free to seek that which frees is the subtlest form of slavery

i know you now sweet lass
your child only he can love anyone anymore

seeking freedom we look unto a lover and not his love

being free we love

i see you everywhere sweet lass your face her face his...

soon.....the mass insurrection and riots and nuclear wars

men seeking to be free!

slaves only these!

moving over the land some vast desease of the heart

it's over now!

someone breathes


someone is

be he
Joe Cole Jul 2014
The Sharps.50 calibre rifle was the rifle of choice for the buffalo hunters

And so the .50 sang her song and a buffalo hit the ground
To lay there with a broken back groaning in her pain
No, the fifty didn't miss, that shot was made with care
The buffalo herd didn't understand and wouldn't leave her there
So the shooter in his stand now could shoot at will
And every time the fifty sang it was another ****
The marksman now in his element, for with ever beast that fell
Was another dollar for the skin, the meat abandoned there

The Indian gazed upon this sight, horror in his eyes
For every time the fifty sang another Indian died
You see the Indians only ever took enough for the survival of the tribe
Starvation beckoned as winter called each time a buffalo died
No warming hides now for a home to build against the winter cold
Starvation and desease would come, bringing death upon the tribes

But the white men didn't care, they saw only dollar signs
Every time the fifty sang and another buffalo died
Re posted for W L Winter (Buffalo Man)
paul hope Jun 2014
take this desease from inside my mind
take me back into your womb
and this time, please try, try, try, and want me
just that, have a happy little chap
the kind of baby people clap
they smile and say, isnt he lovely, special
in his own kind of way
a bundle of joy, not a toy
to be discarded at birth, to be put last not first
not a thing, i am not a thing
i am something that grew within
you, you, you, you

i hate you, i hate you, i hate you
i am sorry, i am so sorry for being me
sorry for not being pleased
sorry for all the ****, and what comes with it
for all the false hope i couldnt cope, with

for the person i am, the boy, the man
the life thats a shamb
sorry for the whole ******* mess
for causing you such distress
i hate you, i hate you, i love you

i am sorry for crying blood red tears
crying, slowly dying, showing cowardly fear
i just want you near, close to me
keeping me safe, the way its supposed to be
not darkness, ******* endless anxiety

i hate you, i hate them, i hate false friends
i hate the people that pretend
their life isnt ****, and get away with it
i hate it when, the pain never goes away
i hate you because you never say

those three little ******* words
i love you, i love you, i love you
how hard can it be mother
would you prefer me to smother
in this **** i call a life, an exsistance
one step away from an injection in my vein
just something to ease the pain
i hate you , i need you
i hate thats its true
i hate that you left me on the shelf
but most of all i hate  myself
jeffrey robin Mar 2014

Oh my god !

She's felt pain !!

( tee hee tee hee )


It's wrist slashing time !!

(tee hee tee hee )



The morbid poetry

Total ******* on the line !




(tee ******* hee )



Silly girl

With your worship of slavery

Polluting the world !


We have come the golden road !

The galaxies of gods !

The faces forming over millenium !

The hands !

(Your own !)

The ******* the breath the eyes !


We are still the total complete creating power !

Which by courage only you sanctify





JESUS ******* CHRIST !


( & to find out takes too much time )


Boo hoo mingling with tee hee


All truth here to liberate


So so safe to **** and moan

The night is scary it's a long road


And it's a world of fools bred to sympathize

So you buy their drugs and you **** their lies

And fill yourself with the Great Desease

and put it all to verse

And send it to me
lately i feel like
your all i really got
but like everyone else i love
im the only one who talks
absent with the congregation
cant be selfish today
so i try not to bother you
with all i wont say
stomaches full of nerves
that make me feel i rot
so nervously i sweat when im
not even hot
every tear has a story
as well as salt that packs
in my tears, no wonder i
reflect so much fat
all i wants to be humble
and get my love returned
instead like the dead my hearts
needing an urn
wheres investments return
dont wanna go through this
wheres jesus christ, let him know i
have now found judas
sometimes i feel "***** this"
"that, him and her"
innocence is extinct in ones i
felt were so pure
so infered is the absurd uncured
desease that plagues me
i now understand how my
enemies passionately hate me
cause lately i hate me
so greatly as well
cant threaten me with the devil, im already
used to this hell
everyones **** ****** smells
mine and all of yours
snow white was trying to tell me
most woman are ******
in drawers of seven dwarfs
who no wonders either sleepy
***** or grumpy when will
i get a break or freebie
dark shadows pass so creepy
most people are deceitful and greedy
i swear i can almost feel
my soul wants to leave me
just like everyone leaving
loyaltys not a common relic
no wonder all we feel is so
uncalming and jealous
why cant i find strength embelished
prior used to front
but i rather be killed then *******
heartlessly hunt
and maybe thats why before you
i kneel and cry
asking for the mercy of death
i see such peace in the eye
of the one you will cry
for if they die but roughly
im jealous at funerals wondering
why im not so lucky
so in the name of the father
son and holy spirit
i pray if i dont see death today
that im hopefully near it
I knew your eyes
burning me away
In the beauty of fire.

Like a monk without a temple
I watched with
the experience of distance
as my effigy sat
drowning in your leering embers.

"I don't wish to remember you."

I whispered like the ash caked to my lips.
It wasn't a question anymore.

"But, you WILL honor me"

The echo of its words
scratched my soul
sending me into the silence
of winter fields.
The dusk of life.
It's desease,
a solitary crow cawing its way
through my resolve,
absorbing the dying stars in your eyes.
My heart tripping,
over their pleading rythmn.

I screamed it as if to imprint the words
Into the fabric of time.


"Sit there and pray"
"It's all you have left"
"It's all you ever were"

I stood then,
in the circle
that fears dying gasp tends to make
as it's life is being devoured from it
by the wolfs of rage.

"Where do you want me to be?"
My voice cracking like ice,
part suprise, part steel.

"What can I give you
that you won't bleed all over?"

"Only the truth."
"Only the past."

"My secrets are mine."

"Only the wind and the wheel
will ever show you
but you are too busy looking
for tomorrow to see today.
To much vision to feel
what's right.

"I have not moved past you
I have shed you.
Like beer from a bottle.
Making someone happy,

at least for now."

I turned and walked away,
leaving the three of them
To fire and wolves.
What ever you are dealing with, deal with it from the inside out.
jeffrey robin Feb 2014



Lord of the WAY IT IS

Master poet OF TOMORROW

Your life is not trivial


She cuts her wrists and arms and calls it

The winds howl
The rivers rage


BARAK Obama is a total ***

AMERICA is a total desease



Could be again
It's up to
Jeffrey Robin Apr 2016
/ | \
/  \


Humphrey Bogart sat on a wall
Humphrey Bogart had a great Fall

but he really was "pushed "
By some Evil Men

because he wouldn't stop



we come from suburbia

We come to find AMERICA

We found that AMERICA

is a police state designed to oppress

The poor

And all minorities


Here at HP

we are all

Good and loyal Americans

Totally oppressing

Woman and all other children

By romanticiizing the painful desease

Of phony over sexualized love

By so doing

We exploit each other massively

And I personally can say

That I am ashamed of every

So called lover or so called poet

On this site

For actively promoting this viscious

Self destruction

And destruction of others

Or for being so complicit in it

By not actively condemning

What you plainly see

and hence giving the lie


My ally, where thou heart had laid on broken glass?
To thee I gave precious memories, blissfulness and unforgiving pleasures.

O' how I begged, I have surrendered to thee for the sparks of beautiful fruits I yearned for to be embedded in me.
With magic in your eyes, you've enchanted me.

My sorcerer, you came with dusty face, torn cloth wrapped around sharpen waist, you defended me.
To you I brought forth my love, placed demented soul in thy hands for thee to heal.

Ravishing, I walked boldly towards you, because my backbone you are. Thou stood firmly as a prayer to my needs in which thou, my ally fulfilled.

The apple of my eyes, the seed planted in my soul, fire that fought within me that only I know of. We were flesh within flesh, the blood that flows through my veins, the crick in my bones where sweet Juices had flown.

You were that aura that gave me peace, breaking me down like a deadly desease. "Ashtor" abondon... But you appeared spiritually directing me.

My sweet ally, where thou heart had laid on broken glasses?
I'll be there, stained on you like a scar.

-Shantel Broderick
To the man who is brave enough to love me in pieces, and make me whole
Luis Mdáhuar Oct 2014
There was a time of brute force
Where a poet was the beast
And a woman the evil cry
All made song all pagan glow
Bul Lo the mistress of hate
On a carriage she came
Preaching respect over a river
trully made of blood
With floating dismembered flesh
Carrying a song
Now it is all a desease
What humans feel
Remember what cruelty is
Kind complex mind
Bluebird Dec 2014
i took my scars and carved into her heart,
now she is ill from the same type of desease,
so selfish of a man who said he would protect her.

i took my loneliness and inserted it into her youth,
now we can compare our miseries when we are alone .
so pathetic of a man who should comfort her.

i took my pain and inserted it into her treasured innocence,
now, i wait for her reaction when she finds out im not a man she tought i'll be
i hope she will run away and avoid being trapped with a man like me..
thulvni Dec 2014
We all indeed live for two reasons

seeds actually came first before trees why you starring at branches and leaves why don't you dig deep maybe you could see Its seeds
Its easy for looks and fruits to recruit don't be decieved because you might eat a desease and become so obese that you no longer see your feet and you be walking in a path way defeat till eventually you decay half way in a pit
Know the root
Guillermo Vélez May 2014
I dont know yet
strange season
i just feel, IT
crawling, ill
like a desease
like a morbid ghost
like the heat
cold at first.

But then it comes.
jeffrey robin Jul 2015


All the so called love poems here

were born in the hell of diseased minds

and show no sense of love at all


we all know that


The real sickness is that we refuse to acknowledge this

Obvious fact

And hence


we never address this problem



We are not a LOVING community !

( but then

How can we be

Since we don't know what love is ! )



On and on !


Just think !

10 more years of






all written to fantasy people

Who all got the same name ! ( you )


unknown people


Never described people


Never thought about people


Just there to be possessed


Just there to be used and abused

Dumped on and cried about

With dry tears

And a haughty heart

Seeking a sense of superiority


Spewing forth the Desease of the Lie

Into the minds of the BELOVED COMMUNITY

I MUSE upon you

Looking for some handle

But you reveal nothing but the politically correct facade !


good for a few laughs

If one is morbid enough

To enjoy watching you die




does anyone have even the slightest sense of what I mean ?

Does anyone want to ?

does anyone really want love at all  ?
jeffrey robin May 2014
(         )
•.  )      (   •

x          x
(                 )
/        \

•      •

We come now

The long trail


The lonely day

We must heal

The earth



We are the desease


Well well

If we don't love


Death is here


We come

The long trail


See and come upon it for yourself
jeffrey robin May 2015

Love is a sexually transmitted desease

it takes the form of an addiction

In that it numbs it's victims from pain

And makes one feel safely exempt

From assuming any form
Of responsible behavior

The noose

Hanging down  greedily from the old oak tree

It blows languidly in sultry breezes

Dreaming of what it craves


Vultures circle in the sky


Love is a stupid game played by silly kids

It is taught to them by pandering

Paedophilic pimps



In the end

Thru the forever of hospital wards

Visions and memories

Of the pain we cause each other

Oh how these have left their

Cruel impressions

That harden completely into scars


The simple gestures !

The sincere concern !

The grace !


The healing waters !

Pure nature !

True life  !


We walk together all of us

All the time
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
//     Fly     //

(    Fly away    )



                                                            (  Freedom  )

^^            fly away          ^^


She said : I LOVE YOU

I said : I 'M FLYIN AWAY !

She said : I NEED YOU



Treating LOVE like it's just


Desease !!



Real people

Out past the edge of town




The dreams !

Tomorrow and the children

In righteous honesty


We flyin free
We flyin free

Just flyin free
jeffrey robin Mar 2014
^   ^
<    • •  >

Truth is the cure
To make pretend is the desease

Love heals
Death comes thru fantasy
jeffrey robin Dec 2015


Am just an old fashioned boy

I hear the world song I walk away

Ain't into the war of words and hate

Where business means corruption

And love means ****


Girl of the sad eyes

And the dying light

All we call romance

Is merely infantile behavior


This ain't a country

It's a ******* zoo

I look at your face

But I don't see you


Freedom with nobody free

Dignity with everybody

Down on their knees

Where wealth  is just a name

For ****** and desease

And everybody just so **** afraid

Of shadows in the wind

Of gods face and the light

Of god's true voice

And the living holy child


I'm single ! Let's party !

Is what they tell you to think

Till you stink with the pain that you cause

With your violation of all sacred laws

Your ugliness

And bloated *****


I'm just an old fashioned boy

No puppet master

No puppet toy

If we would really survive

We really gotta give truth a try


And stop


Your own stupid lies

Mohd Arshad Jun 2019
Man suffers much
Because of lack of faith in the recovery of his desease

Along with wounds
Faith is to be operated
the more I ignore it, the more it grows
and every time I hide it, the more it shows
things are getting complicated day by day
whatever is happening to me, I couldn't say

would you dive in the deepest darkest ocean,
or go to the moon without any reason?
I know, for you, Its a waste of time
but I would do it just ta save my mind

I know there is no cure for this kind of desease
even the doctors have a never ending list
of people who died with their eyes open wide
witnessing the world that left them behind

people are afraid of things they don't know
and numbers of depression isn't getting low
don't know when or how it will be mended
but I hope its not too late or another life will be ended.
jeffrey robin Sep 2015

/    \




High in the sky




                                             ( signs )




Of how to get on with

The Healing

The saints

Separate themselves

From the desease called HUMAN  BEINGS


( Come on ! )


The broken girl

Wrist  a bleeding

( sign ! )

Turn away boy
Or soon you will be


ain't nobody true no more




High in the sky




(Signs )

Ain't nothin real no more


See the boys line up to **** the crazy girl

With her wrist a bleeding

Makes her look so ****

( signs )
jeffrey robin Mar 2015
Child !


You aren't FREE unless


are COMPLETELY your own


                                              we walk this tired world

                            In the
                                                 SHOCK AND AWE

                                                              of this perpetual war

                                                             Against our own true dignity !


beneath the WHOLE PURE SKY




!!!!             (  •  )   (  • )          !!!

( she )

Walks so serenely cross the beach

So serenely through the winds of time


Written  in stars !

Painted by the master

Into the DNA !


( we )


We decide


//        //

Like a leaking garbage truck

Spewing stink and desease across the streets

We talk and talk and talk some more


the loveliness

Goes unseen

Amid our tales of glorified Pain





Child !

Come away !

You are not FREE

till the words you speak

Are ALL your own

— The End —