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Ashlie Forth Nov 2014
I'm crushin on you and it's crushin me I sound like a school girl when I say crush but that's what you do to my heart is do anything to be able to touch you and see the look in your eyes when I make you smile I just want to hold your hand I want to kiss your lips and kiss your neck and I want to feel the "motion of your ocean" I want to see all the good parts of you I want to see all the bad parts of you I want to see the gold I want to see the black I want I want I want to know what you want I want to fulfill your wants and needs and if do anything to be around you
ConnectHook Oct 2017
It's a wedding bell for bedding well cause' we're crushin' the illusion of Russian collusion! CNN wets on Russian bedding but Trump bets on Russian wedding, and you're invited to the bridal shower. Punking the monkery, dig the debunkery; from Rasputin to Putin it's time for some straight shootin'. Hillary looks old and glowers at Donald's rumored golden showers. Our media owes US an explanation for streams of steaming urination, but we are willing to forgive and use their wet diapers as debt wipers. My poem's appeal may take a toll, but let its little peal now roll:

******, ******
rings the bell
A Fake News warning; time to spell
out what was wet with Moscow girls.
Putin's putas ?  Wisdom's pearls
were pried from Truth's reluctant shell,
banishing Hillary straight to hell.
None. It's what we want left over
from this hag. We now discover
beds were dry; it all amounted
(all those golden tricks recounted)
to less than a tepid bowl of kasha. . .
Russia laughed from her summer dacha.
InfoWars was on it first
while Dems spun lies from false to worst,
awarding cash for faked dossiers
embellished with the CIA's
well-trained performing circus-seal.
The FBI endorsed the deal
as RINOS horned in on the action:
Washingtonian distraction;
a democrat-concocted fuss—

. . . but we ALL paid Hillary to **** on us.
**** on the Fake News !
Martin Narrod Nov 2013
But not putting on a show for every one. I can do it, just. A breath. Just, one click. Such an idiot eye didn't see it, placing seemed so obvious. I am made bone crushing kid, kung Fu Star Trek TV couch comfort wearing hats with streamers, long legged lemurs, dancing on rooftop decks, lace and bravado. I know trash cans, sit and lean and feel the thrower's pitch, apple-core, empty soda pop, paper bag, napkin, phone number. Am I calling too late? There is no twister only colorful dots to move my limbs to, my arms analyze my diction decisions, the directions my lips move, the sound of my troche and voice; for fear that I am pressing the pen too hard, or pursing my words- dude man boss miss, **** I got a get a grip. Just come over an stir it up. I mean ya.

And then but what, who's next? I need caffeine. I forget that I don't have problems pulling all nighter's fixated on your face, pretty legs, three songs, half-of-one for which you dislike- I listen to it anyways. I pull through. I want to be Public again, walk through ivory hallways, apart from deep mahoganies and iMacs, iSelf study my volition, is the volume, I mean, am I talking too loudly? The music, deep rolling conundrum Evil-Dub, evening study of steel guitar earth-toned arithmetic Danish-flavor rice wafer feed me your body and Christ!; Are my legs even moving(double punctuation, now there is happy fun day), I make mercy look like a wrist-squeezing game we played as children, my fingers raw with desire, overflowing with joy, dactyls filled with vitamins A, E, D, and M, I write another letter, the draft I set aside, the postage I stick to the package. Was it five CD's I said?

Star Wars I mean Luke and Leia crushing, struck by the garbage dump of swirled worlds combustible invincibility, immortal apostrophes and to-be-continueds, I made the cover of Newsweek you make my covers of time, I watch anything with a clock on it, does it live quickly or trap me slowly, crushing, moving inwards towards the heartbeat. What if I could also type integers and letters with my thumb upwards of double-ewe. Graze baby graze. Crshng out vowels from these fringe matters of future travels, this sidewalk want I wont, will even vaunt for. Am I flaunting for this, I pray not. He's My Brother, She's My Sister, let's get back to Twister, if you could just put your Left Foot there then I could skip the words and let my body tell you. Straighten out where I learned the hard way last summer. I'm woozy while you're telling me you're hitting the snooze button, and yet I'm asking you for four things, phrases, pages, a pace, number or persuasion. And I don't fear that if I told you how I know you, I am only unaware if I want you to know that I know you like I know you...phew!

Begin burn CD #6
Written after departing the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art where on the 2nd balcony after enjoying car rides, and hearing music, and texting and talking and drawing snack time parties in sidewalk chalk we had our first of many million tongue-twisting lips-on-lips, trysting; our wrists firm cradling the nape and the arc while they were leaning back and all I wanted to do was kiss you. So for Krispie, Kribstine, and Kristine Scolan. To whom I freshly did sew the subtly of our soft pink mouth pillows prying apart and out into the open to live together for 2 years, and wait to have *** for over a year since we first met and over five months from our first kiss. My body lists like a ship, buzzing into the conundrum humming of a whirlpool and tidal wave misbehaving. These were the Rolls Royce of moments important enough to hold the heavy steel toe to the gearshift and travel over the dashboard while having the nerve to flabbergast and lay aghastly staring into the sharp cloud shapes that at first March, grievance No. 2, Kristine I kissed you for the comfort of enlivening the fruit of my vines to froth oozily into your mouth, my thumbs trickling like nearly invisible incisors inside my skin and under interrogation. Loosely interviewing our emotions to remove the screws that diffuse the crude lucidity of being amused by the overly-anticipated excitement of loving @itskristine like we our two bodies formed under the unique conditions of human beings softening their urchins and sturgeons. Deep sea declarations in typeface and typography. Loving you with every ounce of my heart and greater and greater state of my stately step. And the enormous gratitude that comes at once from sleeping in the DNA sequencing of each subatomic and sequential step. Sipping slowly a little bit of Schwepps ginger ale, with bitter lime rind, getting supine before we intertwined stitching  ourselves into the immense magnitude of being in love with someone else who practices youth like it was their responsibility to inchworm towards the aura of the moon, and have an all-nighter that sinks conflict into the weightless smooth cues of living with her on the moon.
Geno Cattouse May 2014
The room is bouncin
Wall to wall base so fat you can walk on it BLIP BLEEEP :-).

Chant and grind on syntho growl. Strobes hittin all the corners...locked on the groove bouncy move.
Mechanical funk....Double dutchin.

Hollan-daze orange crushin the room. Afro pulse Housin you down..Blip Bleep.

Two hours straight epical trance.....Old disco gone techno high. Strobed out on that techno Applejack  meet Afrojack.
New trance city.
Luda an fitty
Ear hustlin this one
NuUrban stepchild drivin the beat...Blip Blip Bleeeep.

Hop til ya drop ta Tiesto
Super techno out your mind
More bounce to the ounce.
Got GaGa goin gaga
Dont stop.
Dont quit.
Blip Bleep.
jas Feb 2018
caught by a glance
hoping to have a first chance
stuck on a high
my heart is floating in the sky
above the clouds
smoke in my mind

darkness has arrived
holds breath
upon a shooting star
wishing to make you all mine
for the rest of my life

every day and every night.
not a prognosis May 2021
you cross my mind so often
i sit and watch you do it
no wonder i don't find my way to yours
i can't seem to move
Miley Cyrus Jan 2015
Dude i have no clue
no ******* idea...
why i continue to fantasize about chue....
what is it...
like 8th grade...
the memory
after these past 2 years i still fantasize about you
....and i cant picture you accepting me...
for who i am
i can't
when i picture you i have to be o some mila kunis, megan fox, kim k typa ****...
its like i have to be this trophy in order to keep attention
...its like i knew you liked me
....and it was an interesting attatchment ill say....
i guess it wasnt meant to be
i was looking for a **** buddy back then
and so were you
we were 8th ******* graders
i was immature af....
i didnt know **** tbh...
i was an air head...
who only cared about boys, popularity, friends, and herself...
i was a ***** lowkey
i wanted to be on top...
of the world
...of that school
...of him lol
but i was on the inside
but he made me...
he fooled me
..into thinking he was securing me ****
i was a fool
and i was def crushin on em
but now....
its really embarassing to think about
was 8th...the ****
ya know
that whole shabang
was really messin up
and im done with that past
i am over that
you were real to at the time
i was insecure looking for someone to clench on to
keep me up
motivate me
....but you did the opposite
you were like a demon in disguise offense
i mean at the time speaking
but i dont want to cringe...
when i see a pretty *** girl
i dont need to pretend to be "pretty"
nor what you want
nor be that *****
because im not so much more****
im done living a life in the shadows
a hidden life
my what is what it is
take it...
leave it
i dont care
you are gone
im never gonna see you ever again
but i mean im sorry we couldnt be friends
but the tide
the flows gotta flow
ive gotta go
take ****
and ill keep it in the toilet...lets say that
JL Mar 2013
I want to read yall's poetry  forever
Things change always but
Some things remain the same
I want Bernadette's Poetry
She knows I gotta be her number one fan
Love that girl

Makiya, miss green
You'r ethereal grace
Mots dépendant de vos d'à de suis de je d'intrigue

amoureuse de lundi d'oui d'Oui.
Petit dessus de jusqu'au de poumons de mes de Remplir de fumée de La d'aiment
de mots de vos de titres de mort de vos de La
Ann ****** I am crushin' on real hard
And victoria
Like clockwork she indulges me
The poems I am
Not so proud of
Anon C
and Odi...I miss the shadow of your
Shape against my soul
Your words filling my cranial cavity
Like fire spreading
All of those who read and do not comment
That's alright. As long as you don't find me
Annoying on your feed
Follow Me :)
I follow back

The game stays the same
I've lost and lost again
Sleeping in ******* crack houses
Or any warm place
Though I do not regret
The memories ensnared on rubber cement
On my past
Life passes though and with each new day love is found
The moments tick away
But time as they say
I moved into my grandparents house
They made a little bedroom for me
It is perfect
My parents ...still too fresh in my mind
The pain in my heart belongs to them for
Rebellion is a cruel taskmaster
I work at their church
And they  make me dress up nice
I sit in a pew and sing along
The familiar sting though
Tempts me to make
Just one phone call
To see how he's doing
I won't buy any pills...I promise
A surprising refuge I have found
I wake up like clockwork at four a.m
And run like I am being chased through
The humid 18 hole golf course
Right on their back doorstep
The trees are wonderful, and
A canal overgrown lies past the treeline
And into the deep swampy wood
The willows as mourning widows
Hang over a certain pond I have discovered
There is a girl
But she is the Jesus type
She teaches elementary at the church's school
Her name is Amanda
Her hair is curly and
Her eyes are blue and
Her voice is sweet and gentle
Here hands small
White delicate things
Have caught me staring
I will ask her tommorrow
To come eat dinner with me and my grandparents
Maybe we will play Scrabble or
Go to walk to my secret place where the willows
Weep on my pond
I am a king
Happiness floods my heart
Because I know I'm lucky
And at this moment
I am content with this life
Just because I didn't list you in the poem doesn't mean I don't like you poetry! I just talk these peoples ears offs! Don't be afraid to message me I promise I'm great at parties!
Cody Edwards Mar 2010
Apparently, it is my societal rol
e to once a month (or once a wee
k, or how may you) succumb to
all the indignity, to the crushin
g blue of broken hands, and allo
w the swell of eternity its coarse
st way with me. And swallow lik
e a sieve the strands of all the flu
id universe.
© Cody Edwards 2010
EdVance Jul 2013
I’ve ****** up so much
Of my life I don’t care
And the more that you say
Is the less that I hear
I got nothing to lose
And I don’t see no gain
So just back the **** up
For I show you insane
They all say somethins wrong
With the way that I think
So they give me these pills
And they send me to shrinks
They just talk and they talk
And it don’t solve a thing
I just want to explode
I just want to cause pain
I have dreams in the night
That I don’t understand
So I drink and I drink
To **** pain that I’m in
I just wish I could sleep
And just never wake up
Just to stop all the feelins
Of never enough
Cuz I live in a world
That’s just crushin me down
They just kick and they punch
And they push me around
Till I can’t take no more
And I start pushin back
All the anger just builds
Till I finally crack
And the ones who all tell me
To be who I’m not
Can just go **** themselves
Or just **** on my ****
I can’t take it no more
And I’m gonna explode
Now you’ll finally see
How the story unfolds
When I finally snap
And I start breakin bones
I go out of control
And I start burnin homes
So you better just watch
What you say and you do
Cuz I’m ****** insane
And I’m comin for you
Justin Bowers Feb 2013
It's driving me absolutely insane
that I can't get this girl out of my brain
even though she's a little young for me.

I can't remember the last time I was crushin
I guess it makes for a good discussion
my friends think it'd be good but would she?

Love comes in hearts not ages
hits people at different stages
It's a part of all decisions
makes for emotional collisions
and most of all it brings us pain,
until the perfect person comes along, and brings us everything.

I can't believe my hearts racin
this much over a girl I'm chasin
I want to know if I can win.

The fight for her is gettin fun
I'm wondering if she could be the one
or am I just gonna hurt a girl again?

Love comes in hearts not ages
hits people at different stages
It's a part of all decisions
makes for emotional collisions
and most of all it brings us pain,
until the perfect person comes along, and brings us everything.

I guess life's about taking chances
seeing what come of summer romances
and trying to figure out God's plan.

This seems like such a giant task
but I just really want to ask
if this girl will let me be her man.

Love comes in hearts not ages
hits people at different stages
It's a part of all decisions
makes for emotional collisions
and most of all it brings us pain,
until the perfect person comes along, and brings us everything.

Until the perfect person comes along, and brings us everything.
Wrote this slightly as a country song if that matters to anyone. Enjoy! :)
christa coburn Feb 2011
I just can't seen to forget you,
being lost in what I thought I knew.
Trying to hold back on what we had,
gettin ****** up on hidin the sad.
The things you did,
they make me so mad.
You knew what would happen,
but risked what we had.
Now look at what I've become,
not knowin who I really am.
Sick and tired of gettin slammed,
when it isn't worth the extra hand.
I see right through you ****** *******,
that try to run and hide.
Don't show up if all you have,
is strands of broken pride.
You lost your chance to prove yourself,
I'm takin all your love and wealth.
Throwin it away and crushin you down,
'cause I dont care about your ****** health.
Julianna Eisner Apr 2014
Uh! Why, thank you!
You may know by now
I am weightless so
I'll help you
levitate, too, okay? and
(and I'll kiss you like so, too)
Boy and girl paper dolls in

I can't point to which ears
heard which stampeding rumbles
from minimal eye gazes,
my vigilantly mind plotting on a chess board,
six moves ahead,
rooks to rookies,
overtly naive to trump
Freudian slips
(here's where Forer will see his effect),
a density practiced since
crushin' La Rosa,
an unfurling heroine,
compiling names to
ever-growing lists,
I pushed it to the test,
immersed in
and passed in
supernova bursts of
spiralling colours!

Mr. Movie sends his waves asking,
Alice killed the Jabberwock with a purple sword, didn't she?
And making his request,
Make sure the hyenas get rid of Scar so that he Never! Comes!...Back!
As well as his warnings,
(Captain Gutt will threaten)
I will destroy him and everything he LO-OVES!
You destroyed everything I had!
I'm just returning the favour!
No, he won't.
Uh uh.*

But I wouldn't know anything about that.
I live in the post-post-postmodern age.
Sid the Sloth is speaking again,
And we're having apple dumplings for dinner!
uh who's the most dangerous emcee?
on the m-i-c
not from the NYC
But spit classics like biggie
ya gotta respect me
check my pedigree
makin' all newbees quick retirees
ya just another flea
on my paws watch yo jaw
I leave crowds in awe N all they saw
was yosef in the limelight
sayin' his rhymes tight
**** game swole as dolemite
say it with me ya wanna be like me
never loose to them thinner kids
Make ya bleed from ya eyelids
bustin' at you ya crew
and ya walt disney tattoos
Always catchin snafus
Keep my Navigator on cruise
big balla even got a statue
of myself
crossin' me is bad for ya health
dont ya know my gun crew
stays in stealth
heads above the water quick to slaughter
all those haters oughta
eradicate ya self
or im coming at cha
with the gat
but i aint mad at ya?
bloods rushin' major concussion
as ya heart beat like a percussion
end of discussion
still i bust on fools crushin'
who dont know the rules ?
from H-town to Jeruz
roll through a tinted mercedes in blue jump suit
quick shoot extract ya loot
ya should know how i get down
like Marciano
I knock em out
pound for pound
as the crows  gather around
ya body as ya lay lifeless
on the ground!
There he goes walking with his friends
Little does he know he's got my heart tucked in his back pocket
I stand there waitin' for you to notice
That I'm crushin on you, boy, and I just can't stop it

He flashes a smile and I melt like butter
He speaks to me and I can only stutter

Here I stand staring at my feet
When he walks by, can he hear my heart beat?
It's got its melody when he's around
He picks me up when I'm feeling down

When he looks into my eyes and smiles
Can he see how much he drives me wild?
He's adorable and wonderful
Incredible and unbelievable

I wish I could tell him everything I feel
And hearts not the only thing I want to steal
His breath, his kiss
I wanna be the one he'll miss

When he closes his eyes
Wanna be his last goodbye
His most treasured
Cyrus Gold Apr 2016
Takin’ a march on steep hills
Walkin’ on splintered feet
Losin’ pace in the plantation
Leavin’ blood on the leaves

The Freedom Riders were ambitious
Ready to face humanity but at its most vicious
Started questionin’ their sanity

Third world continent, black pride is onto them
Power to the people crushin’ evil, better honor them
The dark skin collective always follow the directive
A single race at risk, taken apart like the defective

The password is unity, remember the code
Our resolution won’t hold, it’s time to question our immunity
A candlelight vigil for the loss in a community
The black power struggle and the cause ain’t very new to me

United we stand, divided we fall
Changes in seasons, not in reason – we should answer the call
A higher callin’ is upon us, no time to be stallin’
We create change through action, ain’t no time to be talkin’
Hope you guys enjoy it :)
Pen Lux Aug 2022
I don't want anything.

I'm happy with what I've got.

staying put in places where I have opportunities to better myself
finding that life is a bore and I am a prisoner to it
coming and going from place to place with pure intention to bring something to the table.

here we are folks, in the best **** place you could ever find yourself
with everything you've ever wanted and more.
let's get moving
time doesn't wait
it simply wastes.
so listen with an open mind while you're in the audience
'cause that's your job.
perform with gusto and passion,
you don't want to disappoint.
Yo, shout out to everybody that worked on the album
You feel me, son? Yo, shouts out to Ty Dollas
Shouts out to Hodgy Daddies, shouts out to Left Brizzle
Shouts out to Domyon, shouts out to Frankie Ocean
Shouts out to Syd the Dude, shouts out to L-Boy Awk
Big eared bandit is tossing all his manners
In a bag and wrapping them in seran wrap bandages
Tossing 'em in baskets with the rest of those sandwiches
So when he says "Catch up, *****" it looks like an accident
Um, flowing like my pad is the maxiest
My ***** white and black like she's been mimicking a panda
It's the dark skinned *****, kissing ******* in Canada
Then kicking all out like Mr. Lawrence did Pamela
Put her in the chamber all against her Wilt Chamberlain
I never had a Reason, ***** I was just Ableton
Not a ******* Logic contradicting *******
Flyer than an ostrich moshing in a tar pit
***** scented cheetah printed tee
In that 'Preme five panel, I'll repeat it for the season
Previous items in the present
With the normal *** past like I cheated on my team
It's me (Tried to get that *****, but, Golf ****)
To have some type of knowledge that is one perception
But knowing you own your opponent is a defeating bonus
I'm Zeus to a Kronos, cartilage cartridge is boneless
Smiles of cowards in lead showers
Dead spouses in red blouses
Children who fled houses on Mustang horses and went jousting
I'm on my Robin Hood ****, robbin' in the hood
Whips, drugs, jewels, and your pet, I'm stealing your rings
Coke diamonds and your Vet, soldiers lace the ******' boot
And salute like the troop when you shoot you gon' ****
It's **** Hodgy, *****, stay the ******* my stoop
And out my Kool aid, Juice
Hodgy got the juice, I got the gin
Jasper got the Henny, my ***** we get it in
Wolf Gang party at the hotel
I call a **, you call a **, and all the hoes tell
You know Left Brain need a freak
I need a ***** to go down like a Nitty beat
Yup, uh, and her *** fat
Don't be surprised if I ask where the hash at
***** I'm tryin' to smoke, ***** get higher
Domo where that Flocka Flame? Talkin' 'bout a lighter
Still bang salute me or just shoot me
Cause if you don't salute me then my team will do the shooting
Yeah my ***** Ace will pull the black jack
The king Mike G is in the cut with the black mac
Livin' like the Mafia, *****, don't get to slacking up
And if these haters actin' up, throw 'em in the aqueduct
Free my ***** Earl, yo, I don't really ask for much
But two bad ******* in front of me *******
What the **** is caution?
Often I leave you flossin' and cause exes next to coffins
Lost in translation, the dreams you chase
Got you diving for the plates like you stealin' home base
That's great, I'm home alone dreamin' of two on ones
With Rihanna and Christina Milian, bring it on
And Travis is in the closet organizing and hangin' the *****
Three lettermans that Ace has been making him
No strays while we catchin' matinees, huh?
I'm gettin' blazed thinking 'bout those days
I had the top off the GT3 like toupees
One finger in the air, all's fair when crime pays
My grand scheme of things is to be attached
To the game like ******* to their wedding rings
And you don't even need to look cause we gleam obscene
In the light, ride slow to my yellow diamond shining
Like the Batman logo over Gotham, rock LA to Harlem
If you say "get 'em Mike G" then I got 'em
One man squadron, ***** I'm a problem
From Briggs I got bars and plans to
**** these Polish ******* into pop stars
Humanity kills, we all suffer from insanity still
And if I said it then it is or it's gonna be real
OF 'til I OD and I probably will, uh
It's still Mr. Smoke-a-Lotta-***, get your baby mommy popped
With my other ****** bop, do I love her? Prolly not
Know your **** is not as hot as anything I ******' drop
***** I'm in the zone, stand alone, like Macaulay ****
I've been runnin' blocks since a snotty tot
Big wheel was a big deal with the water Glock
Now I'm all grown, sing songs just to give 'em watts
Fire what I talk, but still cooler than the otter pop
Op Dom neck **** in your wish list
Mad sick ****, mad **** for your *******
On some slick ****, your mistress on my hit list
And I'm lifted 'til I'm stiff out of this *****
Odd in your *******' area
Blood clots give me five feet 'fore I bury ya
Suicide flow, let the big wave carry ya
Tyler got the mask like he held Jim Carey up
And **** your team, ** ***** wassup
Wolf Gang so you know we not givin' no *****
You know me dog, I'm a chill in the cut so I can
Cut it short, break it down, couple pounds, roll it up
Get me a Persian rug where the center looks like Galaga
Rent a super car for a day
Drive around with your friends, smoke a gram of that haze
Bro, easy on the ounce, that's a lot for a day
But just enough for a week, my ***** what can I say
I'm hi and I'm bye, wait I mean I'm straight
I'mma give you this wine, the runner just brought the grapes
My brother give it some time, Morris, and Day
Course you know the vibe's as fly as the rhymes
On the song, cut and you could sample the feel
Headphone bleed, make this **** sound real
Used to work the grill, fatburger and fries
Then I made a mil and them psychics was liars
Now, how many ******' crystal ***** can I buy and own
Humble old me had to flex for the fogs
Down in Muscle Beach pumpin' iron and bone
Bumpin' oldies off my cellular phone
Yeah, bumpin' oldies off my cellular phone
*******, this rapping is stupid and it's hard
Gotta do it over and over and over again but here I go
Hey it's Jasper, not even a rapper
Only on this beat to make my racks grow faster
Got a TV show, so I guess I'm an actor
*** head, half baked, lookin' like Chappelle
Rollin' up a blunt with that fire from hell
Still ignorant, still hit a *****
Wolf Gang, *****, so I still don't give a ****
Catch me in the back with Miley on my lap
**** rips as I feel on that little ***** cat
Hah, ***** came through with a 9 bar real quick
Just for the *******, little bit of money in my pocket
**** it, Wolf Gang
Yeah, **** that, look, the contrast is a pair of lips
Swallowin' sarapin, settin' fires to sheriffs whips
(Whoosp, whoosp) ******' All-American terrorist
Crushin' rapper larynx to feed 'em a ******' carrot stick
And me? I just spent a year Ferrisin'
And lost a little sanity to show you what hysterics is
Spit to the lips meet the bottom of a barrel
So that sterile **** flow remind these ****** where embarrassed is
Narrow, tight line, might impair him since
I made it back to Fahrenheit, grimey get dinero type
Feral, ******' ill apparel, wearin' pack of parasites
Threw his own youth off the roof after paradise
La di da di, back in here to **** the party up
Raidin' fridges, tippin' over vases with a tommy gun
Never dollars, poppa make it rain hockey pucks
And 60 day chips from ******' awesome anonymous
Call him bloated 'til he show 'em that the flow deluxe
Off the wall loafers, Four Loko, and a cobra clutch
Vocals bold and rough, evoke a ** to pose as drum
And let me hit and beat it with a stick until the hole was numb
The culprit of the potent punch
Scoldin' hot as dunkin' ******* in a Folgers cup, or Nevada
Drivin' drunk inside a stolen truck, shittin' like his colon bust
Belly full of chicken and a fifth of old petroleum
Supernova, I'm rollin' over the novices
I'm roamin' through the forest and spittin' cold as the porridge is
Stay gold 'til the case closed and the story end
Post mortem porkin' this rap **** and record it
To escort it to the morgue again, lord of lips
Bored of this, forklift the tippy top, best under 40 list
Stormin' the gate, ensurin' the bass, scorchin' ladies
******* sore in torso and face
Get at me with savages, have a pack of Apache
Indian pack of ****** who don't give a **** if we nasty as flatulence
As a matter of fact, your swagger is tacky
So see me you can't like Crunchy Black catchin' a taxi
Back like lateral passin'
With that *******' gladiator manner of rappin'
As an addict I let percocets and xannies relax me
Fall back if your paddies is ****, please
OF, **** that's all I got
From my bigger brother Frankie to my little brother Tac
From that father figure Clancy to that skatey ***** Naks
Shredding down 'Fax, Wolf Gang run the ******' block
Storefront, knee tat
Book cover is the same lettering on lettermans and cotton socks
And grip tape, and my shoes
Um, I was 15 when I first drew that donut
5 years later, for our label yea we own it
I started an empire, I ain't even old enough
To drink a ******' beer, I'm tipsy off this soda pop
This is for the ****** in the suburbs
And the white kids with ***** friends who say the n-word
And the ones that got called weird, ***, *****, nerd
Cause you was into jazz, kitty cats, and Steven Spielberg
They say we ain't actin' right
Always try to turn our ******' color into black and white
But they'll never change 'em, never understand 'em
Radical's my anthem, turn my ******' amps up
So instead of critiquing and *******, being mad as ****
Just admit, not only are we talented, we're rad as ****
OFM, bangin' on your FM
Gnaw, 2011, yeah, Golf ****
by odd future
Mykenzie Apr 2018
There he goes walking with his friends
Little does he know he's got my heart tucked in his back pocket
I stand there waitin' for you to notice
That I'm crushin on you, boy, and I just can't stop it

He flashes a smile and I melt like butter
He speaks to me and I can only stutter

Here I stand staring at my feet
When he walks by, can he hear my heart beat?
It's got its melody when he's around
He picks me up when I'm feeling down

When he looks into my eyes and smiles
Can he see how much he drives me wild?
He's adorable and wonderful
Incredible and unbelievable

I wish I could tell him everything I feel
And hearts not the only thing I want to steal
His breath, his kiss
I wanna be the one he'll miss

When he closes his eyes
Wanna be his last goodbye
His most treasured
MissNeona Aug 2017
Fortune favouring the brazen and bold, the aether is passing on gifts untold, weaving the future, dismantling the past, these learnings we're taking on happen ever so fast. The whirring, the chaos, the mattering and facts. Showing me what strengths are and where there are lacks. Crushin' it, buffering wit, figuring out the issues. Figuring it, biggening it, avoiding the tissues. Everything needs solving, problem absolving, crafting patterns and habits to enforce the structure. Creating barriers and buffers, ignoring martyrs and fluffers, make a fabric free from puncture.
Is it a pyramid a cube
Or a corridor to see through?
They got energies pulling you
From dark entities society
Aint what it used to be
Got everybody throwin up bird signs
Ya see hopefully youll wake up
And see set some sunshine to ya spirituality and maybe
You can see what i see
But them shades blocking you out
Tuning you out of Most Highs will
I do for the thrills strapped to ****
Never go to war without my swords
Never lay words without vocal chords
As i pour out blessing atone sins
From the hearts of men then again
I got so many enemies that wanna see me in a g r a v e
But it wont happen captain
While im writin' and rappin'
They got your consciousness wrappin'
Naw flaws on me **** the imperial
And the courts no shorts
We go the long route gun in your mouth
Silence the malevolence
With violence
Just because i make people hear the horn wars scorn since we was born
Debts to secret society
Everything on tv is braille
Tell truth lands you in jail
No old man river my soul aint gone quiver
Shoot me? But my reflex trigger is bigger
How you figure you can picture
My fantasy becoming a reality
Crushin' empires with no sanctity
Maybe its the rebel in me invoked me
By revolt spirits late night
Mind bright couldnt clear it
Stuck in this deadly curse
Til im one on one with the hearse
Shut me up or put me up
Always lean on truth over lie
Might as well stand on something
Until eat the whole American pie
**** a slice
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
I just got back and had my beats on
Jogging up the stairs
So, steep for an apartment complex
You were coming down
Crossing paths
Locking eyes
With the lyrics screaming in my ears

“I don’t want no temporary
Give me all or nothin
Imma keep it real with you
And give you all my lovin
Girl to tell the truth
It’s been a year and I’m still crushin
Girl let’s take a ride and keep it quiet
No discussin, we can take it slow
Nowhere to go no need to rush it
And if you need me I’ll be around to keep you buzzin”
Travis Green Nov 2023
Everything about him is
So energetically elegant and effervescent
So compellingly attractive
So manlicious and freshalicous
Unmatchable swagger and finesse

Badass splashiness
Magnetic spectacularness
Fashionable tats
Rock-hard muscles
That makes me blush

Has me crushin on him
Hungering to give him
An ****** massage
Worship his heavy-duty tattooed body
Gaze into his enchantingly
Expressive hazel eyes
How he pops his pumped-up
Phenomenal pecs

Has me entranced by his every word
Captured in his masculine world
He swirls my entireness
Has me at the mercy
Of his superbly crafted splashiness

I lapse in his manly grasp
So high on attraction
I salivate for his paramount power
To be with him, love on him
Welcome his infectious majesticness
Into my homosexual realm

Let him caress my big **** ****
Spit on my nips, bite them as he pleases
Make me sweat away
As he licks and teases my sweetness
Immaculate tongue action

Make me excitedly moan
Stick his thickness deep inside me
Make me call out his name
Make me feel his high-powered flame
Feel the weight of him all over me

**** me forcefully to the core
Give it all to me
Take me completely
Enter deeply into my guts
Devour me with his unbeatable irresistibleness

Make me submit to him
Put me in every fuckable position
Do anything he desires with me
Make every inch of me tremble
As he increases the speed
Controls me, smokes me, makes me his *****
Spits his thick, yummy **** milk
All over my spankable backside
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
When you get a glimpse of how much observed pain they have
It makes you want to stay away

Flee the scene

Wither into moonlight
Gaslight the words until they feel like …
A dial never received

Pretzel shell our bodies
Collapsed there

Heart to heart
But not for me

Curve em
When they get too wordy
These stories

wave crushin
on the ear
Like sound bites
Hardened on the inside
threatening to hear

The tone becomes
More and more unnecessary.

They do that thing with their mask on
Corks in the shame
Lasts the night away

Sick in a bed
On a sofa bench
Physical depletion
Hurts the pain
Covers up the fear when there’s nothing left
To say
and a megabit to share
Nobody to blame but them.

Strike out.

But the past and the pastor who told him to keep on prayin’
Stop the lyin’
Embrace the game

Even though it’s killin’ your brain

Like pop up blocks mergin’
From a black jack in the box

And One big sound wave

I’m like a virtuoso
on the break
But I knocked one down
With 20 years to go

I am an unresolved question
With Responses
Ready to flow
Waiting to go
But unprepared to show

Who I am and why I’ve become so unemotional

So burnt out and broken down
When all those blondies used to know
The real me.. now I’m a different Maverick
On the Hill
Father passing
Nothing really matters
He says: I’m cancelling Life out
“And Life has changed for me once again”

Those times
made my story ill
And now all I have is the fear of existence begging me to feel fulfilled
But I never will

Attempts to brush away the flashbacks
Of my life
Calling out for help
When glam was my only pill

They’ll move one step forward.
Unsteadily. Still trying to make it.
Running from the shame of their own shadow
Classy J Nov 2024
Yeah, yeah, yeah…
Uh, try to let it go, but it stay on me.
Can’t escape it, nah, it stay on me.

[Verse 1]
I wake up, bottle by the sink, come on big guy the sky is feeling real low.
No cap, ***** is twisted; got me relying on the daily dose.
Wonder if the moment will come, where I succumb; comatose.
Desensitized to the trauma; just another name, just another overdose.
Tried to quit once, but the withdrawal raked me over the coals.

Got chemistry like Walter white.
Meds in the bloodstream, I’m my own worst enemy.
Dark days, every night mama praying against the debauchery.
Brain fightin’ back, but it’s hard findin’ energy.

Prescription like a chain on my mental frame,
Want the freedom, but the pain always call my name.
Can’t fake it, wish I didn’t need to take it to stay sane.
Life is a bane, that breaks the backs of anyone not just Bruce Wayne.

Pop one, pop two, keep it on repeat,
Tryna break free, but it’s holdin’ on deep.
Sick of this cycle, man, I can’t retreat,
But without it, I’m stuck, can’t feel my own feet.

Pop one, pop two, keep it on repeat,
Chasin’ the dragon to escape the streets.
Sick of being tired, tired of being sick,
But without it, I feel like a cat in heat.

[Verse 2]
Aye, doctor talkin’ ’bout “Take ‘em as prescribed,”
But these side effects got me questionin’ the vibe.
One for the head, one just to stay alive,
Now I’m a prisoner to the pills that I despise.

Homie, they don’t know the fight in my cortex,
Smile on my face, but I’m cryin’ behind the subtext.
Weight on my soul, yeah, it’s crushin’ my complex,
Tryna medicate the pain, while being caught  up in a vortex.

**** hits like a ******* boomerang;
Worlds lookin’ cold, wondering if I’ll ever see spring.
Tryna be myself, but the pill’s have tangled me up in these puppet strings.

Pop one, pop two, keep it on repeat,
Tryna break free, but it’s holdin’ on deep.
Sick of this cycle, man, I can’t retreat,
But without it, I’m stuck, can’t feel my own feet.

Pop one, pop two, keep it on repeat,
Chasin’ my balance, but it’s hard to compete.
Sick of this pill talk, life ain’t sweet,
But without it, I’m lost in the dark, no beat.

Feel like a zombie, brain in a fog,
Tryna find God, but I’m lost in the smog.
Check the mirror, don’t even know me at all,
But if I drop these meds, man, I’m bound to fall.

Double-edge sword, yeah, it cuts both ways,
Better days ahead, but it’s locked in a maze.
Chasin’ my peace, but I’m stuck in the daze,
And the pill bottle whispers, “This the only way.”

Yeah, I need ‘em, but I hate ‘em too,
Every day, new battle, what I’m supposed to do?
They tell me that it’s normal, like it’s not abuse,
But I’m fightin’ for my freedom, tryna cut it loose.

Pop one, pop two, keep it on repeat…
Man, it stay on me, yeah, it stay on me…

— The End —