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They had long met o’ Zundays—her true love and she—
   And at junketings, maypoles, and flings;
But she bode wi’ a thirtover uncle, and he
Swore by noon and by night that her goodman should be
Naibor Sweatley—a gaffer oft weak at the knee
From taking o’ sommat more cheerful than tea—
   Who tranted, and moved people’s things.

She cried, “O pray pity me!” Nought would he hear;
   Then with wild rainy eyes she obeyed,
She chid when her Love was for clinking off wi’ her.
The pa’son was told, as the season drew near
To throw over pu’pit the names of the peäir
   As fitting one flesh to be made.

The wedding-day dawned and the morning drew on;
   The couple stood bridegroom and bride;
The evening was passed, and when midnight had gone
The folks horned out, “God save the King,” and anon
   The two home-along gloomily hied.

The lover Tim Tankens mourned heart-sick and drear
   To be thus of his darling deprived:
He roamed in the dark ath’art field, mound, and mere,
And, a’most without knowing it, found himself near
The house of the tranter, and now of his Dear,
   Where the lantern-light showed ’em arrived.

The bride sought her cham’er so calm and so pale
   That a Northern had thought her resigned;
But to eyes that had seen her in tide-times of weal,
Like the white cloud o’ smoke, the red battlefield’s vail,
   That look spak’ of havoc behind.

The bridegroom yet laitered a beaker to drain,
   Then reeled to the linhay for more,
When the candle-snoff kindled some chaff from his grain—
Flames spread, and red vlankers, wi’ might and wi’ main,
   And round beams, thatch, and chimley-tun roar.

Young Tim away yond, rafted up by the light,
   Through brimble and underwood tears,
Till he comes to the orchet, when crooping thereright
In the lewth of a codlin-tree, bivering wi’ fright,
Wi’ on’y her night-rail to screen her from sight,
   His lonesome young Barbree appears.

Her cwold little figure half-naked he views
   Played about by the frolicsome breeze,
Her light-tripping totties, her ten little tooes,
All bare and besprinkled wi’ Fall’s chilly dews,
While her great gallied eyes, through her hair hanging loose,
   Sheened as stars through a tardle o’ trees.

She eyed en; and, as when a weir-hatch is drawn,
   Her tears, penned by terror afore,
With a rushing of sobs in a shower were strawn,
Till her power to pour ’em seemed wasted and gone
   From the heft o’ misfortune she bore.

“O Tim, my own Tim I must call ‘ee—I will!
   All the world ha’ turned round on me so!
Can you help her who loved ‘ee, though acting so ill?
Can you pity her misery—feel for her still?
When worse than her body so quivering and chill
   Is her heart in its winter o’ woe!

“I think I mid almost ha’ borne it,” she said,
   “Had my griefs one by one come to hand;
But O, to be slave to thik husbird for bread,
And then, upon top o’ that, driven to wed,
And then, upon top o’ that, burnt out o’ bed,
   Is more than my nater can stand!”

Tim’s soul like a lion ‘ithin en outsprung—
   (Tim had a great soul when his feelings were wrung)—
“Feel for ‘ee, dear Barbree?” he cried;
And his warm working-jacket about her he flung,
Made a back, horsed her up, till behind him she clung
Like a chiel on a gipsy, her figure uphung
   By the sleeves that around her he tied.

Over piggeries, and mixens, and apples, and hay,
   They lumpered straight into the night;
And finding bylong where a halter-path lay,
At dawn reached Tim’s house, on’y seen on their way
By a naibor or two who were up wi’ the day;
   But they gathered no clue to the sight.

Then tender Tim Tankens he searched here and there
   For some garment to clothe her fair skin;
But though he had breeches and waistcoats to spare,
He had nothing quite seemly for Barbree to wear,
Who, half shrammed to death, stood and cried on a chair
   At the caddle she found herself in.

There was one thing to do, and that one thing he did,
   He lent her some clouts of his own,
And she took ’em perforce; and while in ’em she slid,
Tim turned to the winder, as modesty bid,
Thinking, “O that the picter my duty keeps hid
   To the sight o’ my eyes mid be shown!”

In the tallet he stowed her; there huddied she lay,
   Shortening sleeves, legs, and tails to her limbs;
But most o’ the time in a mortal bad way,
Well knowing that there’d be the divel to pay
If ’twere found that, instead o’ the elements’ prey,
   She was living in lodgings at Tim’s.

“Where’s the tranter?” said men and boys; “where can er be?”
   “Where’s the tranter?” said Barbree alone.
“Where on e’th is the tranter?” said everybod-y:
They sifted the dust of his perished roof-tree,
   And all they could find was a bone.

Then the uncle cried, “Lord, pray have mercy on me!”
   And in terror began to repent.
But before ’twas complete, and till sure she was free,
Barbree drew up her loft-ladder, tight turned her key—
Tim bringing up breakfast and dinner and tea—
   Till the news of her hiding got vent.

Then followed the custom-kept rout, shout, and flare
Of a skimmington-ride through the naiborhood, ere
   Folk had proof o’ wold Sweatley’s decay.
Whereupon decent people all stood in a stare,
Saying Tim and his lodger should risk it, and pair:
So he took her to church. An’ some laughing lads there
Cried to Tim, “After Sweatley!” She said, “I declare
I stand as a maiden to-day!”
In numbers, and but these few,
I sing Thy birth, Oh, Jesu!
Thou pretty Baby, born here,
With sup’rabundant scorn here:
Who for Thy princely port here,
          Hadst for Thy place
          Of birth, a base
Out-stable for Thy court here.

Instead of neat inclosures
Of interwoven osiers,
Instead of fragrant posies,
Of daffodils and roses,
Thy cradle, kingly Stranger,
          As Gospel tells,
          Was nothing else,
But, here, a homely manger.

But we with silks (not cruels),
With sundry precious jewels,
And lily-work will dress Thee
Of clouts; we’ll make a chamber,
          Sweet Babe, for Thee,
          Of ivory,
And plastered round with amber.

The Jews they did disdain Thee,
But we will entertain Thee
With glories to await here
Upon Thy princely state here,
And more for love, than pity.
          From year to year
          We’ll make Thee, here,
A free-born of our city.
Because the pleasure-bird whistles after the hot wires,
Shall the blind horse sing sweeter?
Convenient bird and beast lie lodged to suffer
The supper and knives of a mood.
In the sniffed and poured snow on the tip of the tongue of the year
That clouts the spittle like bubbles with broken rooms,
An enamoured man alone by the twigs of his eyes, two fires,
Camped in the drug-white shower of nerves and food,
Savours the lick of the times through a deadly wood of hair
In a wind that plucked a goose,
Nor ever, as the wild tongue breaks its tombs,
Rounds to look at the red, wagged root.
Because there stands, one story out of the *** city,
That frozen wife whose juices drift like a fixed sea
Secretly in statuary,
Shall I, struck on the hot and rocking street,
Not spin to stare at an old year
Toppling and burning in the muddle of towers and galleries
Like the mauled pictures of boys?
The salt person and blasted place
I furnish with the meat of a fable.
If the dead starve, their stomachs turn to tumble
An upright man in the antipodes
Or spray-based and rock-chested sea:
Over the past table I repeat this present grace.
Edward Coles Nov 2013
Love is not the scrawl of notes

left on the bedside, whilst

the alarm clock suffers to clouts

and rings, awakening her.

Neither is love the aperture

between silhouettes

as they embrace so readily

against the walls. Some clinch

of absence, the antiptosis

of the you and I.

Love is not the spaces between

the ‘I miss you’s’ and the

‘here we are once more’s.’

Neither is love the separation

between our wants and needs,

to the disparities in the world.

It is not the defiance of obligation,

nor some holy rest-house

to the ills of the modern world.

Love is not some shared novel,

a story born out over a communal

conjecture of where humanity shall

rest upon the end of everything.

Neither is love the offering of a rose,

or any other bouquet of severed

life, strangled for the nourishment

of her; the justification of your

placement in her life. These are just

condescending gestures,

weak offerings to the Lord

of all you claim to be divine.

Love is not a life to be feasted upon,

nor is it the self-satisfied glance

in the mirror, as you finally decide

on your definition of ‘I’.

Neither is love this malformation

of words, this attempt of veritas,

this hollowed pursuit of whiskey-fuelled

longing, longing, longing for

some great hand to deliver life

upon my doorstep, upon our’s.

Love is simply the eternal rite

of Gaia; the motes of existence

that tumble with great devotion

and all-cause to their eventual demise,

their inevitable return

to the spiral that created them.

Love is the spaces between my breath,

between your’s.

Those pockets of meditation,

and the realisation of union

between all that was,

and ever will be.

Love is the acknowledgement

of power between us. Our previous

lives, blades of grass wilting together

under the footfalls of the now-trees,

the now-governors of our lives.

Love is in the ‘I know you’s’

and the ‘what would I do

without you’s’ that we have so struggled

to forsake in the day-to-day

tumble of our lives.

And to this, I say, that love is

these spaces that you may

no longer occupy. The barren stretches

of grey matter that no being either

mortal or otherwise,

could ever reclaim.

Love is the birth of bespoke experience,

and the knowledge

that nothing can erase us

from the archives of

everything that should ever matter.

Love is us.
Jai Karkhanis Feb 2015
Fathoms deep, are these mines of grey
impregnable, by even the brightest ray
yet light here is in plentiful found
To its insides alone, forever bound

Darkest evils, here lie awake
In every hall, pit and bottomless lake
Writhing ever to upwards surge
Singing, forever,their own dirge

Battles here ever are waged
Ambush,attack and clouts staged
For no blackness may reside alone
From cracks and crevices, are many lights shown

And the makes of the mines are just so
Always deeper,than their depths may go
for every produce that is fine or fair
Can be, twisted to cause despair.

Glittering gold, of value great
And coal, for which lies fiery fate
Fabulous, shinning, precious stones
Lie embedded, in old rotting bones

Many beings do venture here
With dreams hopes and many a fear
Each follows where the great mine leads
ever wider, are sown these seeds

And from these seeds new beings form
to join the massive egressing storm
That leaves forever those places dark
Whether to falter, our make its mark

Good,evil and all between
Are in this hallowed space seen
Neither fine nor all fey
But in truth filled with grey
Our minds our complicated beings.
Arborvitae Oct 2014
Deliberation, restoration of a beaten nation. Beaten into the dust, rusted, cohesion gone, the gall of so many wrongs finally come to fruition like children's songs of un-suspended remission.
     Cognitively oozing out of pores like sores of an otherwise un-marred beauty, and all the scoundrels come looting rudely to destroy the tapestry deliberately deployed to instill an air of utmost joy.
     Money falling into the hands of moral lepers, economic pressures untoward, yet still pushing forward. The tenacity of ants, unparalleled cohesive cerebral structure, chants of a buddhist nature bleed desperation wrapped in graceful slumber to ward off the mortal structure, inevitable in its destruction which ruptures the potential reduction of essential corruption.
     A gleam in the eye of every schemer, transferring blaspheme to the revelry flying high in the mind of every dreamer. Spewing out clouts of reconciliation, renewing like dust clouds of just degradation. Rejuvenation of this nations ancestry, patient in its wait, parched in the ancient vestry, waiting to sate the state of arched backs, superstitious black cats. Careful if a human crosses your path, losses run amok...invoke the acumen of wrath and bad luck.
ArominizedM Jun 2015
Stutter, stifle my words and thoughts...
...I shiver.

In this endless need to fill my quiver...
... of racked up jargon

To contend to the meaning of my affection...
...I sought direction.

I found that the notion had no meaning... placate your dissatisfaction

I alone hold dear to what I felt was quality...
until you bridged the gap of enmity.

Now we both trace a furlong of doubts...
...which I had ended up seeking no clouts.
The nature’s clouts

Stabs to make us sense

Her occurrence

Again and again

Yet again

Rumbling gales, shattering typhoons,

And life intimidating seismic activity

Mark us exceptionally anxious

About our breathes and there after

Lies a plethora of secrets

Yet to come,

Will blew us black and blue

Nostalgic about the noble timeworn days

I will someday make this

Turn into imagination from reality!

But up till than

We will have to writhe

Extreme hardship

And extreme hardship.
Extreme Destitution
Ree Bunch Mar 2016
Rich coffee aroma consumes the room.
Coffee’s perfume and red lights relax about.

Your round face is polished exquisitely.
While your pink and turquoise dress flares and touts.

I watch you from a dank, lonely corner.
My wooden frame squeaks and moan all throughout.

Your steel basks in light making an aura.
Your beauty twinkles brilliantly and spouts.

Once I sat with you, enjoying my day.
Falling for your steel and all of your grout.

Then a rant, roar, and swish broke me in half.
After, I was discarded like a lout.

Now, I can only watch you from afar.
My love engulfs my being and shrilly shouts.

A new chair now kisses your underside.
If I am fixed one day, I’m swinging clouts.

His metal frame does shine very nicely.
But wood versus metal, would win no doubt.

I’m attractive and more comfortable.
He’s very hard and ugly in stout.

Next Thursday is trash day and I’ll be gone.
My frame will die, but not my love’s devout.
The things a chair would say if it could speak; I wonder : o
tm Aug 2017
face planted in the green
slow turn to the wispy sky
knowing peace is to dream
growing up is a gritty lie

memories dont blur like these clouds
there's no time to capture them
before the screen brightens, i dreamt
about sub conscious clouts

face planted with a smile
taking a piece of it is a slap to the head
tucking away my self conscious guile
drowning in joy until i lose my breath

- t.m
Big Virge Nov 2019
Folks ....
People AREN'T Joking " ... !!!  
When They Say I'm ......
..... " OUTSPOKEN " .... !!!!!  
Sometimes I Say Things ...  
That Leave People ...  
....... " BROKEN " ......... !!!!!!!!  
Some People Have Cried ...    
Because of The Way ...  
I Speak About ... " Life " ...  
Suffering PAIN ...  
And Dealing With STRIFE ... !!!  
But Things That I Say ...  
Are Simple Reflections ...    
On Things In My Sight ...    
Sometimes They Are WRONG ... !!!  
Sometimes They Are RIGHT .... !!!!!!!!  
But Speaking My Mind ...  
Should NOT Be A CRIME ... !!!!!  
My Words Are Designed ...  
To ... Simply Invite ...  
A Place Within Darkness ...  
Where ... CLARITY SHINES ... !!!  
And LIGHT Is ... DEFINED ... !!!!!    
Words I Now Write ...  
Are Simply Inclined ...  
To ... Lyrically Dine ...  
Recline And Be PRIMED ...  
To Do ... What Is WISE ...    
And Pay CLOSE ATTENTION ... !!!  
To REALITY'S ... Signs ... !!!  
On ... How To Live ...  
I'd Rather DO THAT ... !!!  
Than Live Life To Fight ... ?!?  
I'm NOT In A Rush ...  
To ... Lay Down And DIE ... !!!!!  
Since I Was A Kid ...  
I've Always Been Quick ...  
To Air My Opinions ...    
And Speak About Things ...  
I LOVE TO Enlist ... !!!  
The Use of ... " EXPRESSION "  
It's CLEARLY A Gift ... !!!  
And Now An OBSESSION ... !!!!!  
Poems KEEP COMING ... !!!  
Just Like A PROCESSION ... !!!!!  
But Some Do NOT Like ... !!!  
The Words I Recite ...    
And DON'T Like The Sight ...  
of My Lips ... By A Mic' ... !!!!!  
But Hey That's Okay ... !!!  
They REALLY Miss Out ...    
At The End of The Day ... !!!    
My Wordplay Has ...    
..... " SUBSTANCE " .....  
EVEN ...  
When I RAGE ... !!!!!  
But NEVER Indulges ...  
In ... Inciting HATE ... !!!!!!  
But CLEARLY Reflects ...  
My Mood When IRATE ... !!!!!  
But My Moods ...  
Like The Weather ...  
Show CHANGE EVERYDAY ... !!!!!  
I Can't Be The Same ...  
And Always Be ... " tame " ... !?!    
Those Who Want That ...  
Like ... CONTROLLING Brains ... !!!!!  
And CLEARLY Are People ...  
Who ... NEED TO REFRAIN ... !!!!!!!  
From Trying To .... " LIMIT " ....  
What People .... " Should Say " .... !!!  
We Need To Be Mindful ...  
of Those Who Relay ...  
A Message That GLORIFIES ...    
.... DEVIANT Ways .... !!!!!!  
Those Who Spread HATE ...  
And MURDEROUS Traits ...    
But That's Just MY VIEW ...  
At The End of The Day ... !!!  
Freedom of Speech ...  
Is ... BEAUTY To Me ... !!!  
NOT Trying To Teach ... !!!    
Or Trying To Preach ... !!!  
We ALL Have A Mouth ...  
I'd Rather Use ... " SPEECH " ... !!!  
Than ... PHYSICAL CLOUTS ...    
That KNOCK People DOWN ... !!!!!  
Brainpower FEEDS ....  
Off Wordplay That SPEAKS ...  
To Souls Within People ...    
Who Choose ... NOT TO SEE ... !!!!!  
A World Where We STOP ...  
Our ... Freedom of Speech ... !!!  
Music Is ... SO GREAT ...    
When Wordplay Relates ...  
A Feeling That TOUCHES ...  
SOMETHING ... DEEP Inside ... !!!  
And HELPS PAIN ... Subside .............................................  
This Is One Reason ....    
I Now LOVE TO WRITE ... !!!!!  
Because My Expression ...  
HELPS CHANNEL Aggression ... !!!  
And Helps Me To STRENGTHEN ...  
My Use of .... Expression .... !!!  
My ... OUTSPOKEN Nature ... 
Has Brought Me My TROUBLES ... !!!!!  
But Has Been My SAVIOUR ... !!!  
And Keeps Me From FORCES ...  
DARKER Than Vader's ... !!!  
GREEN Is The Colour ...  
of YES ... My Light Sabre ... !!!!!  
GREEN As In Country ...  
Where Animals ROAM .................................................................­  
EXPRESSING Themselves ...  
In .... EVERY Zone .... !!!  
We Sit And Watch Them ...    
When They Use EXPRESSION ...    
The Vision of Them ...  
Behind A ZOO Fence ... !!!  
Don't Get It Confused ...  
I'm Simply Suggesting ...    
That Airing Our Views ...    
Is SURELY  A Thing ...  
We Should NOT REFUSE ... !!!  
EVEN When People ...    
Say Things That ABUSE ... !!!  
Because You Then KNOW ...  
If You Can Be ... COOL ...    
And Even If NOT ...  
May Help You To ... Choose ...  
A ... POSITIVE Way ...    
To RESOLVE Your Issues ... !!!  
Being OUTSPOKEN ...    
Is NOT Always Good ... !!!!!  
But Does Help A Person ...    
To Give You Some Clues ...  
On What ... Fuels Their Mood ...    
And May Give You PROOF ...  
of What They're Into ...    
I Now Prefer THAT ... !!!  
Than Being With ... " Those " ...    
Who Simply .... " Sit Back " .... !!!  
And Wait For The Chance  ...  
To Make An ATTACK ... !!!!!  
What Is It THEY LACK ... ?  
That Makes Them DO THAT ... ?!?  
Some Folks Are Like This ...  
And That's Just A FACT ... !!!!!  
These Are The People ...  
.... Whose Words ....  
I'm Now ... " Quoting " ...  
And NO I'm NOT JOKING ... !!!!!  
These Are The People ...  
Who Say .... " Virgil's " ....  
.... " OUTSPOKEN " .... !!!!!!!!
Hmmm, what to say .... ???

I'm an outspoken fella, through usage of letters,
sometimes an upsetter, so don't get irate
because of wordplay, that's from yesterday .....

Don't let my words fret ya ....
Artists should know ... BETTER ... !!!!
On the TV
at the azure blue
Olympic Hockey Centre
in Deodoro,

our keeper’s
saving everything,
the Dutch careless
when faced with pressure,

the gold medal
swaying the way
of our women.
It’s the first time

I’ve paid much attention
to this stick-wielding sport
but when Webb swerves, turns,
clouts the yellow ball into the net,

I’m chuffed for us
as a cheer detonates
and there’s an ecstatic
bouncing circle of red.
Written: October 2016.
Explanation: To mark National Poetry Day on 6th October, I wrote 25 poems over the course of eight days, and sent one poem each to one of 25 of my Facebook friends. After some deliberation, I am now posting the poems on HP (in order of when they were written), albeit not all in one go. 'Firework' is poem one, for those of you who wish to read the series in full, in order. None of the poems are about their recipients. Note: 'Number 24' refers to the fact that Team GB's women winning hockey gold at this year's Rio Olympics was our 24th gold medal of the games at that point. All feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.
As embers of the summer quietly smoulder,
Still glowing, but a slow, less fierce heat.
Fast approaching, nearly on my shoulder
Comes the crunch of autumn's swifter feet.
Greens are turning paler, into golden,
Blue skies smudged with racing clouds of grey.
Poppies toss their clouts with gay abandon,
Their scarlet petals falling on the clay.
Yet, autumn brings her own supply of treasure
To ease us into winter's harsh embrace.
Gifts of fruits and seeds, she sends with pleasure,
showered on the earth with golden grace.
So wish farewell to summer's gentle hand,
And watch while autumn decorates the land.
I’m feeling beautiful today.

Is it because
of this dress of velvet
like molten sapphire
against my skin
or the shimmering gold
a finest thread
lining my silhouette
in a filigree thin
Is it the mascara line
curving out
and making my lashes
flutter and sway
or the tint of pink
in a creamy blush
that on my cheeks
has come to stay
is it the curl in my lips
a contrived pout
or the click of my heels
on the floor it clouts
the bangles on my wrist
that sing as they jingle
the sparkling earlobes
as the earrings ******
is it the perfumed rose
that blooms in my scent
or the coiffured scarf
a colored accent
is it the swing in my gait
or my elusive trait
it is my voice, my gaze
or how, when i talk
my pupils dilate….

I feel beautiful today,
but i do not know why
i have thought all day
and now dark draws nigh
I feel beautiful today
so I should enjoy….

Oct 5, 2014
Yo everyday we thuggin' 8ball chuggin'
Hands on my nuts hugging guns buggin'
For ****** itching got their brains twitchin'
Switchin' got fast heataz slang pitchin'
Straight out of the kitchen money strengethen
Spot out the chickens spell drawer picking
Wicked as the wiccans to druids fluids
Of blood drawing over the concrete boards
No need to raise my vocal chords swords
Being swung leave all heads ****** and sprung
Tip the hoes with sip of verbal jons lungs
All clogged make her throw up hold up my cup
The lean is pouring my spirit is soaring goring
Everyday life fantasy I'm feelin' crazy hazy
Off the purple to grey tapes swing like an ape
Too late wait see his fate in a crate can't relate
Relax ya stress from blast of the Wess smokin sess
Bars Alcatraz high maxed choas spins like a Tax
Smooth hip hop jazz cuties i bag with the fat ***
Cop those fearing temps expose foes really doe?
Bank rolls bigger than hay barrels known pharaoh
Taking it back to the days of the celestial
Stressin' you while I'm testing you
No clues for the news drawing blues
Wailin' like a wolf spoonful rooted my wools
Sprout to a plant broke the clouts rant
My critics i treat em like ******* come in riches
Then they turn misses slugs throwing kisses
Washes the sins dishes bump fistes black riots
No longer keeping quiet cant even deny it
As i multiple it calculus lust maths i bust
Put myself as a trustee to a trust plats dust
All others smothers any other colors  
Check the crayola rocks nickles a knock
See the birds living off natures clock
Ticks and tocks yo htown killaz got it locked
Why is it everytime a black man gives up the real
Concious lookin' out to get you killed but still ?
I stand on my throne all alone
In the battlezone holding my chrome
So let's get it on im signing Armageddon
Why these muthafukkaz keep on lettin'
All this corny **** ride for hip hop nothing but slop
As i climb my way back to the top to drop
These lames dressing like dames that claim
They got the game on lock
But the only thing they got locked
is their jaws on the labels *****
**** that I spray **** on the walls of the stalls
My pen skills sicker than John Wick take a pick
White America you ain't **** without the black folks pit
See how much money they profit hard to drop it
The topic i see the madness within my sharp optics
Eagle view only a few view what I view
A black dead mans soul trails can be smelled
From the culture vultures that sail
All around to find the perfect sound
Only to water down the souls that pound
Deep into the heart of the ghetto never let go
Though the heart moniters thin take sips of dry gin
Tryin' to stop the sins but they label me a hater once again
Seems like black artist can never win?
When Elvis impersonated all types of black gospel artist then when
Chuck Berry was doing it all in
The forties now they wanna change the story
White washing music you can tell by the bland acoustic
No feeling you can't teach it or preach it
It's gotta be felt from within I'm still living
Proof that anything we invent they hate to admit
Steal out **** and try to circumvent
Issues here's a tissue I'm here to **** you
Off cuz we know you deep down you soft
Come try and test me I got the whole hood with me
So if you thinking you walking away free
Better plea like Bronson did to Ghostface
Beat the case cuz we keep the courts laced
In Ponzi money schemes living out the dream
I'm reality shattering the false imagery
So go ahead and get mad at me I know we
Aint gone see eye to eye so go cry
And add ya tears to thr river so i can deliver
More spells from Godspells where Satan dwells
My melanin never fails catching the frails
Slippin' mute all the wannabes listening
Check the clocks that tickin' see the white chickens
Picking and looking for black ***** to take in
To keep up their stock what a sick world
We livin' in im tryna "get out" but they love me too much cuz of our earthly clouts
Check the ****** fatigue that bleeds through
A rotten corpse of course I break the source
**** the stolen mics alright I cash in on my iron sight
Eight hundred yard target split up ya cartilage
Never see me with empty cartridges this is
Porridge for my bullets hot shells leave em swell
All ya thoughts failed sip the holy Grail from
chillin' in the devils garden sparrin' of my skills
Studied Alan Watts master-ology born in the half astrology
Circle my twin is a pisces opposites attract abstract
A physical attack  
So go ahead black the gods is back mack
Truck a track til its flat airring out
Over the airwaves I'm causing mental burnouts stop chasin' clouts
My darts aimming on point like Warren Moon
Unravelled from the space placed tomb
In the womb 9 months curled up as a caccoon
Saw my pathway that could display on Broadway
No biz like show biz see me the wise kid
Catching a glimpse of a spiritual sigh high
As a skyscraper inhale the vapors
Caped crusader I'm sinister as Vader
Check your temperature degrees
You dehydrating lack of oxidation
Drink and breath oxygen to hydrogen
Back again attack the shows like Rin Tin Tin
Living the perdition
Ultimate sin cash ruling between the dueling
White to dark lights clashing sparks from the dopest ink writes
My paper catches delight even darkness frights
Can't deny the skills of perfection far from benight
Born as a desert bird black hearse sheppard
Far from the Lord most largely ignored
Went back to the drawing boards for my vocal chords light up ya spinal chords
A rappin' Moor sickamore flow blows like satchmo
Off of the roof tops tops drops cashed stocks
No bail bonds once im locked on
These bars crash a galaxy stars Mars
To earth see my girth and my true worth
Infinite word to the dark senate independent
Fools hate to see me spin it winded
Out my opponents exposed to an exponent
Who want it taunt it my guns blazin' horrors to the top of the auroras
Flashback relapse ya life collapse
Perhaps you need to take precaution
I cause exhaustion when I breath in oxygen
Injectin' cold carcinogen sippin' gins
Golden boy dojo this ain't taebo **
Let me show you how to flip this dough
P cooked this beat so now it's time to eat
Greet melanin's activated from the obsolete
Black mind's that didn't get to speak
Flowin' up **** creek watchin' for the Meeks
Inherit the earth four corners spread
Imagine all the thorough heads shed-ding
Bloodshed black Genghis these fools singers
Become mock birds once we measure the stingers

Welcome to danger!!!!! Twilight!!

Boomeranging Halle berries yo its kind of scary
Everyday i pace back and forth close to the cemetery
That's my true friend ultimate perdition
I'm tryna find something to believe in lies within
Self learn wisdom yo that's real wealth
Guarded by the spiritual stealths left welts
On the back of my black dot check my plots
Slave descendant rocking drums crescent
Shining once i supper the moons elegance
My presence alone even make demons tense
Silver rings left by the side of my left cheeks
Washing the silent tears that try to speak
They don't want no beef with the Indian chief
Smokin' irons like pipe pieces feces increases
Now you drippin' soon to be sky trippin' rippin'
Through the ozone cosmos daydreams
Found my team once I learn to scheme cycling
Ponzi cool az The Fonzi grandson to Bumpy
Johnson watch the clouts gain pain strains
Even the biggest giants David to Galliaths
See how serious war paths can get you hit
Dont let your emotions send you a free trip
Check the African tip spears thrown out the atmosphere
Split the hemisphere
Parted the windy ways that sways cardinal obeys
Its the order of nature
Says met up with the mystic gryphon liftin'
Gave me an invisible crown whisperin'
How to operate my enemies drag em to their knees
Holdin' a sword over their vocal chords
Ack-nowledge the brother with over a thousand Lords

Welcome to danger!!! twilight!
Vanessa Gatley Mar 2019
Check it, rubbing my bearded wools, looking at these, members of society,
Drool, hypnotized by the material spools, I just sit back, and play it cool,
My intellect pinned like a jewel, in school I was never, considered cool,
Tough love, played me like a fool, cuz I was tryna be, the main ingredient,
To a girl, I thought was heavenly sent, and to the homies, playing time spent,
On the corners, a few days later, they laying, under the hands, of the coroner,
But back to the girl, who I thought i could, rock her worlds,
Turns out, she just another strawberry in route, chasing *** clouts,
I changed up my route, now I'm tryna find another way out,
Out of the ghetto, most folks say they wanna, see ya make it,
But at the same time, they want to take it, watch the heat, then bake it,
Since my conscious is naked, seems normality is always, rejected,
I thought I was respected, until I seen lost souls, so disconnected,
They living on earth, half they lives polishing on reverse, I write these verses,
Only to show you, how they lay out the curses, i got the ultimate terses,
Im a keep laying the truth, till I'm in the hearses, until then my sorrow,
Will be here to follow, me every where I stand, and everywhere my destiny,
Destined to be, I'm part of the unsung tree, why they wanna **** me,
They giving out shots for free, without even touching their artillery, ya feeling me?
Ya filling you, honing ya every landing in ya zoning, Apache war hunger papi,
I'm only here to teach to the people, tell em to stop living to the life of evil,
I'm the lion, summoned from heaven, inside of hell, this ain't another fairytale,
Toast up with no cocktail, guess they feeling well, I always excel, master intel,
I got the soul of Peter, write gospels that'll, shake em up, landing me in jail,
rm Mar 2019
the well
was deep
and hollow.

was dry,
harsh, and
no wallows.

was empty,
hard, rough
and tough.

was sad,
and red.

was uncertain,

where her voice,
cries and shouts
were rejected and
and full of unimaginable
Philipp K J May 2021
Covid from Hell's unknown cellar
Meddler, the men's mercy killer
Out of fear the Heaven's plenty
Hell in due course will be empty
Sends the war team killer thriller

Breaching ozone shred their horns
Rolling down the human zone
Blow their clones on human forms
To fill their lungs with white venom
And with tattered souls return home

The Soldier scouts; browbeat with frown
Shouts out 'go corona go'
Candle lights to frighten Covid
Showers of flowers to brighten David
I've dethroned, Corona gone

The havoc done; still the battle's on
Missiles and trials go on 'midst groan
People throng around clouts at rallies
Whilst the dead are gutted  at gullies
And their kids and kin bemoan

Leaders toil to tally the spoils
Cadres boil in corporate veils
Corona blitz with double mutant
Smite the poor and the self content
Whilst the captain camps the perils

Trioxygen shield climate change
Science challenge devils
Covid muffled, the Hoax wax in
Whilst death rolls in diabolic spin
And deliver the  sucker punch
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2020
at best: a drink and a homage to sleep -
nothing too complicated:
not allowing dreams to leave
traces of having invested in me -

i blame the cameo cinema of memory
for a lack of dreams -
then again:
i only have a bouquet of four or five
return-to memories
that i **** myself with...

        but it's all oh so un-
  everything is these days...
         because i feel: more than i think...
it's hardly an argument:
i feel therefore
            is no therefore to trickle down
an ontology detached from etymology
and subsequently from history...

everything is such a grand: devoid...
it's like... beside the nouns
there are only onomatopoeias...
there's a "wake-up" call
for those in a noon sizzle and scortch...
there's the milking of a camel
by rubbing the humb
with hands for sandpaper dust...
and there's the arithmetic
of bones:
         a rubric of the spine...
of those / i.e. things made
into a market of pickling...
cucumbers - later gherkins...

oysters... garlic K9s....
                   everything is so impossible
not because of some laziness...
but because... a be-at-a-loss...
            so immediately presented
the pressure comes of its own accord...

i'll sooner come across
a sentence with om / par /
le /              yod / -dle
                      lubi- /
                              decant... decant...

big words... yoyo...
   etymology... ontology etc.
  epistemology... bogus drawn a...
poker and a 2 + 2 = 4 is all the new
fathomed glue: and basics...

a return to... hardly...
somewhere between e. e. cummings
and will alexander...
  it's not because:
but there's no great awakening of a narrative
ready for a paragraph...
this alone is shrapnel logistics...
it's splinter-cell wo-wo-wording(s)...

         once upon a time grand adventure...
meat in the grinder...
a metallic-aftertaste...
   a softness of the chin after having
and the beard...
  something i admire for my own self's
like... the fiddle... of the dubious
***** afro extension:
in my hand a fiddle a bunch an
imitation / metaphor of a violin...
the fizzle of the mane stressed
toward the aid of the bow...

or the "new" invention of the
hammer and the nail...
counter: the ***** and the driver...
otherwise... the sickle...
and the wait-parody
of the chaff... autumn too late...
the first begotten
mill churns for flour...

                     the cement of a proper
stash of ****...
   a well deserved agony
of a browning of a loaf...
       a ceremony of sorts... beside...
wainbor and that pirate ship
of... cul de sac d.n.a. confiscations...
well! no more stupid than
no one knows who...

      a contradictory rubric:
science and it's contra: the aesthetic...
the 1960s and its hindu ****
and the western hangover materialism...
an isaiah berlin and
               the **** and the jig...
hence the... saw...
              it's still a chemical soup
of the brain in realm of psychiatry...
and those things and tender "bones"
of psychology...
em em: objective...
inclinations scarce...
          this over-worded
scholastic peacock and a gravity
guiding toward
a crux - the golgotha 1 +1 =
    and a revision upon the "thrice"...

               the better the worded
in that there must be a newly worded
vogue... a vogue of synonyms...
to scuttle... the best of the neutral:

chem. soup of the brain...
the basic fruition of the heart's
rhythmic junctions...
   the "leisures" of skin to contradict
a half-baked fathom of leather...
thus? to grow BALLz like
              and... count teeth like...
those "things" bound to
                be lodged into a scrutiny
for toothpicks in...
those grey-bits and shadows...
and those un-explored
clouts of brainz-it-freese...

less, concerning calling a dog a dog...
and more...
                        just ******* barking!
wo'ah!          blitzkrieg rotts-veil-ms.-eerie!

new photo-anti-objective
the old l.c.d. and new-hormones...
    otherwise: leash the old gorgon...
and *******... bro...

the best new transcendent...
come some old communism
of femme...
because the reality of males
and as plumbers
and the churn of rubbing charcoal...

but all those oh cherry-whipping lips!
these standards of...
my best whittle wowld
and standards...
and... octopus oogling the next
big scrutiny...
   again... truly objective...
the new hormone junkies
is... nothing new of the U.V.
subjective spectacular amazonian
mind-****: or call it...
p.t.s.d. from new vietnam...
                new drugs... new highs...
the mind less a sponge...
and the body the old platonic
                     "it" wed itself to a grotesque
slow-roasting the gall: and the *******
and the chimney sweep...
and... uvula monobrow...

             dr. and dr.'s an 'atan...
                             thus saying...
no one is being judged...
but everyone is being trampled...
my brain's the juice...
your body is a hromonal ****...
and it just so happens...
the paratroopers of the grand
-oid are...
              lost? looters?
sow the new normie...
                  who's to judge,
judge who... zoo-curious old berlin...
           that's this new old ****
i have always been looking for...
              no d.n.a. impropmptu forward...
chains and perv brilliant...

this me this new becoming...
                chappie b'oh...
                      gets ***** by an ottoman...
gets ***** by a mongol
gets ***** by a chrimp wishard geijingyjingy...
cold basics within the confines
of taipei in W(oo)...

                            loot! the scoop!
no new brave...
no new old...
   the brave old...
              and the old brave;
nasal... nasal... umbrellas...
                     umbrellas... loitering
shadows constipated to make grip
of a shin.

— The End —