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Lazhar Bouazzi May 2018
The rain ticks on the curb
Like a chronometer
Held up to a short race

As a man entering the mall
Feels his pocket for his
A grimace cracks his face.

© LazharBouazzi
K Balachandran Oct 2017
In the bejeweled chronometer dial

of the lighted night sky's grandeur,

light years unfathomable, embedded

vie with one another,

every single minute

in a scramble to all 360 degrees

creating a  perfect hallucination!

Time impishly breaks all concepts,

of linearity, circularity and the rest,

takes to directions, that pleases

in the process makes one wonder

what the distinctions we make

as  past present and future mean!

"Let's mix past with future,

put past in present and create

an ethereal symphony of time,so that

nothing gets lost, gained either"
JJ Hutton Dec 2012
on edges of swing set of summer of child
I grow -- a rust abloom while ghosts
of women once called "mother" do push
a wind a creak a falling leaf feathering
downward, candied sentiment traveling

for hope for empty swing to fill to turn
the chronometer back to *12 noon, March 6, 1972
Warren-Johnson Oct 2018
Stress ticks over inside of me, as if mechanically part of me!
And these shacking hands be that of a chronometer!
How many times have i heard,
“It will all be ok!”
I think much kinder words have been spoken!
As if they hold no part of this drastic itinerary!
Mindfully i say!

Smell take it all in!
Its not all decay!
There are roses too!

Oh, hear the beautifull song as the sparrow gayly chirps, his thanks to life!

Open my eyes!
Drink in all its beauty!

Feel the world with all my senses!
As air rushes over me!

Its all alive!

And I’m part of this great creation!

Im alive!


Thank you Jesus!
Oscillating timekeeper ticks and tocs.
Pendulous seconds bumping time forward on the face of a clock.
Father Time, that Patriarchal chronometer
that martyr, master, commander and observer.
Watch the clock, it's moved forward, did you notice time moving?
Father Time so old, and bearded, a scythe by his side waiting to cull.
Waiting is dull.
Time is a lull, a lullaby before you die.
Cronus never steps back, always marches forwards
and we the human race, suspended in time, and space
watch the clock, wishing more time away with regret,
whilst watching the clocks face.
01:45 GMT
Ignatius Hosiana Jan 2017
1-We were searching for warmth where there was only ice to find
2-We melted the ice in our souls and just caused an Avalanche in our minds
3-We were two broken people hoping our together would make us whole
Forgetting the rule of magnetism, repulsion of like poles
4-your Heart just as mine was a wide gaping abyss of a black hole
5-No matter what we did, some holes could never be filled
6-We tended the big wounds from the past, but the scars unlike the wounds could never be healed
7-Everyone said love like ours often ended in tragedy, that romance is a rose, and roses flower and fade
8-that all hellos come wrapped in their goodbyes, all beginnings pimped with the lip gloss of endings
9-that we were just another beautiful Titanic yet to encounter an iceberg and sadly we believed them
10-we didn't know that none in history ever chocked swallowing their pride, so we held on to ours as our love slipped away
11-We had bright futures left behind thus lived trying to rewind the chronometer
12-We had an obsession for art and sought sanctuary behind stories and books
13-We thought life could be one beautiful fairy tale, we thought the ambiance would be picture perfect
14-We wanted an escape from loneliness rather than to complement each other...
15-We had the best *** in the world, but never ever did we make love...
16-We always trusted facts yet some lies hold together what is broken by the tremors of truth...
17-We were accustomed to the freedom of dancing in the thundering storm so the manacles of comfort felt so uncomfortable
18-We wanted to find forever, when we hadn't crossed tumultuous bridges in the moment...
19-You were a little girl I expected to act like a lady, you pictured a man in the boy I will always be...
20-You wanted flowers, I wanted powers, you lived your life, I had mine but we ached for ours
21-It was love at first sight, we thought we could live happily ever after in a matter of hours
22-We were just frustrated by the grip life had on us so we thought we'd find the key in each other...
23-Fooled by her beauty, like Icarus we flew too close to the Sun and forgot the glowing orb of desire does burn
24-You developed a blister in your ******  that needed nine months for the doctors to help it out of you, if we squeezed it prematurely you could bleed to death... and the catechist's voice kept reminding me that doing so was itself a sin...
25-I was too young to understand that such blisters didn't ****, and the law didn't help...
26-My father didn't tell me it took pleasant pain to be him, or he probably did but I was deafened by hormones
27-Your mother said she told you and you kept contradicting, she hit you everyday and my testosterone couldn't take it... so I hit her for you, you hated me and I ran away.
28-We never loved each other, we were all running away from something, and we mistook us for a destination...
29-You had big dreams, I even had bigger dreams, the two kept sparking each time we tried to connect...
30-You squeezed a boy out of you and left him at the mercy of his blind grandmother and the tickles of cuddling infesting jiggers...
31-I blame you for having me disowned and ending my education, you blame me for everything.
32-You moved to the city, so did I... Met someone else, so did I.
33-We meet once in a while and you act like Miss world and I keep silent because I don't even have words for you.
34-Am working to get my son, you're doing everything to keep him a secret forgetting that some secrets can never be hidden, especially those with a mouth...
36-I wished I had never known you, you hated that I took your virginity...
37-Once in a while you return to my bed and I gladly welcome you, after which you cry and I comfort you
38-That's all we can be to each other now, a consolation for the melancholic love lives we are experiencing.
39-We both hate that we are apart but know we can't be together
40-For like it was before, we know everything about love but nothing about loving...
Andie Feb 2018
If a poet and a photographer fall for each other,
do they make art or love?
A wordsmith in opposition with reality, submerging into the abstractions of thought and emotion, time and space; smashing into a chronometer, yet more, one who freezes time and space, thought and emotion, in one glimmer worth more than anything discernable. What do they make together?
And a dancer and a pianist?
That’s even more disparate than the prior!
Broken bodies contorting within every imaginable plane, expressing hidden universal truths kept deep within their fluid forms. Warped feet or warped hands. Once the creator, now reduced to used. An ivory river sparkled with ebony, with which splashes and ripples could rip the hearts of men, fallen to nothing.
In the grey folds of the mind, we find worse and worse combinations, abnormalities shaping from shattered thoughts and twisted fantasies: a girl and a girl, a boy and a boy, two humans bound by the things they love. One of the infinite being the other. Impossible
for him
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2022
For every second
the chronometer gains,
the future loses two

The light retreating
time in halves
—the moment old once new

(Dreamsleep: April, 2022)
a tsunami catapulted cruising skiff
skyward landing with quiet thud
across undulating infinite granular waves
formerly solid state rocks and minerals

optimism vibrant upon initial unforeseen
crash asper for test dummies
foundered as undertow fostered diminishing hope
initial faith for survival quickly ebbed

nsync with retreating tidal wave
pessimism dreamt fantastical holograms
farther from beached berth
immediately transformed into quicksand,

while off in the distance
a glimmering chimera
(the first of many) appeared
amidst the desert sands one mirage

after another falsely broken promise
buoyed drained salvation
quick decision decreed each man for himself
thus disseminating banded bruited "brothers"

condemnation, damnation, excoriation, fulmination
hurled at cosmic creator thwarting intercession
dehydration, exhaustion, ingratiation, jubilation
foretold merciless portentous demise

witheringly desiccating lovely bones of mine
no doubt raw elements of nature wrought
fate worse than death sans, cabin "mates"
lost among expanse of whittled quartz

across chronometer measuring millions of years
now subjecting one measly mortal i.e. me
to cruel unforgiving, unrelenting,
unwelcoming petty coated junction

blistering hot wind obliterated
fellow travelers convoy deeply
within diabolical dunes
eternally erased doom

awaited for 21st century explorers
to discover scattered wreckage
both beast of burden, outrigged contrivance
and starry trekkers, who vanished without a trace

a handful of scrappy rapscallion existences
blotted (like ink, oil, or other liquid sponged),
where subsequent seasons
of wicked bewitched slow torture

akin to being raked over hot coals
exception made for this interminable sufferer
at the whim of sadistic
persona non grata evil spirit

n'er obliterating diehard survivor instinct
a foreigner to yours truly
but atavistic primitive fight or flight
witnessed relieved whence absently blinking

this life married to indiscriminate
clamped, harried, styled devilishness
evaporated in thin air
upon tentatively opening myopic brown eyes
horror, twas boot a dream.
Steve Page Jun 2018
Startled at the turn of twelve
Not any other time
Her cultured tones sound so amazed
Before the expected chime

What is it that's shocked her so
Whatever could be the matter
Is it the echo of some past time
Or some rival chronometer

At the third stroke she'll be oh so precise
And disclose the appointed hour
She'll watch each minute slowly disappear
My most reliable of voyeurs.
The UK talking clock is a wonderful companion.  She always sounded surprised at 'twelve o'clock precisely'
Julio May 2019
The loose notebooks
they walk around here and there,
taken out of hiding.
As the syndrome of Estolcomo

I see white walls
almost empty, almost
the free space
even within the walls,
I like space.

Light plays with the smoothness of the painting
tersuras of the picture, that I love,
that I saw him born,
smooth, creamy

The sounds come from above,
I put them there.
The hammock on the curtain.
The head of the condor in its place.

 And January Quetzal dominates everything,
before the mysterious look of the ebony slave,
on the corks of a thousand amazing wines.
And the universe according to the Tafi,
in the center of everything,
stars, the Moon,
under a round of fused hands.

All the bones are,
antlers, horns,
breastplates, fangs,
teeth, breastplates, tails.

Stones, rocks,
shells, conches,
more stones,
Eternal stones!

Compasses with watches,
the Russian chronometer,
ready as always,
the alarm clock of Churri.

While the notebooks enjoy their freedom,
and they come and go
And I do not draw anything

A beautiful female in her dresser chair,
who always turns his back on me,
yearning and fearful,
always beautiful.

How many beaches,
how many roads,
hills, mountains,
open immensities,
and traveled páramos.

Life does not stop!

— The End —