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Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
.like i insinuated prior, the English are a people not competent in philosophy, they're the antithesis of what a people, inclined to philosophy represent... schematic, rigidity, like the German... or the frequent cafe bullshitters of the French, the English can't consecrate themselves on the altar of Sophia, they just can't... they're a people that succumbed to too much practicality, egalitarianism... no one attempts to write in Utopia, while not seeking to find Atlantis.

so the whole Greece, Troy,
Rome shuffle is about over?
i'm feeling slightly peckish
and i don't have the time...
i'm about to light the house
up using... light-bulbs...
don't you think that a name
akin to: Paul, Digit,
sounds great?!

don't get me wrong,
the English are a people bound
to other, gifts...
they can sing,
although... Aud Lang Syne
is a Pict song...
and the river-dance is pure Ire...

great sophists,
but philosophers?
they're too practical,
i'm trying to read
Sartre's being & nothingness
in English...
i simply, can't...
      it doesn't make sense...
if you gave me a copy
of the same book
in ******-speak...
i'd butcher it...
   but in English?

metaphor moment:
like catching the testicles of
a mosquito, wearing boxing

fiddly ******...

sure... each country has its
career ambition...
russian and the romanians
and the bulgarians have
their gymnastics...
the brazilians and the germans
have their footie...

the English have their singing
and their poetry...
but philosophy?
      nope... not even close...
Oasis' wonderwall
will be remembered,
and even sang along to on
the continent...

                   but thomas more's
or thomas hobbe's leviathan...
ever tried to read more than
twenty pages
    of joseph conrad's
         heart of darkness... ?
ever find eating porridge
equivalent to parachuting
   in terms of the level of excitement?

chill... the English have their virtues...
but the English are also
prone to call philosophy
impractical, verbiage, word salad...
because philosophy already
is an impracticality,
an impasse...
          it's supposed to be,
           it's not exactly an Ikea schematic
reading to assemble a *******
             it's Picasso, cubism,
       see if you can see a cube in
the mesh of contortions of other geometric

              the English do not do philosophy...
sorry... they don't...
whatever argument arises citing
the "need" for: "reason" and, "logic"
will not cut it for me...
reason? since God doesn't intervene...
well... the unfathomable depth of
human will... reason: the same freedom
as posited prior to: the unfathomable depth...

logic? 1 + 1 = 2...
      a + n + d | s + o = and so...
the English are barons over other traditions
of expression...
music being 1, poetry being 2...

hey, Polacks are decent at volleyball...
i'm not complaining,
it's not exactly a popular sport...

but no... no chance in hell will i read
a philosophy book in this language...
i can't, the language is already too shrapnel
for me... i need to clarify a focus
on an idea...
        language, the English language,
can't entertain the current "transcendental"
logistics of undermining the individual /
plural use of pronouns,
while also keeping a straight face
in other areas of thinking...

     i could have conceded to the whole
globalist liberalism of ideas...
but... looking at the other flank?
attacking grammar... ****... sorry...
                as if... i will bow down
to un-existing before my wedding with death.

that being said,
i think the English are in a dire need to relearn
their black sense of humor,
their islander sense of isolationist humor,
their: bizarre unpredictability...
  since they lost it...
             to a certain degree...
i'd say: relearn to laugh at what is,
otherwise unforgiven in other cultures...
more crass Americanism...
and... well...
                can you ever learn to
cry when experiencing beauty?
musically, that is, esp. in the musical
                    i always hated this:
"you're laughing, but actually crying...
you're crying, but actually laughing"
        i never came around to fathom this
          straight down...
    i'll laugh at a funeral...
            teasing death...
   but i'll cry over a decent piece of music, to boot.
Zachary Fore Oct 2010
I hate woodstock
I hate the whole
mainstream counterculture

why embrace something as alternative
when society itself is evolving to be just that?

I almost desire to be
the textbook,
worker drone
family man

but I figure,
I'll push in a different direction
than anyone I know

most writers are
especially the best

I could imagine Sartre
before fans,
promising a world he couldn't provide

I think all writers
at their core,
are idealists

when that ceases,
they can no longer write

or turn
to nonfiction
chloe fleming Nov 2017
I used to want to be a doctor.
I wanted to save lives and help others,
but now that I am older and have seen how humanity is,
I can't save anyone.
I can barely help myself.
Most mornings,  I struggle to get out of my unmade bed
And sometimes the only way to get dressed is to take those pills.
The ones that are supposed to make me "happy" or some ****.
What is "happy"?
Happiness is becoming a doctor and proving to your parents,
You did it. You made something of yourself.
Happiness is showering at 9 am instead of 3 pm just because you couldn't stop crying.
Happiness is being home alone without the fear of that medicine cabinet.
I am still figuring out what happiness without expectation is,
But there are still days when I want to become a doctor.
Save lives and help others.
But for now, I am saving my own life by helping myself.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2018
oh i can tell you why Brexit happened...
apparently in light of the European
i was not European enough,
a mongrel, a ******* Mongol...
eastern Europeans are Mongols,
mind you...
                i'm pretty sure the Brexit vote
because the A8 joined...
        when the Eatern European joined
the old post-colonial powers...
plenty of Pakistanis...
     do i mind?
do i ******* care?!
i don't care...
you deal with: the minding!
  i have an inheritance tax
without any ceremonial
your **** is your ******* ****...
plus the Arab, and the curry...
            i'm no *******
vierte *****: *****-whip...
you ******* yo-yo oreo!
        mind you?
put me down on this one...
i hate the Poles...
i ******* hate the Poles...
   what they did to the Chernobyl me?
i hate the Polacks...
    don't like them...
               i'd rather spit
than talk to them...
   i've learned my lesson...

                    i hate them more than
the Germans, or the Russians...
i hate them with the sort of hatred
reserved for
  Judas Priests...
   i abhor the ****** catholicism...
it makes me... cringe...
                then i think:
thickens the thong -
better than the Islamic
crap to mind making a boot...

Brexit only happened because
of the supposed invasion of the A8...
   the Pakistani mobile gave off a jitter -
somehow the "excess" Europeans
              whites combined with
Europeans mingled...
big problem for the Pakistanis...
Brexit only happened because
"eastern" Europe joined the
vierte *****...
  well... "joined"...
   some of us had enough sense as
to keep the currency...
  ******* Pakistani bullshitters...
i thought English girls loved
being gang-****-******?!
   my bad...

                the joining of the A8
disrupted the presence of Britain in
the EU...
         thumbs up on the curry-sauce...
thumbs down on the Baltic
guess what?!
you ******* British Empire
  relief contra racism with an
Empire disintegrating!


                   sure, beseech alliances
outside of Europe...
  seek them, find them,
govern them...
      the next time you come shoveling your
**** into my: awareness...
i'll be asking...
so... Rotherham...

          no, not really... don't bother me
with that sort of ****...
you deal with your *******...
before shoving your ***** into my mouth
expecting me to gargle
on the produce...

               you're closer to Pakistan
than i am to Mongolia...
you draw the the postcard...
i'll draw the pretty picture.

don't get me wrong, thought,
i hate the Polacks...
i don't belong between them...
   i'd prefer to be strapped to a Hydra
of homeless dogs...
than exercise the humanity
of a shared tongue
with these... mongrels;
mind you... the British are just as
bad... when it comes
to their, mongrel stature.
When I was a child my mother gave me the best piece of advice I ever received
To love everything, even if I didn’t think it deserved to be loved
Because everything deserves to be loved
When I was a child was the only time I truly followed this advice
I thought of the most evil person in the world to a child living in the 90s
Saddam Hussein
And I sat there repeating to myself, I love you Saddam Hussein
I didn't just say it though
I really tried to feel it
I imagined Saddam as a child, with a mother, like myself
I imagined how she must have felt
Watching him sleep, watching him play, watching him laugh
I took that feeling and tried to stretch it out like an elastic blanket
And wrap the whole world in its warmth
To love everything
It seemed to work and I was happy

Now I’m 29 and I hate everything
I hate my job, I hate the media, I hate politicians,
I hate the bullshitters, I hate people too stupid to *******
Which is all just to say, I hate myself
But sitting here, alone, with a broken leg
I’m getting nostalgic
I imagine myself as a child, with a mother
I imagine how she must have felt
Watching me sleep, watching me play, watching me laugh
I wrap myself in that feeling
And it seems to work
Carissa Dickey Apr 2012
Why do we strive to be something we're not? Why do girls wish they were tall, tan, skinny and blonde? Why do we alter our bodies to make sure we look a certain way? Because that's what the TV, magazines, movies, and models all tell us is beautiful. The media's definition of beauty is a skinny girl with mile-long legs, big ***** and an amazing ***, all topped off with perfectly tanned skin, a flawless complexion, long flowing tresses, big, **** smouldering eyes and wonderfully plump lips. But in all honesty, what are the odds of someone looking like this with absolutely no surgical alterations to their body? Slim, my friend. It PAINS me to see so many girls try to attain this level of "beauty" that is so accepted by our society. The medial has such influence in our lives, and unfortunately, we listen. We think that their definition of beauty is right and attainable and "We can look just like celebrities with the help of THIS special product!" I wish I didn't see ten year-old girls already trying so hard. They're wearing barely-even-there shorts, low tops that reveal nothing but a flat chest, hair that's already been dyed, makeup that's way too heavy, and they do this because they think they'll be pretty if they look like the ******* the cover of Seventeen Magazine. "If I look like her then maybe my crush will finally notice me and think I'm beautiful!"
Sweetie, you're ten. Stop trying and go have fun. I want to climb somewhere up high and have every single female in the world as my audience, no matter what their age, listening to my voice. I would tell them to ignore our society's definition of beauty because it's just WRONG. You're GORGEOUS the way you are! Don't change that! How can we try to look like the girls on magazines when they're photoshopped so much that they're hardly recognizable? That is fake beauty - that's the kind made by a team of expert bullshitters. They photoshop and photoshop until they are happy with the beautiful monster they have created. They do this to make all the girls look "better." Why does she need to look better if she's already perfect how God made her? There's no way we can possibly look like those girls, because what you see on the cover, isn't what's there in real life. But why do we still try to look like them even if we know the truth about the team of magazine editors? Because we're not happy. We're not satisfied. We're not content with ourselves physically, so maybe if we try harder to look "better," we'll feel better about ourselves. Now don't get me wrong, I don't see anything wrong with doing things like working out, eating right, and taking care of yourself physically so that you feel feel better about yourself and gain confidence. But where so many women and girls go wrong is they abuse the things that help you improve your overall health or looks. They try so hard to fit a certain stereotype that doing these things eventually becomes unhealthy. There is no amount of throwing up, exercising, or eating like a  bird that will give you confidence. That comes from within. That comes from being happy with yourself and how you look. When we finally accept the woman God created each of us to be, then that confidence will follow soon after. We have to accept the fact that God made us the way we are for a reason. I am made in God's image - I am fearfully and wonderfully made. We are ALL made in God's glorious image and we are ALL fearfully and wonderfully made. So stop trying to change your looks. You weren't meant to look like the girls on the magazines. You were meant to look like YOU. And honey, lemme tell ya: you're gorgeous. So embrace not just your outer beauty, but your inner beauty as well. At the end of the day, looks will fade, but personality is something you're stuck with forever. So make sure that you can stand to be around yourself. And don't let the media and society dictate how you should look - don't buy their lies. God is absolutely in love with YOU. He loves you - not the media's twisted, altered version of you. We were all made uniquely, so let's embrace our unique beauty. Let the world's view and opinions bounce off you, their lies reaching deaf ears. You don't need them. You need to look in the mirror, see God's handiwork and appreciate it. He loves you more than you could ever fathom, and guess what? Impurities and all, God still thinks you are soooo beautiful. And in the end, His opinion is the only one that really matters.
Rob Sandman Jun 2017
Trip Sitter Poem by Rob Sandman

We’ve all got a friend like this of course,
Istabraq, Seabiscuit the ould warhorse,
Snortin like a whale inhaling at the surface,
Smokes til just lookin’ at them makes your lungs hurt its-
Amazing grace while you’re off your face messed up,
They’re in the corner laughin' - not a hair mussed up,
Not out of place in the place to be,
The opposite in fact a life saver to see,
Always at your back with a friendly shoulder,
A spliff, skins smokes-well timed glass of water

Not immune or a ******- just seasoned,
When you’re lost-beyond all reason,
Lost the end of your sentence?-they’ve got it,
a well tuned part in the heart of the party chaotic,
The calm center of the whirlpool, Deadpool-
Quick with a line, not too cuttin’ but nobodies fool,
trip sitter, designated brain at the sesh,
A little OCD maybe, but  nonetheless,

We’re all thankful with a full tankful
Its gas havin' a laugh knowin' you can bank full-
Confidence in your mates if you trip,

But no mercy with the quips,  quick! zip your lips
If you’re not in full control of the tongue,
They’ll be followin’ the slips and zip down your lungs
You’re a wounded gazelle on the plains and they’ll lunge,
Like a cheetah once you’ve taken the plunge

I’m not talkin of only one person of course,
We all take turns as the tour de force-
goes round
Like a Merry go round sound friends abound
While you’re bewildered the wildebeest takes the crown,
Don’t know about you, but I’m blessed with a few true-
Trip sitters babysitters life fitters diametrically opposed to bullshitters

*Sideplitters with one liners that leave you gaspin’
For air beyond compare got the grasp and flavor
Best savour the moments-they’re all too few ,
Best friends are saviours  who help you pull through,
So lets all give thanks to the big hitters,
Thanks lads and lasses I’m always grateful for me trip sitters!
This is a poem for my Mates, we all have each others backs,
we've all been the "Calm at the Center of the Storm" for one another,
I hope you're all blessed in the same way,
Watch this Space for an E.C. Podcast featuring Music, Laughs, and (more than) Occasional over the top Language and abuse!
Tommy Johnson Aug 2014
The drifter and the comely young women who gleamed with charisma walk passed the rabble-rousers on their way to tie the knot

The rabble-rousers cheer, tossing out superlatives, praising their oncoming matrimony
The young woman is chomping at the bit to finally settle down
The drifter is on the same boat, he can't keep living the life of a rolling stone
He's gonna give the married life a whirl

She has her dress in a brown paper bag and he has on the shiniest cuff links this side of the Pacific

Some say they just portrayed a happy couple
But behind closed doors they had hidden intentions
But I'd wager that they truly loved each other  
But my my opinion is superfluous, they know in their hearts what they're doing is right
So they got that going for them

They make their way to the ****** who is set to marry the two
Until they are ambushed by pinheads with the gift of gab and know it all's who know nothing  but still try to talk out of their ***** even though their heads are already wedged tightly up them already

Egregious questions and tauntings of habitual bullshitters
What was God thinking during their creation?
Good thing the worst of them all has been tarred and feather and ran out of town on a rail, or so I've been told

They finally reach their destination and say their vows right off their cuffs
Say I do, kiss with just me in attendance
And leave all these sheep all these irritants behind
And embark on their new life together
jeffrey robin Sep 2011
aint no fear
aint no fear a fear
aint nothin but love
and tomorrow
hurry! hurry!! hurry!!!
today is the day of
bullshitters bullshittin
f--k em!
into hell
lookin for each other
Tessa Tomlin Jun 2011
A blanket of exuberance
has been unexpectedly
ripped out
of my eye sockets

Through the initial bleeding
only blurs are visualized,
but time moves
and I can see

Everything around is ugly
and dark and smelly.
Bullshitters cannot even
bother to whisper-

so I hear their
inflated words and gossip
and lies. They look

but it’s not that.
They are disgusting
and ugly
and evil.

Though direct confrontation
between them and I
never occurs
their talons scar my presence.

They throw a different
blanket into me, covering
my perceptions and
numbing me

They bring me down
until I can feel
the worms under my skin-
until I’m just as ugly.
Eryri Sep 2018
My neighbour's a big hitter,
Within the Chartered Institute of Bullshitters,
He tells me he's a spy,
But he knows I know it's a lie!

Why does he say these things?!

Like the time he defused a bomb,
Or when he came first in a marathon.
I do, though, admire his conviction,
When telling me these outrageous fictions.

Why does he say these things?!

One day I will challenge his ****-and-bull stories,
Tell him I know it's all jack-a-nory.
But for now I take delight in stories, like:
His solo circumnavigation of the globe...on a tandem bike!

So I ask for the last time:

Why, oh why, does he say say these things?!
Jeffrey Robin Apr 2016

blow thru the world

Makin it clean


Tiny child

Filthy *****

( Soul **** )

****** of purity


Wars rage


Poets sit and *******

( thinking of their " Joey ! " )


Patriots are screaming

Phony love for a dead country


All the religious folk

Talking of a god they do not know


All bullshitters

Whose love is fake

All the same stupidity


Write away

Till you bore yourself to death


Or be free

from your cookie cutter lives
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
who are these people fooling? light "pollution"?! sure, if you're standing directly under a streetlamp, i could concede a point being validated... but in the scottish highlands, near ben nevis, drinking ***** in a smoky bothy - where light "pollution" is zero through to nil, down the road from a pub that served up sheepshagger ale; did i see more stars? i hardly think so; it almost feels biblical when they show you the heavens on television, and the heavens you see at night with the naked eye: what, that's it?!

winter is knocking on our doors
like the angel of death on the doors of acient
            the first night that amounts
to seeing frost,
as i once mentioned, paparazzi frost -
twist your head, twist is right,
   the frost paparazzi are taking snaps,
more so, they look like stars...
these tiny diamonds -
      there are more stars on earth than
there are stars in the heavens...
           winter is knocking on the door
of late autumn...
     frost paparazzi are at it again...
i'm holding a glass of ms. amber and my
finger start feeling numbed -
pinched by the ***** of frost pinching
at me...
                 **** feels good...
          the moon is slightly but just about
right the paleness of azure,
          an orb of a frothing sea...
  and there's that debate of light "pollution"...
the **** are you talking about,
seems to me the grand lying dragon fell to earth,
i see more constellations in william blake's
account with the naked eye, observed:
there are more stars in the heavens than there
are grains of sand on the shores of england...
well... hardly.
    even in the remoteness of the scottish
highlands, i see as many stars as i do
in central london... light pollution by ***...
            the dragon fell to earth
and dragged more than a "fair" share of a third...
        bullshitters in the propaganda
machinery of television never poised to
disclose the william blake naked eye observation...
once more, paparazzi frost amounts to
more stars during winter,
than the stars above...
            man has, to be adequately said,
in need of humbling...
this one convict called be a hunchback angel...
*garbaty anioł
- well, no, paul was wrong,
rather i was wrong:
boże czemu to tak boli,
           usłyszymy zór pizdy garbatego anioła
i.e. god, why does it hurt so much,
we'll hear the tongue of a
                      hunchback angel's *****!
man has walked the walk of pride for
to long, he needs a hunchback baptism -
             i find has lost a degree of respect
in being humbled for too long...
                man has walked too proud,
too solipsistic for at least 50 years,
50 years is enough,
        man requires a humbling...
               you know what is identifiable about
a hunchback angel...
islam will tell you...
                iblis / satan is the hunchback angel...
whatever the koran states:
         satan did bow, but regretted it,
since he became lodged into a perpetual
the islamic story is actually a story of
japanese etiquette...
  iblis was asked to perform a dogeza -
hence the pose of the praying muslim - sujud -
when in fact he rebelled and performed
a seiritsu -
   he was, unfathomably tested -
god said, perform a dogeza before adam,
satan replied: but i only bid
myself most humbled & most ashsmed
before you in that pose -
   god insisted, and as satan began
to procrastinate before the icon of adam -
god stopped him at the stage of seiritsu.
    akin to milton,
      i find the story more in the great
humanitarian's favour,
     than in the story of the bench-marking despot.
my, could you ever find more perfect
similarities, the map of europe
circa 1347 - 1351 - the black plague -
and the years circa 2001 - 2017 pending -
the spread of islam -
and what area is still, persuasively, immune?
either that, or they clearly wash their hand
after taking a ****...
   hygienic hypersensitivity...
                      and yes, inside poland you
hear of the idiotic catholic conservatives,
    but at least there's some humour in that,
rather than the bombastic sound of terrorist bombs...
history replica -
   islam is the black plague for the poles...
         given the geographic proofs...
     god, i just love writing religious poetics,
it just has to be the most fertile ground for
    secularism is so barren for the poetic
                  there's always the zeitgeist to mind,
there's always the mundane everyday *******,
that always follows up with:
    i'd sooner be seen trainspotting that crowd
surfing with a populist "poem for the people"
sort of material; seriously,
  trainspotting over pop. poetic creep-custard
of verbiage.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
****, no better hard-on apart from listening to some bruce springsteen and reading something from the book of malachi...

  my name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets: i.e. in english...

         good on y'ah pastor...

                 i admit, oh lord,
distinguishing between the righteous and
the religious folk...
hard to tell the tale of either,
most excruciating is when,
the two congregate...

     malachi (4:6)
he will turn the hearts of the parents to their children,
and the hearts of the children to their parents;
or else i will come and strike the land
   with total destruction.

you know my offering unto my father
this father's days?
the usual...
taking out the *******,
cooking some food,
          watering the flowers
in the garden...
  it wasn't a carboard cut-out
******* of the west...
oh, i'm well versed in bible jargon...

        i'm half a man? i'm not insulted...
because i didn't grow up to be a man
and have children?
  talk about a miracle being
a walking abortion!
      isn't kierkegaard or nietzsche
or kant the hälftemann?
"half" the man?
   so much for the "Übermensch",
more like: parodiemensch these days...
send the teens to the cinema
while the parents stay at home,
when, the inverse was corrected
and the parents went to the cinema
and when kid sitters were required...
like... shirley maclaine: hot as ****...
and the whole gig of trampolines...
or whatever you called them in the 1960s...
elevator operators... ****...
that's what you called them...

****... better start telling the pro-life
movement that,
whenever i ******* into a tissue
i get a sense of being the next
pol ***...
        i guess the ***** was always
dead in me,
   and "magically" became
                             alive in a woman...
well: here's to another genocide...
oh sure...
    having started aged 8,
     castration wouldn't be a problem...
the male sensation of an ******
isn't related to ******* anything as such...
you can experience an ******
as an 8 year old...
   but there's no ***** to be *******...
        prostitutes are pro-life,
but they don't gamble / bribe the argument...
that was the worst time in my life...
   being bribed: the "oops" moment...
there was about as much "oops" in
that moment, as there was kama sutra
in oppenheimer's vedic citation.
or is that somehow related to shooting
out hollow eggs all the time,
              it was one thing to call
me irresponsible,
another: no legal contract,
                           ­ that's probably the only
reason i ever went to a *******...
had to check the ground...
  fiddle my way through
some sort of justification
    in order to not be shouted down
by some day-time agony aunt jerry
springer host on t.v.,
            and to be honest?
   once that brothel transaction went through?
and i saw with clear eyes,
what an authentic transaction looks like?
all that pandering, dates,
   clothes shopping...
             give me a cube:
   i'll put it through the square hole...
give me an sphere,
              i'll put it through the circle hole.

my present for father's day?
my daddy-oh received a letter from
the p.m. of england,
mr. cameron, how he was the goodie-goodie
good-shoe tight left foot bloat
when paying taxes...
    paid them...
                  a regular at the tax olympics...
me? i don't pay taxes,
i don't earn enough...
i have a student loan...
almost halfway through,
once i reach 30+ years it will be written
              i'd pay... if i landed
a chemistry job... since working in
a supermarket is all i'm ever going to get?
**** 'em...
              i'll wait... then i'll take the
dutch youth route of asking for
euthanasia... well... it's not like i will
jive to have a life worth of living
for... just... strangers...

see, i have found release...
   i'm so unterribly unjealous of my father...
he can have all the praises...
he's also an only-child,
abandoned by his mother and father,
raised by his grandparents...
   i'm half a man by not risking
to establish a family, a legacy,
by marrying?
you know... funny that...
i'd rather take my chances
with a grizzly bear than a woman...
at least me and a grizzly is
a 1-on-1 interaction...
no third party bullshitters in-between...
no bureaucratic stalemates,
no bureaucratic no-man's land...
no bureaucratic frustration...
                  me, grizzly:
either i skin the ******,
or? i get mauled... easy-peasy-japanese!
i like that absolute "conundrum"...

oh i still live with my parents...
england, housing shortage...
        this is probably the right time to "love"
your parents...
or at least mind them,
i don't mind them, i do most of the household
chores, then i drink at night...
they don't mind me drinking:
unless... unless i don't shower for more than
2 days... then i start to stink of a brewery...
well... either this or...
the forest floor, or homeless in loon'don...
not much choice... certainly no environment
for a girlfriend...
and, girlfriend, mind you...

    i like listening to all these vollmensch:
the full men...
   so wise, so wise,
with their wife and children,
always with the ideal prescription
for existence!
               taken risk, bounty,
result! boo y'ah!
              yes, when you already have
what you're prescribing others to take...
mind you...
again, to reiterate...
       kant was a bachelor...
                   i like that he completed his
adventure into "manhood" as less
an atheist: in need of people to be listened to
akin to chrissy hitchens...
   and more a solipsist...
              i guess i'm the child
of his thinking...
  so much for ******* i guess...
ugh... the anglophile world and its
fanaticism surrounding darwinism
and the big bang (bang, bang in a vacuum?)...
genes and i.q.,
what dry intellectual debates...
proper suited to a butcher's shop than
a cafe, and... god forbid a brothel!
give me a slab of raw beef meat
and an english tongue and i'll
cut you the same slab of something
worth satiating the hungry palette.

   h'america is still christ crazed,
sitting down congregation in easy armchairs...
armored to the **** with futility after futility
to mar the existence of the atom bomb:
more bullets, more guns, more money...
nuclear is the antithesis of warfare...
one drop, the end... who needs a war akin
to that?

                    i stopped looking toward h'america
a long time ago...
                   england is choking me as it is...
i'm looking toward germany come early 20th century
thought... ****... maybe i should be looking
toward to Moldova, anything but this,
any form of escapism will help...
   Greenland, the Faroe Islands...
i'll go as far as to say:
i'd quit drinking...
           if i was contracted a decent ****
from Tehran.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
i feel sorry for most of these muslim guys, their parents took to despotic integration, facilitated by the obvious paradox of: "being" english, yet retaining an olive skin. shame on their parents, in all honesty. my parents tried the same "trick" by asking me to speak only english in the household... but after the 1997 incident my outright answer was a echoing: NO, which still resonates to this day. imagine introducing the concept of "illegal immigration" to a pre-teen kid, imagine the death-stare of the same boy, looking at home office officers... then imagine the boy punching the wall so hard as to almost break his knuckles, with the notion of leaving behind the friendships he established at primary school... reason with a child... good luck.

and i mean this with the utmost sincerity -
you can only truly integrate into a society,
given, that you also retain your native culture,
there's no cake and eating it too scenario...
thankfully i knew one muslim from
my school days who: every time he spoke
his native urdu - always appeared to me as:
humbled, that there was a father figure
hovering above him like a halo.
   now that, that: i respect.
what i do not, respect, is when people
try to "fit in" too callously -
        they turn the native's tongue upside
down, and create clapper-slang...
   with an audience of awaiting seals who
clap an approval and being taunted on?!
don't think so...
  sure mate, you got the tongue,
    but your skin is a bit of a shtick...
        can't fool me...
                and the saddest thing of all...
the children, who miss out on
the prospect of bilingualism,
  i knew a couple once...
he the fresh potato irish turned liverpudlian,
she coming from high stock *raj
tea farming in india... owners: not the workers,
but the sad thing was: the children were
not bilingual, i.e. "schizophrenic",
what? apparently in england, bilingualism
is a mental disorder synonymous with
                  odd... don't you think?
- but it's just sad that parents become traitors
to their native cultures, by insisting to
speak english, and only english...
  for some "strange" reason i had a drive
to encrust mother and **** my acquired
                 no english tongue will step into
this home,
                  unless it be met with
lazy / broken-tongue polish...
    which incorporates some english words...
like: weekend, nap, *******.
                    if only these muslim youngsters
had better parents, who didn't
desire to overtly integrate into a white
society, if they retained some native spreschen...
they'd be much more,
if they only allowed bilingualism...
       this organic fact is really hard to
fathom - an organic body with an
inorganic tongue is like a mind
with the notion of a soul that turned
the anti-philosopher's stone and turned it
into: ****.
                  besides the point,
  it came to me by the most unusual of places,
parallel, to say the least, convergent in
a back alley of a railway station, akimbo,
smoking some ***...
   the exact same words...
so i gave this homeless man 10 quid
for some fire to warm up for the night
   (carlsberg extra strong 9%,
  not bad, tried it myself,
   notably when introducing citric acid
to the can) -
and he said:
                        'my mama said to never lie.'
my mother also said:
         'never lie.'
    so many budding writers could have
emerged, so many, and so many of the existing
novelists could be memorable,
if, and only if: they weren't so good liars.        
         it's easier with poetry:
in poetry you don't have liars, bullshitters,
instead of exaggerations you have
that ever familiar: idealism -
the ideal lover, without the idea of a lover,
the ideal thief, without the idea of a thief of hearts:
   always toward an ideal,
        as always, toward ad nauseam...
it's just plain common sense to spot
the fakers in poetry...
               poached meat, fried meat,
barbecued meat...
                              fakers never write raw,
it's never a plate of: stake tartar.
I’m washing my hands - - of all the bullshitters.
Fake friends who only wanna be around when my pockets get bigger.
When the cheese get thicker, ****** quick to want a slice from it.
****** who ain’t never around when I’m balling on a budget, but wanna come around when I’m flooded.
I’m cleaning up.

cleaning up.
Can’t trust ****** as far as they can be thrown.
Everybody wanna call shots, wanna sit on the throne.
****, it’s not enough originals, ****** wanna be clones.
Copycat ******, got me wasting lines on this poem.

I’m cleaning up.
Waking all these demons up.
Eviction notices poppin,
They can’t come to where I’m going if they’re only gonna stop me.
If they’re only gonna weigh me down, or try to block me.
I gotta clean up, this road ASAP, it was rocky.
Yenson Jan 2022
In the lowlands
blanched and vacuous
they all have full-time employment
at the manure Factory
where its fulfilling to them shovelling *******
as they all are full of it
it got even better when Red bull shone through
and they become hooked on colour
now they all shovel red *******
in muck and slimy turds
now they know they have found their passion
and in red bulls
they are living their best lives
bullshitters full of *******
blanched vacuous and pathetically happy
Yenson Nov 2020
In the metropolis of superficialities
where text speak is now the lingua franca
and *** means surprise and emoji's tells it all
statistics says literacy level is low reading books lower
stars and celebrities pile out to admit they've never read a book

Walk with the vulnerable at lower ends
is escapism in ignorance and uninformed minds
all milling in emotional malaise and defensive angsts
where semblance rages and substance is a white powder
life becomes a drama of pretext and most are mere method actors

In vacuous air bullshitters ply their trades
each with spins on limiting realities they confront
hiding in comforting delusions or attacking with delusions
whilst in fears and confusion their inner selves quake coreless
without the gradual build of learning that shapes the minds sublime

So without informed understanding
in selves or environs or the wider global vistas
half minds gorge on fake news, misinformation and ripe lies
beastly minds in tamed puppets prey to the prevailing fashion as it
the sheepherders know the score as did Pol *** did to burn all books

This is democracy, people's power and we don't need books

He was the was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who governed Cambodia as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea
Those that have taken the time to study and learn enough to own their own minds can tell you how Pol ***'s regime ended and the unspeakable horrors and destruction this regime occasioned. Yes, it was all done for Democracy and peoples power and it still goes on cause sometimes or most of the time we cannot learn the lessons of history because the majority have no minds.

— The End —