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Apr 2012
Why do we strive to be something we're not? Why do girls wish they were tall, tan, skinny and blonde? Why do we alter our bodies to make sure we look a certain way? Because that's what the TV, magazines, movies, and models all tell us is beautiful. The media's definition of beauty is a skinny girl with mile-long legs, big ***** and an amazing ***, all topped off with perfectly tanned skin, a flawless complexion, long flowing tresses, big, **** smouldering eyes and wonderfully plump lips. But in all honesty, what are the odds of someone looking like this with absolutely no surgical alterations to their body? Slim, my friend. It PAINS me to see so many girls try to attain this level of "beauty" that is so accepted by our society. The medial has such influence in our lives, and unfortunately, we listen. We think that their definition of beauty is right and attainable and "We can look just like celebrities with the help of THIS special product!" I wish I didn't see ten year-old girls already trying so hard. They're wearing barely-even-there shorts, low tops that reveal nothing but a flat chest, hair that's already been dyed, makeup that's way too heavy, and they do this because they think they'll be pretty if they look like the ******* the cover of Seventeen Magazine. "If I look like her then maybe my crush will finally notice me and think I'm beautiful!"
Sweetie, you're ten. Stop trying and go have fun. I want to climb somewhere up high and have every single female in the world as my audience, no matter what their age, listening to my voice. I would tell them to ignore our society's definition of beauty because it's just WRONG. You're GORGEOUS the way you are! Don't change that! How can we try to look like the girls on magazines when they're photoshopped so much that they're hardly recognizable? That is fake beauty - that's the kind made by a team of expert bullshitters. They photoshop and photoshop until they are happy with the beautiful monster they have created. They do this to make all the girls look "better." Why does she need to look better if she's already perfect how God made her? There's no way we can possibly look like those girls, because what you see on the cover, isn't what's there in real life. But why do we still try to look like them even if we know the truth about the team of magazine editors? Because we're not happy. We're not satisfied. We're not content with ourselves physically, so maybe if we try harder to look "better," we'll feel better about ourselves. Now don't get me wrong, I don't see anything wrong with doing things like working out, eating right, and taking care of yourself physically so that you feel feel better about yourself and gain confidence. But where so many women and girls go wrong is they abuse the things that help you improve your overall health or looks. They try so hard to fit a certain stereotype that doing these things eventually becomes unhealthy. There is no amount of throwing up, exercising, or eating like a  bird that will give you confidence. That comes from within. That comes from being happy with yourself and how you look. When we finally accept the woman God created each of us to be, then that confidence will follow soon after. We have to accept the fact that God made us the way we are for a reason. I am made in God's image - I am fearfully and wonderfully made. We are ALL made in God's glorious image and we are ALL fearfully and wonderfully made. So stop trying to change your looks. You weren't meant to look like the girls on the magazines. You were meant to look like YOU. And honey, lemme tell ya: you're gorgeous. So embrace not just your outer beauty, but your inner beauty as well. At the end of the day, looks will fade, but personality is something you're stuck with forever. So make sure that you can stand to be around yourself. And don't let the media and society dictate how you should look - don't buy their lies. God is absolutely in love with YOU. He loves you - not the media's twisted, altered version of you. We were all made uniquely, so let's embrace our unique beauty. Let the world's view and opinions bounce off you, their lies reaching deaf ears. You don't need them. You need to look in the mirror, see God's handiwork and appreciate it. He loves you more than you could ever fathom, and guess what? Impurities and all, God still thinks you are soooo beautiful. And in the end, His opinion is the only one that really matters.
Written by
Carissa Dickey
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