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kate mckay Sep 2014
neglecting leads to Brocken adults
Brocken child hood a troubled teen
I don't wont no more counselling sessions
I wont a new life one were
I didn't get dads fists  in my face and ribs or stomach
I don't get bullied
were I never started self harm to cope
I don't have a fear of guys who look a little like him
were im not so broken
or so hurt
abuse is casting a shadow the length of a life time
Alan McClure Dec 2010
The strange thing is,
it wasn't there on the day.
I'm sure of it.
Ben MacDui, April, 1993:
cloudless, blue, glorious.
Three boys out from the city,
out from the flat grey sprawl,
shouting and laughing
into the giant empty sky.
We were there by the grace of two kind men,
who knew of greater things
than the classroom had to offer.

But now,
looking back,
the cloud has descended.
For every three of my footsteps,
one chilling, giant crunch rings out
in restless pursuit.
Shadows are cast across clouds
that simply were not there
and an unconditioned joy cowers
beneath the brocken spectre,
the Big Grey Man that followed
unseen, unguessed, and uninvited.
- From Also Available Free
an0nym0us Sep 2018
In the darkness, I see a small light
In the heart of the light is a mirror
I gazed in the mirror, something isn't right
What I saw is the reflection of all my errors.

My eyes are blank, made my tears less
My lips are dry and can never impress
And my hair is a total mess
Like how my life fell into a great mess.

I felt great grudge
I gave the glass a big punch,
I stared at my hand that bleeds
Felt extreme guilt for my past dids.

I'm so full of flaws,
I deserve to be under death's claws
I keep being judge by man's laws,
I have no right to face my foes.

I picked up a piece of a brocken glass
I saw a piece of my past
Slowly, the light vanished in the darkness
My hand fell down and losses my grip, emotionless.
Mark Motherland Nov 2018
I was being stalked by something large and threatening
foot falls behind me but there was no-one there
an uninvited guest to me he is beckoning
shimmering rings, rainbow his head in the air
I know Bigfoot looms large in swathes of shifting grey.
I'm above the clouds stood with my back to the sun
the dark figure motions to his trembling prey
"oh circular glory, to you I'm outrun
sat cowering beneath the Brocken Spectre
the circle was broken and the Grey Man walked free
was he a Troll or some Mountain Protector?
Oh! Hideous encounter, the Grey Man was me!
When you are stood with your back  to the sun, your shadow is cast into the mist. The halo is caused by an optical illusion called a 'glory' where diffracted light is reflected back at you. It has a greater effect when you are above the clouds. 'Brocken' is named after a mountain kn Germany that is renowned for this phenomina.
kate mckay Jan 2015
I don't believe nothing every promises that has ever been mad to me
Lorsque l'on est monté jusqu'au nid des aiglons,

Et que l'on voit, sous soi, les plus fiers mamelons

Se fondre et s'effacer au flanc de la montagne,

Et, comme un lac, bleuir tout au fond la campagne,

On s'aperçoit enfin qu'on grimperait mille ans,

Tant que la chair tiendrait à vos talons sanglants,

Sans approcher du ciel qui toujours se recule,

Et qu'on n'est, après tout, qu'un Titan ridicule.

On n'est plus dans le monde, on n'est pas dans les cieux,

Et des fantômes vains dansent devant vos yeux.

Le silence est profond ; la chanson de la terre

Ne vient pas jusqu'à vous, et la voix du tonnerre

Qui roule sous vos pieds, semble le bâillement

Du Brocken, ennuyé de son désœuvrement.

Votre cri, sans trouver d'écho qui le répète,

S'éteint subitement sous la voûte muette ;

C'est un calme sinistre, on n'entend pas encore

Les violes d'amour et les cithares d'or,

Car le ciel est bien haut et l'échelle est petite ;

Votre guide, effrayé, redescend et vous quitte,

Et, roulant une larme au fond de son œil bleu,

La dernière des fleurs vous jette son adieu.

La neige cependant descend silencieuse,

Et, sous ses fils d'argent, la lune soucieuse

Apparaît à côté d'un soleil sans rayons ;

Le ciel est tout rayé de ses pâles sillons,

Et la mort, dans ses doigts, tordant ce fil qui tombe,

Vous tisse un blanc linceul pour votre froide tombe.
A Shuli Nov 2018
Let me draw,
If I had the hand of a merciful God I would draw the first deep wrinkle on the forehead of every newborn babe.
But that would be the hand of a careless God, for all the wisdom gained
Is merely a Brocken Spectre.

So let there be a history discarded of pain
And tattoos sown by the hand of a farmer onto the delicate skin of this pigeon.
Keep him, feed him,
He will remember you to me.   Let him fly home when you think of me,

And his wings will bring me back.
Sorrow find me,
Sparrow bind me,
For love once sought now leaves me Brocken,
For love once sought has left words unspoken.
Oh how my heart bleeds,
After your unforgivable relentless deeds,
don't say goodbye,
don't watch me cry,
day by day a little bit of me is gone,
day by day I become undone,

Forgotten words,
Brocken promises,
Sweet lies,
long gone ties,
No longer is it you and I,
Just me,
On my own,
Left to cry.

In the present forever lost in the seemingly better past,
for love once sought now torn apart,
for love once sought has left me with a broken heart...
Brocken shadows decide to linger
just a little longer.
The 12 am tears stain my face like bleach on a linen shirt
Dates with the dark are common
and the tsunamis of the past come to crash the world I' d so gracefully built
The brocken violin playing a sad song, the only one I know.
The ivy crawling up the old walls of the cage that keep me away from the outside world,the world I so miss to see.
The youthful one sings in the halls, her voice echoing and her delicate frame dancing before a single candle light. Yet when she turns, her face is seen crumbling, like the wall paper of the room.
No key will unlock the door that so blatantly is in front of me. I have tried to knock it down but my mortal blows are no match for the chains of this moster.
The stench of lonliness is overbearing. When will I smell the taste of freedom?
When will I walk the earthly ground?
When will I kiss the cheeks of life?
For the Gods only know, how trapped I am here.
Siyabulela May 2011
Breathless in the winters ewe,valentines the adolescent passion, smiless like a drought world,tears creating up a dam,heart breakers proccess,pronounce and procceed daily a day to remember,swimming, slimming tear fall.calf love will never take you down,it reaches your beautiful inside,traps and translate  you'r kindnes into a devil evil's bin.smash your mind into darknes,calf love is a herd of brocken hearts,dissapointments,it inherite trust and close of honnesty but when u once own it,you will never re think,than to re use.sense the heat of frictional emotional force,calf love bunks,sticks and turn,lean above lime light and its ectacy,charge and interchange nor interacts the internal lies,calf love is a misery of ones soul
"AND did you really walk," said I,
"On such a wretched night?
I always fancied Ghosts could fly -
If not exactly in the sky,
Yet at a fairish height."

"It's very well," said he, "for Kings
To soar above the earth:
But Phantoms often find that wings -
Like many other pleasant things -
Cost more than they are worth.

"Spectres of course are rich, and so
Can buy them from the Elves:
But WE prefer to keep below -
They're stupid company, you know,
For any but themselves:

"For, though they claim to be exempt
From pride, they treat a Phantom
As something quite beneath contempt -
Just as no Turkey ever dreamt
Of noticing a Bantam."

"They seem too proud," said I, "to go
To houses such as mine.
Pray, how did they contrive to know
So quickly that 'the place was low,'
And that I 'kept bad wine'?"

"Inspector Kobold came to you - "
The little Ghost began.
Here I broke in - "Inspector who?
Inspecting Ghosts is something new!
Explain yourself, my man!"

"His name is Kobold," said my guest:
"One of the Spectre order:
You'll very often see him dressed
In a yellow gown, a crimson vest,
And a night-cap with a border.

"He tried the Brocken business first,
But caught a sort of chill ;
So came to England to be nursed,
And here it took the form of THIRST,
Which he complains of still.

"Port-wine, he says, when rich and sound,
Warms his old bones like nectar:
And as the inns, where it is found,
Are his especial hunting-ground,
We call him the INN-SPECTRE."

I bore it - bore it like a man -
This agonizing witticism!
And nothing could be sweeter than
My temper, till the Ghost began
Some most provoking criticism.

"Cooks need not be indulged in waste;
Yet still you'd better teach them
Dishes should have SOME SORT of taste.
Pray, why are all the cruets placed
Where nobody can reach them?

"That man of yours will never earn
His living as a waiter!
Is that queer THING supposed to burn?
(It's far too dismal a concern
To call a Moderator).

"The duck was tender, but the peas
Were very much too old:
And just remember, if you please,
The NEXT time you have toasted cheese,
Don't let them send it cold.

"You'd find the bread improved, I think,
By getting better flour:
And have you anything to drink
That looks a LITTLE less like ink,
And isn't QUITE so sour?"

Then, peering round with curious eyes,
He muttered "Goodness gracious!"
And so went on to criticise -
"Your room's an inconvenient size:
It's neither snug nor spacious.

"That narrow window, I expect,
Serves but to let the dusk in - "
"But please," said I, "to recollect
'Twas fashioned by an architect
Who pinned his faith on Ruskin!"

"I don't care who he was, Sir, or
On whom he pinned his faith!
Constructed by whatever law,
So poor a job I never saw,
As I'm a living Wraith!

"What a re-markable cigar!
How much are they a dozen?"
I growled "No matter what they are!
You're getting as familiar
As if you were my cousin!

"Now that's a thing I WILL NOT STAND,
And so I tell you flat."
"Aha," said he, "we're getting grand!"
(Taking a bottle in his hand)
"I'll soon arrange for THAT!"

And here he took a careful aim,
And gaily cried "Here goes!"
I tried to dodge it as it came,
But somehow caught it, all the same,
Exactly on my nose.

And I remember nothing more
That I can clearly fix,
Till I was sitting on the floor,
Repeating "Two and five are four,
But FIVE AND TWO are six."

What really passed I never learned,
Nor guessed: I only know
That, when at last my sense returned,
The lamp, neglected, dimly burned -
The fire was getting low -

Through driving mists I seemed to see
A Thing that smirked and smiled:
And found that he was giving me
A lesson in Biography,
As if I were a child.
Mon rêve le plus cher et le plus caressé,

Le seul qui rit encore à mon cœur oppressé,

C'est de m'ensevelir au fond d'une chartreuse,

Dans une solitude inabordable, affreuse ;

****, bien ****, tout là-bas, dans quelque Sierra

Bien sauvage, où jamais voix d'homme ne vibra,

Dans la forêt de pins, parmi les âpres roches,

Où n'arrive pas même un bruit lointain de cloches ;

Dans quelque Thébaïde, aux lieux les moins hantés,

Comme en cherchaient les saints pour leurs austérités ;

Sous la grotte où grondait le lion de Jérôme,

Oui, c'est là que j'irais pour respirer ton baume

Et boire la rosée à ton calice ouvert,

Ô frêle et chaste fleur, qui crois dans le désert

Aux fentes du tombeau de l'Espérance morte !

De non cœur dépeuplé je fermerais la porte

Et j'y ferais la garde, afin qu'un souvenir

Du monde des vivants n'y pût pas revenir ;

J'effacerais mon nom de ma propre mémoire ;

Et de tous ces mots creux : Amour, Science et Gloire

Qu'aux jours de mon avril mon âme en fleur rêvait,

Pour y dormir ma nuit j'en ferais un chevet ;

Car je sais maintenant que vaut cette fumée

Qu'au-dessus du néant pousse une renommée.

J'ai regardé de près et la science et l'art :

J'ai vu que ce n'était que mensonge et hasard ;

J'ai mis sur un plateau de toile d'araignée

L'amour qu'en mon chemin j'ai reçue et donnée :

Puis sur l'autre plateau deux grains du vermillon

Impalpable, qui teint l'aile du papillon,

Et j'ai trouvé l'amour léger dans la balance.

Donc, reçois dans tes bras, ô douce somnolence,

Vierge aux pâles couleurs, blanche sœur de la mort,

Un pauvre naufragé des tempêtes du sort !

Exauce un malheureux qui te prie et t'implore,

Egraine sur son front le pavot inodore,

Abrite-le d'un pan de ton grand manteau noir,

Et du doigt clos ses yeux qui ne veulent plus voir.

Vous, esprits du désert, cependant qu'il sommeille,

Faites taire les vents et bouchez son oreille,

Pour qu'il n'entende pas le retentissement

Du siècle qui s'écroule, et ce bourdonnement

Qu'en s'en allant au but où son destin la mène

Sur le chemin du temps fait la famille humaine !

Je suis las de la vie et ne veux pas mourir ;

Mes pieds ne peuvent plus ni marcher ni courir ;

J'ai les talons usés de battre cette route

Qui ramène toujours de la science au doute.

Assez, je me suis dit, voilà la question.

Va, pauvre rêveur, cherche une solution

Claire et satisfaisante à ton sombre problème,

Tandis qu'Ophélia te dit tout haut : Je t'aime ;

Mon beau prince danois marche les bras croisés,

Le front dans la poitrine et les sourcils froncés,

D'un pas lent et pensif arpente le théâtre,

Plus pâle que ne sont ces figures d'albâtre,

Pleurant pour les vivants sur les tombeaux des morts ;

Épuise ta vigueur en stériles efforts,

Et tu n'arriveras, comme a fait Ophélie,

Qu'à l'abrutissement ou bien à la folie.

C'est à ce degré-là que je suis arrivé.

Je sens ployer sous moi mon génie énervé ;

Je ne vis plus ; je suis une lampe sans flamme,

Et mon corps est vraiment le cercueil de mon âme.

Ne plus penser, ne plus aimer, ne plus haïr,

Si dans un coin du cœur il éclot un désir,

Lui couper sans pitié ses ailes de colombe,

Être comme est un mort, étendu sous la tombe,

Dans l'immobilité savourer lentement,

Comme un philtre endormeur, l'anéantissement :

Voilà quel est mon vœu, tant j'ai de lassitude,

D'avoir voulu gravir cette côte âpre et rude,

Brocken mystérieux, où des sommets nouveaux

Surgissent tout à coup sur de nouveaux plateaux,

Et qui ne laisse voir de ses plus hautes cimes

Que l'esprit du vertige errant sur les abîmes.

C'est pourquoi je m'assieds au revers du fossé,

Désabusé de tout, plus voûté, plus cassé

Que ces vieux mendiants que jusques à la porte

Le chien de la maison en grommelant escorte.

C'est pourquoi, fatigué d'errer et de gémir,

Comme un petit enfant, je demande à dormir ;

Je veux dans le néant renouveler mon être,

M'isoler de moi-même et ne plus me connaître ;

Et comme en un linceul, sans y laisser un seul pli,

Rester enveloppé dans mon manteau d'oubli.

J'aimerais que ce fût dans une roche creuse,

Au penchant d'une côte escarpée et pierreuse,

Comme dans les tableaux de Salvator Rosa,

Où le pied d'un vivant jamais ne se posa ;

Sous un ciel vert, zébré de grands nuages fauves,

Dans des terrains galeux clairsemés d'arbres chauves,

Avec un horizon sans couronne d'azur,

Bornant de tous côtés le regard comme un mur,

Et dans les roseaux secs près d'une eau noire et plate

Quelque maigre héron debout sur une patte.

Sur la caverne, un pin, ainsi qu'un spectre en deuil

Qui tend ses bras voilés au-dessus d'un cercueil,

Tendrait ses bras en pleurs, et du haut de la voûte

Un maigre filet d'eau suintant goutte à goutte,

Marquerait par sa chute aux sons intermittents

Le battement égal que fait le cœur du temps.

Comme la Niobé qui pleurait sur la roche,

Jusqu'à ce que le lierre autour de moi s'accroche,

Je demeurerais là les genoux au menton,

Plus ployé que jamais, sous l'angle d'un fronton,

Ces Atlas accroupis gonflant leurs nerfs de marbre ;

Mes pieds prendraient racine et je deviendrais arbre ;

Les faons auprès de moi tondraient le gazon ras,

Et les oiseaux de nuit percheraient sur mes bras.

C'est là ce qu'il me faut plutôt qu'un monastère ;

Un couvent est un port qui tient trop à la terre ;

Ma nef tire trop d'eau pour y pouvoir entrer

Sans en toucher le fond et sans s'y déchirer.

Dût sombrer le navire avec toute sa charge,

J'aime mieux errer seul sur l'eau profonde et large.

Aux barques de pêcheur l'anse à l'abri du vent,

Aux simples naufragés de l'âme, le couvent.

À moi la solitude effroyable et profonde,

Par dedans, par dehors !

Par dedans, par dehors ! Un couvent, c'est un monde ;

On y pense, on y rêve, on y prie, on y croit :

La mort n'est que le seuil d'une autre vie ; on voit

Passer au long du cloître une forme angélique ;

La cloche vous murmure un chant mélancolique ;

La Vierge vous sourit, le bel enfant Jésus

Vous tend ses petits bras de sa niche ; au-dessus

De vos fronts inclinés, comme un essaim d'abeilles,

Volent les Chérubins en légions vermeilles.

Vous êtes tout espoir, tout joie et tout amour,

À l'escalier du ciel vous montez chaque jour ;

L'extase vous remplit d'ineffables délices,

Et vos cœurs parfumés sont comme des calices ;

Vous marchez entourés de célestes rayons

Et vos pieds après vous laissent d'ardents sillons !

Ah ! grands voluptueux, sybarites du cloître,

Qui passez votre vie à voir s'ouvrir et croître

Dans le jardin fleuri de la mysticité,

Les pétales d'argent du lis de pureté,

Vrais libertins du ciel, dévots Sardanapales,

Vous, vieux moines chenus, et vous, novices pâles,

Foyers couverts de cendre, encensoirs ignorés,

Quel don Juan a jamais sous ses lambris dorés

Senti des voluptés comparables aux vôtres !

Auprès de vos plaisirs, quels plaisirs sont les nôtres !

Quel amant a jamais, à l'âge où l'œil reluit,

Dans tout l'enivrement de la première nuit,

Poussé plus de soupirs profonds et pleins de flamme,

Et baisé les pieds nus de la plus belle femme

Avec la même ardeur que vous les pieds de bois

Du cadavre insensible allongé sur la croix !

Quelle bouche fleurie et d'ambroisie humide,

Vaudrait la bouche ouverte à son côté livide !

Notre vin est grossier ; pour vous, au lieu de vin,

Dans un calice d'or perle le sang divin ;

Nous usons notre lèvre au seuil des courtisanes,

Vous autres, vous aimez des saintes diaphanes,

Qui se parent pour vous des couleurs des vitraux

Et sur vos fronts tondus, au détour des arceaux,

Laissent flotter le bout de leurs robes de gaze :

Nous n'avons que l'ivresse et vous avez l'extase.

Nous, nos contentements dureront peu de jours,

Les vôtres, bien plus vifs, doivent durer toujours.

Calculateurs prudents, pour l'abandon d'une heure,

Sur une terre où nul plus d'un jour ne demeure,

Vous achetez le ciel avec l'éternité.

Malgré ta règle étroite et ton austérité,

Maigre et jaune Rancé, tes moines taciturnes

S'entrouvrent à l'amour comme des fleurs nocturnes,

Une tête de mort grimaçante pour nous

Sourit à leur chevet du rire le plus doux ;

Ils creusent chaque jour leur fosse au cimetière,

Ils jeûnent et n'ont pas d'autre lit qu'une bière,

Mais ils sentent vibrer sous leur suaire blanc,

Dans des transports divins, un cœur chaste et brûlant ;

Ils se baignent aux flots de l'océan de joie,

Et sous la volupté leur âme tremble et ploie,

Comme fait une fleur sous une goutte d'eau,

Ils sont dignes d'envie et leur sort est très-beau ;

Mais ils sont peu nombreux dans ce siècle incrédule

Creux qui font de leur âme une lampe qui brûle,

Et qui peuvent, baisant la blessure du Christ,

Croire que tout s'est fait comme il était écrit.

Il en est qui n'ont pas le don des saintes larmes,

Qui veillent sans lumière et combattent sans armes ;

Il est des malheureux qui ne peuvent prier

Et dont la voix s'éteint quand ils veulent crier ;

Tous ne se baignent pas dans la pure piscine

Et n'ont pas même part à la table divine :

Moi, je suis de ce nombre, et comme saint Thomas,

Si je n'ai dans la plaie un doigt, je ne crois pas.

Aussi je me choisis un antre pour retraite

Dans une région détournée et secrète

D'où l'on n'entende pas le rire des heureux

Ni le chant printanier des oiseaux amoureux,

L'antre d'un loup crevé de faim ou de vieillesse,

Car tout son m'importune et tout rayon me blesse,

Tout ce qui palpite, aime ou chante, me déplaît,

Et je hais l'homme autant et plus que ne le hait

Le buffle à qui l'on vient de percer la narine.

De tous les sentiments croulés dans la ruine,

Du temple de mon âme, il ne reste debout

Que deux piliers d'airain, la haine et le dégoût.

Pourtant je suis à peine au tiers de ma journée ;

Ma tête de cheveux n'est pas découronnée ;

À peine vingt épis sont tombés du faisceau :

Je puis derrière moi voir encore mon berceau.

Mais les soucis amers de leurs griffes arides

M'ont fouillé dans le front d'assez profondes rides

Pour en faire une fosse à chaque illusion.

Ainsi me voilà donc sans foi ni passion,

Désireux de la vie et ne pouvant pas vivre,

Et dès le premier mot sachant la fin du livre.

Car c'est ainsi que sont les jeunes d'aujourd'hui :

Leurs mères les ont faits dans un moment d'ennui.

Et qui les voit auprès des blancs sexagénaires

Plutôt que les enfants les estime les pères ;

Ils sont venus au monde avec des cheveux gris ;

Comme ces arbrisseaux frêles et rabougris

Qui, dès le mois de mai, sont pleins de feuilles mortes,

Ils s'effeuillent au vent, et vont devant leurs portes

Se chauffer au soleil à côté de l'aïeul,

Et du jeune et du vieux, à coup sûr, le plus seul,

Le moins accompagné sur la route du monde,

Hélas ! C'est le jeune homme à tête brune ou blonde

Et non pas le vieillard sur qui l'âge a neigé ;

Celui dont le navire est le plus allégé

D'espérance et d'amour, lest divin dont on jette

Quelque chose à la mer chaque jour de tempête,

Ce n'est pas le vieillard, dont le triste vaisseau

Va bientôt échouer à l'écueil du tombeau.

L'univers décrépit devient paralytique,

La nature se meurt, et le spectre critique

Cherche en vain sous le ciel quelque chose à nier.

Qu'attends-tu donc, clairon du jugement dernier ?

Dis-moi, qu'attends-tu donc, archange à bouche ronde

Qui dois sonner là-haut la fanfare du monde ?

Toi, sablier du temps, que Dieu tient dans sa main,

Quand donc laisseras-tu tomber ton dernier grain ?
I am inside a room
It is so wonderful
Seated on a complaining bed
"Kiki kaka kiki kaka"
The bed is complaining
On it is a three inch mattress
It is shrinked to one inch
Before me is a table
Full of complaining books
Others lack hard cover
Others pages were used as tissue
Others pages were used  as insulators
On top of one is a Brocken pig pen
It ran short of ink
And it is complaining
Working under unfavourable conditions
To my left is a stove
The rice it a sufuria are complaining
The gas is smelling
At the furthest corner is a radio
Complaining, shortage of power
Life cannot be such promising
Seated alone and talking with apparatus within
I am spending today
To renovate them all
That next time
They praise not complain !
Just imagine
This image
Did you saw?
Shawn B Mar 2017
The phone rings

(My heart leaps for a second
I haven't heard this voice for at least three weeks)
How's the weather down there?
It's just snowed, my vehicle is Brocken,
A dead starter,
My starter is dead today too,
No work
No play
But a little bundle of energy in my chest
But not motivated to do anything)
Cold.. snowy, you?
(People say these conversations have little or zero value...)
Nice, thanks
How are you?
(...But it does. Cause in 1978 when it was dry
The crops didn't grow and
People went near dead)
(He's always good. It's a talent that comes naturally
To him, but the ready of us struggle to get to.
I feel like I have to work so
Hard just to break even with everyone living
With what seems like effortless ease.
But he struggles not.)
(At least he struggles not as far as I can see,
With a heart as big as that there has to be some struggle there.
With care, and affections, comes hope,
And hope hurts until it's fullfiled,
And he hopes, I know he hopes,
Or he wouldn't call,
and I can hear it in his voice,
See it his eyes.
I want to succeed, just to prove you right
For believing in me)
We talk a bit
I hang up the phone,
And get busy.

Hi Dad. Thanks for calling.
i couldnt see the way, the tunel as dark as night
and the lamp posts within were brocken to the core.
the life i could have led dissapeared from my reach
the walls of my consience closing
and the presure maddening

the darkness were like walls closing around me,
my world is turned to dust before my eyes
because you wernt there beside me ,
to show me that i could to any thing.
you were my confidence
my one and only friend but now your gone
and its to much to bear
i read my books over and over,
i took you for granted
i thought id lost you
but then i found you
and then i lost you all over again

if i could see you smile just one more time all the pain in the world could not stop me from finding you once more
Leave me be
Faces I no longer want to see
I've been brocken too many times
I have written so many lines
On this life I want to leave behind.
Leave me be
I shout from the top of lungs
leaning over the edge of the copper bridge
I can see things clearer now.
Leave me be!
I scream it this time
so everyone can hear
this life is like the taste of my tears
Salty and sharp.
So stranger, please, just leave me be
Twiggy Nov 2014
I'm so sad I'm sobbing
My hearts Brocken but still throbbing
My mind is flowing but with nothing
My life goes on but with regret
My education becomes bigger but for what
So you can call me a ****
As you pluck at my heart
I'm a person I have feeling
And now my skin is only peeling
Let me if you like it ^___^
A trap has been set.
For you not to see the way.
You jump up you fall.
You touch the water you become wet
All you hold in your hand is vanishing.

People see you as toilet roll.
Some like a widow or pig.
Smacking you down like a wrestling. Seeing you they said we are almost done but there is a long way to go.

Names become your name.
Akuna yonke(the is nothing in mind)
While they know is their fault.

They have been putting the dark in you that you may die single and jobless and also to make you their slave,all I know is that the dark shadow has covered all .

All we need is a sly of hope.
Hope that they didn't win yet.
How that all the dark chain will
Be brocken into pieces.
And no one will reconnect it.

They wanted you in the dark.
So that they succeed in your behalf.
They wanted you to lose hope.
So that they can be hopefully.

They locked you up into the dark wall,all you have to do is to climb it and jump out.

Like it or not the dark shadow has covered you but,only you need to ascape into the light.
kate mckay Oct 2014
I had a dream boy
he had what I needed
to fix what other had broken
turns out
he was a heartbreaker boy
that I feel for
I feel hard DANGEROUS
so now im just a heart Brocken girl with no hope
love left to give
crazytilde Nov 2014
Thunder, wind, rain
All the affects of friendship
Rain being tears
Thunder being loud voices
Wind being hurtful words
The storm that comes with blue sky
All worth it though
All the tears are worth it
All the hurt voices are worth it
All the Brocken hearts are worth it
There all worth it for one happy day with you
Life is about choices,
Some are horrible, some are perfect,Some are ABOUT to
Choose between life and death
You had anything that takes
To be a completely woman…….
He didn’t left you because you are
Selfish, the history that you both hand
Indeed it had become an obstacle,
He was a great joy in your life, yet

That now turned to be a huge
Pain in your back some kind of life can
Make you hate to live
It can make you hate to trust, there in
No need to blame yourself
You are the best as you
Can see the failure has escaped, because he couldn’t catch the heat,

But this is about to bring peace
To your mind and also your heart,
You wear the great dream
Of all mans, but you choose
To be with one who where
Not worth it, remember that this didn’t
Change anything
But the kind of life that you lived,
You still have what it take to be
Who you wanted to be all along

Time has passed, too many opportunities
You missed, everyone can see you wasted
Your time for nothing,
Your heart is sour……… but you have let him go, You can’t help something that is
Helpless, all you can do is to
Use that potential to mend the
Brocken heart,

Failures cry all day…. night that
They had been left behind, yet those who
Are wise enough cry to find a way
To forget about the past and
Continue with their journey
You will always be the best
Of your past!
Shall there be no white flag raised
Shall there be no Brocken hearts
Nor tears in vain
Raise the anchor as we begin our drift towards the sun
We tried
Thou I still dwell on the image of receiving your call tonight
My heart has been shielded from these lies
Enchanted by the ocean
Hypnotized by the memories of you and i
As my Heart sings with liberated anarchy
Im challenged by the presence of your absence
As loud silence echo
Ocean currents gain momentum
I sail towards the dark
As it turns blue I'll dream of seeing you tonight
Under the stars as they mock a dreadful tune that plays in my mind
Souls shall dance with fireflies
As I wave Goodbye.
kate mckay Jan 2015
last year went so fast with
so many fights
tears shead
days full of hate.

"I was way to brocken it lasted years "
"way to many people went to help me up"
"but every last one pushed me down further than before"

goodbye last years heartbreack
goodbye last years tears **

new year and mabey a new happy me
I can't love you beyond these boundaries
I can't love you till it dawns
It pains me to live a norm
But society dictates I have to accept and move on
In this night I hold your hand
I keep looking back at cars coming behind us with headlights on

We both tremble in fear,
As a deer crosses the road,
As we sigh in relief they haven't spotted us at all

I'm inlove with your smile but enchanted by your giggle
We keep our voices down
As We laugh about nothing, as we embrace this night with open arms
Freedom on our palms  
You tell me your Secrets , i shed a couple of mine
We love shamelessly hidden

I miss innocent nights
Skating to pass time
Drunk conversations that end up with you escaping your shell to kiss me under these street lights
Avoiding my question of your fear with your charm
We lovers at a dangerous time

Ill love you throughout the night
As these nights get longer i wake up next to you looking at your closed eyes let them pray , let them pray ill still love you the same
Your eyelids begin to part as I leave
Ill always come back for you
My promise that always sends you back to sleep

Our love questions science and the bible we try to avoid the staring eyes but were too different to be born in this time
Our love is a brocken puzzle only you and i know where each peace is placed but we scared of what people might say
The Secret is Even If you left ill love you the same
Untill then we have these nights

                             -Christopher. N
Your finally lonely when the silence becomes louder than your own thoughts
Your feet are aching but you keep dancing
Even with all this sound i can still feel your pulse racing
You dance under dimmed lights
But I can still see those tears in your eyes
as you hide under the shadows of the night your heart weeps under the stars
As you whisper a silent prayer for light to peak in this darkest moment of your life
Your dazed as the night prolongs
Your Brocken heart and pain
your silent screams I hear, your fears I bare ,as I have a direct link to your thoughts your troubles I share
As you wish on a falling star
With bags on your eyes
I still remember you trembling voice
Mentally your limping as no one notice nor cares
I'm here
You feet has blisters
Your heart has been hiking
We don't talk too much but the way your leaning against that wall is speaking
Your body language narrates a tale
Of how you drew a road map to escape but ended up enslaved
You dance throughout the night but I know you faking
Chance met strangers
Her gaze bored into mine
I stored the  memory against empty days ahead when life would be all struggle , When rose buds dried and perished under the heat of the sun
Her eyes locked mine
Sealing my senses, clouding intuition
Reading my enveloped intent
This wind scattered the leaves i tried to pick up
I followed bread crums seeking what will end this hunger,
I long for tender lips like sugar but Touching a Heart is intangible for me to try,
I couldn't nose dive on Brocken glasses twice nor roll over land mines,
I'd rather we indulge on this poison and finally die
beingcoolisaflex May 2021
as i sit in class, i open my eys
a word full of ****
im learning so little
im reverting back to a toddler
homosexuality: cured
my *******: itchy
my mental state: brocken
but my brainz: educated ;)
made by bestie @colinc00ls (follow on spotify)
Gypsy Aug 2023
Obscene whining - of infernal discordant music
Worn, with a strange lust
Whilst the floods menaced Earth
Like A Tibetan Mandala
All colours dazzling
Seeking the formless fire......   For Lust's sake
                                                     Let us Lust
                                                     For smoke's sake
                                                     Let us Smoke,....
The leeches of boredom
The pythons of poverty
The born and the unborn
Flamed up into mania's nameless Nature
Pure being - unveiled from the Matrix
The four walls of our Prison
Part of the Veils of matter
The ultimate reality appears out of oblivion
One super-subtle whisper
Slipping back to the Ancients
Like Faust to the Brocken
For ever driven darkly onward

There is nothing higher
There is nothing more
What is lost
Eternity can never restore...

Its funny how
My face looks like
A dance floor
And my lips dance
In smiles
When they see your face.
As if you knew
How to sing the truth.
I wish you could
See what your Brocken
Harmony did to my
Only heart that sings better than
The mockingbird.
In an iron collar they dragged me
Yarely like a wretched ship my value faded out in the horizons
My Brocken, bruised fingers picked food from their trash
I became there donckey,
And I lamented,
My blood! My sanctuary! My sweet Africa!
You have condemned me to rest and spend my nights in my own excretes
You have striped me naked.
And so, you have corrupted my innocent soul.

Beneath the echoes of my silence I hid
I sobbed as I stood over my soul under the sod
They made me a ******
Every night I nursed my pelvis, from the *** games they played on me
And I grieved
My blood! My people! My sweet Africa!
You cursed your own
You painted despair on the canvas of my heart
And so, you took away my life.

My pain lived on, and did continuously spread like a cancer
My soul they dejected. And piece by piece they ripped it apart
I prayed to the wind and the thunders
Liberate my soul! Break my shackles!
Hear as I cry out
My blood, my flesh my sweet Africa
Your dignity wondered
You devalued my life for a piece of garment
So even in death I utter on echoes of grief.
Star Jun 2021
I'm falling faster and faster, I was walking on our bridge and then it broke, at least that’s how it feels. I give out my trust just for it to Brocken. When I gave you my trust you left it, threw it away. So now I don’t give my trust out anymore I keep it and wait. I hoped that waiting would bring you back. But you don’t care anymore. Do you?

— The End —