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Cat Fiske Aug 2015
I love you,
thats what you told me,

and I know you didn't mean it like that,
I know what it meant,

and I'm happy,
I'm happy,

I rarely say that,
I didn't think I would,

I blindedly handed you all my trust,
I didn't expect anything good to come out of this,

and I love you too,
the same kind of love,

you love me with,
thank you,
this is old, really old, about when I was first becoming friends with this guy, and I was having problems trusting men at all after the **** that had happened the year prior, and now hes become my best friend and one of the few people I trust,
Traveler Jan 2017
In possession
Of an intellect
Able to rise above
The ceiling of limitations

Emotional constructs
Binded by a need for love
Our hearts and minds
Do so push and shove

The mind's eye
So blindedly enlightened
The permanent waves
Of social, spiritual
Political devices

Still the sparks
Gleam from those
Beautiful creative eyes
Dreams turn ink
Into passion pinks
Crimson nights
And hues of unspoken blues

Through neural passageways
We share a common design
To create a world
In the intellectual
Poetic mind.
Traveler Tim
Traveler May 2015
In possession
Of an intellect
Able to rise above
The ceiling of limitations

Emotional constructs
Binded by a need for love
Our hearts and minds
Do so push and shove

The mind's eye
So blindedly enlightened
The permanent waves
Of social, spiritual
Political devices

Still the sparks
Gleam from those
Beautiful creative eyes
Dreams turn ink
Into passion pinks
Crimson nights
And hues of unspoken blues

Through neural passageways
We share a common design
To create a world
In the intelectual
Poetic's mind.
Traveler Tim
Re to 01-17
Sayuri143 Oct 2011
I saw the vast size of the sea,

A replica of inf'nite tears i hide in me.

For smile's a mere facade of agony

swallowing my sanity slowly.

I saw the vast size of the sea,

Same size of my love for you i once carry.

But it's such an angelic dagger i insanely

struck into my own eyes and it blinded me.

I saw the vast size of the sea,

With maelstrom pain gnashing at me.

Now i know happiness 's such a vague illusion

that i blindedly gaze upon with desperation.

I saw the vast size of the sea,

With raging waves coming to crush over me.

With great fear i look above and found light

He whispered and the vast size of the sea

                              vanished from my sight.
God is our savior.
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2016
We breathe so lovely,
****** in ******
Waters held so deep
In a body of flesh.

This cave is under,
In pressures of hope
Beneath even air
The sun is knocking.

The babe is tided
To a rope of dreams
Waiting in dull room
Lighted by sheets.

Tiny fingers tower
In the shroud of wetted
Being and eyes see
Blindedly closed.

Now the spirit dries,
Must leave waters hug,
Voices carry beyond,
We trudge into light.

Solution to unalive
Is life naked and crying,
Water breaks and we drown
Into the shut world.
J Dec 2017
A Dagger In My Back

I  kept pulling the dagger from my back
I was deceived, I was a fool
You apologised and pleaded,
Although my wounds became a growing crisscrossed pattern

You promised me that you wouldn’t pull the shutters over my eyes
You promised me you wouldn’t hug and hurt,
Wouldn’t smile but still continue to weave a fine tapestry of lies.

You shook hands with a gun behind your back.
I just blindedly smiled as the blood seeped from my veins.

But I opened the curtains, dismantled the shutters.
I realised you were the one which caused me the doubt and constant pain.
I realised that you were the dagger in my back.
Marie-Niege Dec 2016
he said I opened up like a flower in his mouth and only budded when he planted his seeds upon me, he said I shined like a golden waxed sun, and blindedly, he gazed upon me until his eyes became glossy and brimmed with melted butter. he said I bled cranberry juice on his white sheets and refused to apologize for my sins and I laughed at his silly truths and said, "A likely story." he said I rhymed like the chorus his left and right legs created, balanced. he missed the chaos of me from behind his tear-tinted glasses. he missed all of the ways my body shuddered simply because the lack of rhythmic noise and conversation and action wound me up in the binds of his tight knots and refused to release me.

— The End —