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Najwa Kareem Jan 2021
Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like that of a full moon
bringing light
from the One
who has commanded me
to wear it
to my face

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a merry-go-round
rotating with a joyful force
in places near and far
illuminating its power
a reflection of my soul
and inner beauty

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
the way whirling dervishes move
we're so high
aspiring nearness to Allah Masha'Allah
our act of wearing hijab daily
deserving of much respect
and Insha Allah
The Seventh Heaven

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a spinning wheel
many made
in different colors
and in different textures
each brightening the world
and when wearing it
like Khadijah (AS), Fatimah (AS), and Aisha (RA)
attracts attention of the best kind

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like Big Ben
I'm so high
a visible ambassador
of Islam
saying no to immodesty
and saying yes to our Majesty

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a halo
starting my day with Bismillah
and looking into the mirror
to carefully donn it
I remember
I'm doing this to help men
married and unmarried
from sinning
and to protect myself
from impurity and immoral acts
Hijab is my crown
for me a Queen

By: Najwa Kareem
World Hijab Day is tomorrow, February 1st! Join the celebration! 🎆
Matt Geary Aug 2014
I'm writing to tell you that I've spoken with your sister.

She tells me everything these days, though recently I've marked the way her voice conceals a quiet shame; rage in casual tones, and fear in quiet whispers.

I haven't kissed her in quite some time.
She's thinking of you.

I'm sorry that I haven't written sooner. This fasting saps volition from my fingers, and the hot smell of ozone still lingers in the air.

But everywhere I see you on the news.

Has Ramadan been hard for you this year? I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I want to know that you are near once more. Please write.

I saw an action flick today, and something of you in the way the heroine roared and flipped her hair just before letting a rocket fly.

I thought that I would die of suspense until the moment when the hero rose from the rubble to stand above his foes.

Crows circled. Credits rolled.

Thunder tolls. The atmosphere crackles and bursts. It's early yet, and not even my worst. My warring hands will never give you peace. An endless war-song issues from my lips.

You are not brave enough, dear girl, to resist destruction by my hand. The bomb blessed by my lips is indifferent, darling boy.

I will consume the gardens planted with your seeds.

Bismillah, arrahman, arraheem.

Blessed is he who cries out for peace.
The Lord sees him and sees that he is good.

Blessed is she who dines before the sunrise and loses her life at noon, still clad in vestments of her childhood.

Eid Mubarak, and peace be with you every year. I've yet to hear from you.

I saw your sister again today. Whatever tinged her voice still holds her.

She said she hasn't written.

It matters who writes, so write a love-letter, I told her.

She's thinking of you.
Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Bismillah IrrahmanIr Raheem.

The sun and earth are in love,
Their lifelong love properly,
Supplied us with fields in the organic form of
As being, we are traditionally kind farmers,
Who return in common the love towards all,
let’s us all, celebrate this love
In this glorious day as a Pongal day!!!!!

Wish you All Happy Pongal!

Wish you Happy….. Makara Sankranti, Lohri, Sakraat & Makraat, Uttarayan, Suggi, Magh Saaji, Ghughuti, Makra Chaula, Kicheri, Pousha Sankranti, Magh Bihu, Shishur Sankraat, Makara Vilakku, Maaghe Sankrat, Tirmoori, Songkran, Pi Ms Lao, Thingyan, Mohan Songkran.

May this day bring us all Happiness, Wealth and comfort to all struggling farmers around the world and to my native Tamil peoples.

Let’s Celebrate this day as a start of every civilization with sweetness, courage and With New Hope.

Allah Khair…..Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Happy Pongal
KA Poetry Dec 2017
Saat hatimu dilanda kegelapan
Yakinlah penerangmu tiada lain
Selain Allah SWT
Penerang dari segala kegelapan

“Dan kami turunkan dari Al-Qur’an
Suatu yang menjadi penyembuh
Dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman
Dan Al-Qur’an itu tidaklah menambah kepada orang-orang yang dzalim

Selain kerugian. “

Lantunan ayat tersebut
Bawa aku pergi dari kelam
Selamat diriku

Ya Allah SWT.
17/12/2017 | 18.32 | Indonesia | QS. Al-Isra’ : 82 | K.***
Simon Quperlier Apr 2014
The things that seemed important,
Ribboned gifts and designer pants,
My credit history of extravagance,
And fake passports as a freelance,
With several courtesy cards,
Shopping guns in Baghdad.

Then I gained influence,
Enslaved christian clerics in Africa,
Muslim brotherhood was dense,
Slaughter people then head to Mecca,
The routine of spilling blood,
Then go repent to God.

Family never came first,
Devotion was in the heart,
Heart of terrorism and hostile radio calls,
Satellite technology was radical,
Launching missiles to the US skyscrapers,
Hijack jetliners and victims calling helpers.

Human sacrifice was the norm,
'Bismillah Allah hu akbar' then slice the intestines,
Or hold hostages and bid ransom,
This is the life risked on landmines,
Embedded by Soviet Union,
'Conspiracy' the presidents say in unison.
I'm not a terrorist, I'm only trying to put myself in a shoe of a terrorist.
Salmabanu Hatim Dec 2018
Believe  it or not,
I come from a conservative Islamic family,
My Life is based on Islamic principles,
But,I don't feel caged,
In fact, I feel at peace,calm and safe.
Home is where you live,
Home life is on the principles of Faith in Allah,
And its two arms patience and gratitude to HIM.
Trust, kindness and above all respect for each other is a must,
A visitor who knocks on your door is as good as an angel,
He should be greeted and treated with courtesy,
Greetings create a bond in the name of Allah,
Parents are our peers and given utmost respect,
We never speak out of context to them.
Breakfast,lunch and dinner is a family affair,
We all sit on the floor in a circle with a big aluminium thaal (plate) in the middle,
And partake our portion of food from there,
Before eating we begin with Bismillah and a pinch of salt.
Women cover their heads all the time with a dupatta,
When they go out they wear a hijab.
Women are prohibited to talk loudly but some do,
What goes behind close doors between a husband and wife should remain between them,
Not to wash the ***** linens in public.
Music is not allowed in islam but most of us do,
A Muslim must pay part of his earnings as zakat (charity).
From birth till death our lives depend on the sound advise of our Spritual Leader,
I am delighted I have somebody to guide me,
He makes sure each and every community member is provided with lunch,
So no one goes to sleep hungry,
Most of all festivals are community based gatherings so no one is alone,
I am the lucky one,not imprisoned.
Islam is peace if you know the true Muslims
Najwa Kareem Dec 2021
One of the best at it
moving efficiently
he cleans up his mess
using all the tools in his kit
Go on my brother
I knew you'd do it

Even when others don't understand
he cleans up his mess
working hard
doing what is needed
until all damaged parts
are buried in the sand

I say looking up
Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem
Please bring him again to the deen

He backs out strong
Brother's muscles moving
brother's gone

Do you need help?
randomly appearing another asked
Allah's voice speaking unmasked

I say looking up
my hands open to the sky
Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem
Please bring him again to the deen

He backs out strong
no need to look behind
the bright sight ahead
moving him right along

By: Najwa Kareem

Written on 12/22/21
*You'll always be remembered by me and even when you're unaware, I'll be doing something that says so because I care about you and want you to do right by you and right by others by doing what is right and not doing what is wrong. Allah has given you everything it takes to move well on track, to move powerfully on the track.
Miguel Diaz Aug 2017
Dear God
Please save my soul
As I bow down
In the Mosque
And my body is cold
and I daven in the Synagogue
I secretly hope you're keeping a log

I need a guardian angel
To tell me that it'll be okay
I need to feel more stable
I hope I'll live another day

And I refrain from pork
Or Ursury
None on my fork
You're abusing me
With no response
I listen but I don't hear your song
I've stopped listening to music
The radio's not on

Pray 5 times
And then I pray three times
Bismillah before I eat
I thank you before my seat

I'll find you when I hear the chant
I'll be emancipated from the devil's hands
I'll hear your call as I feel the Adhan
Forgive me I am only a man

I ask the Imam for spiritual guidance
I meet the Rabbi but only silence
I seek but I don't think I'll find it
I only ask for your sacred kindness

In the water I wash my feet
I wash my face to purify
I fall down onto my knees
I think that I have truly died

Show me your presence
Show me your face
Show me your heaven
Show me the way
I wish you could hear me
And the words that I say

Expirl05 Jan 2019
Never lost in faith yet,
Ever had the temptation to run from it,
Ever felt suffocated by the air,
Ever felt lost the beat of life,
and the universal stops from my mind

I'm still okay,
Thankful for the Owner of mine,
For His well controlled in beneficial way,
For me, surround, and beautiful future ahead,

And now,
Can I state this as my first stone of mine?
Like other's...
All with Your permission for sure

Bismillah :)
Salmabanu Hatim May 2019
I start my food with a pinch of salt,
Before I eat I say,"Bismillah"
After I finish I say,"Alhamdulillah"
The rest I leave to the digestive system.
That is Faith.
If you worry worry worry worries you.
Salmabanu Hatim Oct 2018
Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem.
I am glad I had Faith,
I believed in HIS ways,
I adhered to HIS path.
Now,I am six feet under,
I see, feel taste and hear HIS Light,
With countless senses,
With every fibre of my being.
I understand the sureness of his plan,
There are no sequence of events,
No, questions to ask,
All answers are here,
With downloads of information,
You are never confused,
You have a deeper sense of self awareness.
Sorrow, anxiety and remorse has no place here,
It's beautiful,
It's heaven,
My abode,
With only the presence and love of Allah and HIS Angels.
Yousra Amatullah Dec 2023
We greet each other with assalamou 'alaykoum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh
and we start with bismillah

Now, please explain how your tongue still finds the energy to utter every negative over every positive

Please explain how your tongue is spitting sin after sin, causing it to lose respect for whom is supposed to be its master

Rangzeb Hussain Sep 2021
Farrokh Bulsara was his earthy birth name,
From the exotic sultanate of Zanzibar he hailed,

He crossed continents fleeing unrest and violence,
A refugee boy seeking sanctuary to Britain he came,  

His talent and passion was to unite one and all,
Bismillah! He rhapsodised in the name of God,

The world came to know him by another name,
Freddie Mercury written all over records and stages,

Remember him too as the lad who arrived here,
An outsider, a traveller, a refugee, a human being.

— The End —