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Aridea P Oct 2011
Jakarta, 25 Mei 2008

Kapan ku boleh ke sana
Dunia terindah untuk semua
Udara harum nan sejuk
Tiada panas mentari yang menyengat
Boleh kah aku melangkah
Menuju ke pintu surge
Impian semua manusia
Sudikah Kau Tuhan?
Bila ku pijakkan kaki di surge
Merasakan hidup istimewa
Penuh ayat-ayat doa
Surga-Mu  indah Tuhan…
Bolehkah ku sentuh sejenak
Merasa damai nan indah
Ku mulai masuk ‘tuk selamanya
Najwa Kareem Aug 2017
Ramadan 2017 in Sarajevo, Bosnia                      

The first day and the second

What a blessing!!!

Brothers and Sisters in the Old Town speaking the words Salamu Alaikum

Sisters wearing veils with colors like in the bright rainbow appearing before me and my two new friends from Bosnia in a sky above a bussling bazaar, there a smaller group of humans watching and a larger group of tourists capturing a rare moment in Sarajevo on photo

Many brothers wearing kufis and many brothers with trendy hair styles paired with Western outfits gathering in the courtyard of Gazi Husrev-Bey Mosque, the largest in Bosnia and sixteen centuries old. Tourists from Africa, America, Europe, and other landscapes and many locals exchanging words and gestures in a month better than a thousand

Families spending time together at the Grand Mosque and at smaller mosques and in other places surrounded by picturesque hills and green plush trees

A father, a mother, their toddler son...he practicing walking on a masjid's cobblestone, and their young daughter...she smiling at her father as he walks by. Each family member physically at a distance from each other. Each family member at a cell's distance in communion with each other.

In the mid afternoon on a Ramadan's day, a sister from Munich and I having met for the first time at Bey Mosque ride together in a taxi up a steep hill to see a guest house she knows

A smell of lingering cigarette smoke permeating the air within the house so thick beckons me to leave politely and quickly. Unaware of the smell's degree, the owner learns of its' offensiveness as I disclose my sensitivity to & the dislike of the smell of cigarette smoke, both acutely heightened while fasting

Careful steps back down the steep hill to the city center, me avoiding stumbling on a large rock or being runover by a speeding automobile, interestingly instead I stumble upon a beautiful grave yard of uniquely shaped white gravestones and a charming mosque with a high minaret

At the bottom of the hill sits a crafts and artistry shop, one of many in Sarajevo's Old Town. Upon entering and a brief conversation with the owner, a piece of generosity is handed to me, a square shape piece of wood with Ayat tul Kursi in hand calligraphy

During the late afternoon hours, a time for reading Quran by many at mosques in the city. Sisters and brothers sitting on carpeted floors, some with backs supported by mosque walls, some with bodies sitting in chairs, fasters occupied with the most perfected Divine Scripture

A brief leisurely stroll with my two new friends Dzenita and her sister Amina through part of the Bazaar, they sharing opinions of their favorite restaurants, best eating experiences, and other things

In the early evening, a time to buy food to prepare for the Iftar meal. Showing me how it's done in Sarajevo, Dzenita and Amina invite me to join them on an excursion up a hill to buy Somun, a Bosnian flatbread topped with black seeds from the city's famous bread maker. Standing in a line longer than Georgetown Cupcake, Dzenita surprises me with a gift of Somun for myself

Two dates, one cube of Bosnian delight, and one cup of water to break our fast with at the Bey Mosque. A canon bomb sounds off to announce the time for Magrib prayer and Iftar, customary in Sarajevo during Ramadan

Startled and alerted by the bomb's depth and volume, I stand up to join the congregation for communion with God, The God Most Gracious, Most High

Out of nowhere I'm invited to Iftar at a shop nearby the Grand Mosque, about 8 of us guests being served by the warm owner, she offering a meal for Iftar at her shop every night during Ramadan, a big-hearted tradition of hers

Cevapi, Cevapi, Cevapi...I'll say it once more, Cevapi -- sold in Bosnian restaurants, cafes, bazaars, and made in many homes, eaten happily by many fasters at Iftar. Served with freshly chopped onions, some served with a soft white cheese, some with a red peppery sauce, many served with Somun, all ways tried by me and tasting as scrumptious as my first experience with Cevapi in Germany, then falling in love with it

Cold winds at night from the surrounding mountains, a refreshing air yet taking my breath and power away from the chill of it, completely disappearing with my start of Isha prayer with other Muslims and the declaration "Allah hu Akbar"

9 Muftis with impeccable Tajweed each taking turns to recite the words of our Grand Lord before sunrise, me weeping from God's messages, the reality of His greatness, my servitude to Him, and a recognition of sounds similar to that of my Mumin Father's, those familiar to me since birth

Three dear sisters, university students from Turkey and I journey together on foot after Fajr from the Old Mosque to a street train, along the way stopping by a community center, our destination - their home an hour or so away to rest, the four of us coming to know each other and each others' thoughts with every step. Contempleting my desire to spend more time in the city over sleep, the three sisters showing great generosity and I embrace and exchange Salams at a stop near the main station, the three walking with me to an open place before continuing on

In the land of a marriage between the East and the West and where newspaper is used to clean a cafe window, on the list of to-dos -- shopping for gifts for family and for souvenirs, window shopping done along the way, asking myself Shall I buy a Dzezva, a hand-made Bosnian coffee set, or a vintage wood Sarajevo box, or a woven wallet, or Bosnian sweets.

In a bazaar walkway, Maher Zain's song "Ramadan" playing loudly. At another moment, lyrics about a month of devotion and sacrifice from Sami Yusuf echoeing. Shop owners in Old Town with dispositions of calm and quiet grace greeting me and others cordially and respectfully. Shopping a few hours more until near sunset for post cards with a real version of the Grand Mosque, finding only less than satisfactory versions. Time running out for shopping, another reason now to return to Bosnia, God-Willing

Magrib prayer a second night at the Gazi Husrev-Bey Mosque. Observing the crowd, a striking occurrence taking place, a teenage boy walking a small length behind a man on to the mosque carpet. There the boy approaches an older man giving him a respectful hand shake. After prayer, a native of Sarajevo shares with me in wholesome conversation, "You are known in the town not by what you have. You are known by how well you behave."

Another invitation, this time for a cup of a tea at a cafe. Overflowing with people mostly young adults, men and women sitting at tightly packed small tables inside and a few outside, conversations merging into each other with a loud volume flowing throughout, Shisha being smoked by some, cigarettes by some, smoke in the air and the temperature inside melting away heavy make-up on sisters' faces. "This is Ramadan in Sarajevo." Madia says. "One aspect of it." says I. Not having a good feeling right away when walking in and not wanting to stay, the two of us leave quickly.

My two new friends Dzenita and Amina aka angels of hospitality and kindness reciprocating my gift to them of Milka chocolate give me a gift before departing the next day. "Tespih!!" A burnt red and yellow colored set with sparkingly gold thinly cut wrapping paper looking stripes purchased at the Gazi Husrev-Bey Mosque gift shop. Not knowing then I collect Tesbih, their gift is now my most favorite of my Tesbih collection

Husbands and wives, men and women both young and old, well-groomed and well-dressed, some holding hands as they stroll through narrow pathways in the Old Town on a Ramadan's night. Families talking and eating at restaurants, friends in groups sharing laughs, so much to see, so much to experience. At a cafe where baked goods, ice cream, and other sweets are sold, a lady sitting with a group of others initiates speaking to me, stopping me in my tracks. Bidding me farewell, she extends me a gracious compliment

Ramadan 2017 in Sarajevo, Bosnia to Remember

The first day and the second

What a blessing!!!

by Najwa Kareem
raquezha Nov 2017
Sa irarum ku kanimong
matam-is na pagrukot
naintindihan ko
kung uno ibig sabihon
ku pagkapot mo
ku kanakong kamot,
ku mga text ****
malang siram
ulit-ulitong basahon,
ku magrani ka
mga labi mo
sa labi ko,

guru-gab-i ko
nababayad a magayon
**** mga mata,
maganting talaga a mga bituon,
pigdara ko kanimo
ku panahon na nauuda ako,
diri kabisado a lugar nag tangad
sana ako tapos tig sundan paiyan kanimo.

Kaiba ko ika sa irarum ko mga bituon,
nakatangad sana kita tapos
pigsisilngan su bulan na malakabilog,
nag ayat sa pabor
na sana...
bayaan na su nangyari ku kadto,
mig puon sa panibago,
gibohon na sanang ekpersyensya
su dating nangyari
ku kanatong mga deperensya.

Utro, puon sa uno,
nguwan diri ko na tutugotan
na mabayad ta ulit su puro.
Isi mo dawa kadakol na buwan
su naglipas diri nagbago
su tiwala ko kanimo.

Lang siram na payabaon ka,
Ika sana, uda na iba.
Kanakong Prinsesa
na diri mig uban magiging Reyna.
Aridea P Jan 2014
Ayahku adalah Cahaya
Yang menerangiku dalam perjalanan di dunia
Menuntunku tuk memilih arah yang tepat
Menyayangiku sepanjang doanya
Memelukku dari jauh dalam sholatnya
Menciumku melalui ayat-ayat suci yang dibacanya

Ibuku adalah Udara
Yang memberikanku kehidupan ini
Yang menyentuhku dengan hati
Menyayangiku sepanjang kuku yang akan selalu tumbuh
Merangkulku dengan hati dan pikirannya
Merawatku sepenuh hati dan segenap raganya

Adik-adikku adalah Air
Yang menyejukkan dengan senyuman mereka
Motivasiku tuk meraih impian mereka
Alasanku bekerja keras tuk membangun bahtera
Dengan mereka aku sangat bahagia
Dengan suara mereka aku kuat
Namun aku hanyalah Aku
Yang tak mampu memiliki mereka seutuhnya
Yang tak miliki cukup banyak waktu tuk mengenal mereka
Yang jarang bersua dan menanam rindu pada mereka
Aku hanyalah pejuang di Samudera Seberang

Aku hanyalah Aku
Yang memiliki perasaan dan pikiran
Tuk memilih jalan hidupku sendiri
Yang membutuhkan seorang teman
Teman sejati yang sejak dulu kun anti
Teman yang benar-benar tean
Yang ada di sampingku saat susah senang
Selamanya …
Hujan hari ini begitu deras
Dan selepasnya tak kulihat pelangi
Tak seperti dongeng-dongeng malam
Atau ayat-ayat motivasi penguat hati

Hujan hujan sebelumnya juga begitu
Ku lihat ikan-ikan kesakitan terkena derai siram hujan
Lelaki tua peminta kedinginan kebasahan
Listrik menyambar, tiang jatuh, seorang anak tertimpa

Buruk, buruk, buruk

"Hei ayo bermain!"
Lamunanku terjerat
Segerombolan bocah kecil menari dibawah derasnya hujan
Bernyanyi gembira nyengir tak terkira
Aku menjeling, aku mempelajari, aku mulai tersenyum
Agaknya aku yang lupa
Tak kupandang rumput kehausan bersorak menanti tibanya air minum mereka
Sisi pandangkulah salah

Aku menyalahkan pelangi
Tak kulihat bahwa petani begitu bahagia dan menanti
Ini semua bukan tentang pelangi warna warni itu
Pelangi yang sesungguhnya ada disekelilingmu

Jangan merana
Jangan sepertiku
Yang kulihat hanya aku dan segala kesepian ini
Pelajaran tentang mengeluh.
Pelangi sesungguhnya bukan tentang pelangi warna warni.
Hujan masa kini tak ada pelanginya.
Ketutupan polusi kali ya.
Aridea P Oct 2011
Jakarta, 31 Mei 2008

Alunan piano mengarungi ku
Melantunkan ayat-ayat indah
Penuh harap atas ridho-Nya
Enggan berbuat yang tak sempurna
Ragaku gemetar, Serasa
Aku mulai menyentuh-Nya
Padahal ku tekan tuts-tuts nada
Alangkah terkejut saat kau berkata
Laksana Tuan menasehati Hamba-Nya
Enggan berbuat tak sempurna
Music terus ku mainkan
Bagaikan hidup yang kekal
Akankah sekekal masa?
Niscahya indah hidup di Surga
Gembira rasa hati hidup bahagia
fatin May 2016
mana mungkin rindu aku terasa
jika diungkap dengan bait bahasa

dakaplah aku
rasakan rindu aku
kerna mana bisa ayat dan kata curah rasa ini
andai kau rasa perit dan pahit ini,
lepaskan lah.
biar aku bebas terokai dunia
tanpa rasa sekat dalam raga

aku penat
-menunggu sesuatu yang tidak pasti
dalam hal ini, adalah kamu

jalan yang dahulu kita lewati tengah malam kini kian sunyi
dulu, ada sahaja tawa kita kedengaran
bukan aku tidak cuba untuk berhenti ada fikiran tentang kamu
bagai aku tersekat

andai kau rindu
andai kau rasa perit dan pahit ini
lepaskan lah aku

*agar aku bebas teroka dunia
"Bahwa bukan kesedihan yang nyala
Di ruang mata, melainkan hakikat rela"

(Kisah Soe Harry, 2 - Astrajingga Asmasubrata)

aku datang padamu dengan surah yasin
dan rasa ingin
bertemu yang tak bisa dicukupkan oleh
simpuh sujud
seorang anak yang imannya sedang
runtuh. ayat

demi ayat menjelma percakapan kita
tentang hakikat
hidup dan mati: tentang hidup adalah
seluruhnya ibadah
dan mati adalah nikmat tertinggi. mad

dan waqaf menjelma tempatku berhenti:
tempat aku
meluruhkan air mata saat terbayang
wajahmu yang
tak bisa lagi kupandangi. aku bertanya
seberapa rindukah

tuhan padamu tetapi tak ada jawaban
meski telah aku
cari di setiap lembar yang sebentar lagi
menuju akhir.
aku bertanya akankah kau bangun untuk
sekadar menyapaku

tetapi tak ada jawaban meski aku telah
sampai di ayat

kun fayakun.
Aridea P Nov 2011
Palembang, 8 September 2011

Dia adalah..
yang mampu membersihkan fikiranku,
membuatku tertidur di malam hari,
menemaniku hingga pagi.

Dia adalah..
yang berharga dari benda apapun,
sangat suci dan terang,
sumber hidup yang bermakna.

Dia adalah..
penerang jalan selamanya,
takkan pernah berubah,
terkadang dilupakan.

Dia adalah kitab milik Nabi ku Muhammad,
yang abadi,
warisan paling mulia.

Dia adalah Al-Qur'an,
hal yang selalu ku baca sebelum tidur,
ayat yang selalu bku ulang setiap sholat,
nilai yang selalu ku aplikasikan di dalam kehidupan.

Aku cinta Al-Qur'an.
Julian Aug 2022
‘Abá Cloak or mantle; a rough, coarse shirt.[1][2]
‘Abbás AR: عباس lion
‘Abdu’l-Bahá AR: عباس افندی Servant of Glory Title of ‘Abbás Effendi, the eldest son and successor of Bahá'u'lláh, meaning Servant of Bahá (Glory), i.e., Servant of Bahá'u'lláh. He preferred this title over others because it emphasized His servitude to Bahá'u'lláh.
‘Abdu’l-Hamid AR:  عبد الحميد servant of the All-Laudable
‘Abdu’l-Husayn AR:  عبد الحسين servant of Husayn
‘Abdu’lláh AR: عبد الله servant of God
Abhá AR: أبهى Most Glorious, All-Glorious A superlative form of the word Bahá’, "glory", or "glorious"; a form of the Greatest Name of God.
Abhá Beauty AR: جمال ابها A title of Bahá'u'lláh. See also Blessed Beauty.
Abhá Kingdom Most Glorious Kingdom The next stage of existence, or "the next world", i.e. the world of the afterlife.
Abjad system A numerological system, i.e. a system assigning a numerical value to letters, which creates a new layer of meaning in Scripture. For instance, the value of the word Bahá’ in the Abjad system is nine, lending that number a special significance.
Abu’l-Faḍl AR:  ابوالفضل father of virtue
‘Adasíyyih A village near the Jordan River where some early Baha'is lived, working as farmers at ‘Abdu’l-Bahá's request.
Adhan AR: أَذَان announcement[3] Also Azán. Muslim call to prayer.[2]
Ádhirbáyján FA: آذربایجان Also Azerbaijan. A region in northwestern Iran.[4]
Afnán AR: ﺍﻓﻨﺎﻥ twigs The maternal relatives of the Báb; used as a surname by their descendants.
Aghsán AR: ﺍﻏﺼﺎﻥ branches The male descendants of Bahá'u'lláh; has particular implications not only for the disposition of endowments but also for the succession of authority following the passing of Bahá’u’lláh and of his son ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
A.H. After Hijirah. Date of Muḥammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina, and basis of Islamic chronology.[2]
Aḥmad AR: أحمد to thank, to praise An Arabic given name from the same root as the name Muhammad.
Aḥsá’í AR: أحسائي from Ahsáʼ An Arabic demonym referring to a native of the Ahsáʼ region in eastern Saudi Arabia.
Ahváz FA: اهواز the Khuzi people A region in southwestern Iran.
‘Akká AR: عكّا A penal colony of the Ottoman Empire (now part of northern Israel) to which Bahá'u'lláh was banished by Sultan 'Abdu'l-'Aziz.
Akbar AR: اكبر great Great, or greater. See Alláh-u-Akbar, Ghusn-i-Akbar.[2]
‘Alá’ AR: علاء loftiness The nineteenth month of the Bahá’í calendar; the month of fasting.
Alláh-u-Abhá AR: الله أبهى God is Most Glorious A form of the Greatest Name of God. Commonly used as a greeting by Bahá'ís. Repeating Alláh-u-Abhá 95 times a day is a law binding on all Bahá'ís, as written by Bahá'u'lláh in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
Alláh-u-Akbar AR: ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ God is Most Great
Amatu'l-Bahá AR: امةالبهاء Maidservant of Glory Title of Rúhíyyih Khanum, the wife of Shoghi Effendi, meaning Maidservant of Bahá (Glory), i.e., Maidservant of Bahá'u'lláh.
Amír lord, prince, commander, governor[2] Also Ameer, Emir. The word originally signified a military commander, but very early came to be extended to anyone bearing rule.[5]
Áqá FA: آقا Sir, mister, master Also Aga, Agha. A dignitary or lord; used generally as a term of respect.[6] Title given by Bahá’u’lláh to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (translated as "Master").[2]
Aqdas FA: اقدس‎ most holy Most Holy. Used in the title of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
‘Arabistán A former Arab Emirate that now forms part of the Iranian province of Khuzestan.
Aṣl-i-Kullu'l-Khayr AR: أﺻﻞ ﻛﻞ ﺍﻟﺨﻴﺮ words of wisdom A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh.
Asmá’ AR: اسماء names The ninth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
‘Avájiq FA: آواجیق The westernmost city in Iran, located in the province of West Ádhirbáyján.
Áyah AR: آية verse, sign, miracle Also Ayat. A verse, esp. of the Qur'án.
Ayyám-i-Há AR:  ايام الهاء days of Há A period of four or five intercalary days in the Bahá’í calendar, celebrated by Bahá'ís as a Festival marked by charity, hospitality and rejoicing.
‘Aẓam AR: اعظم greatest[2] See Ghusn-i-‘Aẓam.
‘Aẓamat AR: عظمة grandeur The fourth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Báb, The AR: باب door, gate Title assumed by Mírzá ‘Alí-Muḥammad after the declaration of His Mission as the promised Qá'im (or Mihdí/Mahdi) in Shíráz in May 1844.[2] A Manifestation of God whose dispensation preceded that of Bahá'u'lláh, and who foretold His coming. Founder of the Bábí religion.
Bábí AR: بابی of the gate A follower of the Báb, or an adjective used in relating something or someone to the Bábí religion.
Bábí religion The religion established by the Báb.
Bábu'l-Báb AR: باب الباب gate of the gate Title of Mullá Ḥusayn-i-Bushru'i, the first person to profess belief in the Báb.
Baghdád AR: مدينة بغداد bestowed by God[7] Also Bagdad.[8] The capital city of Iraq, to which Bahá’u’lláh was exiled in 1853. He took up residence and lived there for the greater part of a decade. His House in the Karkh sector of the city is a site of pilgrimage, although it was destroyed in 2013; a garden in the city's Rusafa sector was the site of the events celebrated during Riḍván.
Bahá’ AR: أبهى glory, splendour The Greatest Name of God, meaning "glory", or "glorious". The first month of the Bahá’í calendar. Title by which Bahá’u’lláh (Mírzá Ḥusayn-‘Alí) is designated.[2]
Bahá’í AR: بهائی of glory A follower of Bahá'u'lláh, or an adjective used in relating something or someone to the Bahá’í Faith. It is important to note that "Bahá’í" is not a noun meaning the religion as a whole; i.e. "She is a member of the Bahá'í Faith" rather than "She is a member of Bahá'í".
Bahá’í Faith The religion established by Bahá'u'lláh.
Bahá'u'lláh AR: بهاء الله Glory of God The Founder of the Bahá'í Faith, the Manifestation of God for this age.
Bahíyyih Bahíyyih Khánum, “Greatest Holy Leaf” (born Fáṭimih Sulṭán, 1846–15 July 1932)
Bahjí AR: البهجة delight A site outside the city of ‘Akká where Bahá'u'lláh spent His final years, in the Mansion of Bahjí.
Bait al-Adl AR: بيت العدل House of Justice Also Baytu’l-’Adl. The House of Justice, an elected legislative institution ordained by Bahá'u'lláh.
Bait al-Adl al-Azam AR: بيت العدل الأعظم House of Justice Also Baytu’l-’Adl-i-A’ẓam. The Universal House of Justice, also referred to as the Supreme House of Justice, the elected institution that currently serves as the head of the Bahá'í Faith.
Balúchistán FA: بلوچستان Southwestern province of Pakistan
Bandar-‘Abbás FA: بندرعباس A port city and capital of Hurmúzgán Province on the southern Persian Gulf coast of Írán
Baqíyyatu’lláh Remnant of God Title applied both to the Báb and to Bahá’u’lláh.[2]
Bárfurúsh FA: بارفروش a town in Mázindarán, now known as Bábul (Babol)
Bayán AR: بیان‎ exposition, utterance, explanation Title given by the Báb to His Revelation, particularly to His Books, and especially to two of His major works: The Persian Bayán and the Arabic Bayán.[2]
Bayt AR: بيت house, building
Big Honorary title; lower title than Khán.[2]
Bírjand FA: بیرجند city in eastern Írán
Bishárát AR: ﺍﻟﻄﺮﺍﺯﺍﺕ good news, glad-tidings A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh.
Bukhárá FA: بخارا city in Uzbekistan
Burújird FA: بروجرد Capital city of the province of Luristán, place of the governorship of Mírzá Buzurg
Búshihr FA: بوشهر Iranian city (once the primary port of Írán) and province on the Persian Gulf.
Búshrúyih FA: بشرويه a town in Khurásán, 55 km NE of Ṭabas and 70 km WSW of Tún. It is the birthplace of Mullá Ḥusayn, first disciple of the Báb.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Caravanserai FA: کاروانسرای caravan palace An inn for caravans, i.e. groups of traders, pilgrims or other travellers, engaged in long-distance travel.[2][9]
Chihár-Vádí FA: چهار وادی four valleys “Four Valleys” by Bahá’u’lláh. Addressed to Shaykh ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán-i-Karkútí.
Chihríq FA: چهریق Fortress in Kurdish Ádhirbáyján, designated by the Báb as Jabal-i-Shadíd (the Grievous Mountain)
Term Source Meaning Definition
Dárúghih FA: داروغه high constable[2]
Darvísh FA: درویش seeking doors; beggar Also Dervish. A Muslim mystic, often a hermit or ascetic who wanders the land carrying a begging bowl (kashkúl). Equivalent to the Arabic faqír.[10]
Dawlih state, government[2] See Vakilu'd-Dawlih.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Effendi FA: افندي master A title of nobility.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Fárán Pers. small village in Ardistán
Farmán FA: فرمان order, command, royal decree[2] Also Firmán. An edict given by a sovereign, particularly for decrees, grants, passports, etc.[11]
Farrásh FA: فرش footman, lictor, attendant[2]
Farrásh-Báshí FA: فراش باشی The head farrásh.[2]
Fárs FA: فارس a southern province of Írán, from which the name Persia derives.
Farsakh FA: فرسخ Unit of measurement. Its length differs in different parts of the country according to the nature of the ground, the local interpretation of the term being the distance which a laden mule will walk in the hour, which varies from three to four miles. Arabicised from the old Persian “parsang,” and supposed to be derived from pieces of stone (sang) placed on the roadside.[2][12]
Fiḍál AR: فضال grace The fourth day of the week in the Bahá’í calendar, corresponding to Tuesday.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Ganjih FA: گنجه (Ganjeh) city (2nd largest) in Ádharbayján. It was named Elisabethpol in the Russian Empire period.
Ghuṣn-i-A‘ẓám FA: غصن اعظم Most Great or Greatest Branch, i.e. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
Ghuṣn-i-Akbar FA: غصن اکبر Greater Branch, i.e. Mírzá Muḥammad-‘Ali. Also The Chosen Branch, i.e. Shoghi Effendi.
Gílán FA: گیلان a northern province of Írán on the Caspian Sea.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Ḥadíth AR: حديث occurring, happening, taking place
Ḥájí AR: حاج Also Hajji, Hadji. A Muslim who has made the Hajj, i.e. pilgrimage.[2][13]
Ḥajj AR: حج setting out Also Hadj. The Muslim rite of pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.[13]
Hamadán FA: همدان Hamadán city in Írán, 144 km NE Kirmánsháh. Originally Ecbatana of the ancient Medes.
Ḥaydar-‘Alí AR: حيدر علي noted early Bahá’í, born into Shaykhí family of Iṣfahán. Known as the “Angel of Carmel”.
Haykal AR: هيكل temple; large building, edifice
Himmat-Ábád FA: همت اباد city in Raḍawí Khurásán Ústán Province, Írán
Howdah AR: هودج A litter carried by a camel, mule, horse, or elephant for travelling purposes.[2]
Ḥusayn AR: الحسين (diminutive form of Haṣan “Good”) Name of the third Imám, Ḥusayn.
Huvaydar village north of the city Ba‘qúba, which is 60 km NE of Baghdád
Term Source Meaning Definition
Ibráhím AR: إِبْرَاهِيْمُ A given name referring to Abraham, Patriarch of the people of Israel.
‘Idál AR: عدال justice The fifth day of the week in the Bahá’í calendar, corresponding to Wednesday.
Íl clan[2]
‘Ilm AR: علم knowledge The twelfth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Imám AR: إمام leader A Muslim religious leader; specifically, the title of the twelve shí’ah successors of Muḥammad.[2]
Imám-Jum’ih FA: امام جمعه Friday leader The leading imám in a town or city; chief of the mullás, who recites the Friday prayer for the sovereign.[2]
Imám-Zádih FA: امامزاده The tomb or shrine of an imám; or, a descendant of an imám.[2]
Iqán AR: الإيقان certitude being sure, knowing for certain; certitude. Also refers to the book, the Kitáb-i-Íqán.
Irán FA: ایران Írán, the kingdom of Persia proper. Derives from the name Aryán ("of the Iranians"), the self-identifier used by ancient Iranian peoples.
‘Iráq-i-‘Ajam FA: عراقِ عجم Persian ‘Iráq. ‘Iráq between the 11th to 19th centuries consisted of two neighbouring regions: Arabic Iraq (‘Iráq-i ‘Arab) and Persian Iraq (‘Iráq-i ‘Ajam). Arabic Iraq = ancient Babylonia (now central-southern Iraq), and Persian Iraq = ancient Media (now central-western Iran). The two regions were separated by the Zagros Mountains.
Iṣfahán FA: اصفهان Persian city 340 km south of Ṭihrán.
‘Ishqábád FA: عشق آباد Ashkhabad/Ashgabat; capital of Turkmenistan, known as the “City of Love”. A strong Bahá'í community developed there in the time of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
Ishráqát AR: ﺍﻻﺷﺮﺍﻗﺎﺕ radiance; radiation, eradiation, emanation; illumination A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh.
Ishtihárd a village 69 km SE of Qazvín and 54 km SW of Karaj
Islám AR: الاسلام submission, resignation, reconciliation (to the will of God in every age)
Ismá‘ílíyyih AR: الإسماعيلية Isma’ilism (Ismá‘ílí sect)—branch of Shí‘a Islám that followed the Imám succession through the eldest son.
Istarábád FA: أستاراباد See Astarábád: “City of Mules”, on south eastern Caspian Sea border of Írán. Since 1937 called Gúrgán (Gorgán).
Istijlál AR: استجلال majesty The sixth day of the week in the Bahá’í calendar, corresponding to Thursday.
Istiqlál AR: استقلال independence The seventh day of the week in the Bahá’í calendar, corresponding to Friday.
‘Izzat AR: عزة might The tenth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Jalál AR: جلال glory The second month of the Bahá’í calendar. Also the first day of the Bahá'í week, corresponding to Saturday.
Jamál AR: جمال beauty The third month of the Bahá’í calendar. Also the second day of the Bahá'í week, corresponding to Sunday.
Jamál-i-Mubárak FA: جمال مبارک “The Blessed Beauty” Title used by some Bahá’ís for Bahá’u’lláh.
Jásb FA: جاسب rural district, Markazí Province, Írán
Jubbih AR: جبيه Also Jubba. A cloth cloak or upper coat.[2][12]
Term Source Meaning Definition
Ka‘bih AR: كَعْبَة cube Also Kaaba, Ka'ba, Kaabeh. An ancient shrine at Mecca; the most holy shrine of Islam, located at the center of Islam's most important mosque, the Masjid al-Haram.[2][14]
Kad-Khudá FA: کدخدا Chief of a ward or parish in a town; headman of a village.[2]
Kalantar FA: کلانتر mayor[2]
Kalím FA: کلیم one who discourses[2]
Kalimát AR: كلمات words The eighth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Kalímát-i-Firdawsíyyih AR: ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻤﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﺩﻭﺳﻴﺔ words of paradise A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh.
Kamál AR: كمال perfection The ninth month of the Bahá’í calendar. Also the third day of the Bahá'í week, corresponding to Monday.
Karand FA: کارند A village about 100 km SE of Ṭihrán.
Karbilá AR: كربلاء Also Karbala, Kerbela. A ****’ite holy city in ‘Iráq where the Imám Ḥusayn was murdered and buried, and where His Shrine is located.[15]
Karbilá’í AR: کربلایی A Muslim who has performed the pilgrimage to Karbilá.
Káshán FA: کاشان One of the oldest cities of Írán, located in north central Persia.[16]
Kawthar AR: ٱلكَوْثَر abundant, plentiful Name of a lake or river in Paradise that Muḥammad saw on his mystic night journey (Qur’án, surah 108).
Kázim AR: ٱلْكَاظِم “One who suppresses his passion or anger”. The title of the seventh Imám of the Shí‘ih.
Kirmán FA: کرمان capital city of Kirmán province, Írán
Kirmánsháh FA: کرمانشاه Province and city in western Írán.
Khán AR: خان caravanserai A roadside inn where travelers (caravaners) could rest and recover from their day's journey.[9]
Khán-i-'Avámid FA: خان آوامید The caravanserai in ‘Akká where Bahá'u'lláh used to receive guests, and later the site for a Bahá'í school.
Khanúm FA:  خانم lady, Madame, Mrs. An honorific title given to women of high social status.
Khurásán FA: خراسان sunrise; orient Province in the north-eastern part of Írán until 2004—replaced by North Khurásán, South Khurásán and Razavi (Raḍawí) Khurásán Provinces.
Khuy FA: خوی (Khoy) city in and the capital of Khoy County, West Azerbaijan Province, Írán
Kitáb AR: الكتاب book A book.
Kitáb-i-‘Ahd FA: کتاب عهدی Book of the Covenant Testament of Bahá’u’lláh, designated by Him as His “Most Great Tablet”
Kitáb-i-Aqdas FA: کتاب اقدس The Most Holy Book by Bahá’u’lláh, written in Arabic
Kitáb-i-Íqán FA: کتاب ایقان Book of Certitude by Bahá’u’lláh
Kull-i-Shay’ AR: كل شىء all things The 361-year supercycle of the Bahá’í calendar, which consists of 19 Váḥids.
Kurdistán FA: کوردستان Greater Kurdistan, a roughly defined geo-cultural historical region wherein the Kurdish people form a prominent majority population and Kurdish culture, languages and national identity have historically been based.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Láhíján FA: لاهیجان Caspian sea resort in and the capital of Láhíján County
Lár FA: لار city in province of Fárs
Lawḥ AR: ﻟﻮﺡ board, blackboard
Luristán FA: لرستان a province and an area in western Írán in the Zagros Mountains
Term Source Meaning Definition
Maḥbúbu’sh-Shuhadá’ AR­: محبوب الشهداء Beloved of Martyrs Mírzá Muḥammad-Ḥusayn. Brother of Mírzá Muḥammad-Ḥasan, both from Iṣfahán.
Maḥmúd AR: محمود praised, commendable, laudable, praiseworthy A common Arabic name; a form of the name Muḥammad.
Mákú FA: ماکو a city in the West Azerbaijan Province, Írán
Maláyir FA: ملایر city SSE of Ḥamdán, Írán
Maqám FA: مقام site, location
Marághih FA: مراغه city 75 km south of Tabriz, Ádhirbáyján
Marḥabá AR: مرحبا welcome, well done A customary expression of greeting or welcome.
Masá’il AR: مسائل questions The fifteenth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Mashhad FA: مشهد‎ place of assembly place where a martyr or hero died; religious shrine venerated by the people, especially the tomb of a saint
Mashíyyat AR: مشية will The eleventh month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Mashriqu’l-Adhkár AR: مشرق اﻻذكار Dawning-place of the praises, prayers, remembrances or mentions of God Title for a purpose-built Bahá’í House of Worship.
Mázindarán FA: مازندران A province in northern Írán, on the Caspian Sea. Ancient stronghold of the Parthian and Sassanian Empires, and the ancestral home of Bahá’u’lláh.
Merv FA: مرو‎ Also: Marv. Ancient city located on the Silk Road near the modern-day city of Mary, Turkmenistan.
Mihdí AR: ٱلْمَهْدِيّ‎ One who guides aright, the Guided One. A title of the Twelfth (expected) Imám or Qá’im. Mírzá Mihdí (“The Purest Branch”)
Mílán FA: میلان A village 23 km SW Tabríz, in Ádhirbáyján.
Mírzá FA: میرزا of noble lineage Derived from amírzádeh, meaning child of the Amír or child of the ruler. A term of respect which generally indicates a literate person. When used at the end of a name, it denotes a prince.[17]
Mishkín-Qalam FA: مشكین قلم One of the nineteen Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh, and famous calligrapher of 19th century Persia.
Mithqal AR: مثقال‎ Also Miskal. A unit of weight commonly used in Persia.[12]
Muḥammad AR: مُحَمَّد praised, commendable, laudable Also Mohammed. A common Arabic name, referring to the Prophet of Islam.
Muḥammarih Former name of Persian city Khurramshahr
Mujtahid AR: مُجْتَهِد‎ one who strives or one who exerts himself A mujtahid in contemporary Írán is now called an áyatu’lláh.
Mulk AR: ملك dominion The eighteenth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Mullá FA: ملا A member of the Muslim clergy.
Munírih FA: منیره luminous, radiant Munírih Khánum, wife of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (mid 1848–28 April 1938)
Mustagháth AR: مستغث the one called upon for help Used as the name of God by the Báb.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Najaf-Ábá­d FA: نجف‌آباد A city in Iran's Isfahan Province.
Náqiḍín opposers, violators Covenant-breakers.
Násiri'd-Dín FA: ناصرالدین شاه Protector/Defender of the Faith
Naw-Rúz FA: نوروز new day The new year of the Bahá’í calendar, falling on the day of the spring equinox, i.e. the day on which the sun enters the constellation of Aries as viewed from Tehran.
Nayríz FA: نی‌ریز‎ A city in Iran's Fars Province, southeast of Shíráz, and the site of a major struggle between Bábís and authorities under the Qajar dynasty.
Níshábúr FA: نیشابور A city in northeastern Iran's Razavi Khorasan province, and former capital of Khorasan Province.
Núr AR: نور light The fifth month of the Bahá’í calendar. Also
Term Source Meaning Definition
Pahlaví, Pahlawí belonging to a city; a citizen
Term Source Meaning Definition
Qádí AR: قادی judge A civil, criminal, or ecclesiastical judge.[2]
Qádíyán AR: قادیان City in Punjab, India. The birthplace of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, founder of the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam.
Qá’im FA: قائم He Who shall arise Title designating the Promised One of Islám.[2]
Qalyán FA: قالیان hookah A pipe for smoking through water.[2]
Qamṣar village 25 km south of Káshán, Írán
Qawl AR: قول speech The fourteenth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Qayyúm permanent, lasting, stable Superlative of Qá’im [the Báb], the Most Great One Who will arise [Bahá’u’lláh]
Qayyúmu'l-Asmá The Báb's commentary on the Qur'an's Surih of Joseph, characterized by Bahá'u'lláh as "the first, the greatest, and mightiest of all books" in the Bábí Dispensation.
Qazvín a city 140 km NW of Ṭihrán.
Qiblih AR: قبلة Also Qibla, Qiblah. The direction to which people turn in prayer; especially Mecca, the Qiblih of all Muslims.[2][18]
Qúchán city and capital of Qúchán County
Quddús The Most Holy
Qudrat AR: قدرة power The thirteenth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Qum holy city 130 km SSW of Ṭihrán, location of the Shrine of Ma’ṣúmih, the sister of Imám Riṣá, the eighth Imám
Qur’án AR: الۡقُرۡآنۡ recitation, reading, the word
Qurbán AR: قربان sacrifice[2]
Qurratu'l-ʿAyn A title of Táhirih, meaning Solace of the Eyes.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Rafsinján city and council in Kirmán province, Írán
Rahím merciful, compassionate one of the names (ar-Raḥím) of God
Raḥmán merciful, compassionate (God)
Raḥmat AR: رحمة mercy The sixth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Rasht city in province of Gílán
Rawḥání good, agreeable, clean and pure (place)
Riḍván AR: رضوان paradise The "King of Festivals" of the Bahá’í Faith, commemorating Bahá'u'lláh's 1863 declaration that He was a Manifestation of God, in the Garden of Ridván outside Baghdad. Also used literally in other contexts, to mean "paradise".
Rúḥu’lláh Spirit of God A designation Muslims use for Jesus. Son of Mírzá ‘Alí-Muḥammad-i-Varqá
Term Source Meaning Definition
Sabzivár F­A: سبزوار city in Khurásán Province
Sadratu’l-Muntahá AR: سِدْرَة ٱلْمُنْتَهَىٰ‎ Lote Tree of the Farthest Boundary Symbolically, the Lote tree in the Seventh Heaven; the utmost extremity, a boundary which no one can pass.
Ṣáḥibu’z-Zamán FA: صاحب زمان Lord of the Age One of the titles of the promised Qá’im.[2]
Sárí FA: ساری A town in eastern Mázindarán province. (GPB p. 40)
Sháh FA: شاه king, emperor, sovereign, monarch, prince A title given to the emperors and kings of Persia and other societies under Persian influence.
Sháhansháh FA: شاهنشاه‎ king of kings The full title of Persian emperors since the Achaemenid dynasty.
Shahíd AR: شهيد martyr Singular form.[2]
Shahmirzád FA: شهميرزاد‎ A town in the province of Semnan, 170 km east of Ṭihrán, Írán.
Sháhrúd FA: شاهرود a mighty river; name of a river Name of a crossroad city 330 km NE of Teheran. Also: a type of lute (musical instrument); the thickest cord of a musical instrument.
Sharaf AR: شرف honour The sixteenth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Shaykh AR: شیخ A learned man; generally used for elders, chiefs, professors, or heads of dervish orders.
Shaykhu’l-Islám AR: شيخ الإسلام Head of a religious court, appointed to every large city by the king or ruler.[2]
Shí’ih AR: شِيعَة‎ followers, i.e. of Ali Of or relating to Shia/****'ih Islam, the second largest branch of Islam.
Shíráz FA: شیراز‎ The capital of Fars province, Iran; birthplace of the Báb, and the site of His Declaration.
Shuhada AR: الشهداء martyrs Plural form.[2]
Simnán FA: سمنان‎ A province in northern Iran.
Sísán FA: سیسان Seysan, Sisan-e Qadim. A village in Eastern Ádhirbáyján province, Iran.
Sístán FA: سیستان‎ land of the Saka A historical and geographical region in eastern Iran and Southern Afghanistan; known in ancient times as Sakastan.
Síyáh-Chál FA: سیاه چال‎ black pit The dungeon south east of the palace of the Sháh and near the Sabzih-Maydán in Tehran in which Bahá'u'lláh was incarcerated for some months in 1852. It was originally built as a reservoir, storing water for the public baths nearby. In the Persian language, "Síyáh-chál" (Persian: سیاه چال, literally "black pit") is the common name for a dungeon.
Siyyid AR: سيد‎ A descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.[2]
Súfí AR: ٱلصُّوفِيَّة‎ one who wears wool Of, or relating to the mystical practice of Islam.
Sulaymán AR: سُليمان Solomon An Arabic given name referring to Solomon, King of Israel and son of King David.
Sulaymániyyih AR: السليمانية‎ A town in Kurdish Iraq. Bahá’u’lláh resided as a dervish in the mountains surrounding the town from 1854 to 1856.
Sulṭán AR: سلطان sovereignty The seventeenth month of the Bahá’í calendar.
Sulṭánu’sh-Shuhadá’ AR: سلطان الشهداء King of Martyrs A title given to Mírzá Muḥammad-Ḥasan of Isfahan.
Sunní AR: أهل السنة people of the sunnah, i.e. majority tradition Of or relating to Sunni Islam, the largest branch of Islam.
Súrih AR: سورة tablet, chapter Also: Surah, Súriy. A tablet, or letter. The chapters of the Qur'an are known as súrihs or surahs.[2]
Súriy-i-Ghuṣn AR: سورة الهيكل Tablet of the Branch Also: Súratu’l-Ghuṣn. A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh in which He confirms a high station for ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
Súriy-i-Haykal AR: سورة الهيكل Tablet of the Temple Also: Súratu’l-Haykal. A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Summons of the Lord of Hosts, which includes his messages addressed to five world leaders: Pope Pius IX, Napoleon III, Czar Alexander II, Queen Victoria, and Násiri'd-Dín Sháh.
Súriy-i-Mulúk AR: سورة الملوك Tablet of the Kings Also: Súratu’l-Mulúk. A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Summons of the Lord of Hosts, addressed collectively to the monarchs of the East and the West.
Súriy-i-Ra'ís AR: سورة الرئيس Tablet of the Chief Also: Súratu’l-Ra'ís. A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Summons of the Lord of Hosts, addressed to ‘Alí Páshá, the Ottoman Prime Minister.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Tabríz FA: تبریز flowing hot capital of Ádharbayján Province, Írán.
Ṭáhirih FA: طاهره‎ clean, pure; chaste, modest, virtuous The pure one
Tajallíyát AR: ﺍﻟﺘﺠﻠﻴﺎﺕ lustre, brightness, brilliancy, effulgence A tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh.
Tákur FA: تاكور village 40 km south of Núr and 47.5 km NE of Afjihin. It is Bahá’u’lláh’s ancestral home.
Ṭarázát AR: ﺍﻟﻄﺮﺍﺯﺍﺕ ornaments A royal robe, or rich dress ornamented with embroidery. Name of a tablet of Bahá’u’lláh published in Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh.
Tarbíyat FA: تربيت education, upbringing, teaching, instruction, pedagogy The name of a group of Bahá’í schools established in Ṭihrán around the turn of the 20th century.
Ṭashkand FA: تاشکند city of stones; place on a hill Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan
Tawhid AR: توحيد‎ unification, union, combination, fusion Oneness of God, the most important article of faith in Islam.
Thurayyá AR: الثريا The Pleiades; a star cluster once seen and described by the Prophet Muhammad. Used as a female given name (Soraya).
Ṭihrán FA: تهران‎ a warm place; Tir's abode; bottom of the mountain Tehran/Teheran, capital of Írán, birthplace of Bahá’u’lláh.
Túman A sum of money equivalent to a dollar.[2][12]
Term Source Meaning Definition
‘Ulamá AR: أولاما knowers Also Ulema. Learned men of Islam, i.e. theologians, canon lawyers, professors, muftis, etc; a council of the learned, especially in a Muslim state.[19]
Urúmíyyih FA: ارومیه water town Also Urmia, Orumiyeh. City in West Ádharbáyján Province, Írán, located near the lake of the same name.[4]
Ustád FA: اوستاد master A master craftsman.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Vaḥíd FA: وحید alone, solitary Superlative form of ‘waḥada’, to be alone. Numerical value of 28.
Váḥid FA: واحد unity The 19-year cycle of the Bahá’í calendar.
Valí-‘Ahd FA: ولیعهد heir to the throne[2] A crown prince, or chosen successor.
Varqá FA: ورقا Dove
Vazír FA: وزیر burden-bearer, helper[20] Also Vizier, Vizir, Wazír. The chief minister and representative of the caliph, and later, of the head of state of the Persian and Ottoman Empires.[20]
Term Source Meaning Definition
Yá ‘Alíyyu’l-‘Alá “O Thou the Exalted of the Exalted” or “O Thou the Exalted, the Most Exalted”. A form of the name of the Báb, used as an invocation.
Yá Alláhu'l-Mustagháth AR: يا الله المستغث “O God, He Who is invoked” or “O Thou God Who art invoked”
Yá Bahá’u’l-Abhá AR: يا بهاء الأبهى “O Glory of the All-Glorious” or “O Thou the Glory of the Most Glorious”. A form of the name of Bahá’u’lláh, used as an invocation.
Yaḥyá AR: يحيى John A common Arabic given name, referring to John the Baptist.
Yazd A province and city in central Írán, notable as the primary centre of the Persian Zoroastrian population.
Term Source Meaning Definition
Zádih son of;[2] descendant of Also Zadeh, Zada. A common patronymic suffix.
Zanján Also Zenján.[21] City between Qazvín and Tabríz, home of Ḥujjat; site of a major battle in which Bábís were massacred.
Zaynu’l-Muqarrabín “the Ornament of the Near Ones” or “the Ornament of the favoured”
Bintun Nahl 1453 Mar 2015
Poligami itu hukumnya mubah (QS. An Nisa 3) tidak ada thalab (seruan) disana secara jazm (yang menguatkan) untuk disebut berhukum sunnah, ataupun wajib. Dan tidak ada illat ataupun syarat yang menjadikannya wajib ataupun sunah.
Di ayat tersebut ada frase "ma thoba" (yang kalian senangi), jadi disitu Allah memberi pilihan (atas keMahatahuannya Allah atas mahluk-Nya), karena memang mubah itu statusnya "pilihan"
Kalau dianalogikan, seperti orang makan lauk kerupuk. Ada yang suka/memilih makan pake kerupuk, ada yang nggak suka. Bukan berarti yang suka makan kerupuk, lebih terpuji, dan yang tidak suka makan kerupuk, tidak terpuji. Atau sebaliknya.
Dan 'adil' bukanlah illat atau syarat, dibolehkannya seorang laki-laki (suami) untuk berpoligami (menikah lagi)...
Sederhananya begitu cara memahami 'hukum Allah' yang satu ini. Jangan sampai suka dan ketidaksukaan kita terhadap sesuatu membuat kita salah persepsi tentang hukum yang satu ini... Wallahu'alam
Semoga yang baca nggak salah persepsi ya...
Atta Feb 2017
Jadi, bukan puisi atau lantunan ayat yang ingin ku tuliskan.
Hanya hal biasa yang mungkin kau lupa eksistesinya.

Kamu lupa berterima kasih dengan segala sesuatu yang kamu lewati. Kamu pernah berjanji ingin berubah (apaan anjing omdo).
Kamu pernah mengingkari dan selalu aku yang memaafkan. Kukatakan itu wajar.
Tapi melebihi batas wajar itu, kamu terus acuh dan acuh.
Cacian saja sudah puas aku lontarkan?
Aku butuh lebih dari ini, bukan hanya kata-kata pedas yang kamu butuhkan.
Kamu butuh mati.
Kamu butuh mati rasa.
bodo amat bye.
annvelope Oct 2014
Kau tahu,
Kawan baikku hip,
Ayat dia deep.
Sekali dia tweet,
Memang kau sakit.
KA Poetry Dec 2017
Saat hatimu dilanda kegelapan
Yakinlah penerangmu tiada lain
Selain Allah SWT
Penerang dari segala kegelapan

“Dan kami turunkan dari Al-Qur’an
Suatu yang menjadi penyembuh
Dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman
Dan Al-Qur’an itu tidaklah menambah kepada orang-orang yang dzalim

Selain kerugian. “

Lantunan ayat tersebut
Bawa aku pergi dari kelam
Selamat diriku

Ya Allah SWT.
17/12/2017 | 18.32 | Indonesia | QS. Al-Isra’ : 82 | K.***
Orked Saerah Sep 2014
Aku lihat wajah sugul dia
Yang sedang duduk di sofa empuk kegemaran arwah abah
Tengah merenung nasib tuanya
Terkenangkan sikap anak-anak yang endah tak endah terhadapnya
Terngiang-ngiang lagi suara tua itu berkata pada aku
' Tak kisah lah orang nak campak mak ke mana, Mak ikut aje '
Begitulah ayat yang keluar dari mulut si nenek tua itu sambil ketawa perlahan
Riak mukanya begitu sedih
Sayu dan redup wajah tua itu
di dadaku kau menjelma dzikir dan aku
menyebutmu dengan
khusyuk dengan takbir atau kun fayakun
yang barangkali bisa

mengubah takdir. sedang di dadamu aku
menjelma sunyi dan
kau tak pernah mendengarku meski telah
kulantunkan ayat-ayat

Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Setiap hari kubuka Tiktok.
Selalu kulihat banyak video.
Terus diposting orang orang Gaza.
Bercampur antara duka lara dan suka cita.

Anas sang jurnalis di Jabalia.
Menyiarkan berita bombardir pesawat jet.
Menghancurkan rumah dan sekolah.
Mayat anak anak tergeletak dimana mana.

Hamada sang juru masak di Khan Yunis.
Bersemangat memasak shawarma ayam.
Lalu dia membagikan untuk anak anak.
Mereka tertawa gembira bisa makan enak.

Motasem sang jurnalis di Beit Lahia.
Mendatangi beberapa tenda pengungsi.
Anak anak di dalam tenda tenda itu.
Semuanya kurus kering kelaparan.

Mona sang relawan di Al Mawasi.
Sibuk membagikan bahan bahan kebutuhan.
Beras , tepung , minyak , gula , mie.
Para pengungsi senang menerimanya.

Bisan sang jurnalis di Al Maghazi.
Bertemu banyak rombongan pengungsi.
Mereka kelelahan berjalan jauh.
Sandal dan sepatu mereka sobek semua.

Tito sang badut di Gaza Utara.
Selalu enerjik menghibur anak anak.
Bermain , bernyanyi , berjoget.
Tertawa gembira bersama sama.

Dr Mohammed di rumah sakit Kamal Adwan.
Merasa kelelahan dan ketakutan.
Sendirian mengurusi orang orang terluka.
Sementara rekan rekannya ditangkap semua.

Said sang relawan di Al Nuseirat.
Tanpa lelah memasang tenda tenda.
Memasak makanan dan membagikan barang.
Untuk pengungsi yang terlantar.

Saleh sang jurnalis di Khan Yunis.
Menemukan anak lelaki saat tengah malam.
Menangis sendirian di kuburan ibunya.
Tidak mau kembali ke tenda hingga pagi tiba.

Dahlan sang relawan di Deir El Balah.
Mengadakan acara nonton kartun bersama.
Anak anak berkumpul dan merasa gembira.
Nonton kartun sambil makan popcorn.

Ahmed sang jurnalis di Al Nuseirat.
Merasa kasihan melihat anak anak di dalam tenda.
Mereka kepanasan saat siang terik.
Dan kebanjiran saat hujan deras.

Samaa sang gadis pemain biola di Tel El Hawa.
Duduk di bawah pohon sambil memainkan biola.
Anak anak yang melihatnya tampak tenang.
Terlarut melupakan semua penderitaan.

Youmna sang jurnalis di Shujaiya.
Bertemu anak anak yang terlantar.
Mereka memungut makanan dari sampah.
Dan meminum air dari comberan.

Alaa sang tukang cukur di Al Nuseirat.
Mencukur rambut orang orang tanpa bayaran.
Dia cukup senang mendapat sedikit imbalan.
Rokok , roti , kopi atau ucapan terima kasih.

Hossam sang jurnalis di stadion Yarmouk.
Meliput banyak pengungsi yang berdatangan.
Mereka kelelahan , kelaparan , kehausan.
Terlantar tak punya tenda.

Renad sang gadis cilik di Deir El Balah.
Selalu ceria memasak berbagai makanan.
Dia memasak maqluba tanpa ayam.
Harga ayam naik tinggi tak terbeli.

Doaa sang jurnalis di rumah sakit Al Nasser.
Mengunjungi anak anak yang terluka.
Ada yang tangan dan kakinya buntung.
Ada yang kulitnya mengelupas terkena fosfor.

Israa sang guru di Al Bureij.
Mengajak rekan rekannya membuka tenda sekolah.
Mereka memberi alat menulis dan menggambar.
Anak anak senang bisa sekolah lagi.

Hind sang jurnalis di rumah sakit Al Aqsa.
Menyiarkan berita yang mengerikan.
Tenda tenda di sekitarnya hancur berantakan.
Terbakar terkena bombardir pesawat jet.

Samih sang pemuda pemain oud di Deir El Balah.
Penuh semangat bernyanyi sambil memainkan oud.
Sementara teman temannya lincah menari dabke.
Menghibur orang orang yang mengungsi.

Samara sang jurnalis di Al Zaitun.
Mendatangi tenda tenda para pengungsi.
Banyak anak anak yang kulitnya gatal.
Penuh borok dirubungi lalat.

Abdullah sang petani di Khan Yunis.
Nekat menyelinap kembali ke kebunnya.
Agar dia bisa memanen sekarung buah olive.
Cukup untuk dibagi para pengungsi.

Faiz sang jurnalis di Rafah.
Meliput jalanan yang sepi.
Tak ada apapun selain mayat mayat berlumuran darah.
Tewas bergelimpangan diserang quadcopter.

Hassan sang dosen di Al Rimal.
Tanpa lelah melakukan kuliah online.
Para mahasiswa bersemangat melanjutkan kuliah.
Tak peduli dengan kekacauan , kesulitan dan keterbatasan.

Mahmoud sang jurnalis di Shujaiya.
Menutup hidungnya sambil melakukan liputan.
Mayat mayat membusuk menjadi tulang belulang.
Dimakan anjing anjing liar yang kelaparan.

Abdallah sang relawan di Deir El Balah.
Sibuk mengurusi banyak kucing liar.
Dia mengobati dan memberi makan.
Lalu membelai belai dan bermain main.

  Mousa sang penyelamat sipil di Beit Hanoun.
Merasa putus asa tidak bisa menolong.
Orang orang yang terluka tertimpa bangunan.
Merintih rintih kesakitan menunggu kematian.

Fadi sang relawan di Al Maghazi.
Terus bergerak bersama rekan rekannya.
Mereka memasang solar panel , mengebor sumur dan membuat.
Para pengungsi memuji kerja keras mereka.

Yousef sang petugas medis di rumah sakit Al Quds.
Merasa ketakutan naik ambulance.
Drone pengebom terus mengejar.
Meledakkan jalanan yang dilewati.

Menna sang pelukis di Al Shati.
Menyuruh anak anak untuk mengantri.
Sementara dia melukis wajah mereka satu persatu.
Lukisan semangka , Handala dan bendera Palestina.

Nofal sang jurnalis di Shujaiya.
Mewawancarai seorang pria kurus penuh luka.
Pria itu baru saja dibebaskan dari penjara.
Terus disiksa hingga mengalami trauma.

Maha sang jurnalis di Deir El Balah.
Bersantai di pantai sambil memandangi senja.
Sementara anak anak muda di sekitarnya.
Penuh semangat bermain sepakbola.

Naji sang sopir taxi di kota Gaza.
Menyetir mobilnya pelan pelan sambil menangis.
Dia sedih melihat seluruh kotanya hancur lebur.
Tak ada yang tersisa selain puing puing reruntuhan.

Fatema sang relawan di Al Shati.
Berkumpul bersama anak anak perempuan di tenda besar.
Mereka duduk di tikar sambil membaca ayat ayat Al Quran.
Terdengar merdu hingga meneguhkan keimanan.

Ouda sang jurnalis di Jabalia.
Bertemu seorang pria yang naik kereta keledai pelan pelan.
kereta keledai itu mengangkut mayat anak anak yang berlumuran darah.
Ada yang kepalanya pecah , ada yang perutnya hancur.

Nour sang jurnalis di kota Gaza.
Tertawa senang melihat anak anak muda di sekitarnya.
Mereka bermain parkour melompati puing puing reruntuhan.
Lalu mengibarkan bendera Palestina di atas atap yang hampir roboh.

Khaled sang jurnalis di Beit Hanoun.
Tergesa gesa meliput pengeboman drone di jalanan.
Ledakan bom menghancurkan mobil hingga ringsek.
Orang orang di dalam mobil tewas mengenaskan berlumuran darah.

Ashraf sang insinyur elektronik di Al Nuseirat.
Tampak senang memamerkan barang barang buatannya.
Kipas angin , lampu meja , charger ponsel hingga kulkas.
Semuanya dibuat dengan rongsokan yang dia temukan.

Lubna sang jurnalis di rumah sakit Al Shifa.
Meliput kengerian setelah pembantaian massal.
Ratusan mayat membusuk bergelimpangan dimana mana.
Semuanya hancur tak berbentuk setelah dilindas tank dan buldoser.

Firas sang relawan di Al Bureij.
Naik truk bersama rekan rekannya ke tempat pengungsian.
Begitu tiba mereka langsung membagikan sepatu , mantel dan jaket tebal.
Anak anak senang tak lagi kedinginan.

Jumana sang janda di Al Mawasi.
Menangis teringat suaminya yang tewas tertembak quadcopter.
Dia juga lelah berusaha bertahan hidup tanpa suaminya.
Sementara anak anaknya masih kecil semua.

Rami sang pemuda kreatif di Al Nuseirat.
Mengumpulkan banyak kardus bekas dari tempat sampah.
Setelah itu dia membuat beraneka mainan kardus untuk anak anak.
Mobil mobilan , motor motoran , kapal kapalan dan lainnya.

Wedad sang gadis remaja di Al Mawasi.
Termenung sedih sambil memegang kunci tua dan kunci baru.
Kunci tua itu milik neneknya yang terusir dari rumah sejak 1948.
Kunci baru itu miliknya sendiri yang terus dibawa setelah rumahnya dihancurkan.

Mosab sang pelukis mural di Rafah.
Membawa banyak peralatan lukis dan cat beraneka warna.
Dengan penuh semangat dia melukis mural di reruntuhan tembok yang lebar.
Yang dia lukis adalah sosok Handala sedang makan semangka.

Dokter Ayaz di rumah sakit Al Awda.
Menangis melihat bayi bayi prematur yang tidur dalam inkubator.
Tak ada kiriman bahan bakar untuk terus menyalakan listrik yang hampir padam.
Bayi bayi prematur itu akan segera mati satu persatu.

Aboud sang pemuda kreatif di Al Maghazi.
Mengajak anak anak membuat layangan besar bendera Palestina.
Lalu mereka menerbangkan layangan besar itu di tepi pantai.
Siapapun yang melihatnya merasa masih punya harapan.

Duka lara yang dialami orang orang Gaza masih terus berlanjut.
Tapi orang orang Gaza masih terus melanjutkan suka cita.
Melakukan apapun yang masih bisa dilakukan.
Menikmati apapun yang masih bisa dinikmati.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven
Surya Kurniawan Oct 2017
Komedi yang kamu sukai
Haha hihi hangat ironi
Satir paling getir diantara syair-syair
Yang gamang dan anyir
Ayat paling menyayat diantara nubuat-nubuat
Kala nanti kamu dibaiat

Di halaman, mengepul gelembung
Berisi suara, jerit menderit
Masygul berlarat-larat
Sunyi senyap, tak berharap tertangkap
Seloroh yang kerap kau kudap

Tragis, tentu saja
Pantas, hatimu melecur
Panas cerita yang kau ulur
Mampukah dikebiri?
Jangan-jangan kamu puas melacur
Mengangkangi memori yang hancur
Kesana kemari
Menjilat rupa tak terhingga
Menggigil dalam persona mempesona

Tak seperti banyak cerita
Kamu hanya memamah hampa
Tiada terkira
Hingga kamu
Lupa cara bahagia
Semua jalan setapak akan bercabang, lama atau singkat, gema maupun lekat.
dengan apa aku harus mencintaimu?

bertahun-tahun aku habiskan untuk
mencari namamu
entah pada do'a yang mana atau
pada ayat ke berapa

dengan apa aku harus mencintaimu?

bertahun-tahun aku lewatkan demi
entah pada sunyi yang mana atau
pada sepi di mana

dengan apa aku harus mencintaimu?

bertahun-tahun aku arungi dengan
menyusuri jejakmu
entah pada dzikir yang bagaimana
atau sujud yang mana

dengan apa aku harus mencintaimu?

bertahun-tahun aku membayangkan
wajahmu pada
setiap entah dan setiap langkah yang
ngungun lalu

aku bertanya:

dengan apa aku harus mencintaimu?
fatin Sep 2021
apa rasanya dalam diam menghilang
datang kembali
rupanya ada puisi buat kamu.

semoga ada ayat yang bisa jelaskan rasanya
kerna aku tak kenal.
tak tahu.

salam rindu
Mateuš Conrad May 2024
toil, foil, toil, foil: fold

      stacked them high toward
a shadow of a commitment to say

like for like
eye for an eye
that is some bearing
to this current: simple un-gratified
loss of prayer

in a vague entrance to sight
from sigh
or the entrance to thought
through: perhaps a hum of om

the Hum of Om
like that fabled: research, please!
the Hum of Om
like Ayat
like Aql

                 i know an hour will pass
and i will think that i have written so much
but instead i'll realize
that i'm readjusting
to the hermit me
who would spend his time writing
and drinking

i just finished the first book of Dune
and unlike the film:
i'm trying to un-see the film
because in the film you only learn
of Paul Harkonnen
at the end of the movie with:
but in the book that is already realised
in the tent
while Paul and Jessica
are waiting for Idaho
or not waiting for Idaho

before Jessica drinks the water of life
the worm ***** or whatever
of the ******* wriggling
to the death by water:
point being beside the noble worms
as perhaps whales
whales yes
because that's the mammalian aquatic

     and i mean:
i will not have written much but left enough space

      to look through...                from
the perspective of writing and living out the mundane
without Edie...
the time that is required...
all the fears and dictates of my mother
and father
are nothing
that i spent the day cleaning
the house
to only have mother come back from
hospital and reflexology session
with "Auntie Rajama"
well... sliding doors ahead of you...
i too live under a matriarchal oppression
mental gym-bro that's a girl
in the public square burning her bra
and competing with men
in the construction industry
or the security sector...

we had guys known as KLAWISZE
former prison guards
operate this sector...
now comes the time of the ex-military
but still so many loopholes
with the mass exodus from India to
the Crown...

             yes: some pause is a must right now
when i think about the length of
the task and all the curvature that
might come
not even asking: who is the thinker of thoughts
and the dreamer of dreams

perhaps ask, specifically for who is i
if i were, that is, asking myself with a hypnotic
hypothesis of pathology
and lack of pathology in the confines
of apathy:

      climbing the ladder of grammar i see something
of myself that requires a reminder
that is my selfish life
this bookworm this caricature
of man who elsewhere shine in glistening
a muscular
   a weird attentiveness to the sea
a local fisherman with no rod
but a hook and line
standing in the open Pacific
like this is my Dune not Dune
this glass ripple and all the salt
to juice the carnal feast in **** and bear
and ox tail and yummy yummy
some heroic end to my struggles
i thought not like but
heard all those warnings by men for men
and all that talk
i wonder could i end up like
a proverbial Friday,
        Friday the Idiot from London
shackled to Kauai...
           forgot his library...
what one book would i bring to have with me?

when i was younger i asked myself
the question:
what is the last music track that i will hear
before i die?
back then i was a Intrinsic:
the equivalent to a Mentat -
i would obviously not know the last track
of music i would have heard
unless i armed myself with
continually wearing headphones -
a commuter's hell and paradise
not exactly thinking machines
as automated beings,

thinking machines exist, but require
a thinker's input to be animate
otherwise thinking machines are inanimate
and therefore not a hazard,
threat... no...
they require input...
but... automate beings...
automated beings automated humans...
that's android territory of psychopathic
dolls and reels of cheese bad cheese good
melting canvas for:
silicone but what if moved the cellulite from
buttocks to the *******
give god his female rearing, fearing: form
of enough breast to *** ratio
and thighs and a very thin face
with no dub dub my own double chin
that i hide using a beard...

i heard of the toad neck
the toad neck of living outside of salt water...
the toad-neck is caused
by the Thyroid Gland...

all subjective experiences of each individual
body parts
is bound to the subjectivity of horror
without experience
the sheering horror of Sigma the All Encompassing
ego to letter focus
suggesting the ego-parasite will not wriggle
out somehow still not aware
but this symbiosis of ego as incorporating self
and other
and the plurality of us and them
and all that weaves itself into the earth of politics:

but at least i paid my dues
wit enough reading to writing ratio:
i always: feel: guilty: if: i: have: written:
more: than: i: have: read...

              made an old endorsement for paging
mr telegraph, paging mr telegraph
see the colon punctuation system
for the digital telegraph

             no STOP            for              .dot

i.e. words separated by colon
and finish would be a              sweet wipe
of the lips or lipstick off
or perhaps just finished a greasy meal therefore with ;
a semi-colon of             .

                                   .               (colon, enlarged)

or least there's the thought:
why the sudden conversion or what is this
even mean?

without knowledge
have sent astray?
so set your
man by nature u/p
which He has creat-
Allah's creation. T-
know not --
Turning unto
duty unto Him, and e/s-
who ascribe partners (u
of those who spli/
matics, each sect exulting
And when harm
Lord, turning to Him in/
tasted of His mercy, behol/d
to their Lord

those torn pages of the Quran
by my mother
when i was exploring different thresholds
of understanding
by no obscure way
i was going to depict the tares
at the Romans and ending at Luqman...

then i saw the tare and the following
sentence emerge:


i stand to poise, i do wonder whether
that means anything
perhaps to ants it does
but to humans?

without knowledge
and though it be in
a rock...

expand: i am not really prone to saying things
prophetically or pro-wisely
what what?
   man without knowledge
           and even though
it be in a rock:                    knowledge?

no: fascination?
admiration for life and life-intellect
say god is of life
and no god is of death
and both are right
whether by sooth
to tooth to soothe and however i word
it there's this second parting
heavier than the first
but also lighter
because now i just realised
that it was a second parting
and i'm not too sure where she is on
this page
finally realizing that perhaps
i'm not for her
and perhaps she loves me enough
to leave me alone
that i might refocus on this cascades
these blues in wine
and tokes with starlight and friendly
neighborly conversations...
which might be not to ms claustrophobia's suiting
should that be a chasm a biological
fear a sudden
terrible monstrosity
given that she's not my daughter
and there would be to mention of ******
and inbreeding
for some Heb Gazzarye beast of the falcon
and the lizard and the clue as to how
gizzards became a sweet meat special...

         timely: onion gravy and mash p'oh
the idea is timely and still refreshing
to think 38 oh 38
come my 60th i'll have
a wife aged 77
and a mother aged 86
and a father probably dead
and i will be renting a property on an island
a Pacific *** *** hello venture
there is no nothing zilch of me here
in the London Obscurity Digital Zoo Central

you have to live these parts girl
from text to text from whim to whim
on whimsical tides
arguing not arguing
not really a part of some collective
narrative but instead imploding to home
and to the maturity of manners
i just like m in that sentence
a letter a mem
        a mem is for example a maturity of manners
or for example the tinker tailor triad
a mem is a particular punishment opposing
             punishment itself
yet riddling the punished a punishment-in-itself
punishment itself is no punishment
without a punishment-in-itself

i think best exemplified by how abstract
German became
and not really read in popular circles
would never amount to unfolding the abstract
fabric of the simple change of wording
to gravitate toward the laissez-faire
of meaning in that: nothing is really just a pronoun
thing as in: a thing-in-itself
is almost like my questioning
the authenticity of having
a subjectivity of a thyroid gland?
apart from having been subjected to a body
in total by what comes after seeing
namely thinking or subtle-thinking
before the ego creates hatchlin' hooks of
parasitic symbiosis devoid of a name given
as responsive:
the ego responds to it's "ego"...
                i'm currently subject to:

no no... the thing-in-itself...
but if explored outside of the realm of "things"...
then a blueprint analysis
of say: heartbreak and heartache and
love and 3 years: what down what drain?
not against the waves of the sea
not against the river?
down the river? who knows?!

but these are my supposed days off
but they aren't so much days
off like days in between
where there is a glimmer of science-fiction
escapism but
a crashing crescendo reality licking check
for friction akin
to frost on a metal pole
like i know certainly realities
but i still want to be the ball-breaker
qureysh:         Qureysh                     winter...

metabolism sloth and fire breathing
bear... somewhere in a cave in a forest
centuries ago:
i too was teased by the fate of
Nebuchadnezzar -

my 20s are a vagueness but not born
a king could not have wed my feeding to grass...
Samyaza: Nephilim -
apocryphal Christianity -
in the old saying:
the books kept to be read in private
to children
as bedtime stories about Noah
and the giants and Angels...
not the protestant revamp
of the word: apocryphal...
not heretical no just obscure i.e. to be literature
for families to form outside
of the synoptic canonical text
spoken of in the church with authority

well if you want a functional christianity
you will have to allow the apocryphal library
to be reintroduced into the family
environment -
if you're serious...
if you want to go down the Quran Avenue
of having a sacred text:
you have texts!
not belonging to a single individual but many!
on account of that...

the apocryphal library needs to be released
for the understudy of family life
and myth formation
no other books outside of the apocryphal
HERESY segment are allowed
in the house...
and there is no book of authority
except the books of the old and new testament
depending on the fervor one
is cited more than the other
the two are interchangeable...
i see the latter as a greco-hebrew
conspiracy manual against the Roman Empire
and Jesus wasn't Jewish
he was probably Assyrian
or whatever and who knows
that trip to Egypt as a toddler
then returning back to Judea
because Joseph's carpentry shop wasn't
doing so well...
Africans love their stone and marbles...
who needs 'ud / wood in the desert?

but the apocryphal library will have to be
in the houses of these christian families...
text that are obscure but
but... expansive...
you can't have: i appreciate the dedication
of the illiterate to the Quran
some reciting on trains as if literacy
is equivalent to learning how to ride
a bicycle or learning how to swim:
point being! once learned?! never forgotten!

— The End —