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Acuriousnature Apr 2016

How bubbly I feel whenever you're around me <3
ryn Feb 2015
come at night•               
these footsteps are               
never light• always                    
heavy and running ar-                      
ound•...they are annoy-                        
ingly creepy..., these aw-                       
ful sounds•every night,                          
after eleven without                        
fail•into rooms,                        

us they would                        
tail• making a                        
din overhead                        
•when all                        
                        be quiet inste-
                         ad•like barefooted
                          children i would ***-
                          ume...•wandering and
                          exploring into every ro-
                           om•...could they come
                            wilfully•from the cou-
                                ple who live above
                            me•i very much

                             doubt so•bec-
                             ause this much
                             i know...•that
                             the neigh-

bour up-                    
stairs, they're                        
old•frail and meek;                            
never bold•they'd re-                            
tire early•after late, ne-                            
ver a party•now... there                            
the feet go again•drivi-                            
ng me almost insane•                            
on my ceiling now,                            
they're pacing•                        

they know i kn-                        
ow and they are                        
                        ver would we
                            meet•one thing for
                           sure•this is not a friv-
                            olous tour•determined
                            to tell•that they exist
                              as well•nothing i'm
                               certain but it is clear
                               •i think they really
                              like it here...•

                              •i don't think
                               they're leavi-
                 ­              bent on

I live in an apartment on the 2nd storey. My family and I would hear these footsteps every night.

Initially we would dismiss it to be the neighbour living upstairs but that became very improbable simply because the couple who lives above us are far too old to be jumping and skipping in the wee hours...

We have tried ignoring the sounds but they would intensify. We'd hear intentional heavy footsteps, running, jumping between rooms but most of the time they would follow us to whichever room we're in.

Lately these sounds had progressed to rapping on the concrete walls in my bedroom. I could hear them as I lay in bed knocking and tapping on the wall by me.

The thing is... I live in a corner apartment and beyond that wall is the exterior of the building... There is no way anyone could be on the opposite side of that wall...

Creepy much?
Kalon R Nov 2013
There's a friend--
Why JUST a friend?
BeCause  she said.

There's a girL--
Why JUST a girl?
Because i said.

You're just A boy.
I won't deny

Who do yoU want?
i don't know.

Who shoulD you want?
That's too easy.

"Pick a Side"
"mIx em"

Well, there's
a challenge
a chase
an obsession
...It's fleeing
Or, Am I?
The Good Pussy Dec 2014
                            **  w
                       about I come
                     to your place to
                    night,so I can ******>                  w  you  the   growth
                     ofmy natural log
                     I'm  not being ob
                     tuse, you  are  be
                     ing a cute girl . Y
                     ou mustbe the sq
                     are root of -1 bec
                     ause you can't be
                     real. The  derivat
                     ive ofmy love for
                     you is 0,  because
                     my lovefor you is
                     constant.  Why d
                     on't we use some
                     Fourier  analysis
                     on  our   relation
                     ship  and  reduce
                     to a  series of Sim
                     ple     per io doc  
       Fun ctions.                I wish i was
 your calculus home  work, because then
I'd be hard and   you  'd be doing me on yo
ur desk.Hey, baby     want to squeeze my
  Theorem while            I     poly   your
       n   o    m                        i   a     l
.                         A
                     Tiny hat
                My forefathers
            Humble beginnings
        I somewhat envy them bec
Ause then,they had their own styl
          E with self made values
          And rules not trying to
          Copy others but living
          in utmost grace and si
          mplicity.though I woul
          dn't want to live back;
          in those days,I respect
   The strength of my forefathers
   Their intellect and wisdom,yes.
W Nov 2013
When everybody tells me that I can be anything I want,
I was born to do what I want,
I believe them.

So, I was born to be wild.
Or maybe I was born 2 b wild (numeral and letter)
or brn2bwld (no vowels nospaces)

I'm a poet and I'm proud to say
**** form     and while im at it, **** the word
*** (no c) and **** the grammar of needing to put the apostrophe in im
Because I write as i want i am as I want and nothing can
Change that.

like gatsby the Great i have given birth to Myself and
I am me, no
One                 ELSE
not even gatsby or any Ayn Randian wetdream dreamed of on a midsummer night because
fk (no c no vowels) Shakespeare and fitzgerald and the shrugging atlas

becuz (uz instead of ause)
this is Me

and no One, not a duckface peacesign Mona Lisa or a bandanawearing bazookawielding Benjamin Franklin
can ever destroy
t     h     a     t

because (no change) I am born to be wild (no change)
Morgan lily yu Jul 2013
this is
                                                     a poem of a
                                     bird, a duck to be tota-
                                        lly specific .Although
                                                       ­    there might
                                                          not seem any-                                                          
  ­                                                        thing that duck-ish about this poem as you read
                                                           it, it will soon occur to you (if it has not already) that  
                                                           this poem is really very special since it is not only
                                                             about a duck but it is in the shape of a duck...
                                                         ­     You see this duck is called Gershwin and he
                                                              ­    likes splashing in puddles so that is  
                                                                ­       what                 makes          
                                                 ­                         he ,                  him
                                                                ­         does               happy
                                                           ­                 all                  bec-
                      ­        this is   ...                             day                ause
                        supposed to be a                     long .              he
                   puddle .Yes it is and          and   that  ,         is a duck!
                      a     .......    too   ........                                              
                          ...........   ....... ... .
                             splash                                                           ­                   
                                                   look below......
                                                     ­                  ......
                                                          ­   ......  ..................
                                      ­                         ......................
                                          ­                        ..............
                          ­                                            .......
             ­                                                            .

                                                       * this is the most weirdest poem i
                                                    have ever written and its just so RANDOM*
                                                         ­       ;p
glass can Nov 2013
rainbows of oil
where your f ingers t ouch
leave mar ks on marble
leave ma rks on slate
leave waves in wa ter

and I know you can touch the surface bec
ause I pulled you back from goi
ng deep
before you fell too hard to rea
ch the bottom


I imagined your fingers reaching up
Jelisa Jeffery Feb 2011
I** try not to tell you how I feel
No one should determine your choices but you
Farther from honesty I become
Lies aren’t told, but my thoughts aren’t portrayed
Unless you can dig them out of me
Every thought you have discourages you
No truth I could tell would save you from that
Cause the truth is, if you go
Everything would be hard for me, and you’d only feel worse
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
CMD Feb 2015
the disappearance of
the little dark
behind my rib-

it twangs with
a need of a flutter

and a beat.beating.trying
flying- sensation of wind-under
a beetles wingss. a crea
ture. of peculiarloveliness that
twinges into theee word bee.t.ling

the disappearance of lightning.
bugss. I’m afraid to say. Is bec-
ause… I i I swallowed
and swallowed them
into the dark of
my chest.
Spencer Aug 2014
R emember when we were in love?
E ven just a little?
B ecause I'll never forget.
E specially the bad moments.
C ause the worst moments with you,
C hanged me for the better. So I'll
A lways thank you for that year point 5
wordvango Oct 2014
a was b cause c ause he d id e arned f irst g ave h is I d
j ust K arl L oved m any n ot o ne p er q uite r s ane t o
u ndo v ery w ell X poses Y z?
Emily Mackenzie Jun 2013
Sacrilegious thoughts fill my
Unusually sick mind, and
I** don't care be-
I will
Greenie Apr 2017
today i
cut my
leg ab
ove the
knee be
low the
hip bec
ause  i
didn' t
want yo
u to ask
w h e n
we have
and you
me get
Key Apr 2017
Along the lines of,
Universal time.
Suppress the hands of the minute and hour
Entrap my thoughts in a cage
Make sure to double lock them
And throw them away.
Don't forget to burn the key,
I really need a second to breathe
Perhaps, *a couple seconds more
Understanding me, the forever misunderstood
Stamped on my forehead,
Engraved on my skin.
Can you read me now?
Now that I'm,
drowning in seconds,
engulfed in minutes,
gone for hours.
Yet, time never
Seema Jan 2018
I want you to:

Protect me always
Even if you are away
Always call me
Cause you are mine to be
Everything else doesn't matter, you see

I come with peace:
I just want you for me...

Mateuš Conrad Jun 2020
perhaps it's not so much: as one might be...
supposed to live up to the names one is baptised with...
in the catholic manor of bureucracy - bureaucracy -
phonetics! bew-rh'oh-cracy...
               ***-for-tat... pedantic details only
less feeding feeling creature establish... most probably
   there are two one is given at baptism...
                   i guess... that's in line with...
the catholic 'abracadarba' matching each host
to the tetragrammaton: two names at birth...
      a surname... that's three names...
       and a fourth name when one is to be confirmed...
i had all the chances to be confirmed...
open-end apostasy... i have no confirmation name...
but that would equal the quenching
of the tetragrammaton "farce": four names...
four names...
                 what was once a brave act of kneeling...
colin kaepernick kneeling at the anthem...
before the game...
                  derek chauvin is also kneeling...
crude comparison: what's impressed in my mind
is the act of kneeling...
          i once kneeled on a bee...
that i was hoping to mummify in some mud
as a child... the bee managed to sting me from
within the slush-puppy and i cried and i cried...
and... that was that...
               to be given names at birth...
the surname is non-essential: unless i be born
a windsor or a churchill...
                 or a Radziwiłł - h'american socialites:
ha ha: socialists... lite...
                       or a Wiśniowiecki: Yerema!
i once had a friend by the name of... al-ex-an-der...
and he did mention that as a name:
he'd borrow his name from a figure in history...
a one... macedonian: encrypted into greek...
and that inverted mongol empire...
that lasted just as long...
                     i never asked what his second name
i sometimes used my baptism names
and my choice of historical characters...
matthew the levi...
            conrad... well... i was always going
to have more fun with that...
either konrad of masovia
                       or konrad wallenrod...
back in 2007 it was still an unpopular name...
a would be girlfriend... half persian
half scottish... laura... a date night:
me falling asleep when watching a roman
holiday... etc. etc.,
     i very much like to see ghosts of these memories
when i tow them to the depth of the sea
my mortal self and this the anchor that
will give me... the sinking sip... sipping snorkle...
i guess konrad is no common name these
days or a muhammad...
that... a joseph comes along and says:
call me that...
yes... this is very much... a vanity project...
because i don't like the sound of my own voice...
i can take a photograph of myself...
as long as... i see a labyrinth my ****** expression...
and i contort my face to: no known
         too bad for the girls who have been
given names... as common as... peaches...
pearl... if only your surnames were...
    Waldorff-Preyß - a salad of little consequence:
to ever not mind... appetites hidden...
no... i couldn't do it...
   i have my mother to testify...
       all in order to... rear children...
  to have one's intellectual adventure stunted...
all for the rearing of children...
the anti-dodo-project gehenna of sharpening
the 7 tiers of silences and... patience...
i have no patience... i have a short-temper...
i'm sporadic... i'm not passionate like some
Iberian host... i'm spontaneous...
quick to respond... short on giving...
elaborate humour: wit...
                           i can... fathom a grandmother...
i can... fathom a mother:
       but the irrational "misunderstanding":
the head... dark fathoms of the most belittling
of places that thought enters...
the narrative is lost... because of... fudge-esque
packaging of a constipation of breath...
trial by errors: agitated soul...
          and this... failure to ignite...
a figment... the lost concern for imagination:
more... the myopia of pickling furniture...
a table of torso...
   a chair of an arm's worth...
                     all these rubrics settled with ghosts
and how... post-mortem telepathy works
to ***** grey-hounds of inquiry...
at these moments... i just want to scream...
i want to YARL... but... i know the limits...
of these walls having any understanding for such
words to be: let alone thought, then heard...
yet alone spoken to be later screeched out with
a gluttony of barritone!
    i'd need to feed the forest...
which would imply... walking a good mile...
to venture into the awe-seeing forest...
the owl the deer the fox the badger...
to scream without sense: but to reach...
an audible near echo conclusion without a cave!
to feed the woods!
not... some... near abandoned bedroom...
   and... if i can't entertain a conflict...
when talking about the three partions of
polish-lithuanian commonwealth...
     which part were we from...
the prussian... the russian or the habsburg...
and you're met with ridicule
and a cul de sac of conversation...
when ingiting it with...
                even the germans thought
the prussians were *******...
because of... vectors x, y and z...
                     well... because the prussians
were pagans...
- what?!
- yeah... the prussians were pagans...
isn't it strange how they would later
encompass the whole of the german people?
- the prussians were pagans?!
- yes... the prussians were pagans
and somewhat germanic... more lithuanian...

and all you'd get it a shock-awe look
of suspence... a gamer meets a girl who'd only
buy shoes...
she might be a mother...
a tedium a baron of shadows...
a venture tranquility...
                  the melodramatic cuff... cross:
burden... heel! an imaginarty dog
in reverse... the sanctity that could
never translate itself into either my son
or daughter...
and how... my future wife would only
be seen as a *****...
                        the tyranny of mothers:
even without... the absenteeism of fathers...
i imagine a world...
           which... by the end of it...
there's a valhalla...
             rather than a jannah...
    where you drink and you fight...
   and you are... indeed... served by...
the valkyrie...
   drinks... but ******* them...
would imply: getting **** from
that h. p. lovecraft pederast sulk /
ocotpus godhead...
would it matter that... i had... some chances...
but that the one chance i had...
it would be less of an emotional wheelchair
if i decided to... "inconvene" myself
with a ******* for a bride...

tsu-tsu: to have a heart with
the geometric study worth of thrown...
into a lake... ploop! mirror of echoes...
and a sinking into a depth:
and time... at what point...
can man face time as the horror of space?
at what point does space become less
awe riddled... at what point does
time prop its head up and sober
everyone peering into a postcard
from saturn with a sobering fearful-glee-of-fear?!

oh yes... that space and time are relative...
time: awed at... collectively...
nostalgia for ancient rome...
      space: awed at: collectively...
pictures of saturn...
  time... m'eh... claustrophobic...
individually... nostalgia for youth...
when in old age...
space: feared...
                     die cast...
         your next door neighbour...
muffled... irritating... living... drone...
next door... and you... have...
not a single artifact of shared experience...
beside: up & death!

sally challen is a name synonymous...
              and andrei chikatilo was also a father...
because there's a need to look for
aliens: not enough to peer at luxury
in a fly under a microscope?
grand newton ego! for all and every!
the common man!  

the prussians were the forever old germans?
those people romancing etymology:
and any ethnicity for a romace:
come the thirdf *****: with sveedish:
dished out loot corp..
that the prussians are to be "questioned"
with the pomeranians?
what gate of sea...
the baltic is the beggars' mediterranean...
nothing but Helvig & Helva and...
quanrantine hammock: lining...
herrings: eaten raw...
like bistro maidens of sushi:
baltic sushi: mango squash sort
of *******...
so... so... so happy...
for the british imp-yre have imploded...
postcards from everywhere...
race bating inter-racial:

              it's best served:
mongol ***** a mongol:
a new mongol is born...
an "orc" zulu ***** a porcelain
a quasi arab is spawned...
because... all hell would break loose
should ****** be deemed:
too light for the arab...
and too... towing the non-agreed
to suntan "mishap"...

****'s the conundrum...
warsaw! warsaw pact!
can anyone think of a better name
for a capital: name...
            and whenever i visit my
grandparents... ****...
i didn't "integrate": fully...
because i retained my...
                     und: milz und knochen...
hen... 'ause... not:
******* cockney chuckles bullet proof:
y'ah... change two tow a spare?
bindi a lingo loot off of a turban?
salvo! this 'un: makes it clarified:
a clarifying lawrence romance piece
of mecca...
very much akin to:
the minor croat project for yugoslavia...
the serbs...
and... those... janissaries...
the new brit the old ottoman...
    from the "old... very old"...
borrowed from... yugoslavia...
                  that france works...
that austria works...
that england: england was always
going to work... except in h'america...
and the battle for vienna... 1683...
oh... wait... why is it that
i don't want to...
that paris... circa 2004 is best
kept as a memory...
                                 i have a mother is still a parody...
here's to... grieving the subconscious
history project... paint of ed gain
onto the canvas of blanche...
h'america is better than cool: project:
you you too!

hybrid of congestion...
that old fabble of the islamabad of conquests...
beside the mongols...
the 4.5 crusade of the baltic states...
because barbarossa was being
pickled and the major volume of army
were... withering into a scoop
of... a waiting for: reinvigorated waking...

my history is no history is my history
is no history...
    lots to share: dog **** to boot too...
the arcade of: gesticulating...
being solved with a snippet of
the ******* sack: and a chance
to salvo in the vatican choir...
               a past...
   there's a past that also invites me to
cocktail the: presently at hand...
england... minus...
wales... scotland... irritating tip
of ireland: north-eastern collide...
the quill with a peacock strutting?

        this is "my".... "past"...
the journalistic event of now...
      the old lady is singing...
   it was never began... but... it's all over...
forever and: the now.
Triiniity Apr 2014
(I) s this really all that's left?
(C) an I get out as a thinker with a pen?
(A) m I worth the trouble in the end?
(L) ife seems not to think so,
(L) iving the way I do
(I) s it really all that wrong?
(T) o fight a feeling for this long
(V) engance will be mine I swear
(E) ven if all along I cared
(N) ow you've tipped the edge
(T) onight as I hang above my bed
(I) s it going to be enough to turn your head
(N) ow that I am dead
(G) uess not, you never saw your bad
(S) o guess what?
(I) am not mad
(N) ever have been
(C) ause I care too much
(E) ven now that I no longer breathe
(Y) ou still hate me
(O) ut of sight, can you see
(U) nderneath all the skin of me
(W) hat if I peeled it back for you
(O) nce just so you could look
(N) ever again
(T) ill you
(L) ook into the world that you shook
(I) 'm still here and ready to fight at your command
(S) till ready to move the dust, dirt and the sand
(T) his night might just be my last stand
(E) ven though I know
(N) ever again will I be yours

*But that's just my crying right?

— The End —