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PK Wakefield Sep 2012
.                                                                                  o
                                                                              gs: ma
                                                                             ny doin
                                                                            g, thing
                                                                           s human
                                                                          are more n
                                                                         eatly couth i
                                                                        n Into-Dust co
                                                                       ats of polite var
                                                                      nish and their ha
                                                                     ats hang at precise
                                                                    their teeth ivory and
                                                                   the smell of their colo
                                                                  gne catches back at the
                                                                 throat wearing finest silk
                                                                s (but time, time looks bru
                                                               tally through their and prim
                                                              shoes and trousers. knees sag
                                                             eyes hang instantly
                                                                                                 languor w
                                                           ears them like cheap perfume and
                                                          laughter unsuddenly from nowhere
                                                         crisps the cheeks of everywaiting sou
                                                        l creeks with soon to be dirt bones and
                                                       amongst them sprouts something gener
                                                      ous. Less close to nearly dead, and has (l
                                                     ike a frond has) demure sturdy waifish. its
                                                    timber is clothed in blonde lips and eyes lik
                                                   e waking almost never(no like daffodils; yes l
                                                  ike more them) only daffodils, they are not so b
                                                 right, nor as agile, i think but who knows i was o
                                                nly a boy who, from across the street noticed, a girl
                                               pressed between death,
                                                                                                     laughing like a *****
SaturnKnight Feb 2016
You were the reason I loved the sun
& now the reason why it hurts my skin
It reminds me of all of the mornings we would kiss
Those feelings left, along with you
A snake in my grass, just never heard you hiss
I am now in love with the moon
Something more beautiful than noon
As the sun.. The sun has gone..
Bonny Francis Mar 2013
Sometimes I see him in the afternoon
He likes to wonder around the garden
Round and round he goes sniffing the ground around him
Eats almost every insect and leaf in sight
W**aits around a little longer and moves on at the slightest fright
JL Feb 2012
What Shall I Say Then?
                     I know I am-
                 Addicted to a haiku
(About you). I love to
   Talk about your cu
     mulonimbus cloud
      coverage. Wispy bo
        ats on the sailing se
           a of sky. Forest lea
             f hiding spot betw
              een to cracked up
                branches. Twig s
                   nap laugh and
                     summer chuckle
                      rhyming with the
                         honeysuckle. Tw
                           o thoughts deep
                             a shovel-full of
                               fresh black dirt
                                so flavorful. R
                                 oots and berries
                                  Sweet and sick
                                    Sapling thick m
                                      ilk thistle stick
                                       among your lo
                                        ng thin fingers  
                                        Molded rocks
                                        the dew and moss
                                       growing on the bed
                                       sheets. All leaf and
                                      green; the sylvan scene
                                      pine scented thunder
                                     wonders. Rain fall tap
                                    Oil and sap; butterflies
                                   seek some shelter
                                  from hail and shame
                                red cheeked rain
                               pit patter on
                             in the river
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
The ache of the mammal or primate
The pull of the lizard toward Heat
The Paramecium tasting satisfaction
The protons feeling the raw power
The wantonness of physics
The ******* Sizzle of chemistry

Pulling the hair of the universe
That tight black hole
Swallowing salty time
In a showy slow motion

Gravitic disturbance
gyros into a stars face

This pulling together
This entanglement
of drawn
fabrics ricked

Universes for sale
The latest to the oldie but goodies
You'll find a way to enjoy
Or pretend to defend

Your very own

Observe your eyes passing
this line
TheSanguinary Sep 2021
A stinging sensation
Similar to that of a bunch ats having their way with you
A burning unscramble itch
Simlar to that of a couple bee stings
The uncontrollable feeling of anger
Like acid meet metal
Fumes and bubbles
Smoke everywhere
Ready to ignite watever comes close
This burning hot feeling
This uncontrollable yearning for something that someone has
Could it be?

An ordinary morning
Noise everywhere
Not wanting to get out of bed
An errie feeling crept up to me
Like a sense of dejavu
Telling to stay down
Dont get up
It felt like a thousand bugs
Crawling under my skin
Wat i opened my eyes to
Is this the reason why u shouldn't check your phone in the mrng?
Could this feeling be wat i think? could be it
But why
I hve no reason to be
We never had anything to begin with
Then why does my heart feel like this
Like a rag doll..... bound in twine
Untill the thread is almost cutting in
Then like a yoyo
Thrown around only to come back to the thrower to be thrown again
Like a soccer ball being passed around teammates
Only for the striker to give it a more powerful kick
Every second i looked
The string got tighter
And as i closed my eyes in thought
I could taste blood in my mouth
What irony
My head laughed
But only the sound of gritting teeth could be heard
As i endured the tugs froms my hrt
Yes this was it
Its the conclusion i came to
Yes indeed
It was jealous
Sonya L May 2014
I fall in love
With everyone
My heart can
Only hold so much.
Can only beat
So many be
Ats at a time
Fast slow
It doesn't matter
It's both
Keep up
I will
W ill
V ie
I love you
I may not
Know you
But I do
And I know
You could
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
I admit
I find The Batman very inspiring
Vigilant in the Night
Gotham's true protector

Roommate in Hong Kong
Wedding in Japan
Wedding in Tel Aviv
Can I resurrect her?

Still some coincidence
Reading Richard Rodriguez
Coach Brian Katz
Sacramento Heather

Waiting. Watching. Wishing.
A few experiments
Long term game
Follow the wind and the weather

Pinkbun17 Oct 2016
Wallow in self pity
Eats away at any ounce of strength
Able to consume in time
K**nowledge heeds no help

Lacking the will to carry on...
Written 1/25/12
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
It's all about the song
gotta forget about me

It's the song
that has to be

It's the song
you came to see

Sought from the source
the sound 'ats you 'n me

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
juno Feb 2020
to you and your demons

i overtake them until theyre my demons.

youre okay

but im even more broken.

so what?

you're happy and t h ats al l tha t ma tte r s t o m e.
to: no one, everyone, anyone
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
  this is what talking to a mongolian
in amsterdam does to you.

there is such a "thing"
   (or rather, a point of interest)
in the form
   of covert pronoun usage;
       hiding pluralism...
   the ever present suspicious
   they indicator...
                         because is there
a we with an i?
               ****** diacritical
marks in the form i & j...
          suddenly missing in
the form of I & J...
          quotas, quacks,
                 cats and kettles...
should have joined the
circus at this point
                   type of argument...
became an irish gypsy,
     took a **** into a frying pan
and waited for the rainbow
of fumes...
             **** me...
                   when making oaths
from the tongue utilised by
       became "too" easy,
and no ***** could spell out
  the affix -uck...
              ish that licken yuck?
         ****... you spotted a moose?!
- and that one time i
****** my underwear
          in a sand-pit
   because i couldn't stop charging
myself playing,
  crumbs of a bread on a table
that translated into a sand-castle...
either a labyrinth or countless
                how i love my memory
bank, hardly the to do list...
          or it's called playing
tag with Alzheimer...
            otherwise in the st. augustine
primary: bulldog.
            but memory is
just the most perfect form of cinema,
the strobe light disco effect
as if joking on the topic of:
                                     an epileptic.
                  celebrity culture,
or what became the squandering
of history... if there had been
any study concerning...
          the drunkard
muslim in crusades
          by terry jones * alan ereira...
oh you know, some
   ibn        or some      al-
or that weird case of
    japanese green horseradish,
i.e. wasabi...
      came along the purple
                  hands up!
        i'm taken, and no amount
of a diet based on octopii
or ***** will make sense to me...
       give me a cow and i might
just milk it...
             but i'll sooner
perform a kosher "prayer" with it...
       that funny synthetic piece
of orb that bounces really high
when asked to imitate meteor...
     jaja? hardly the spanish laugh...
just means eggs...
     one instance of an egg?
               because we know
the spanish took to gee-soos
      as: hey zeus...
                           and then you write
down jesus,
    and later sculpt icons in wood.
             not that i hate
the french,
      but this is the part where
i let you make up your mind
on the orthodoxy of applying
    the grave accent...
or as the french do:
        the word ends on the pivot
of having applied this indicator
of: agreed upon form of a word...
regarding the title:
oh, you still have to utter the remaining
cha, cha cha cha...
              or ch' (with a stutter)
                 but hey...
    even i know there was no
  charles brando band...
                  ****, manroe is pilled-up
  and trying to fake death
                        by falling asleep.

— The End —