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Sympathy for the devil
A phrase we all know
It means to be understanding
Of a man who cant tell

Who cant tell the difference
Between what is good and bad
Who cant desipher the code
And so they live bottled up and sad

It means to take righteous
And stuff it in a box
For its not strong enough,
Barely a bull, or an ox

We need something more
A tank would suffice
A super charged righteous
And even still...on thin ice

It takes a great man
To stand up and say
"Im just as bad as you"
The irony is plain...

How could a man with such talent...
For good...
be brought to lesser
By the very words he brewed

Sadly it is so
That great evil be marked
As the final word in all the world
When it was the good that provided the start

The start to say "sorry"
"I admit i did wrong
It is my fault too"
As they sing that apology song

Then the darkness takes over
The advantage clearly sought
They know of bad charecter,
Except their own-they know not

The devil replies with a smirk
And always strolls on
Steam rolling the righteous
The tank is now gone

My point is just this...
Please apretiate the man
Who can apear before great evil
And say "i will take a stand"

For this he is wise
And couragous as well
He knows he's not perfect
Which is what makes a perfect angel
Be righteous more than anything, u will get steamrolled, trampled, used, and abused, but all that will happen anyway, its better in the end to say "i would have done the same" and with a proud understanding, be set free of emotional obligation for revenge, anger, frustraition, or any other emotion that would harm your mental tranquility, it feels better...i learned this lesson...long ago
Tianna Routley Nov 2014
Little drops of his favorite coffee stained his body, residing as freckles.

They show their quiet walks, with massive dogs and shattered mugs.

They show the bright stars that dissapear when the fog creeps up.

They show the times smoke perched against his smooth, spotted fingers.

She aligns his spots like costilations in the twilight sky

As the sun stays longer, and those mornings are chirp, those freckles apear like April rain showers

They show their stolen kisses when she pouts her warm lips like a new born baby

They show each time she's fallen in love with him, lost within his eyes

Quiet morning couch, he grins at her and sips at his coffee
She starts to count
This is a rough draft of some little free verse, but it makes me happy...
Jack Dalton Oct 2013
House on fire,
House on fire,
Role me a phat one.
Tonite the house ,
Tomorow nites up in smoke.
The walls were brown
Wall paper.  
Upinside here.
A white beard of smoke.
Goblin green walls,
Purple stains,
Scattered gold vains.
What a joke
We felt like smoked out
Hot patatoes,
I sat on my missing phone.
Coconut musics third encore.
Remember what you said.
I said sometimes say the truest things.
Remember what you said.
You become what you love.
He needs help.
He doesnt know,
What isnt his own.
Isnt my best friend,
Starting to bun out,
My bic lighter,
Is out.
My hands strike a match,
Is it so much to ask.
There were so many clicks.
Jump up or something
Else happened
To apear
Just to gorge
On your ptsd
Like the memory
of seing your last horror film.
You left angry,
And told us repeatingly.
I need help
tell us what we can do.
Help us tell you and
You can  show us
whose fault it was
I told you not to let anybody
do what they did.  
What is it worth
doing all over again.
All the reconziliation
Speeds off with ten dollars
In gas money.  
Did you know
What to do
after one interview
In a shrinks office.
Your inner thoughts
have to record
And for a few seconds
Every thing pushing
towards her garage.
Found a place upwards
in new hours slowly
able to erase the dust tic by tic.
Now we can start counting
Episodes you had.
Nowe we can understand what you have
And by december you will have the best christmas
Your peace on earth will be seeing a baby boy cry
When it snows.
tyler land Aug 2010
you sit there
to the right of my eye
dancing about like giddy fool
but when i look directly at you
you disaperate
to a world unknow
then i presume reading
and back you are
dancing again
almost taunting
i know that if try to take a glance
youll be gone back to your other world
still dance you are then
couriousity gets the best
i look you are gone again
then thoughts pour in
"am i going insane"
then the peives like voice say
"you all ready are"
see speck youve made voices apear
it annoys me so but as contineu to write
but this time dance
it seems as thought you feel my anoence
then just as i was about write that you felt for me and stoped
you are back and this time more jittery that ever
now i am almost shaking with rage
i thought you were nice
but now you are not
its almost as thought you remind me of someone i know
but yet i dont your descriptsion is on the tip of my toung but then it is not
just like your jitter dance
aha now i have it
you remind me of me
Chenoa Jul 2010
You kept me up all night again.

I must be trying to keep you here for as long as I can after you've gone.

Most people would probably think, "it's not fair that I can't have you," but I don't think like that.

On the contrary, I still firmly believe that life IS fair... it just... doesn't always go according to how we plan.

If you forget me when you've gone, I won't be bitter.

I have no reason to be so.

You have no reason to remember me.

I never told you... I should tell you... that I... but I don't want to jinx myself... I don't want to jinx you.

Isn't it silly how I still believe in that jinx?

I want to tell you... but I'm not sure if I can.

I'm afraid that if I do, you'll be taken away.

For the short time that I dreamed last night, I imagined your return... that you would return because you missed me.

I dreamed that you would find me if I was gone from this place... that you would apear out of the blue... because people knew the secret between you and me.

I dreamed that when you found me, we shared a sound, sweet kiss... your strong hands at my hair...

or a hug that said the words that meant more than the ones we spoke...

and then for days after, we strolled the well-known paths together until you finally uttered the question I had been waiting for.

Then I'd say "yes" without hesitation and meet your mouth with my own...


What tricky things they can be.

There are some things I can't be certain of, but there are others I can...

The firmness of your gaze, the tilt of your smile, the sound of your voice and the sun in your kind eyes...

the strength of your back, the power of your spirit, the love in your heart for the work you do...

the peace in mine when I think of you...

My worth...

The beauty of my own heart when you look at me and speak to me.

I never thought my own heart would look like this, but through your gaze... I see...

I feel.

the world could vanish around me and I'd be happy if I spent my last moment in your presence.

You're probably awake by now... on your knees in prayer.

I prayed all night for you.

I'll pray every day.

When you've gone, I won't cry, but a million books in the world won't be able to express just how much I'll miss you.

When all of this is finished... will you remember me?
Okay, so I wrote this a really long time ago when I was kind of getting over someone that I never actually had much of a relationship with. For reasons, I don't want to get into, we never got together... but the attraction was there, and it was pretty strong.

*deep breath* so this is a lot more personal than anything else I've posted in my gallery so far and I have to admit that I'm a little nervous about sharing it. However, I feel that I need to put it up.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this if you have any.
Jesika Nov 2010
Their are many thing that I don't know.
I'm not so nieve as to not acknowledge this.
But it would apear as if the wold has forgotten what it's like to be in love.
How sad to think of all that they will sadly miss.

Parents scorn and scold for holding hands, and punish more for even a kiss.
Forgotten are the days of pasion and lust that bring about the only blis.

Jelous friends look upon with disgust and hatered.
their envy glowing green.
When others have what all want most
it's easy to be mean.

I won't let my friends and family tear us apart
and ruin the happiness we have earned.
All i can do is love you with all I have
and hope that my love is equally returned.
Speen Cough Oct 2015
two birds with a broken wing
so they try to sing
try and make it ring but they

can't fly
no matter what they try
seems they're gonna cry
so they say goodbye

to the world they love
fit in like a glove
with a little shove
somehwat like a dove

that is lost and found
but not safe and sound
cause it's on the ground
searching all around

For it's love that's gone far away
cause she chose to stay
and not to betray all those

people who had brought her here
filled with so much fear
as it would apear from the

face so cold
tryin to fit the mold
all while being bold
and then grab ahold of whats

left as she packs her comb
and then starts to roam
and she's leaving home
Smoot Sep 2010
I gave you my all
you gave me less than half.

I gifted my heart
You gave me a free movie pass.

I kiss you goodnight
you hugged me goodbye.

I introduced you to my fam
Your friends think you are single.

You asked for space
I noticed you really wanna be single.

I tired to breakup with you
Yet you knockin at my door
Sayin' you need me
That you've changed,
My hurt is in the past
And you want me to be your first and last

But you said that same thing the last time you
were so "in love" with the girl next door
that is now the neighborhood, hood rat *****.

I slam my door
Not knowing you would knock once more.

I cried
You held me tight
begging for me to let you stay the night.
I knew it wasn't right but I needed relief
I needed someone to need me.

I needed you to realize,
I needed you to look into my brown eyes
And stop telling me the simple lies.
Stop telling the guys you just were with me to get in between my thighs
When clearly your telling even more lies.

I haven't givin you anything but my heart
You know the one that you are causing all this ache to
The same heart that you say you need too
The same heart you threw away the day you wanted to be single for a day?

I question your loyalty on daily
I wonder if there are more girls you call your baby.
I want to know the answer to so many questions
but I lack the strength to handle the truth that i scream I need from you.

I know you have groupies
I've convinced myself I am the only lady
Your body aches for.
The only girl you crave for.

Knowing the truth lays in my lap
I ignore that.

I just know you wont bring that ***** back
into our home
I can hear her moan
As if they are my own.

I realize as I am crying,
Cuddling my pillow,
The screams I hear are real.

I step into my living room
To see that this dream is not a dream, this ish is real.

I can no longer conceal my rage
I scream
Go on a full out rampage!

I fought you till the lights and sirens
Now before the judge I have no fear.

I can't believe your blood is left burning on my hands.
He was a sorry example of a man.
I'm glad he is no longer on anyones hands.
Morning Star Nov 2016
Shallow waters now apear
Faster tides flow over here
Grasping onto to any rocks
Trying hard to hide the knocks
Bring about a deeper dive
Into unknown water strive
Fade away in colours bright
Anthing to just get through the night
Now another yet untold
Start to dim the dark the cold
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Lingering dreams pondering the shores line, always coming back to meet again
Rolling thunder thickening behind cumulus clouds almost touching the waves
Lightening crashes amongst turmoil between night and day

The rising sun peeking over-top the mountains in the east sky and slowly setting in the west putting on a color show in the sky

At last the moons light brightens the galaxy, the stars apear for endless dreaming of tomorrow and never wanting this moment to end

With such beauty of night and day The sky cries missing them each day they pass Impatiently waiting for their return
Something Simple Oct 2014
I chose this
Made this mask I wear
Blank faced china is all that will apear
No emotions, happy, angery, nothing shows
Not because it was forced on me
But so I learn and see without you noticing
No features so you must know me
My actions not superfical traits
Are what must be judged now
Waitherero Sep 2017
An object can't hear
An object can't see
An object can't breathe
Like you
Or me

What's an object's motives
or deapth of reason to be?

What thoughtfulness, does an Object Have thoughts?
...who am I...
...why am I here... and who should I outta be...
...can I be happy... I sad...

We craft an object
We use an object
We define it's reason and meaning
Why it is and What it should function for

We specialize it's resourcefulness
And squiz out it's worth...until it's?

Doesn't work?

Doesn't have the same woth
it used to have?

It's totally in our control
We define how long it should exist
Or how long it's in our presence

An Object we don't like anymore
Or have no care for we lose,...

Forget, dismental, discard, do things with it, without a shameful thouht

Well an Object has no feelings
It's just there
No emotion no motion no tensions
To care about

It doesn't speak
It is always the same
Does always the same it was made for
No smile no hurt

It's there because of you
You chose so
I't doesn't just apear out of nowhere

You baught it
Someone gave it to you
You saw it and wanted it to be yours

You can share an object
You can keep it for yourself
You can show it proudly or destainfuly

What ever you feel to do with it
You do
It won't mind

Well if I think about all this
I guess we can all agree

What an Object really is.
#Object #Life #people
Death-throws Mar 2016
I* have the puzzle
in my hands right now
And no idea how to piece it together again
What seemed to work before
Now makes you apear broken


You only have to say a few words for this to become
And then nothin' is the same
Not any longer.
Hide me
Dennis Bielanski Apr 2014
See the questions that surface in my mind
And see the mistakes that I have made
Begging for a change for my lonely soul
Full speed emotional I'm losing control

Vanishing memories of what I said    
Apear to me In a vivid dream
Where I am in over my head
Not having you makes me scream
Rayhanakm Dec 2015
Come away and show your self you are not thief you are not wolf
Come away and show me your smile it's shining like a star
Come away Don't disappear cause one day you have to apear
Come away cause you are high Come away and don't be shy
Look at your self you are great don't hear people or you will fail
Try first , second and third ..Don't give up or you will hurt
Don't think about your past and trust me you will pass
EBTI Jun 2018
Just like chalk and paper,
Soundless sounds i hear
Just like the lyrics you write,
Feelings that don’t exist apear
Red flags, yellow flags and all of the colors
But, i see only grey up here.
JaxSpade Aug 2019
Letters formed in the vision of the world
They were an illusion of representation
As photons of light became electrochemical signals in the eye

The construction of the world unfolds
In a visual pathway through a neurological
Switchboard in our thalamus
Of interpretation in realitys time

We can switch on our functional magnetic resonance imaging machines
And see the rate of blood releasing oxygen
To the brains stream of life

This neuronal activity
Is a human ability
And our tendency to error is detected by
Our anterior cingulate cortex habitually

While our perceptual fragments fit together
And the prefrontal cortices flex their right
Words apear in the poets mirror
And we begin to see the flight of a bee around a pomegranate

We dream down the hole of a rabbit

You may develop Alice in wonderland syndrome
And the world becomes bigger than;
or the smallest planet

Words are a habit

Each pen drawing a quills magic
Hocus pocuses an abbra cadabbric

The focus is the lens binoculars
Telescopic under a microscopes optic

The neurons fire
And we just can't stop it
(Blood Oxygen Level Dependent)
Kaley Dec 2016
Have you ever felt
like the mere opposite..
Opposite from your reflection
Opposite from your inner soul

You look one way
but you feel another,

Like looking in a mirror
You look so diffrent from
the way you feel..

Like everyone sees you one way
An you see your self another way,

Like you look younger
older then you really are
you feel stronger
then you really look..

People judge you all the time..
Like a cover on a book,
They never take the time
to relize whats really inside..

Instead they judge you from outside
An from their first impression of you..

But they dont know your story
An they dont know whats going on..
Most people are blind in heart
Dont let looks deceive..

Judge from the soul
from what things apear to be..

Read for yourself..
Interpret the meaning.
Jude kyrie Aug 2015
one day the color of her hair
will not apear on every
golden autumn tree.

One day the sound
of her laughter.
will not set my heart
beating like a
hummingbirds wings.

One day I will awake
and not feel for her
on the other side of the bed.

One day I will have
no more tears left
to shed over her.

One day not quite now
she will be a faint memory
one I will feel with indifference.

One day not today or tomorrow
I will stop loving that woman
who did not deserve it
to begin with.
ryan parrington Oct 2016
I'm on a plain
I must of past cloud nine
She speaks of life
Like life is just to deal with
what ever your ddealt  
Hidden card a bluff of fearless
In it to win it
kknowing theirs an option to loose
She speaks of life
like an unborn's mood
TTreasures of dirt
As if it was gold
Salted waters
and waves of creation
bbeginning to mold me
Like life is just an illusion
No one can make u feel
no one can let u down no one can pick your self up
Only your wave of creation
The vibes u want are the vibes u make
timeless placement in a selfish state
she shows me life
as if it's was never existing

The angels watch and keep me strong
Apear in my dreams and tell me the wrongs
Show me the paths and sometimes the future
they never gave up and always been truthful
Hand over hand I rest with in good arms held by the tightest
Guardian  arms every day I walk and their hands in my palms
Nargis Parveen Jul 2019
Do you know the mystery of my creativity?
It's your smile like the shinny sky so mighty.
I adorn myself as the evergreen forest for you,
As well as I'm desperate wild everyday new.

All the stars flock together in your eyes,
To enlighten me in organic disguise.
Each night my poetry feels addicted,
Along with the jasmine charming sweet scented.

My throne of Love is still without king,
Celebration of youthful vigil is still awaiting.
My spring is withering away its hue,
This yellow spring only longs for you.

I can usurp you if I wish so,
But my pride opposes saying 'no.'
If I arrange a ceremony of choosing husband, will you apear?
Being whimsical, will you show you are not in fear?

Be a little romantic, commit a blunder,
Send little gaiety through air as a wonder.
Please be melting for my creativity's sake,
Take this kingdom, please stay awake.
Ash Sep 2024
We live under the same moon, same stars
Same planet, same universe

We kissed under the stars
When the moon shined bright
I would ask
"Isn’t the moon beautiful?"
Now I look at the bright moon
and think of what we could of been
Remembering you were the shine of my
dark nights

We kissed under the sunset
All of the beautiful colors in the sky
Would remind me of all the things I felt for you
Good and bad, Bad and good
Admirining it togther, to looking at it alone

The beaming stars in the night sky
Would remind me of the way your eyes
Shined when we were together
Those beautiful dark eyes of yours
The ones that would let me know
Your happiness and the same ones
that would let me know when you were sad

We are in the same planet,
Under the same moon,and same stars,
You and I are stars in the sky
Apear to be close but in reality distant
We both know it’s for our own good
To not break the beautiful things we have gained over time
Maybe our happiness is somewhere else?

If one truly has a soulmate
The universe will bring them together
Who knows how long that will take?
If its in this life or another
Sometimes people are meant to be,
in a different universe
Im just glad that you were
part of my universe.

You were my sunrise
You were my sunset
If I could tell you one thing in
Person it would be

While holding hands
I ask
"Isn’t the sunset beautiful?"
Delton Peele Oct 2020
Youll see blood .......
Sweat and tears !
Look down youre nose at me again
This time youll see the cieling
From the floor
Theres no way you could judge mae..
....try walkin a mile in my shoes Quinten Terentino style
Ill bet ittle be the longest mile
Yet it will apear to you as normal as normal can get....
To me welllllllll.
Tell u what ..
Watch the movie ......
Its about me playing the part of you .....
Walkin a mile in me shoes .
I hear its good but really weird.
Idk i fell asleep

— The End —