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Desiree Jackson Apr 2015
Okay his name is Ian he is 7'4 1/2 7 foot 4 1/2 inches tall so he is amout compared to me I love him even though he can be a pain in the *** some times but I still love him he is always there for me when I need him the most so yeah he is amazing.... I love him...!!!!!!!!?????
My buddy
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
When I push the pedal to the metal theres no limit I **** space...
my movement never constant just can't stay in one place...
So I zoom zoom through the poom poom...
leaving ****** scenes in bedrooms..
given girlies the boom boom...
Explode...As i unload...
round after round clip after clip...
as their bodies shake and twitch lick after lick...
Sounds of *** remind me I'm some ****...
And why the **** Im i even sittin here doin this...
With no remorse in my eyes..
I **** em until they die...
pound after pound
clap sound after clap sound...
pelivis agianst *****
we know which is the meanest..
Wit no protection Im at war..
with criminals who only *****...
Thier war crimes they get paid for...
then the death toll I get blaimed for..
As i leave them slayin to rest...
Some label me the best...
others just another *** that clucks at all the hens..
Can't read my metaphors that means ***** alot of women...
The reaction is i get a lot of practice so i can be to half bad..
So dont sign up for tryouts get cut then get mad...
because you haven't had the amout of practice i had..
See I know all types of tricks..
lights skin, brown skin, dark skin, i got a whole lot of picks.
The ins and the outs..
when to drive in and when to pull out...
Squirting your insides against my stomach...
you panic..
instantly proclaiming to your maker...
that Iam your ******....
the one who drove to fast that your waves decided to crash...
all over me..milking your sweet nector...
as you lay life lessly twitching..the side effects of a killing..
so i place the pedal to the metal i tend to burn rubber...
one hand around the neck of the wheel and the other around my lovers...
Pamella Dec 2014
It is not the amount of time shared
the amout of tears shed,
or the laughter lines that embed:
it is the cold, demeaning dread
that encircles my head
whenever our time together

Entry no. 2: Missing You.

To the significant people you and I miss.
Okaybro Jun 2015
Writing poetry is ******* me off lately

I'm just skipping around life right now asking why
at everything

And I mean that sounds potentially poetic and **** but I am having the hardest time articulating
     And It is ******* me off

I usally end up with questions like
Why can't I write poetry
Why won't my English teacher love me

I can tell I am stopping myself from becoming greater
Mr.Owens can tell too
why do I fear becoming grater

I fear loosing balance
I fear this going to fast

I worry I don't read the empty spaces well enough
I worry I forget to breathe

weather it be in poetry or clouds I can not tell you why those empty spaces are there
Or why I need them to have a purpose

Weather it be in loving to much (not Mr. Owens) or getting too exicited about eating I lose my breath alot.
        Time not spent eating or with people you love is time that could have been better spent

And after an eating disorder and a lack of (confidence) for the first some odd years I am happy to give my breath to things I love

I am happy to share my energy with people who want it

I want to write poems about everything
about my love for every thing
         A space to grow is important
and where if not poems or secret conversations

And I'm not doing very well with poems right now
So let's make this a secret conversation

Please by all means give your attention to someone else who needs it or maybe yourself  But if you're just sitting around with it
yes, Ill take some. Thank you.

On a side note: Everyone needs attention it's a living being thing. So it's dumb that we shame people about that and we are gonna stop

If I want to talk about my eating disorder while I have you all captive i will
if I want to talk about the stupid hair at the bottom of my ankles I always miss shaving
I will
And you will sit here and listen

But fortunately I've eaten a good amout today and got so mad at my ankle hairs last night I took the time to shave them

So here we are me talking about what I can talk about and how I can talk about it
You are listening
providing me a space where it is okay to be confused

Something I needed.  
Thank you.
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Dwelling on the past
I'm not sure the reason
The best times of our lives
Pass by as if they were seasons
And the painful  times drag on
For such an unreasonable amout of time,
Acting as if they were a punishment
For an unforgivable crime.
You cannot relive
But you ponder them within
Nostalgia creates a bitter sweetness
Of the places you have been

So sail away
In the calm ocean of your mind
And Think of all the good times
That you had to leave behind.
Classified May 2014
My thoughts are like a river
Flowing through what used to be my soul.

My thoughts drown rational feeling
Or any decent emotion.

My thoughts war goodbye to the beach as they drag my good mood into the cold, dark depths of them.

My thoughts cause the same amout of trauma as a near-drowning.

My thoughts are sometimes still and transparent
Showcasing the horrors they hide

My thoughts at other times dark and murky
Ugly and sinister
Concealing the awfulness beneath its surface
Waiting to surprise you

My thoughts look inviting at times
But My Thoughts are a dangerous weapon to the unsuspecting
And the most common one can **** me as easily as drowning in my swimming pool.
My thoughts on thought.
lavendersky Apr 2018
Who are the people who decide what is the beauty?
Who is the person who made suicides trend?
Who picks the standards for how i should dress?
Who chose the right amout of food i should eat?
Who says i should be as everyone else
And why are everyone turning that way?
Thank you but i have peace of my own mind, and i won't listen what you say.
V Aug 2017
No amount of depression can change the past, and no amout of anxiety can help the **future.
I hate being in the middle of everything.
Life or death?
To try or not?
I never know and end up just doing the same thing hoplessley- nothing. :/
Påłpëbŕå Jan 2024
i wish to remove this piece of clothing and show off my skin
unblemished yet scarred i lay in my bed wanting to commit sin
the temptation to **** my morals off and become an ******* is so strong
that i wish to be bad and feel good when i do something wrong
i am tired of being this version of myself- weak, virtuous, wise, vulnerable
that in my years of living fairy tales i am making ******' folks and fables
guys out there have never really looked at me
in me they find nothing good enough to see
a grandma wrapped in loose clothes and a tight bun
is so **** dull to touch or have a substantial amout of fun
i have a gift of pushing people away and putting them off
always ******' smiling or crying in corners, i am a laughing stock
i can be the hottest and sexiest woman in my head
but in reality i am ******' lame to my bones, that said-
i can neither become a nerd properly nor live recklessly,
this is chaining my soul to a place i don't belong, honestly
at this point i don't even know what do i need
stuffing my face with bulshit, these pretty little lies do i feed
the road i take takes me to places i don't fit in
and this happens because i ain't comfortable in my own skin
all these years, i wonder where has my confidence been
longing for someone to match my wavelength, my flames' twin
i have wasted my breaths on things that don't matter
in the silence of my suffering i have become immune to chatter
so speak i out about my problem and affairs
thinking that they who listen honestly do care
maybe they do and maybe they don't give two *****
about me aiming for stars or my self-esteem taking hits
why can't i be a private person and stay shut?
to live, why do i need the pain of a bleeding cut
why am i not normal but being normal is not what i want
this confusion, dichotomy and paradox is what haunts
*"to be or not to be"...................................
or be blind and pretend to nerve see
Humanity is a quest
I think we're all ok with that. Good.
Human beings since the beginning of times have always seek more than what they could see and have.
Humanity have progressed and have understood her anatomy and physiology far enough but never will the reach to the fullest.
We've made advances in technology.
We've explained what our Fathers never taught of.
We've visited  and send engines to places   in space that they worshipped as gods.
We've claim superiority on all leaving creatures on earth but still we are spending huge amout of money in the hope and search of another intelligence  just like a single child longing for a mate .

At the end of the day,
A wise man understands that he is nothing and his life is meaningless.
He accepts that after all the things wonderful and marvellous that mankind did, they only played in a playing ground God designed for them.

He who supports the contrary ,believe he is a Master in a chess part where he is just a pawn on the board 

God is not on the board with us, He created the board and us after.
This is my first text on the series of "The Great Questions Of Life" as promised
I will be very happy with your comments and your advices on how to be better .
Nellie 55 Jul 2023
His family got the end of his night terrors, and he's battling a nightmare. He didn't know, no amout pleads for forgiveness because that had been buried a long time ago. Then broken promises took control. Off with his respect. He needs to stop it and let go. Here's my true sincere opinion. I'm a mess and I shouldn't be chillin. I should roll up my sleeves, plant something healthy. Water my world, grow mental stability. Honestly I'd be happy for myself to change. Even if I lost the people in my world. I'm a be successful eventually. Once upon a broken heart, plot twist I broke it myself. I'll seek help. I'll give the world some space. Shooting for the stars at my own pace. It's never easy but it'll be honest work. Off with my disrespect here's my mistakes. Let's recycle to reduce bad habits. Sobriety I'm reaching up for you and here's my time you can have it.
Nellie 55 Oct 2021
The doubt fills my covers with warmth. I wrapped around to curl up. The thought of love gave me a chill, but I flipped my pillow over to hold it tightly. I began to doze off to sleep, I still feel a bit lonely. But I remembered to breathe because taking it at my own pace is free. I still work on my own anxiety. I took the time to turn on the radio, what am I going to daydream about now?
Do I sleep earlier to let the day fly or do sleep to forget? My love is out there somewhere...... she'll build my home with a warm place in here heart. That amout of heat will be my true desire place. But I've got to catch a few colds to get better.

— The End —