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Victoria G Nov 2015
I know that no one my age knows what they're doing
but that does nothing to comfort me at all
I don't know if my decisions are right
I don't think anyone really does

But I feel like my choices have set me on a path
that I can't stop going down
and everything's moving too fast
and I can't even stop to look around

But, at the same time, I just want to get
where I'm supposed to be going

This is what scares me the most,
more than the uncertainty inherent in my youth,
that I'll never stop feeling like I'm on a train
that never slows down
and I won't reach my final destination
until I'm dead
and in the ground.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
the coward + the giant
Victoria G Sep 2015
I am a coward and you are a giant
When I close my eyes, I see you smiling
I can't help but think that we deserve a shot
But quickly chide myself for entertaining the thought
Because I am a coward and you are a giant
When I see your face, I can't stop smiling
I think of the way your hand sat on my shoulder
And what we could be if we were a little older
But I am a coward and you are giant
And the universe has no regard for timing
Maybe someday I'll finally be brave
And say this out loud to your face
Today I'm a coward and you are a giant
And if I said I could move on I'd be lying
Apr 2015 · 2.0k
recent google searches
Victoria G Apr 2015
do dreams mean anything or was freud full of ****?
bronchitis symptoms
american life expectancy
how to use excel
what is a mortgage
average american student loan debt 2015
why is everyone more successful than me?
how to delete facebook
facebook linked to depression study
Oct 2014 · 556
Victoria G Oct 2014
let me go
let me float
in the pool by myself
till I sink to bottom
like the stone that is my heart
maybe as the chlorinated water fills my lungs
I’ll finally have some clarity
as the blue water fades to white maybe
I'll finally know how to do what’s right
Sep 2014 · 427
Victoria G Sep 2014
there's nothing
quite like
being inexplicably sad
because what seems to be
so obvious
is impossible to put into words
for yourself
let alone for the world
Aug 2014 · 8.7k
Victoria G Aug 2014
I'm tired of tricking myself into thinking
that what I'm doing will result in anything other than
crushing defeat shattering disappointment failure
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, three times, every time
Perhaps I should consider a different approach a different hobby
besides misplacing my affections and misreading social cues
Aug 2014 · 583
Plausible Deniability
Victoria G Aug 2014
I've found that I lie so often
that the truth has become hard to tell
To all the people I've hurt
Worry not, they've saved me a spot in hell

I'll say that we share a favorite movie
Even if I've never even seen it
It's so much easier to say
"I love you" when I do not mean it

I'm sorry to the people I care about
Who have no idea how I feel
Trust me, the less I say to you
The more likely that my love is real.
Aug 2014 · 306
Questions for Myself
Victoria G Aug 2014
Does this make me strong or weak?
Have I got it backwards?
Isn’t it lonely to be so secretive?
Isn’t it lonely never being alone but no one knowing anything about you?
Who taught you that this is the way it was supposed to be?
Shouldn’t that have been a sign?
Where did the time go?
Can I step back from this?
Did I go to far?
Is this it?
Aug 2014 · 255
Victoria G Aug 2014
You're something precious
That I've caught in my hand
But I'm scared to open in check
In case I find that I'm mistaken
and I will open my palms
and there will be nothing
You were never there to begin with
and I imagined it all
Jun 2014 · 1.7k
An Apology Letter
Victoria G Jun 2014
I've written this letter too many times
in my head on the back of napkins
Starbucks' receipts journal pages
I stopped addressing them
because who else would they be for?

They all start with I'm sorry
because I want you to know that I am
but they trail off into explanations
rationalizing what I did
to somehow be your fault
and instead of mine, as if
I was some damsel and you were some
mustache-twirling villain.

Once again, I'm sorry.

I was less and you more naive than I pretended.
I wasn't helpless I was selfish
I just want you to understand that it was never
your fault; it wasn't even mine.

We played our cards, but I've seen enough movies
to know that the house always wins.
I missed the opportunity to leave while I was ahead
so I got out before I could lose anymore
hoping you wouldn't notice.

I want answers
(do you know what happened?
could you tell how gone I was?
did you think it was you?
what would you have done?
what if?)
but I don't deserve them.

Good night, darling.

I'm sorry that I stopped saying
I love you.

Know that it was not because
I no longer meant it but instead because
I did.
Jun 2014 · 7.9k
Victoria G Jun 2014
Some say that I'm a liar but it's okay
they say words don't matter anyway
if I didn't mean to hurt you
then I am free to go
Any marks that I've left
will melt with the final snow
I know I promised to love you
till my dying day
But darling, I'm a liar,
And my words just hold no weight.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Let Me Go
Victoria G Jun 2014
I can see you slipping away
but I can't bring myself to
do anything about it
They say if you love someone
Let them go
Well then, I guess
We loved each other too much.
May 2014 · 4.2k
Victoria G May 2014
I'm sorry dear
but I must confess
that I haven't been
at all the best
at keeping up my end.
I've pulled away
In a such a cowardly way
And I really am apologetic
However, I'd be lying
if I told you that I regret it.
I'm just not the person
You wish I was
Though I've managed
to convincingly fake it
The keyboard lets me
lie with ease
with each "I love you"
"Thank you" and "Please"
Although the former
I've been saying
less and less
because once again
I must confess
the feelings
that I once adored
but eventually
began to abhor
and successfully managed
to ignore
have simply left
and are no more.
May 2014 · 790
Victoria G May 2014
how lucky I was
that so many best friends
happened to be
at my primary school

how fortunate that
his soulmate
walked into his
now-closed video rental store

how curious it is
that your maid of honor
was randomly assigned
as your college roommate

how strange it is
that so much of our lives
is simply dependent
on proximity
Apr 2014 · 3.3k
Victoria G Apr 2014
It's been so long since I've used
an elementary school wish granting time
like "11:11" or "12:34"  
But I noticed it by chance today;
I thought fondly of you
And I was pleasantly surprised
That you so easily sprung to mind.
I didn't wish for anything in particular
It's not that kind of night
But your name came up
And I was reminded
That everything always
turns out alright.
Apr 2014 · 392
Dream 2
Victoria G Apr 2014
Sometimes when you wake up
your dreams are forgotten
as quick as breath on glass

But sometimes they stay
long after you've woken
well into the afternoon

So sharp and clear
that you begin to wonder
if it happened or not
Apr 2014 · 2.2k
Victoria G Apr 2014
You would pick at a wound
till it bled once more,
if that could illuminate
what opened it the first time.
While I would rather let it be,
till it either heals or festers,
only paying it any mind
if it began to cause me pain again.
Mar 2014 · 3.0k
Blurred Geometry
Victoria G Mar 2014
I used to see the future in clearly defined terms
The geometry, the surety comforted me
(Rocking chairs on the porch
TV in the den, us on the couch)
But now it all seems wrong.
Water spilled on a crisp ink drawing
(An empty swing on the porch
TV by the bed, me on the couch)
I have to take off my glasses
Because your edges are too harsh
(Maybe I won't have a porch
Or a TV, I'll be on my parent's couch)
Feb 2014 · 344
Victoria G Feb 2014
I finally have enough distance
to tell you that
I was in love with you
I reasoned myself out of it
gradually backed off
so I wouldn't get hurt
The only thing I lack now is
the guts
to see what your reaction will be
when you do what I did
a thousand times
a thousand different ways:
imagine the could have been.
Jan 2014 · 408
Victoria G Jan 2014
Last night
I was thinking of you
as I fell asleep
So I dreamed about floating
in an Olympic-sized pool
The chlorine welcomed me
like an old friend.

And I saw your legs
Hanging in the pool
Heard your laughter
Muffled by the clear blue sea.

Later, you kissed me
but I turned away
and it landed on my cheek
like a dive off the highest board
into the deepest end
where I stayed
as it faded to black.
Jan 2014 · 435
Victoria G Jan 2014
Last night
I was thinking of you
as I fell asleep
So I dreamed about floating
in an Olympic-sized pool
The chlorine welcomed me
like an old friend.

And I saw your legs
Hanging in the pool
Heard your laughter
Muffled by the clear blue sea.

Later, you kissed me
but I turned away
and it landed on my cheek
like a dive off the highest board
into the deepest end
where I stayed
as it faded to black.
Jan 2014 · 764
Victoria G Jan 2014
At the airport
I am an American
Smiling (but not too much)
Polite and prepared:
My passport and boarding pass ready
My shoes slip easily on and off
I have no loose change in my pocket
I have one appropriately sized carry-on
and a smaller bag (as allowed)

On the plane I am Asian
I store my bag overhead
And get up when the
European couple who look like
they stepped out of a Dolce & Gabbana ad
try to get to the middle and window seats
The tired, smiling flight attendant looks relieved to see me
and calls me xiăo jiĕ
when offering me my in-flight meal

At the airport
I am an American
Surrounded by people coming home
Customs glances at my blue passport
And asks if I am a student
I can't find my ride
and my cellphone doesn't work here
I try to use the airport wireless
I am an American.
Dec 2013 · 742
Victoria G Dec 2013
I've never smoked a cigarette
But I think I know how it feels
My misguided love is as addicting
And every breath of mine, you steal

I breathe the smoke into my lungs
My insides turn to dust
I can't find a way to give you up
So I drink your poison from the cup

I don't care if you will **** me
As long as you hold my hand
You know I'd give up my own life
To save the ground on which you stand
Nov 2013 · 699
Victoria G Nov 2013
you shoved me into the deepest depths of the shark infested ocean
but I took your hand as you pulled me into your boat
and thanked you as you cleaned the bites
you are a sweet poison that you convinced me I should try
and it's killing me but I can't live without it
I feel like you stabbed me in the heart
just to see what it would feel like
and I thanked you for it.

I am shattering
and you are glueing back together the pieces
and telling me
that I’m beautiful
like that’s not supposed to make me feel anything
"Get out of toxic relationships,"
they say
I can’t
I will die either way
and I’d rather die with you pulling the trigger
Nov 2013 · 788
Victoria G Nov 2013
I miss you
and I can't
do anything
about it
I'm so
I'm a bad
(to everyone else)
I can't tell
if you are doing better than me
I can't tell
if I'm doing a good job
pretending that I'm okay
I want to go home
(I've been home
but it's just a house.
And I was happy to see
its inhabitants
but I want to
inhabit your arms.)
I'm so scared
that I miss you
more than you miss me.
Paranoia and anxiety
and loneliness:
a recipe for
a broken me.
Oct 2013 · 12.5k
Victoria G Oct 2013
I sit doing my calculus homework
The homework that I should have done yesterday
The numbers swim in front of me
Until they spell out your name
I take your derivative
To find the critical points
And realize that our entire
Has a downward *****.
I still ride that curve down
Pretend I am falling in love
Instead of falling deeper and deeper
Instead of what is really just
Begrudging tolerance.
My homework remains undone.
Written in March 2013
Jul 2013 · 683
Fragmented Thoughts
Victoria G Jul 2013
When my thoughts can't form
Coherent sentences
I can put together
My fragmented thoughts
Into stanzas.

When the tears sting my eyes
Or the anger boils inside my stomach
Or the anxiety makes me feel like
My chest is caving in
The words bring me back.

I send these love letters
Apology notes
fanciful thoughts
And midnight musings
Off into the world
In the hope that
Someone feels the same
And my voice
Reminds them of their own.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Victoria G Jul 2013
I want to be supportive
I want to be the best person,
The person you need right now
I want to help you through
I want you to feel loved,
but I am not unbreakable.

I have my own unhappiness
My own insecurities
My own self-loathing
My own inner voices
Telling me that I am
Wired wrong.

I will be there for you
When you need me
But when you ask me
Why I am so stressed
I will tell you that it is
School and Work and Life.

This will not be a lie
But it is not the truth.
I am stressed because of you.
Because I'm not sure
If I deserve you
Not sure if I'm who you need
Not sure if
I can help you feel

I am not unbreakable.
I'm not even durable.
I am worn out.
Jul 2013 · 655
Disjunction II
Victoria G Jul 2013
This thing
It sounds like an illness
But I don't feel sick
I held my head between my knees
Till I remembered how to breathe

I don't feel wrong
I just don't want
to burden anyone else.
I needed someone to hold me
Until I forgot what I was crying about

I didn't realize that I was now
"that kid"
And it didn't upset me the way I thought it would
I can't tell anyone
Nobody needs to know.

I'm okay.
*I will be
Jul 2013 · 630
Victoria G Jul 2013
Before you can tell anybody
You have to tell yourself
What people say you should already know
Even though I didn't.

How could I tell anyone else
When just trying to tell myself
Ended with me unable to breathe
At 3 in the morning?

I didn't feel relief
I didn't have a revelation
In the end,
I mostly felt resignation.

Nothing is more lonely
Than realizing
That you don't know
Who you are.
Jul 2013 · 693
Inexplicable Self Pity
Victoria G Jul 2013
I miss you so much
Even though you're not that far away
You're just on holiday
And you'll be back
So I don't know what I'm fussing about
We'll be back on track
In a bit
I feel so much safer with you in my arms
Safe from the world
Your head on my shoulder
reassures the head on my shoulders
I'm waiting for you to come back.
I'm listening to songs
about feeling sorry for yourself.
(it doesn't help)
Jul 2013 · 589
Victoria G Jul 2013
I want to tell you about all the times
I stayed up thinking
Wondering if in ten years from now
I’d meet you in a bar somewhere
And we’d both be drinking
Some expensive cocktail with
An innuendo for a name.
I wonder if you would still look the same
I wonder if I would still feel the same,
I’m sure the conversation would be awkward
But for that I take the blame,
Would I get and take a second chance
For the last uncomfortable slow dance
Of an event I didn’t go to
Because I couldn’t work up the courage
To finally go up and ask you.
Ask about the time when
You told me that you missed me
Though deep down
My thirteen year old self
Kind of wished you kissed me
Though I’m glad you didn’t
I realize that our friendship
Was better than whatever
The hell we would’ve been
Puzzle pieces from different sets
When I wake up, I do my best
I brush my teeth and wash my face until I finally forget.
Jun 2013 · 3.6k
Victoria G Jun 2013
There's no point in thinking

about how much I like

the rain in September

When it's 77 degrees outside

even though it's almost 6:30

and the plants need to be watered

September is three months away

And if I wait that long

All your plants will die.
May 2013 · 1.7k
Los Angeles - Snapshots
Victoria G May 2013
The only reason I ever went downtown
was for music class
or orchestra gigs
or for LA Phil concerts,
but I found this cool bookstore once.

I walked around with you once
during a break between rehearsals
and you asked me if I thought anyone
actually lived here
"LA's just a movie set," you said.

I was downtown for an audition once
and they were filming Batman.
There was fake snow everywhere
and you told me that you and a friend
pretended to have
a snowball fight.

A snowball fight in Los Angeles.
Except when Los Angeles is Gotham
or New York
or Chicago
for the day.

No one is ever on the streets in LA.
Unless LA is Gotham
or New York
or Chicago
for the day.
May 2013 · 631
Rock Garden
Victoria G May 2013
He turns to me and says,
"One day, you are going to
wake up and find that the world has
passed you by.
You will wake up on your couch
by empty cans of Brisk and ghosts
but no one will have died–
Everyone will just be someone else  
but you will be the same.
Like a rock in the middle of a
garden you will stay unmoving while everything else
blooms and grows and reaches towards the sun.
People you forgot to keep in touch with will no longer exist.
I will be gone, I'll be someone else.
To you, I'll be the boy you
loved in high school,
who didn't love you back,
and the girl you sat next to in Biology who wasn't quite as
clever as you are is now a doctor and you are
I know that he is right, but all I say is
"I didn't love you."
(I am lying)
He shakes his head and gets up
to leave, but he turns one last time and
smiles and I pretend that he is saying that he
loved me back.
May 2013 · 1.4k
Friends and Acquaintances
Victoria G May 2013
She moved away when I turned 9.
She's the best drummer I've ever met.
He used to sing Ocean Avenue when we walked to class.
He said that no one could keep secrets quite like me.
He told me to learn how to say no.

It didn't seem as important as it does now.

She was half my height but had twice the heart.
She was the nicest friend I ever had.
He'd wake up at four in the morning to go running.
He read a lot of books and never spoke to me.  
He wasn't quite the fastest swimmer on the team.

I wasn't quite the slowest.

She likes shelves and the color red.
She hates sloths.
He is the fastest swimmer I knew, but I'd never seen him swim.
He told me that he liked my haircut when I hadn't cut my hair.
He told me I owed him four years.

I don't owe them anything.
Mar 2013 · 447
Victoria G Mar 2013
i go outside so i can look at the snow

i want to watch the little white flakes come down

land on my eyelashes

put some color in my cheeks

but it doesn’t snow where i live

i go outside and the sky is clear

the moon shines bright

like it is mocking me

so i go back inside

and turn up the music

because there are worse things to be than

Mar 2013 · 513
Spun Sugar
Victoria G Mar 2013
I want to reach out
And hold you
I am too scared
To touch you
Our tenuous relationship
Is like spun sugar:
And too much
Makes my head hurt
Mar 2013 · 551
Victoria G Mar 2013
i really would like to stop

feeling for you

to stop feeling love

for you

to stop feeling hate

towards you

to stop feeling angry

at you

to stop feeling nervous

around you

you don’t make any sense

and frankly,

i’m exhausted

i don’t want you

and logically

i understand this

but i look at you and feel

sick to my stomach

and these “butterflies”

are no longer new

the novelty has worn off

is there a vaccine i can take for my heart

is there an antibiotic i can use?

because i just want to stop caring about you.

to be fair,

i like being friends with you

you’re a nice person

but it’s so hard to function

when every time you don’t respond

is like a knife to the heart

and every girl who isn’t me

is like stab in the back.

it just makes me so


and the wounds

have become more like

mosquito bites

and i


want it


Feb 2013 · 427
Victoria G Feb 2013
you called me
not to say hello
not to wish me a good day
nothing like that

you called
because you had a favor to ask
but I didn’t mind
I said I’d do it
but you didn’t say goodbye
we sat in the silence on the phone

till I said “okay”
only then did you hang up

the silence wasn’t even
five seconds
but it felt like a forever

i only said "okay"
to break the silence
but it felt like a confession
Jan 2013 · 493
Victoria G Jan 2013
one two faces blue
frozen by the ice and split in two
three four open door
tripped by the threshold, dead on the the floor
five six wall of bricks
trapped by corners and out of tricks
seven eight falling straight
off the edge of cliff while tempting fate
nine ten noisy men
at the bottom of the ocean, silent again.
Sep 2012 · 579
Wednesdays and Lies
Victoria G Sep 2012
On Tuesday morning

I discovered

That I had missed your late night call

And I found that I didn’t care at all

But then the next day I was tricked by your enjoining smiles

And I pretend to love you for a while

It’s now Thursday afternoon

And you don’t recognize me

So I think to myself who is he?

But the entire thing is a tragedy

You and I acting out our daily roles

Letting the heat dissipate from the coals

Of the hypothetically imaginary flame

Of a possible love affair

One we knew wasn’t there

And it’s a whole month of Sundays

Yet we still haven’t talked

But I’ve memorized the way you walk

The thread connecting you and I

Is woven together with Wednesdays and lies

As deceptively delicate as a spider’s web

Let’s try again and close our eyes.
Sep 2012 · 1.4k
Goodnight, Darling
Victoria G Sep 2012
It’s the last minute of my entire life

And I could spend it on you

60 seconds of your smiling face

Of your infectious laughter

The last moment of my entire existence

And I could give it to you

Let you fill my thoughts

As I quietly drift away

The last second of my time on earth

And I could think of you

Of your beautiful murmurs

And your comforting shoulder

I have one thought left before I have to go

And I could think of you,

But I don’t.

I give the time

To the blue of the sky

The clean smell of the rain

And the feeling of freshly washed sheets

I think of biking downhill

With a bag full of new books

Stories in the pages waiting for me to look

Wind blowing in my hair

I remember freshly baked bread

On the vine ripened tomatoes

Home made chocolate chip cookies

Quite nearly almost burnt toast

But I let you grab my hand anyway

As my eyes close for the last time
Sep 2012 · 544
Victoria G Sep 2012
I’ve decided that this is the last thing

I will ever write for you

So I will try to make it count.

You deserve more than the unread scribbles

Of an unremarkable poet

And I’m sure you will receive more.

I’ve realized that I care too much for you

Because in the end, these poems are for me

More than they are for you.

You will not see them,

For I will not show you

But in my heart I know, and that is enough.

This is not the best thing I have written for you

But I smiled at you yesterday and you smiled back,

So it doesn’t matter.

It is time to let you go,

In fact, it was time to let you go a long time ago,

But I remained hopeful.

This poetry does not flow,

Does not rhyme as I hoped it would

But neither did we.
Sep 2012 · 696
Victoria G Sep 2012
I curl into the night

Without bones

Slide off my chair

Without my spine

I close my eyes and drift away

Without a thought

I disappear into the woodwork

Without color

Almost a person but not quite

Without a soul
Sep 2012 · 608
In and Out, Like a Tide
Victoria G Sep 2012
he was born in the summer

and lived in the sea

floated away into the sunset

in a coke bottle with me

we saw the whole world

from our glass boat

held on during the hurricanes

and tried to stay afloat

only after the hundredth storm

and another brush with death

did I realize that that if he died

the grief would take away my breath

one day we washed up on shore

and as we stepped onto the land

he let go and walked off until

all that was left was his footprints in the sand

the sadness hit me like I knew it would

but to my surprise, I did not die

I held my head up and walked away

only when December came did I let myself cry

the tears froze on my cheeks

and I put them away for a rainy day

I smiled at the sun and thanked her for the warmth

and she told me that it would be okay.
Feb 2012 · 989
Victoria G Feb 2012
Sometimes when I’m by myself
I imagine me with you
Running off to far off lands
With so much left to do

We rule the world with iron fists
And giggle behind closed doors
We ponder the meaning of our dreams
And what we were made for

We steal hotels and sleep in jewels
And stare up tall skyscrapers
Staring off into infinity
In this town made of paper

Then I see you and I say hello
You didn’t hear or answer back
I don’t mention our adventures
Because of the confidence I lack

I’ve fallen in love with the idea
Of you as a perfect person
The more intricate I spin this tale
The more my affliction worsens

You aren’t the one who comes with me
To distant far off places
You’re two very different people
With very similar faces

But I let myself imagine
That beneath your boring shell
The swashbuckling endearing daredevil
Lies inside as well
Apr 2011 · 637
Take a Step Back
Victoria G Apr 2011
If the crushing weight
of your existence
ever gets you down,
try thinking about
the planet you call home.
Realize everything you endure,
it has endured worse,
a billion times over,
since before you existed.
Then, your massive insignificance
cancels out how important
you think you are,
and for a while,
you understand
how it feels to be a cloud suspended
between a great everything
and a vast nothing
confused as to which is which.
Feb 2011 · 630
Stolen Memories
Victoria G Feb 2011
A photograph in a library book 
That someone used as a bookmark
A picture of two little girls 
Forgotten between pages 72 and 73

Maybe they're sisters
Maybe best friends 
Maybe they're not little anymore 
Maybe they're no longer friends 

Distracted by the story behind the picture 
That single moment of joy 
Captured in bright kodak colors
Interested me more than the story

Was it taken to be developed 
Then used to hold a place in a book? 
Maybe they never finished reading
Or perhaps they just forgot.

The little girls are at the beach 
Holding hands, running into the waves
Oblivious to problems in the world
I wonder if they are as happy as they look. 

I decide to tuck it back in the book
Keeping it feels like stealing 
That memory was not mine to have 
So I return the book, picture inside

Maybe they'll come looking for their picture 
Or someone else will find it
And think up their own story
Maybe it will end up discarded

The novel long forgotten,
I remember the photo instead  
The picture's story overshadowing
That of some far off fantasy land.
Feb 2011 · 524
To Be a Friend
Victoria G Feb 2011
I want to be more than
A stranger you smile at when you can  

I don't want to be 
A face without a name, a landmark you sometimes see

But I don't want to hold your hand 
walking through the waves across the sand

I don't want to hug and kiss 
Or be the only one you'll ever miss

I don't want to be your wife
Buy a house and car to start life

I don't want to be there until the end 
All I want is to be your friend.
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