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Oct 2014 · 449
Scary Story (Six words)
Vice D Krashdif Oct 2014
basic white girls have no starbucks
Sep 2014 · 813
He hates......
Vice D Krashdif Sep 2014
He hates that no one sees
He hates that  he has no friends
He hates the way he feels
He hates when someone says to just change
He hates feeling like a *******
He hates being ignored
He hates me
I hate him because we are the same person
Sep 2014 · 316
Vice D Krashdif Sep 2014
I sit here in my own insanity
Sep 2014 · 301
Seeing Ones Self
Vice D Krashdif Sep 2014
You truly can see yourself when your actions betray you.
Sep 2014 · 2.0k
Ubi amor ibi dolor
Vice D Krashdif Sep 2014
Cupid chose an arrow because love does not come without pain.
The translation for the title is where there is love there is pain
Sep 2014 · 5.2k
Nightmares (10 words)
Jul 2014 · 315
Still in love
Vice D Krashdif Jul 2014
Each step hurts
Each breath stings
Am I insane?
Each movement sends pain
Each thought hurts
Am I insane?
Or am I hurt
Pain courses through me
Oxygen leaves my blood
Am I insane
Am I hurt
Or am I still in love?
Jun 2014 · 232
To A Girl....
Vice D Krashdif Jun 2014
Thank you for everything....
Jun 2014 · 505
Mortui Vivos Docent
Vice D Krashdif Jun 2014
If the dead teach the living then why must I live?
Jun 2014 · 319
Alone with company
Vice D Krashdif Jun 2014
After what you said I am empty so many friends around me but I am completely alone
May 2014 · 461
Empty Love?
Vice D Krashdif May 2014
I feel so empty baby

please help me

why do you turn your back on me?
May 2014 · 227
Vice D Krashdif May 2014
The darkness eternal
The pain great
My sight grows dim
My body grows weak

I trip over something
My knees give out
I'm unable to stand
I cant get back up

What am I supposed to do?
May 2014 · 197
Vice D Krashdif May 2014
If I am alive you are mine
If I am dead what are you

That is the real question
May 2014 · 574
whats the point
Vice D Krashdif May 2014
what's the point of continuing on
if the only thing that matters
has stopped talking to you
looking you in the eyes
stopped from what was there
started looking somewhere else
what's the point of continuing

a short fall wont work
maybe if I jump from the top
ill be able to get you to look
maybe then you could see
you gave me everything I needed to be
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
A Life of War
Vice D Krashdif Apr 2014
A young man with a family back home
A wife and a little girl back home
No one cares who he is now
No one will remember him when he is gone
Whether he was a grade “A” student or not
He will be replaced if he falls
He is a solider of America
His unit drives strait into an ambush
His friends killed by his side
Death everywhere he looks
Someone starts to yell fall back
But is stopped in mid-sentence
By a bullet through the heart
Someone manages to spit the words out
Once they finally fall back,
He looks at the ragtag group around him
A man from Georgia
A couple from Tennessee
Their leader didn’t make it
Nor the man who finally yelled fall back
He is the last of the officers
Nothing in his training could have prepared him,
For this
Now not only is his life in his hands
But those around him
He breaks down and cries
An aged man with a family back home
A wife and a little girl back home
Now he is all that stands between home and death
His next move could be his last or his best
He has a choice between life or death
He has a choice between waiting or fighting his way out
Waiting they could be ambushed again and all die
Fighting their way out they could all die
Only seventeen remain
He chooses to fight his way out
They break out the back entrance
Only to find more enemies
After a brief scrimmage they continue adrenalized
They see a Humvee and a troop-transport that look unscathed
He sprints followed closely by his men
Halfway he hears gunfire
His only target is the 50 caliber on the Humvee
Running through bullets and crossfire he makes it
His men low on ammo
His enemies coming by the thousands
He yells to get in as soon as he is shooting
They escape barely losing only one guy
But as their code says,
No man left behind even his body comes
He continues shooting over a hundred yards away
Even though there are no pursuers
He finally climbs back in
He looks over his men checking for wounds
Only to see the color drained from their faces
He begins to see black
He wonders if this is what death feels like
A dying man with a family back home
A wife and a little girl back home
A Purple Heart recipient
A Medal of Honor recipient
A Medal of Valor recipient
A man now decorated with honors
An army veteran with a family back home
A wife and a little girl back home
A survivor of Afghanistan with a family back home
A wife and a little girl
suggestions are welcome
Apr 2014 · 357
St. Florian
Vice D Krashdif Apr 2014
Standing within stone walls of a church
A cross in front of him.
A cross around his neck.
It’s silver cold on his bare skin
The only reminder he allows himself to keep.
Of a past life he wishes to forget.
The hole grows larger each day.
And he is close to giving up.
The memory of why he has it..
The only thing that stops him.
But it is not the cross that he sees
The final night but that of his guardian angel.
He decides it is best to live without the cross
But rather with what he saw
Can he just let his past go like that?
By just giving it away.
And replacing it with what he saw.
His past promises his future his life
Apr 2014 · 2.9k
A Fallen Firefighter
Vice D Krashdif Apr 2014
A man by birth
A hero by choice
He gave his life for another,
Saving someone at the cost of his own life:
Life for a life,
Brother for a brother,
Friend for a friend.

A young child waits for him to come home.

A man by birth
A hero by choice
A son now without a father
A family without a man
A brotherhood without a brother
A friendship without a friend
A death tears the world apart.

A death destroys all.

A man by birth
A hero by choice
A friend during life
A friend after death
He waits patiently
For friends and family alike to come home.
Apr 2014 · 790
Am I Insane
Vice D Krashdif Apr 2014
I feel so heavy….
My knees buckle
the pain sharpens
my chest explodes
I should be free
I should be happy
it was my choice after all
so why do I feel like I am dying still
why is it heavier sharper colder…..
you aren’t gone or are you?
I sit here now regretting it
Am I insane???
Apr 2014 · 692
The Lone Boy
Vice D Krashdif Apr 2014
Oh the bells ring;
No one hears their mournful sound
The crows sing
Their song of sorrow

The boy standing alone
His sole fate bound
The only thing to hear, moans
From those going into the ground

The walls are tall
He will not let them down
For he is the one that built the walls
To stop from the sorrow’s drown

Around him there is loss
His chances to live in poverty are slim
Aids prevents him from being a boss
No vaccine to bring him from the brim

Death encompasses all
No act of courageousness
Can save them from the fall
Into the deep dark blackness
this poem was for a project it actually goes with my profile picture
Apr 2014 · 653
What am I
Vice D Krashdif Apr 2014
a thinker, an inker, a provoker,
but why are they so much better,
ballers, batters, singers, dancers, stars,
why am I not that good
liars, stealers, rule breakers
maybe who I am is ok.....
Vice D Krashdif Apr 2014
A man by birth
A hero by choice
He gave his life for another
A man without a family
A family now without a man
Brother for a brother
Friend for a friend
A young child waiting for him to come home

A man by birth
A hero by choice
A savior to some
A gravestone to others
He put others in front of himself
Saving them at the cost of his life
Others are in his debt

A man by birth
A hero by choice
He laid down his life to protect another
A son now without a father
A family without a man
A brotherhood without a brother
A friend without his best friend
A world torn apart
Death encompasses all
Death destroys all
Death controls all

A man by birth
A hero by choice
A friend for life
A friend after death
He waits patiently
For friends and family alike
Apr 2014 · 325
I Am What?
Vice D Krashdif Apr 2014
I am what?

I am lost....
I am scared....
I am depressed....
I am a lost cause....

I have done what?

I've hurt you....
I've loved you....
I've saved you....
I've dropped you...

You think what?

You think it'll get better....
You think that I help you....
You think that you love me....
You think I'm a hero not a demon....

— The End —