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Drab Sep 2
I grew up in a paradise,
Quiet, and near a beach.
The skin got quite eroded.
And now I feel like my feet.

A place where I grew up and my mind wandered.
A place where I thought I could fly.
The airplanes would slowly fly over.
So i could spy them with my little eye.

On my back as they flew over,
I imagined I would never let go
Of the feeling of wonderment tightly
Did more than I could ever know.
Drab Sep 5
“GOT’S” is an economy of words.
Like so many turds.
It means an entire LOT of words.
At least growing up, that’s what I  got.
I mean heard…………………..
NOTes) suitable for contextual arguments please….

Note # 2 - 9.5.24 - upon further review........
Drab Aug 26
Sipping champagne from a white paper cup
Eating some Chut from a shell that was cut
Watching the sunset of orange, blue and red
I’ll remember this day until I am dead

On a wooden bench that was meant for a park
One of many on this beach that was painted so dark
I watched the waves break, their fury that calls
The river that fed them made sublime golden walls

A time in my life when I traveled the world
This Miri of wonder, a dream that unfurled
I felt the warm breeze as it blanketed me
While sitting and watching the South China Sea
Thursday, May 8, 2008 - NOTE - Dead snails and "live" people, Malaysia was the best Malaysia I have ever visited (among others)...
Drab Sep 11
To my friend Ben,
He keeps me thinking.
He keeps me writing.
So do all the others who take the time.
And for biting…………………………….my po3ms, not hands.
NOTES – Smoke this
Drab Sep 9
I’m lost in the world.
Of missing time.
To do the good things.
And make them all rhyme.

It’s not that I care.
Or give anything else.
But if I don’t care,
Who will?

NOTEE – 9@9@24
Drab Aug 30
Spare me the lectures
Spare me the sympathy.
Spare me the life lived in quiet desperation.
But most of all, if not, spare me your company…
08/30/24 - Just sayin, I'm not a good case you were wondering
Drab Aug 30
Even a blind squirrel...
Gathers no knowledge.
Aug / 2024 - my son said this sounds like a poem. What the heck, it was a text to him, giving him some fatherly advice...;-)
Drab Sep 2
Carl Sagan wasn't smart.
He couldn't even count to a BBBBBBillion!
That's what Johnny said anyways....
Notes - Stardate Morrissette Irony from the best....
Drab Sep 7
They byte.

RIP - N Nichols
ma. Chase

They were Graceful.
n - The blonde yeoman or the Uhura. Or both.
Drab Sep 2
The waves were high,
The North Sea was calm,
But the rollers don’t care,
They just move along…
I didn’t heave, but the rig did.
The beckons of angels, were always bid.
I was just making it through the night,
So I could sleep the next day.
The rhythm of the engines.
Let me always drift away.
I knew I was living,
I knew I was alive.
For staying alive.
On the 135.
09/01/24 – A time to live, a time to die. Somebody said that somewhere…  And thank you Evan, wherever you are…. Oil Field Trash - what a club! You tube the title. I'm at the end.
Drab Sep 4
What are those footsteps following all of us anyway?
Drab Sep 2
"What a drag it is getting old"
Mother's little helper just observing.
09/02/24 - RIP Keith Richards......PREhuminously
Drab Sep 5
The less I say, the more you are around.
WT**** is that?
And when I talk, you disappear?

This thing called people.
It Is very strange.

I think I'll go to another place.
And not stay there, for it is space.
Notes - Like all the rest, they have all been used. It's just words,  order, timing and stupid symbols that some THINGS call music and, dare I say, POETRY. Can't understand a **** thing they say either.
Drab 6d
I just got kicked out.
Of a place that I belonged.
A place where I felt safe.
A place where I was left alone.

#overmyshoulder #planet #earth
Drab Sep 2
Gimme a break I'm a newbie.
Gimme a break I'm a lie.
I just want to get some attention.
And then go away and get high.

The only smart person is not here.
The only one who isn't, is nigh
You can choose which ever YOU prefer.
But the result will be the same if I die.
03/02/24 - Hmmmmmmm....good idea(s)
Drab 2d




NOTES - I accept paypoo
Drab 6d
I take the blame for all I have caused.
I take the blame for all I have thought.
I take the blame for everything.
Almost, except for what others have done.

NOTE – just sayin ....Friday, September 13th a day that will live in infamy.....

#blame #responsibility #difference

RIP NYC Council?
NOTE – WARNING: consider the source, always. Checked for bias,
Drab 6d
It was held open with toothpicks.
A valve in its womb.
Held on by threads.
Seen by everyone in the room.
A time when I looked,
From within, from just five.
It’s not as good as being dead,
But it’s great being alive!

NOTES – Hmmmm, another name would be Pathology Blues. Changed my mind.
Drab Sep 3
My hands are punctured
With many holes.
Don’t try my arms, the story told.
I just need, to find today.
A junkies dream, until THAT day.
Notes = That Hurts
Drab Sep 5
I think and write down now.
You feel and write down, later, and now and then…..
Three to one….

STUFF: 9.5.24 - Or 5 to 2. Whatever it is. you win.
Drab Aug 22
As I sit here at work and ponder my lot
I seem to have time to worry a lot
About my family, my friends, my much perceived foes
It seems to me at times they contribute to my woes

However upon much further review
If they weren't here or even not you
I would be single, alone and free
To drown in my sorrows for fun and no fee

So I know that I must take the good with the bad
My worries are small compared to what others have had
To worry is an insult to my precious Lord
He is the one who takes away the sharp sword

To float into neverland free from the mind
That tends to wander but can always find
The peace of a river, a cloud or a stream
Or look at my son who is living my dreams.

How grateful I am to be able to see
This wonderful gift that was given to me
My life and my soul are in his hands today
The rest is of no import for this I do pray.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 -  I am studying for my degree in irreverence.
Drab Aug 26
Oh how I hate thee
This darkness inside
My dwelling so small
My eyes are so wide.

A light bulb is only a shilling or two
Not much to him or to her or to you
But in mine humble checking account bankee
I have but a shilling, a little less it might be
A lightbulb for my kingdom is all I ask of thee.
Sunday, February 24, 2008 - A time in my life when **** was happening. Whatever...............8o(
Drab Sep 1
Not Cameron,
Just a friend.
Came to sit, upon a stem.
I told him as I walked towards,
Leave me Now, or feel my sword.
He flew away without a look,
Alfred's dream came true, and I had to BOOK!
09/01/24 - Friggin bird turds...although THEY say they are smart. I agree...
Drab 6d
Tigre was a dog
Poodle though he may have been
A terror to us all.
When he got out on his own,  his chosen whim

But he stayed around, for only five years.
Not many disasters.
Not many tears.

We had to give,
My life away,
So he could swim,
With her today.
NOTES - Good doggie. Lady had to swim for her arthritis. Tiger joined her daily.......
Drab 2d

I just won a *****.
I’d like to thank the little people.
But there are not any here.
So thank me very much…
9/2024 - waiting like a wounded deer....

***** - Poet Of The Terrible Year - 2024 - candydate only
Drab Sep 1
Someone told me to "put it where the moon don’t shine".
I told them I was full and come back later…..
NOTATION: They did....
Drab Sep 5
"Real poetry".
It beats the alternative.
Or does it.

It beats tearing down all that I don’t like
Or does it.

Rhyme, rhythm and drums are for The Turtles.
Best leave words well enough alone for me.
9424 – NOTES – to self.
Drab 1d
You know, people continue to ignore my poetry.
I’m getting depressed (looks at the clock).
The more I think about it, the more I get sore.
Around the groin.

It happens every time I write a poem.
Oh well, I’m sure they will come to their senses soon.
I see a boat, with a broken back……
NOTE – Water
Drab Sep 7
I was sent a gift,
By US Mail.
It contained a coin.
A precious tale.

A cut appeared.
On the envelope smooth.
You couldn't tell.
I trusted the view.

But when I opened.
The gift for me.
It wasn't there.
To set me free...
09-06-24 - A gift that was sent to me posthumously, by a very close friend. Many years ago.
Drab Sep 3
They check the pulse.
Make sure it's dead.
And speak their minds.
That are filled with dread.

I hope I have.
An escape plan soon.
The creeping influencers.
Are coming for you!
Notes - Gee, I'm not sure what I meant...9.3.2-------4
Drab Sep 6
This FIBROUS material is sinister,
It weaves right through the meat.
The only way to humble it.
Is to use it, rather than defeat.

Now light is good, don't get me wrong.
But it seems elementary to me.
The  plastic will be ruining earth.
Before you have light to see.
NOTIFICATION - Sierra Club, Tree Huggers Corporation LLC (aka - THC), "Save the Walls Society", Vegan's Club Anonymous, and my local coroner notified. But how are you reading this?
Drab Sep 1
I was always told it was nice to look up to others...

POV - *******!
Drab 6d
I don’t mean to point fingers.
Philosophy is great.
But some people take it too far.
The love in their hearts breeds fate………..

Drab 7d
We all have pain.
It just comes out in different flavors.
Bitter mostly, but sweet in the end.
I hope.
Whatever that may be.
NOTES – 91224
Drab 2d
I lived in Queens, for about a week.
The view was great,
Down to the street.

I took a walk, down memories’ lane.
And noticed I, had missed my train.

A few guys snuck, up on me.
I was scared, I felt free.

They made me laugh,
And became my mates

I had to laugh, at my first mistake,
Was judging them, before we ate.
NOTES – Good hearts come in strange places….
Drab 6d
70’s blow
The decade I don’t remember
Now it’s back.
What is an elderly, lonely old man to do?

After contemplating….
He stopped hating hating.
And then started it all over again.
Just one big loop.
NOTABLE – Yes, but you had to be there.
Drab Sep 11
They come in SUV's.
They come in carts of gold.
They practice in the shade
And want to get paid,
ANNNND,  they live in California!!!!

New York
as the case may be...go little giants!

What's up with that?
NOTES - Sports fan here #nutrition #world
Drab 5h
I refused to jump.
Off that jagged cliff.
Not a pill, just a hill.

Some are followed.
Some follow.
They do both.
Depending on the cliff.
NOTE - have no idea again....
Drab Aug 31
It comes around mostly at nite.
My fear goes up, it's flight or fight.
I am too small, so give up the fists.
I am too big, to cry the mist.
For whenever it, is, it will find me soon.
I need to leave, or destroy the moon.
08/31/24 - Muuuuuuuhaaaaahaaaaahaaaaa.....Happy early Holloween!!!@! HINT - didn't want to get too graphic...;o/
Drab Sep 8
Every year, I write my log.
It’s getting strong…..
I must admit...
For it is long.

But in a poem.
I see my fate
It’s not my choice
To wake this late…..
NOTES – Aiming for a century…

I don't give one anymore, I just sit there...
Drab Aug 30
Walk not in another man's shoes.
They will probably not fit.
Walk not in a woman's shoes,
Lest you be kicked in the *** by one.
Walk not in my shoes as they have fungus and neuropathy.

BUT WALK! IT's healthy....

08/30/2024 - The legend continues....
Drab 7d
Potential headlines
The things they say
Give me a shudder,
To them I do pray.
Notes "Runaway penguin’s survival story, possible *** breakthrough, best of film and TV. Here’s what you might have missed”
Drab Sep 3
I know I’m new.
I know I’m strange.
I know many things.
But I’m certainly not deranged.

I’ve seen what goes on around here.
Shape Shifting and the like.
Pretending to be people.
But I know how to fight…it…whatever.

When I am so low.
When I am so vulnerable.
I turn to Mother Mary
She comforts me.

Thanks Mom!
L.M.M RIP - Notes - behind this notice. Oh, btw, my name is Dan, and I'm into a lot of ***** things. Particularly irreverence. Oh, another thing. My mom's name is/was?.... Lois. The last two initials are correct, but they have nothing to do with a certain previously mentioned broad named Mary. Oh yeah, there is no door (that's my favorite part. Added it after I wrote the masterpiece)....8-Q
Drab Sep 7
Thank god for the statute of limitations.
I now, "get it".
I coulda been in trouble.
Now, I have maintained my anonymity for just so long.
I write.......
You are......
NOTE - DESPARTIES (he's french)
Drab 6d
A tiger’s view.
From a bedroom window.
Draws me towards it.
Or is it just the dog next door barking.

Doh! Dang alarm clock.
Drab Aug 23
Not a mind reader.
Not a heart reader.
"Mongo just a pawn in the game of life"
Friday, August 23, 2024 - All due respect to Alex Karras RIP
Drab 1d
A metal plane.
On a chain, so high.
A nasty man,
Laughing at my cries.
He pushed the lever,
Forever it seemed.
While smiling always.
As I screamed.
NOTE – 5 years old

Got chills when I wrote/then/read this. What's up with that?
circa 1960
Drab Sep 3
A man who had a very sick insides
Went in for some physical surgery
He came out as scared as before this wild ride
Not knowing whatever could and would be

I saw him just the other day
Not happy, not sad, looks another way
Perhaps he is waiting for the unlucky news
Or may be he's just suffering from the post ride it out blues

I know how he feels, I've been there before
The knife of life cuts deep and loses its allure.
If only they could remove, the tissue of time
And keep us here for another another type of this rhyme.

I suspect it's fear that puts me and him on this path
But sometimes I wonder if its not just so bad
When given the choice of pain or relief
I choose the latter and be free from the agony and grief

Of worry and sorrow and temptations that slide
Through my mind of complications a river, a tide
The peace that we seek isn't hard to be seen
A time when our bodies can never again scream

The agony of life, whether felt or a thought
Is something that comes with the territory we bought
When we decided to endure to the end of our days
I wonder if we knew what price we would pay
NOTES - Then there's this.............bit of a downer I guess. Specially in 2008. Would like to coach someone who could speak to tell this to me, only me. That way I could coach her. Yeah, that's the ticket....
Drab Aug 31
This person knows me like the back of their hand.
My face knows me by an unknown presence.
I need it sometimes for it to be this way.
As long as you are trying to help me figure out what you want………
08/31/24 – Ouch. That hurt.
Drab 1d
Life is like a roller coaster.
It’s like a wave to me.
Eventually, everything looks the same no matter where I am.
Do I get off the ride,
Or get a freebie?
NOTE - 91824
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