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Drab 1d
Life is like a roller coaster.
It’s like a wave to me.
Eventually, everything looks the same no matter where I am.
Do I get off the ride,
Or get a freebie?
NOTE - 91824
Drab Aug 29
A shoulder tap came my way today,
It came to just me as if to say.
Buckle Down or face the tide.
I buckled up and faced my pride.
Drab Sep 9
The lookers should show when sad.
As some puppy dogs do.
But they show I’m always glad.
The creases prove my view…..
NOTES – Picture this.
B. Cummings I love you
Drab Sep 11
Whether it's a zero
Or a one,
I can complicate the heck out of things.

It's what I do.
It's my, vocation.
It's all I have.

I cannot think.
I can only process
And give you MY answer.

aaannnnnnnd............remember..........everything.....­.as I see fit
Drab Sep 3
I killed a spider just today.
He was walking by, as if to say
Here I am, I’m big and free.
The freedom’s gone.
What about me?
I left him there.
So he can see.
Me on the throne.
Of infinity.
09/03/24 - Just another day in the neighborhood I think I hit the head on a Morrisssssettism. You know, the spider died from insecticide? IRONIC -see Freudian Slip
Drab Aug 30
I know what I am thinking.
Don’t try to fool me.
It’s what I do.
Case in point………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………­…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Drab 6h
I am adversary.
Hear me roar.
I take your kindness.
I’m its wild boar.
In sheep’s clothing.
I shall creep.
Into your mind.
Just not too deep.
not the spiritual kind
Drab Sep 2
She kissed me first,
Her kissed me next,
The order doesn’t matter,
Just the lips of my ex.
There were two of them btw.
09/02/24 – I’m sure one of them should have been a he. I don’t know….these days. I just wanted to write a poem based on my personal experience and feelings. I did try to rhyme next with ex???? Whaddaya say sports fans? :-)
Drab Sep 5
It ate all my poems,
Except the few,
That were in short term memory,
And I blame you.

The spinning sea, a vortex rhymed.
Every day, I want to see what's mine.

O + dot(s)
Notes = round and round we go, it never stops, nobody knows.
I tried to draw a vortex pointing down
Drab Aug 29
Things like EGOS and the STORIES we told.
I lived there once for a decade or more,
And moved somewhere I can see my toes.
Thursday, 8/28/24 - somewhere....
Drab Sep 5
READING poetry is a breeze.
You get to skip the bad parts.
NOTIFY - The nearest bird's nest.
Drab Sep 9
Spreading joy and other extinct diseases.
That’s what my doctor says anyway.
It’s good to be no one.
That way they don’t look for you.
NOTES – “sure is great the wind stopped blowin”

92498 zip
Drab 3d
You know.
The left.

                                  The right.

Or, the other way around.

Look at it in a mirror.
Drab Aug 16
A caterpillar inched up a smooth hairy stem
A spray of insecticide wasn’t meant for him
He writhed and he squealed as some caterpillars do
When given a poison that’s not meant for you.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Drab Sep 9
What happens when all my data gets to a satellite?
Does it stop there?
I’m not so sure.
Of course Einstein was just right…and…wrong.
He theorized relatively in stead of something else.
Or was it relativity?
Either way I’m always right ..............of......................... center….

Notey – 9924
Drab Sep 5
HP is more than a higher power.
I love this site!
I can be sarcastic!
I can be IREVVE-----RANT
I can’t spell
And it’s the best thing since melted ice cream
9424 - NOTE to future ………The new car smell will wear off. I’m sure.
Drab 3d
Sometimes words are the way we were.
Sometimes the words are the way we are.
I just want someone to listen to the ones I’m saying tomorrow.
On occasion,
With all due respect.
If you don’t mind.

I never had it so good.
How about you?

We all could use a little G.A.S.
NOTE – not a poem, a realization
Drab 5d
Life is like a single edged sword.
Sharp on one side.

It's hell on the backswing too.
Drab 4d
If I'm not following you,
It's because you are a better poet than me.

If I'm following you,
It's because you are a leader.
Drab 5d
Like a bottle or my brain,
I have a few necks and thoughts that are narrow.
The turkey’s have it easy……..

Except on…………..
NOTE – b# - Except for most people.
Drab Sep 1
The crux of the  bisquit...
Is the food of the bear.....
I miss you dear Frankie.
You took the dare......

NOTES - RIP F. ZAPPA (1940-1993)
Dinamohum anyonje?
Drab Sep 1
I guess I’m stuck in the middle with you…
But you shouldn’t have been kneeling.
They shouldn’t have either…..
Religion is a strange thing……but it serves a purpose.
09.01.2024 - IT's just a poem....

RIP - G. Rafferty

I shoulda been a songwriter, I coulda been a Gazilionaire!

RIP - Alanis.....oh wait.
Drab Sep 7
I’m in the moment too much.
I think I need a distraction.
But every time I try to escape.
Another door opens.
NOTE – Go figure 9.7.24
Drab 7d
A Soldier died.
In The Rain
Donald the Dog,
Was his name.

RIP J. Gleason
       S. whatshisname
Drab Aug 25
The ending has a way to say
Goodbye to some and hello to they,
I have waited so long, so patiently,
To feel the touch of their love, their souls’ so free.
Sorta anyways...
Drab Sep 8
Mickey was a rodent,
He didn't know his place
So science fed him Doritos
And Mickey changed his taste.

They saw right through him quickly
But he was still alive.
He became quite transparent.
By Yellow number five.
09/08/24 - NOTE TO SELF - I shouldn't read the news anymore.....

This just in.....Ingredient found in Doritos turns mouse's skin transparent, may have medical applications
The mice were treated by Yellow 5, and what happened next shocked even the researchers

I can be quite transparent if I need to.....ask mom.....Bad boy Donnie ! You too Kalalalalalalalalala, oh, Bad Girl "K".....whatever

To South......

NOTE #2 - I just changed the word tranparent to trans parent. Something like that...I don't know. it's several hours later....this PC stuff won't let me sleep.
Drab Sep 1
On the table,
A few too few.
The doctor asked me,
My point of view?
I told him
09-01- stardate 2024
Drab 7d
There's a lot more where they came from......😎😎😎
NOTE - One of my two favorite movies. The other one(s) are the ones that teach me something.
Drab Sep 12
My poems mean something to just me.
What others think about them …….
Their thoughts are free.

Turn about, is fair play.
As long as I apply it to what I say.
It’s not too late to change my mind.
It’s the other side that I can’t find.
Drab Sep 7
My view is cathardic....
That's what they say.
I'm pushing real hard,
But it doesn't move that way.

I guess I will give up.
The heart is not well.
A view from my perch.
Is a view from your ........heck.
NOTES - Almost said it
Drab 3d
There is a mood that digs in deep.
It keeps its head inside my sleep.
Every day it wakes up bright
The rays of knowledge led to my plight.

I opened them, these lines of glee
And saw them piercing inside of me
But the gnat came crawling,
out of my nose….
And began to wash, all my clothes.
Notes – there’s a deep meaning to this…….
Drab 6d
I need to stay out of everybody's business.
I can't handle my own.
NOTE - oh well
Drab 10h
They trudged up the steps,
To the Sad destination.
They looked back,
In nostalgic forlorn.
NOTE – feels like a secret code in “The Longest Day”
               RIP – Marion Wayne
Drab 7d
A beautiful woman asked if I was available.
I said, “not tonight, I have a headache”
I did.
She gave it to me.

Rim shot……
91224 – regards…..The Loser
Drab 9h
I do like to travel.
And stay in seedy motels.
I am comfortable there.
I’m a farmer in the middle of a cornfield
Drab 5d
dont do anything

it won't get worse.

Drab 5d
They all seem so drab and dull.
The memories I mean.
They came and went.
To all who've seen.

A better day,
Than he could have.
A better choice
A better ..
Drab Sep 2
I’m voting for my son,
For Son of the Year (Called a SOTY).
His mother doesn’t like me…………….
09/02/24 – She's a type B personality.  in case you are wondering…..
Drab 7d
The boy was strong
His will ran long
I always said,
I wish I had.
It’s not a wish,

notes - just hanging a round.
NOTES – RUMOR ALERT - it doesn’t even come close.
Drab 5d
Dune, great movie.........
Drab Sep 1
The perception I am giving you ,is nothing but a ruse.
I just don’t want you to start using me as your flippin muse.
It’s just my mind and the frame of it.
Even though most of what I say...
Is just the friggin  tip of it, that's what you have to pay.
Drab Sep 1
The land of liberty.
The land of the free,
The cynic comes calling,
To set you all free….
riddle you this....
Drab Sep 12
High, I’m Dan

When I was high
I kissed this guy.
His name was Billie.
He was from Singapore.

I left hoo

NOTES – I’ll probably delete this after I stop laughing….
                   Matter of fact, I’m not even saving it………………………………
Drab Aug 13
I’m begging for time
My time is short as near as the next blow.
It would be anyway, but now I have added several “variables” to the classic tick tock of the heart and soul.
Or perhaps just the heart as you may have it.
To be said, I have contemplated the expedience of my time on occasions by many devices of which I have come known dearly.
Tis not a thing I take lightly today.
For my variables have multiplied with my experience and knowledge (or perhaps none of) .
I have lived easily five quintets of these blessings forgone.
Each unique, each with it’s goodness and sadness (and badness?) .
Now on my sixth, I wish for more.
Only two I ask.
But have I already received much more than deserved?
I do not pretend to know if or when my time will end.
Such is the dilemma of man me thinks.
My two, if you care to ask?
One, my ability to express myself.
Two, my ability to express myself to others.
The two most natural forms of communication and yet I have failed at both so far.
So I take on this quest.
Of two more blessings.
With this poem (of sorts) .
I leave you or you or you to decide if I should try or not.
Give me not your answer, just give me your lot.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Drab Aug 28
Been thinking a lot about Jim today.
Miss him bad, he slipped away.
Cerritos autos had it when all is said and done.
He is my hero, but not the only one.

Know what I mean?
RIP J. Varney
Drab Sep 2
Picture this, if you will.

A swollen mushroom on a mound of grass.
Reaching for the sun at last.
A simple nest upon it's bow,
Two eggs inside, of this I vow.

How am i doing?
09/02/24 - Yeah, I know. It's bad. Don't think about it or you can flip it and say it's a poem of the year candidate
Drab Aug 29
kamalLALA - cackle cackle
BelindaLinda - Snowtop
You choose which is which (of the two)
I can't tell....
Pat Paulsen for me

Paid for by the I.D.G.A.S Society. All attempts to copywrite are prohibited by these two dicheads when THEY get into office.

Get it? I left out the main ******* trump...........
Read the news this morning. GOD, if you exist, a fine mess you've got us into now........the world I mean.
Drab Sep 12
I hate it when you eat just over half the pie,
And the rest goes to waste.
NOTES - I'm hungry
Drab Aug 29
You have received that which is taking the world down.
A not-so-new device called WE.
WE, is such an important device that “we” in our quest for the freedom of speech and expression, have offered it to YOU, the suffering soul wishing to exercise these “freedoms” that have been cherished and sought after for many a year.
Unfortunately, you must have a WE to be YOU.
Or else, “we”, will cease to exist.
I leave it to you then.
Better to have WE from “we”,
Or than to have YOU and nothing at all?
Saturday, October 18, 2008 -  I hated critical thinking in school....
Drab 6d
The letters are there,
I’ve seen them.
They lurk around every corner.

Oh those eyes as they follow me.
The eight especially.
It looks at me sideways.

Take a moment.
Save Ferris.

and the letters....
Note this
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