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Apr 2021 · 828
bubblyflower Apr 2021
In my garden, when I was just a child
I would take a pencil I could find
And I would draw my own world.

It would be raining with happiness
Rainbows would burst from clouds
There would be no touch of blackness.

I remind myself all of those memories,
Tears start to flow down my cheeks,
"Oh, I wish I could live those moments again!
I wish I would have no worries like back then,
But life goes on and even if it's not the same,
I am going to transform my world
Into one where I treasure beautiful moments!"
Apr 2021 · 671
bubblyflower Apr 2021
I braided my hair with the flowers you gave me,
You gifted me a beautiful field of fragrance,
What a fragrant flowery meadow to see!

We watched as the cloud slowly into distance departs,
I treasure the day we gave. shyly, each other's hearts,
The world is such a small place, it's a pile of sparks!

We looked at each other's eyes, we smiled with bliss,
The sunset also smiled at us as we're about to kiss,
Fate had lead us into a moment we wouldn't miss!
Apr 2021 · 1.2k
bubblyflower Apr 2021
When I was just an innocent child,
Unlike others, I wouldn't go wild
I would swing in a cherry blossom tree,
And no other children would notice me.
I was a shy child, very timid of socializing,
But a boy with wings was approaching,
"I can be your friend, dear one,
We will explore every corner
Of your rich imagination
We will fly beautifully together"
Time passed, I felt amazing,
But the clock was ticking,
The boy said: "It is time to go, my love,
It is time to let go, we'll be together
Even after the end!"
Apr 2021 · 746
bubblyflower Apr 2021
Why can't I express myself into words?
This heaviness, stuck to my arms and mouth,
It makes feel like a butterfly stuck in a web.
I want to talk and write more and more,
My word is getting duller and duller
I want to confess to you
I want to speak to my friends
I want to be happy.
Apr 2021 · 2.1k
bubblyflower Apr 2021
I stare at the forget-me-not,
You gave it the day you left me,
Why did you leave me?
Why did you abandon us?
I start ripping each petal,
He loves me, he loves me not...
He forgets-me-not.
He loves me.
Apr 2021 · 1.3k
bubblyflower Apr 2021
red flowers cover the heavenly field,
your teary eyes reflect the moonlight,
the person that i need beside me is you,
i know you need me too,
staying by each other's side
what a beautiful sight!
i wish we could stay forever,
i wish we could be merrier,
it's time to say goodbye,
a butterfly tickles my hand,
let's be together even after the end!
Jan 2021 · 218
Me And You
bubblyflower Jan 2021
Our love is like the changing clouds,
Sometimes going from heavenly white to awful gray,
Hoping the clouds will never fade away.
Sometimes we drift apart,
But the wind brings us back to our art.
cloud love gray heavenly white art
Jan 2021 · 314
bubblyflower Jan 2021
I am feeling blue tonight,
With no other color in sight.
I am like the ocean,
Full of deep secrets,
People are willing to explore it,
But they can't.
If you try swimming in it,
The waves will hit you.
Oct 2020 · 87
Stand Still
bubblyflower Oct 2020
I stand still
With the joy of thrill,
They go round and round
While my heart is starting to pound.
Happy faces don't approach me,
The ghosts around me plot
To take me away
Into the black abyss of thought.
Aug 2020 · 96
bubblyflower Aug 2020
I look in the mirror,
And I see an ugly person- No, I am pretty!
I see a worthless person- No, people need me!
I see a loser- No, I have achieved what I wanted!
These thoughts haunt me everyday,
I wish it would stop.
I have no control,
I try to stop them
But I can't,
I try to ignore them,
But I can't,
But I remembered
That I have people by my side.
Aug 2020 · 115
Friendly Leaf
bubblyflower Aug 2020
I am a friendly leaf,
I am soon going to have my last dance
In the blowing wind
While I watch my other friends
Blow away too.
I will turn red,
While my friends turn orange.
We will be gracefully dancing in the wind,
Leaving our dear tree alone,
Without its beautiful coat.
Aug 2020 · 230
Dear August,
bubblyflower Aug 2020
Oh dear August,
Your time will be almost up
The bells will start ringing
The leaves will start falling
Oh dear August,
The sun will be hidden
Behind the fluffy clouds
And I will be sitting on a bench,
Watching the birds fly away
While I will mourn the death
Of the dear summer
Aug 2020 · 83
bubblyflower Aug 2020
I stood in the cheerful crowd,
While I felt like nobody.
I screamed as hard as I could,
No one heard.
I cut my skin as deep I could,
No one noticed.
When I died,
Everyone noticed,
And regretted
Not noticing.

— The End —