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 Jan 26 Bekah Halle
Watercolours smear across the sky,
Dreams painted in fleeting strokes,
Set alight by the smallest hope,
A spark carried in tiny hands.

Prayers whispered into the wind,
Words too soft, yet insistent,
Chasing after fugitive moments,
Seeking solace in the unknown.

The world presses, sharp and relentless,
Leaving scabs where innocence once lived.
But even in pain, the child persists,
Each wound a quiet rebellion.

We hold on, hearts stained with wonder,
Refusing to let the colours fade,
Resisting the weight of what we lose,
Forever painting light into the dark.
 Jan 26 Bekah Halle
i just want someone to say they’re proud of me
and mean it enough to make me believe it
 Jan 25 Bekah Halle
he loves me only as a sister—
frail petals fall, their whispers
fractured, bending beneath
the weight of a maybe, a

he loves me (only as a friend)
the echo shifts, a restless
shadow, lingering in the hollow
of what could never bloom.

he loves me (but)—
attraction's embers fade,
a pale ghost of something
once alive, now gray; he
loves (me) not enough
to stay.

he loves me (yet cannot
see) beneath the mirror's skin,
the ugliness I carry,
the cracks I cradle within.

he loves me (only a memory),
childhood’s games replay
in sepia tones,
their laughter a distant
ache in the marrow of my bones.

he loves me (how I bow
to his words)—sharp shards
of blame and fire, I
surrender, a captive
to his bruising choir.

he loves me (he loves me not)
the daisy wilts in silent
a question unraveling
into dust.
 Jan 24 Bekah Halle
Tears carve faint rivers on my face,
a map without direction.
Her hands—untouched whispers.
Her voice—swallowed silence.
I wander the plains
she once passed,
leaving only air where footprints should be.

Where was the harbor of her arms?
The rise and fall of her breath,
a tide I’ve never known?
I sift the sands of memory,
but they crumble,
grains slipping through
the hollows of a name
that feels like someone else’s.

Questions scatter like leaves—
fragile, unanswered—
skimming the surface before they sink.
Did she watch my first light bloom?
Did her shadow lean over me,
or was I always a ghost
in her unseeing gaze?

The silence—
heavy as the weight of earth—
presses into my chest.
I bear it still,
a shadowed grief,
a mother’s shape
etched in absence.
It's hard to speak of your mother in such terms, I have so many scars but can't verbalise them with friends. Makes me wonder often why was I so unlucky...
 Jan 24 Bekah Halle
Dear monster in my head
I want to see you
Really see you
Inspect you
And understand you

Dear monster in my head
I promise if you come out of the shadows
I'll push away my anger

So don’t worry
I’ll clench my fists

Dear monster in my head
I wonder what made you this way
Why you seem to hate me
Why scream these dreadful silent whispers
To me almost constantly

Dear monster in my head
I’ve only seen your beady red eyes briefly in a dream
And I want to observe the rest of you
For if I can’t always control you
I want to understand you


Is it you that see now?
Are you that figure coming out from the depths?
I can’t breathe
And I’m crying
But wait a second
You're stunning
Not like a sunset
Or a pretty girl
You just feel that way

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
I am so sorry I called you a monster
When you were just in pain

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
All bruised
With tear-stained cheeks
And terrible memories

It turns out that those beady red eyes
Was just the blood bleeding from our hearts
And that you actually have green eyes
That have some yellow near the iris
Just like me

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
I forgive you
And I hope you can forgive me one day
For making you hide in the shadows
Out of sight
And in my mind

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
Let us feel this pain out loud
Holding hands
Watching good and bad days go by

Dear beautiful hurt in my head
I love you
Even though sometimes you make me cry
I feel like recording a 4-minute film of this, so I can show what the hurt looks like.

(This note was written by a fish who wanted to get caught in a net. At least someone would love him.)
Life is about giving
back instead of taking.
I took a lot all my life,
apathetic and selfish.
When I see people today,
they don't look like marks.
I don't think about what I
can take from them.
They are God's handiwork.

Life is strange and short.
I couldn't have caused this
inner transition.
I always subscribed to
morality in theory.
Thank God,
the blind still receives sight.

Sometimes, acquaintances will say
that I've grown soft
as they turn to green jello, right
before my eyes.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
the land was a slumbering bird that had not yet opened
its eyes. the morning roared like a thunder

cloud and i gazed at the sky with her cornflower blues
and orchestral flutes, her dark bones whitening

in the yellow-threaded light. silence wrapped me like
a shawl, and love settled on my shoulders like

a bird. it was too early for the swallow to return
with its spring-tinted wings, the winter settled

in the nooks and crannies of the earth, sweet
as your mouth, crisp and cold as the ashen north.

and while you lay beside me, warm, nocturnal
and dreaming of the sea, i kissed your lips

and told you to hush, not because you had spoken but
because night had been so gentle to you that i

wanted to keep you wrapped in her star-scented arms.
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