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 Dec 2019 Sally J
Tamara Lynn
I wish I didn't bear the burden
Of feeling it all so heavily at once
The weight of my heart
About to erupt
Self destruct
You were just right here by my side
Hands grasping each other's so tight
Our essence and being
So gracefully entwined
In a flicker of time
All of that can feel like we've hit rewind

We were just two lonely people in search of another
To confirm that we do in fact have a purpose
In a great big world that lacks emotional explainability
The void is difficult to face on your own
When all you can see is a sea of uncertainty
But it was you and I against the time
Until our unforeseen, inevitable decline

Oh but why
Did these delicately cultivated memories
Shatter at the seams like they were never truly reality
But I'm aware that it's out of my control
All I ask is that you please don't forget
The way you used to look into my soul
 Aug 2019 Sally J
Alex Gifford
A lion painted on a slab of rock.
A gift -- her final show of affection.
She had found someone else
by the time I jolted awake from jealousy and reflection.

Is that how you felt when I left?

It was just me, my lion and God.
A dumb guy, a bad memory, and a fortress that allowed an arrow to slip through.
After some indecision I rested my lion behind a blanket in the trunk of my car.
Its cage for the next three years.

Eventually I'd forgotten about the rock.
It just sat there sitting in my trunk.
Weighing me down.
Until happy memories pulled away the blanket and turned into sad memories.

Their wedding is this summer.
So I'll bury it in Lake Whatcom.
The weight will be off my shoulders, the lion will be free,
And my back will be stronger for any rocks to come.
A girl I dated gave me a painted rock when we were drifting apart. She found another guy a few weeks later. After a few years of storing the gift in my cars trunk, they married and I threw it in the lake that we were at when she gave it to me. Yes, I'm aware this is very lame.
 Aug 2019 Sally J
Poetic T
Silene was your betrayal,

      And every tear screamed

                                      At you.

I didn't know you anymore.
 Aug 2019 Sally J
Diana Santiago
Something's gotta change
A force that will finally break the ice
This glacier that separates us two
Your stare an expert at the art of entice

There's a tenacious guard within me
To which your presence overpowers
Instilling fear yet excitement
Erasing my need to cower

When will you finally decide
To give in to your interest in me
Take the initiative, make your move
Release my inhibitions free
 Aug 2019 Sally J
love is not
 Aug 2019 Sally J
love is not made of giving and taking in equal parts
it is not a favor for a favor
i owe you nothing

love is not a compromise reached after long deliberation
it is not hurting on Monday
and healing on Tuesday

love is not touching because you will leave if i do not
it is not feigning naivety
when you see me cry

love is not the untimely squandering of innocence
it is not the suffocating grip of guilt
it is not your unwelcome touch

love is not
love is not
love is not

— The End —