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 Jul 2020 laura
True Love
 Jul 2020 laura
I've never been so inlove
True love in my life
Whenever l think about it
I can't help it but feel one hundred percent happy
As cliched as it sounds l feel in love
with myself
Self love
No one can love me the way l love me
That is true love
No one understands me better than me
And when every one leaves l will be left with myself
True love
 Jul 2020 laura
Salmabanu Hatim
i want you so much
the way the moon needs sunlight
unrelenting love.
 Jul 2020 laura
Dr Peter Lim
I choose no route
only that which helps
me to find the truth
 Jul 2020 laura
Joshua Haines
Gangling ghosts cause trouble inside
this meaty microwave--
I am on these streets and don't know
how I got here.
I'm carrying 2% milk, in my left hand,
and a carton of extra-large eggs in my right--
I drop the jug and it bursts. I joke about how
I still have 2%, but no one laughs because
no one has ever really been around to hear me.
So, I'm scrambling eggs and wishing I had that
milk because who doesn't like voluminous eggs.
I stop whisking and ask who is there.
Why am I afraid of you, Why am I afraid of you
the raw scrambled eggs on the floor, touched by
ceramic seashells.
And it's you.
You are the Lord, a naked lover, that absence
caused by my auto-pilot parents
right here.
 Jul 2020 laura
Joshua Haines
Would you look for
the atlantic coast
Where your dad
dropped you off
and became a ghost

Could you come and find
that tree in red
The one they found him under
with the hole in his head
The problem is
you still think it's
somewhere over the rainbow
and that one day we'll enter
into 'Harper Valley'
it's not real
just words in a song.

the 'last train to
years ago.
 Jul 2020 laura
Carlo C Gomez
thy kingdom come
thy will take place
selling health at a premium
to the human race
forgive us our debts
from thy mighty hand
or at least allow us
an installment plan
give us our daily meds
but deliver us from evil
by providing generic instead
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