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 Jun 2023 RonliSong
A M Ryder
This kindness?
I don't trust it
Like a purple sky
Before a storm
Beautiful; but
Do you realize
The birds are
Agitated and
The ants are
Marching in circles?
 Jun 2023 RonliSong
devante moore
Heart of gold
To selfless
To keep the riches to myself
Voluntarily shared the wealth
But most were taking in the form of theft
I use to be filled to the brim
Gold coins overflowing out of the chest
Now when I look inside it
There’s hardly any left
I felt each piece that was taken
Never to be returned
Maybe I should shut the lid
But that’s a lesson I haven’t learned
My heart is to big not to share
So the lid stays open
Even if there’s a risk another gold piece may be stolen
 Apr 2023 RonliSong
Mark Wanless
full oblivion
or demand of consciousness
i am i am i
In swirling clouds of silver frost
The disk of Luna lies concealed
Across the Autumn sky they race
Over this shadow realm surreal
On this evening shadows now, I gaze
A gentle wind swirls through the trees
From depths of sleep, I watch half-dazed
Tiny branches stirring in the breeze
Lights are flickering neath mystic skies
Through gaps in trees, they shine within
Entranced is my mind as,I watch surprised
This spectral beauty in the wind
In dark shadows spirits are adrift
Translucent ghosts and dryads old
From this beach I sense their gifts
Strange stories from these woods untold
Oh let me join thy fest
spirits of this beautiful night
Before the Moon sets in the east
revel her misty light.
© Jennifer L DeLong 10/7/17
 Apr 2023 RonliSong
Thomas W Case
You can hear them scream at night,
the men, locked in,
over at the hate factory.

It's a kind of purgatory.
A winter time
for the mind.

No light gets in.
No love either.
But you can see it all below
through the bars
on the window.
 Apr 2023 RonliSong
 Apr 2023 RonliSong
I am a tunnel between sunrise and sunset
life breezes through me
time stands still inside me
I am invisible to the wind
I am invisible to myself
 Mar 2023 RonliSong
Tom D
I dream of an empty chair
in a field of golden wheat
It’s a lonesome scene of solitude
with no one in the seat
I peer
I stare
Nothing seems to be there
but a surreal world
of Monsieur Magritte
 Mar 2023 RonliSong
Mitch Prax
 Mar 2023 RonliSong
Mitch Prax
There is a fine line
between wanting someone back
and missing someone

3:55 PM
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