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Excitement is the sign
of the beginning of the learning
While silence is the
sign of its completion
Sometimes love is like a bar of chocolate,
Sweet and intoxicating.
In a drop of you, I lost an ocean of me.
 Mar 2019 Esme
 Mar 2019 Esme
I am broken
I've finally snapped
What was holding me together
Is almost gone
Though I thought it may stick forever
I am broken
I feel the pain
My past thoughts have become vain
The way I feel, is considered
The way I act, is that of a broken man
This was not my plan
To be in agony
I don't want to deal with it angrily
I feel trapped by the gravity
In this hell ridden galaxy
I start to see the vanity
Of this reality
My anger and insanity
My depression and my humanity
It's all been revealed
I may never be healed
I am broken
My words are now outspoken.
 Nov 2018 Esme
Daisy Hemlock
maybe i should just press delete
to make my words disappear
because i'm not a poet.
 Nov 2018 Esme
 Nov 2018 Esme
If I may ask
Am I so
Connected to my past
I wish I were a fly
So in a few days time
I wouldn’t have to try
To forget
And to regret
The unforgettable

My life feels
Like a battle ground
Where two waring countries
Have long since met
And I ask myself
Do I have to try?
 Nov 2018 Esme
Cynthia Montano
Sometimes we lose ourselves trying to make others happy
Because we feel that if we keep others happy
It'll only make us happy knowing they're content in their life
But why do we always put our happiness aside for others?
Because we think our problems are difficult and can't be helped or we dont want to be a burden to others
So we prefer to help others more than ourselves
But its time we start putting our happiness first
Because our happiness matters.
 Nov 2018 Esme
Tony Anderson
You broke my heart
Shattered it
Left it in a pile of ruin

I gave you the best I could
I loved you with all my
But that wasn't good enough

I found out about the cheating
I found out about him
You said you was glad I knew
You hoped it would destroy me

Yes I was broken
Yes I was shattered
Like a mirror fallen off the wall
Your deed had left splinters

But I'm still standing
You will not drag me down
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