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 Apr 2017 tam yvette
Robin Dunlop
Constantly, I am tormented
By one single thought.
It wreaks havoc upon my mind.
Not because of what it is,
But because of what it's not.

Desperately, I push it away
To the farthest corner I can find.
But much like a river's current
It continues to flow
To the forefront of my mind.

Daily, I wish for it to change.
To transform to what it's not.
But I could wish on every star
And it would still remain
The thought that it is not.
I want you to know,
you were the first person
to call me ****
and the first person
to make me feel
that way too.
Those who are faithless
know the pleasures of love;
it is the faithful
who know love's tragedies.
A quote from Oscar Wilde.
I've always seem myself as
the empath,; the savior;
the bandage on the wound.

Until now, this careful heart
has set aside and ignored
that to which it's attuned.

For the savior has turned
foe, and the bandage ripped
clean off of bloodied skin.

It couldn't be chance,
nor accidental, because
I know that I'll do it again.
 Apr 2017 tam yvette
Robin Dunlop
I am a prisoner,
without being confined.
I am a hostage,
Within my own mind.
No walls or wires,
No bricks to detain.
No bars or cuffs,
But still I'm in chains.
Thoughts of you,
Grip me tight.
Throughout the day,
Throughout the night.
I'm in solitary,
Alone as I wonder,
This punishment
I'm under.
You're not my punisher,
But rather my light.
Am I wrong,
Or am I right?
Are you my letter?
My glimpse of home?
Or just a dream,
Inside this dome?
I'm being held captive,
Inside my head.
My mind is racing,
But heavy as lead.
I wait for my freedom.
It's fleeting at best.
Only when you're near,
Is this prison at rest.
 Apr 2017 tam yvette
Robin Dunlop
She walks upon the glass
Forced to maintain a smile,
With the spectators on the sidelines
Chanting mile after mile.

Every step grows
More painful than the last.
Her soul slowly draining
Through the wounds of her past.

Nobody ever told her
The road was paved with glass.
All they ever said was,
"This too shall pass."

That's not a fair warning
And she's too far to turn back.
So she just continues to bleed
Letting her heart turn black.
For my daughter and all of those that suffer from depression.
 Apr 2017 tam yvette
Robin Dunlop
I turn off the lights,
And lay my head,
Gently on last night's tears.

I think of you,
And see your face,
And what could've been your years.

I close my eyes,
And pray to God,
Hoping that He hears.

To give me strength,
And give me hope,
And take away my fears.

I look inside,
Deep within my heart,
And that's where He appears.

He holds my hand,
And guides me through,
Until the darkness clears.

So wait for me,
There in Heaven,
Until my day draws near.

For now I must live,
Upon this earth,
For The Lord needs me here.

For some day,
I too shall pass,
And it will be a day of cheer.

I will come home,
To see your face,
And hold you again, my dear.
 Apr 2017 tam yvette
Robin Dunlop
How do you drown in a desert?
It is obviously a desert of despair.
You drown in your own tears,
And choke on the dry, empty air.
You cling to a mirage,
Only an image but ever so real.
So you continue moving forward,
Regardless how dead you feel.
When you reach your destination,
You realize you aren't really there.
For this journey never ends,
In the desert of despair.
 Apr 2017 tam yvette
Robin Dunlop
An ocean sits,
Beyond my eyes.
A salty mess,
Of the tears I've cried.

Rainbow to the left,
Storm to the right.
I'm just not sure,
Whether to laugh or fight.

The waves crash in,
And the tide rolls out.
Is this really any better
Than the desert drought?

What if my tears,
Did not exist?
What if your cheek,
Had never been kissed?

I'd rather sit,
On this ocean floor,
Than never to have had,
What is no more.
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