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 Aug 2015 tyler
sanch kay
and somewhere in-between
i'm okay and it's fine
i lost myself.
slipping through the cracks.
 Aug 2015 tyler
Dear Lover,
 Aug 2015 tyler
I should tell you I pull away from hugs that last longer than 3 seconds.
I should warn you that my anger gets the best of me when I start to feel something.
It takes me awhile to adjust.
You're gonna have to be patient with me.

I know it may be hard to understand but my heart lets go before it even gets a grip.
I may not talk alot about my life but know that I am trying.
I  have been hurt so much before.
Try to be patient with me.

I've been down this road before and it left me with scars
so don't fret when my body tenses up when you grab my hand.
I'm starting to learn that the touch from a man isn't always full of empty promises and hurtful intentions.
You're gonna have to learn to be patient with me.
 Aug 2015 tyler
raine cooper
i've never let go of your hand, even when you don't have the strength to hold mine
 Apr 2015 tyler
 Apr 2015 tyler
when its all said and done
did we have any fun
always feel like i got used
do you feel amused
oh look theres the sun
**** it i am done
 Mar 2015 tyler
Dolores L Day
Change how you see and what you see will change.
A word to the wise from the wiser.
 Jan 2015 tyler
craved out
 Jan 2015 tyler
i crave him, he craves her
you crave me, she craves you
strange, isn't it?
opposites attract
 Jan 2015 tyler
 Jan 2015 tyler
maybe the secret to their love was that they didn't know they were in love
I Know My Work Is Done

I looked down in pure amazement
And watched my son arrive
Counted all his fingers
To make sure he was alright

I would sit with him for hours
And rock him through the night
And I wondered how the child I held
Would somehow change my life

He would place his tiny hands in mine
So I could guide him on his path
Would not be afraid to tell his friends
How much he loved his dad

I remember him requesting me
At all his high school games
And when he'd see me in the stands
There'd be a smile there on his face

I would give to him all he needs
To help him grow into a man
Made sure he knew to show respect
And to lend a helping hand

He would ask for my opinions
On events within his life
And wanted me to stand with him
As he married his new wife

Now he looks down in pure amazement
As his new born son arrives
I watch him counting fingers
To make sure he is alright

I know now how he changed my life
As I watch him with his son
I can see the love that they share
And I know, I know my work is done

Carl Joseph Roberts
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