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  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
Jace Kassem
What if i tell you
I'm much more that you see?
Have you ever asked yourself
How much you know of me?

You see my smiles
And laughs and cheers
But that's nothing compared
To the wails and cries and tears

You see I help
Whoever's in need
But have you ever seen
Someone who's helped me indeed?

You see a good talker
Who can always grab the crowd
But there are things I want
That I'd never shout out loud

So you don't know me
And don't pretend that you do.
Because you know of me
As I know of you.
True feelings. Everyone can relate.
  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
Just Melz
Was burned...


My body's ashes

                  Is ink

For poetry
  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
I hug the first,
Enamoured by her beauty.
Such kind eyes...
Peering carelessly back at me.

She reaches out,
To meet my embrace.
"You'll always be the first,
Who had my heart set in place."

I say to the second,
"You are my life.
One day you'd build,
The right castle for a wife."

"Remember me always,
For you this path I have paved.
I'd shower upon you,
All the love that I have saved."

Then finally to the third,
The last of all gifts.
Most adorable of sprites,
Source of my infinite lifts.

*"For you I haven't done much,
Only all that I could afford.
But insert me in your forever...
As the only you ever would've adored..."
For my troopers...
Tony Scallo Oct 2014
If I could speak love, my words would skip beats
Tony Scallo Oct 2014
What is the word acknowledgement, to someone
Who never does anything about what they acknowledge?
What good is acknowledging a problem,
If you choose not to act upon it?

It's almost as if acknowledgement helps us believe
We are better people if we are aware of the bad within or around us
As if acknowledgement taints our minds
With a false sense of enlightenment
That being aware, is better than being there
To actually change what it is we acknowledge to be wrong

But if people only talked about their words, with no actions
We would only need to acknowledge, never having to change our ways
For acknowledgement can sometimes be, the golden word we need
That justifies an ignorance to our false sense of bliss
Tony Scallo Oct 2014
Scroll, scroll
Click, click
Tapping my life
Away, and it’s sick
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